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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 5 Nov 1936, p. 6

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paoksxx the acton free press thursday november 6th 1936 in flandkb8 fields in iftanders fields the popple blow pnt the crosses row on row tba mark our place and in tbe aky tbe larks still bravely stddnc or scarce beard amid tbe cun below we are tbe dead abort days ago we lived felt dawn aaw sunset slow loved and were loved and now we he in ftsnders fields take up our quarrel with tbe foel to you from falling hands we throw the torch be yours to how it bright if ye break faith with us who die we shall not akvrp though popples grow in flanders acids litnilool john mccrca mew whin kits in dkifrd fciluit by barbara brooks in summer it la vcll to croud onto the menu all the fresh trails and fresh cctablcs that we posslbl can it would be lost opportunity to scrvv canned or dried foodj when fresh was available but as oon as fresh fruits become less plentiful on the market and axe righ in price tlici thought should bo given to the food value the comparative cost and the uses lor dried fruits dried fruits are the most conccntra rd um of fruits and are economical jo bu they arc fully ripened fresh fruits with the water and in most instances the ecd pit or core removed the wide ly used method of removing the water ocnunt of the fresh fxuit is sun dri lg bub it alo done the dchdrat iur method which is rapid doing artificially heated air vrom three tc wve1 pounds of frcili fruit arc required lor one pound of dried fruit the storage of dried fruits is impor tant they should be kept at normal humidity it not advisable to keep them under ref rice ration but tliey should be kept hi cool place out of draught and away from radiators stovei etc the cut fruit uch as apricots peaches pean and apples darken when the are cxuomhi to heat dried fruits take on odors rcadlk so should be kvpt awa from slrongsmclling foob aprlcou are one of tlie most interest ing of dried fruits there arc many wi in which they can be used in cook cry because they have trulv distinc tive flavor they add xest to almost an dish ttcwcd the are urj good breakfast with ready to eat cereal or icrved foi desiert for the tchool lurch or for bedtime supper allow nix to nine apricot halves for each serving on pound of dried fruit is enough for twelve servings woxh the irult cover with water and cook gently from thirl minutes to one hour add sugar to taste during the last llva luin iteat of cooking onclialf cup of uga bt usualb sufficient for one pound apricots in this recipe for wckled dried apri cot we meet tbe fruit in new form fixed this uaj it makes an appethdng pickle to serve wlui meats or in tlw relish dish on the bmfeb table the allowing atansaa from grays im mortal elegy seem to be specially filling as we rcfloct on gods acrej which for many years was regarded as the most sacred spot in this community vims that cw many beneath those rugged tret shade where heaves the turf rn mouldering heap each in his narrow cell forevrr laid rhc rude forcfath rs of the hamlet si ip ir tht it ni ir th btazlllic hi rth htiull burn or biu mt lily li rven care inldi ii turn inn ils til ir lr re or climb 111 kn iii ml id iliuri oft 111 hi ur ii lr kl si ul ll ir mrr in in iu it til ettlllk rn ul 11 11111 111 11 irk hi ir alii nil 111 11 vi ih mwt all tl ir luril ll ul hit ambition luwi til ir uw ml ull plulr meli und ttlny souri nir gruul ur ar ulth dl ddnf il imiln nu sh rt utul inlple lllinul of th ivhir tin su ri urn luihmted bust back to iu manum call the lie tllli btiuth can hmors olc pmokt the t11 nt dost or il itu ij tin tlu dull wild ur ath icrtd ilm tint brood tmmiltuou lon pickxam drlfeo ajrj001s cup large dried apricots wabr cup sugar tablespoons vinegar 12 whole cloves teaspoon mustard sed stick cinnamon wash the apricots boll guitly for ten minutes water to cover add fcusr vinegar sploea and cook until th apricu are under but still liold their ahape 111 uaau sterllued jars wltli the apricots cover willi syrup and eal note xruna may be pnpared hi the me way next we have recipe for apricot bran bread which is dwlicloujy different loal to serve at any mal but parti cularly sultabla for tea sandwiches or to cre with the salad at luncheon all bran apricot bread cup chopped dried apricots iva cup tour milk or buttermilk tablespoons fat v3 cup suiar tir lj cui all hran cujva tlour uaspoans bakiruf poudvr vj uasikvin soda teaspoon salt vt ttaspoon nutmeg cup chopped nut meats fioak clmppxl apricots in milk abut fifteen minutes cream fat and uffar thorouhl add etffc beat until cream add jn apicots and milk li sojl until ni ut of moisture is taken up sift jl ur ulth bakinc powder oda and nutmeg combine with nut mcx add to first mutun atlrrlnir onh until juiaiju plici jiht ss ult uv if ou should an old old mill prjj ou pi as iv kind it in ij lu lcvt and ill doei njt krou his mind prav jou of him want if he is huiito cold don luu him imblinc with the nltht if he wtak ird old mile is inie mus quite vnauth til old qulcl to oh pi lird to thn who arc so near turnlt prav