thubflday ouidjuft 39th 10m the acton free press acug teru haii sir 3fff paa ljnrt tnrg freely ye have received charles henry lerrioo eeoroe macy was dclluhtcd to think that doctor neighbor would return to sawtooth in two wccilb fully rvcovcnxl from lib accident and rcudy for work kin doctor hurry up were phuinintf surjirlso for you gcorgr culled buck tut hu left the hospital yountr gmutko tnlirtunod no uncer tainty as to the nature of the surprise or its desirability but lie was in doubt as to how they vnro to obtain it thu doctor hlnlbclf expected nothing of tlio kind an automobile watt ubolutely nocesoory and he liad told georgu that lie would be ylud to luvvo him bide up aome kind of lowpriced car gooruo thought be mitfhl well liavo anotlmr look at the ji cur that would bo hbi own choice salesman ap proached him and nothing would do fthort of goorjfu slipping be hid tilt wheel and trying the car out only sixteen hundred and fifty dol lars fully equipped there wo tho rub gcorgo icticvf tllut the doctor could not produce half that sum yet car must bo an liad in two weeks ready to take uu place of the wreckod one sheriff utmii said you have him quite price cut ventured george that was because lie ifl county ofllaul 8ofl toctor neighbor is our county health oljlcor you buying cur for doctor neigh bor if cart wuru planning burprkc for lilm when ho ftels out of tho hos pital say know about doctor neighbor lie can have as big discount uu the sheriff thata kind of you hut it doesnt help much becauju all tlic money in sight figures ubout half your price dont let price worry you weill trust doctor neighbor for all iw cant pa pine but how would my surprise look half of it bt really paid for and theyll trust you for tlw rest dont bo uy cally discouraged aald the salesman you have two weks jvt youll find way im gouig to wrap this cor up and put it uwsy on shelf for you xts soldi when georga readied home ha told sheriff uuim all about the affair its tho very car for him insisted george but the money oil hand is scarcely half of the lowest amount this salesman talks about nonsense exclaimed tho sheriff turn some of his frozen book accounts into solid gold easy for sheriff eay for anyone who goes after it trouble with you and that nure la you sit there in the doctors office and expect people to come in and drop money in your lap if you want whats owing go after it george told aldah french the nunc who had boc carrying on slnulehandod in the doctors absence hes riant the agreed the books sliow lot of old accounts now due we must get the money guess the doctors rotten collec tor anyuay said gcore most doc tors are if they graduated more than five yean ago now in my school wej gt supplementary lectured oboutr keeping books and collecting such lectures glie ou new wrin kles ill fay some doctors use what they call collection tickers they make out bill to john jones for fifteen dollars or so and the sticker they cum on make him sit up and take notice ma be it reads did nothing to hurt your luart why not uijil me check fled hot oiu rfinic of them arc you tt jour mlclers and ill try writing some lettev said aiduh irtiicl it body knows iilxmt the doctors accident ill ie the news that his full recovery demand the join treatment the man to whom georie sent the sticker did give jou too much neve medicine why not check ramc tu welcome inn that wry ceiling he wli im anury that he paid up his entire bin when hi gave tho receipt george iatil dont blame doctor neighbor lor that reminder he nevtr saw it but know hell write jou nice letter of thanks toon as he is able tho man left luwi in air dont worn said atdah iyench when he really hveds doctor akil hell foiget about being mad ior her own part she had wrltujn plpiunant letter result many peopv rtnt money on account but no one paid in full all in all the rimill of uuv ofef for was riirmiriglng they collected nearly lle hundred dollar paid current inv thtt juai uimilated and brought the autotnohlle fund to more than one thousand dollars iiother four himdnd dollars would do it de clared george hut we vi tit out taument of mile kind to prat it all every account all but thit bit one vou know old deacon llenfiu jou uu tie lwen coward 111 io to see him per sonally if tan help got the inonej ill go with you you can need our moral sup port dont qulto understand tlio way doctor neighbor rntered tlio account hi lib books but do know uiat lie did lot of work old deacon malachi was wtvek doctor gave him all kinds of treatment tlic old man is great bible reader hear id like to nay pay that thou owtii ami ull him its in tho htblc deicou tool deacon in rcspondetl aid all prench did you cicr have personal knowlitlce of deacon who wat not as nood or btut than the average cltuvtx wiiat io jou mean personiii knowl lisu you speak tut if id said somu thing terrible what dont you like jl dont like the way you sjnuk about deuri wjiala the mutter with them ol beg jour pardon didnt know was on your corns you wouldnt wild aldolu but my car you treat me and the dy rm weu that ave hundred douaxa goes bo the church treasurer which is tnel done sotb doc just that quick well reckon was hard case but doo stayed by it just day or two before the accident that pent doo to tho hospital molochl dcnfast paid mo that five hundred dollars me being church treasurer and that samp day tho repairs not started and did tlio five hundred dollars go as far as you expected asked aldah it did wonders replied tho deacon ills rugged old face alight with holy lire im just waiting for tin doctor to hot back so can uhow him wliat my live hundred dollars lias done for pleasant valley church did it leave you feeling rather poorf asked gorg bluntly tlic deacon imlld you know youn man never kuvo any uitug to the church that left feeling iwwr give and it shall lx dvii unto you thatll the word iti in the bible tjiat money paid out has jcit about come back lile already but wiunt it really doctor nclylibor wlio gave that money asked aldah french timidly nils time llh deicoil laughed out loud supposing say it wtl ho admitted well right awuy he yeti into aji accident uts laid up in tliu liosplui and doesnt even have money for new the fakbc and nailowfen origin and legends no farm no halloween festivities that la the position although utile thought may bo given that the festivities of halloween and tho farm as the pro ducer of the fruits of the earth are in separable certainly the apples and tlio pumpkin two farm product are popu larly ausociuuxl with halloween but tin farm is also tho supplybase of all tho neceasury essentials of tlio frost even lhe humble cabbage apart from its cul inary purposes has peculiar signific ance at ilullowovn for do not soma maidens sallo forth in the darkness of the night to tho cabbage patch to pick stem in ord divine the charoc urktlcs of their future husbands if the idem in tall or short or crooked so shill their future husbands be the pumpkin us jurkttluntern hi the hand of frolicsome lud tlu lm provtd bunadlan tlltlon of the humblj swede turnip in europe and to immy outll in canada the pumpkin is tho svmbol of halloween par excellence eltlier for food or frolic but after all the apple is more closely associated with the feast tlurn any other fruit or vviio table there is uiteclal rciuin for thll in liitau times at the festival of pomona the goddess of fruit trees nuts and fruits particularly apples poma there are other pumpkin delicacies for example pumpkin chip and candled pumpkin in mfrg of which at halloween time the following recipei may be found useful honey pumpkin pik cup cooked pumpkin cup luinqy teaspoon ginger teaspoon cinnamon teaspoon salt cutis milk prcsi the pumiikln tlirough tine sieve add salt splnu jilid honey beat well add wellbeaten eyg tltal the milk ltur biu dtep pie plate lltiptl with pastry ulid iwike at 4m degrees for uui inlnuujt then reduce heat to jji decrei buk until cuvturfl is firm pumpkin cilstlird is excellent for chll drn aiiti my la wrved when pie it wrwd to tuliu for tho custard ust the ahoe vfclite imlttlng uie spice bake in custard cup pumpkin chim ptiuuds pumpkin pounds iuftar ounce root ilnyor leniom cut the pumpkin up rejecting the centre seed and hard outside rind cut the pulp into small thin chips use only the juice and the rind of lemon put ull together in granite potr bring to the great energy food with the delicious flavor edwardsburg corn syrup product of tho canada starch company umltod listen to syrup sympltonlcs every ionday to 810 dad happens to bo deacon well perhaps lies different thervh only one tiling ocorgu well just have to go to sec deacon bedfast lets make memorandum of uu account and go tills very evening ca hero it is there were twentyilv visits at tho home quite bunch of office calls all kinds of tests just about everything in tho whole works only thing dont understand is how come the doctor did not itemize lik charges as usual only figure lie lias put down is the lump sum of nve hundred dollars and irhai is in bracket and in pencil it was nearly nine oclock when tlioy reached the comfortable home of deacon benfat he and his sister who lived with him were making preparations to close uie day just having our bible lie said to the young people quite cordially youll join with us then well have plenty of time to visit as george listened lie was obliged to concede that the man was wonderful reader he almost made george forcel to be suspicious was it possible that there might be mistake up from lus kncosrosfl deacon ben fast with ids face in pleasant glow and how does tlic good doctor prog ress ho gaining splendidly said george here was his opportunity to say that in another week doctor neighbor would be back in ills practice and greatly hi ned of new car but the opening did not come at once hes real godsend to sawtooth folk is doctor neighbor ejaculated the deacon see what he did for me ona foot in tlie grave luul and now look at mo perfectly able it was worth all paid the young folks looked at cacli other dismay in their nwlft glances doctor neighbor charged you well reckon said george in hat voice five hundred dollars said deacon malachi and it wan worthy every penny of it dye mind my telling ye well be rlad doctor neighbors my best friend said george if theres story in thisiwant to hear it there is there truly li said the deacon laughing or he spoke ti12 doctors church man as ye well know lies trustee and im deacon church even thing eatable doc ull vx all this asked tho deacon not tale ungle wordl exploded george wrathfuly no nor he wont replied deacon maluchl doc never was the sort of clirlstkm that plays odds and everm iitweeii lils right hand and his left son of god kolng forth to war is what doc is people like us have to look oub for him iteacli uie boot slater let the young man open it at luke fl 30 read tlie venc boy and then tell us about that slip of paper ive stuck hi there why exclaimed george ittt check for doctor neighbor for ilve hun dred dollars why mr benfart thats tho most wonderful jhlng ever heard of its jut fine fine repeated tlie old scotchman aje its fine god grant unit you learn some day tliat uie giver is uie one who gets the joy itll be grand day for me wlun liand doc that check deacon malachi never did hand doctor neighbor the check however instead he listened to tl plans of tho two young ttithulostif when doctor neighbor came out of uie hospital ready to go once more to his sawtooui folks tho new car walung for him at the door was his without cent of debt tlie proud driver was george macy but hi uie back seat flank ed on ono side hy his sister and on uie other by aldah french was the blue eyed scot george had once called deacon tightwad on uie way home we will stop minute at pleasant valley church said the deacon the doctor will be want ing to see what kind of job his five hundred dollars did my five hundred dollars ejaculated doctor neighbor sh all warned george macy in low tones dont try to argue with uiat old patriarch about giving hell con vince you just as he did me believe me doctor hes real deaconl is old and needs lot of repairs doctor wants to help but he never had any money he comes to me just at the time when these here varicose veins wo worii than ever when doctor neighbor began to talk church began to talk veins doctor say hes heard about new treatment without surgery and seen it got good reiilfj he agrees ought to have it but it costs live hundred dollars tliuts awfully sleep juy doc wvll doc sajs tell ou what 111 do you want money for the church ltvt rkvealsgolo hoard house in scharmbeck germany was plagued with rats which raided large rodent stole ball of yarn and made on to its hole piece remained sticking out and the houseouner proceeded to wind 11 up inch by inch it emerged fin ally fragment of the wall broke aw with it and there was disclosed rusj tin box filled to the brim with gold cohn played an important part and originated ljo11 bo lov tor two liouru takln the custom of roosting nub upple duck ing and the distribution of apples as gifts at this festive time tlio canadian boys who go from hoiue to house asking for halloween tipples are doing exacu what lltue boys in other countries did three thousand years ago when adiuh was appointed to dress great care to prevenirbuniltig remove ginger root put away in sterilized jarf candod pumpkin peel pumpkin remove seedfund cut in pieces one inch square weigh and add an equal weight of sugar let ttand over night drain to vach cup of syrup allow one teaspoon of vinegar and the garden of kdcn and to keep it small piece of root ginger cook until genesis 11 15 tho apple was fated tho mlxtu coats upon tlie spoon add to 17 of overwhelming significance to pumpkin and boll until uio pumpkin haa the whole human race in this comiec absorbed almost all the syrup drain tlon tlie legend of the apples of para thoroughly then spread on plater to dry dlte figured in the lore of ancient egypt when dry roll in sugar and pack he some 5000 ear ago thuio applet tweeu uyeisof waxed paper were said to show in their lopsided shape tho outline where eve had taken baked canadian apples hot or cold generous bite in this egyptian lore are always welcome at halloween parties there was mention of other apples the here are tliree recipes apples of istkahar all nwyetness on one baked apples side and bitterness on uio other in wipe core and score sour canadian modern times in the production of varl apples place them in an agate baking qui kinds of apples canadian scientists dish and fill centre of apples with sugar cover bottom of 11011 or initmeg may bo top if ired bake in oft bistlng ry often juirv in the pan bakid applei5 xxx re and core tart canadian applej the cav ltiei with raisins citron migir ami lemon peel place in baking disli ami pour over them cup of water dust with granulated sugar bake in slow own until under sprinkle with 10ft bread crumb and sugar bake ten minute and serve hot with cream or pudding sauce enough water the pan china sprinkled oil the hot oven until with tin pi pill fuuthkic impltovkmknt in kmiloyment employment in canada at lhe begin ning of august showed furuier improve ment continuing the moderate forward movement that ha characterized tho industrial situation during uio last four months statements tabulated by the dominion bureau of statistics from 970i firms showed 0dq5g1 persons at work conrjiared with oflabih at july first at uic first of atiglltl 11 ear nto fi human destiny in race between oru red thought made effective by edu cation hit the one side and catastrophe the other so far cttastropho seems to be hading wellj bojs and girls never make mistake about the psychology of their uacher ny more than horse is deceived about its driver abbe ernest dunnet have been and arc in the forefront or world research in the christian church halloween or all hallows eve is the name given to the evening of the 31st of october as uu vigil of hallowmass or all saints day before the christian era however uie eve of tlie 31st of october was uie occasion of harvest and other beremonles in various countries tlie festivities which gradually gathered round uio christian halloween originated for the most part in countries under the sway of uio druid religion notably britain plus few indoor celebrations borrowed from the pagan roman festival to tlie god dess of fruit tlie two chief characteristics of an cient halloween were the lighting cf bonfires and the belief uiat halloween was the only night of tl year in which ghosts warlocks witches imps of uie earth and air and evil spirits were per mitted to wonder on earth on the 1st of november the druids held their great fall festival and lighted fires to uie sun god in thanksgiving for harvest it was firm belief in uie religion of the druids that on the eve of this festival soman lord of death called together the wicked souls that had been condemned within tho past twelve monuis to inhabit thi bodies of animals with regard to this belief it is interesting to note that in oarts of ireland tho 31st of october was and even still is known as oldhchc sliimhna the vigil of saman in scot land bonfires otherwise known as baal firvs still are part of halloween cele brations if relic of the worship of baal some cynics declare that the evji spirits of old dniidici times still csfc1 in the shipe of thoughtless youths who over step the mark of pure fun at halloween and ciue injury to persons and damage to property while the apple still holds its premier position in halloween festivities parti mlarlv in canada pumpkin pi is alio held in hi euem at the same thm reported an tnregate payrollof040oi0 iietsons the improvement was quite widely distributed geographically and indus trially there wore gains in eacli ol the fivccconomic areas except quebec whero slight decline was indicated the trend was also upward in all tlic main industrial groups except logging and retail trade both of which reported leasonaf losses manufacturing mining pour it nround them not transportauon and construction recorded bake until the apples ore the largest additions to payrolls whilo and teaspoon lemon juice or sugar and cinnamon using teaspoon clnnamooto cup sugar allow cup water for appleji and over them soft from 20 to 45 minutes bxiung every 10 minutes place apples in dish and pour uie juice over them when cold tliey may be served wiui or without plain or whipped cream baked apples xx pare and eore good uniform canadian apples put into baking lian fill the centre of each apple with sugar and odd bit of butter on the top the gains in and wholcsak able communications services trade were also conslder iie said it tenant what would you say if told you then were mice over foot long in the ccjlar add landlord rate constipation may enjoyment of life long neglected itmiiy even develop serious consequences common eonatipntirn keepn you from being nt your best it cauttit diacohifort and may lead to head nchuji and iomi of appetite you feel below par luck your ununl vigor so many people treat thii con dition mi slight matter but it can he the nuir point ofjoriouh roublurit contributes ton gcncralrl rundown condition with lowered bodily ronihtatico you are more likely to pick up tho first chutices mfection you meet hi your evury day routine common pomitipation in due usu ally to lnnuflleicnt hulk in meala fortunately deliciouii cereal aup nhei pontic hulk within tlio immiy the hulk in kciiokrh all bra absorbs moiiiture forms soft mash und cleanses tlio system servo allfikan an cereal with milk or crenm or cook into muffin breadii etc two tablckpoonfulh daily arc usually imfficient stub born cane vnuy require allbkan oftenor if not relieved this way consult your doctor allbitanirt guaranteed by the kellogft company an an effective laxative food for constipation sold by all croccrfl mndo by kcl logfi in london ontario cotlpuiah jm4 to insufficient mlir hllow gum di lb lb itttttytyttttttvvt grapes fancy quality fkesh ckltji loclb potatoes sweet potatoes no is good ttl southern tt 5fc cogkcrs per peck 25c finest southc lbs for celery jumho size crisp ior 5c onions 10rt 13c 19c bananas grapefruit xl maishcs lcj1css xl tjc lujc sic fur dc cioldci yellow pel iloen urn urops bucuknd orng jelly beans hllowenjfpod laihss candy kisses lb fry brflluit cocoa 12 tin nala evpoiiud milk 601 tm 25 fiv rotti flour 7lb 8g 33 peas gucoi peach jam wu sjj lau raisins goij ckold pl pumpkin walnuts liu 14 15 25 19 co ficth chocoulc puff biscuits for h1iowh mlwd nuts in ticth routed peanuts our frihgouij economy pou ee lt lbs pound nd made from finest palm and olive oils paliy10live cakes at tsssffts soap ro try the amazing rvtur concehtratio upersuds 25 35 10 2t 2t cbiau0 sitctallv oa waimimg cloiius special value lo sauce bottu lux or ivory flakes pk 22 32ox jar pound si 27 16 25 matches 201 u1dk fob the heavy btue box pl 23 10 no 2h tin so ll newi ckow sauce c4uiiy1 sv ilia couponi spaghetti victuy swaal mluj pickles our si cj sliu bacon fru milld roll oats big bolt 33oi 34c tlh 27oi boltu 25 1lb pug 28 pj 23 isa kaniucuhirs qllllit pa ii 23c ioiimnc coux 15c carrolts limited mux stbeet carrolls limited stdhk tosks satuitoay nifillt 1030 free delivery phone 1ss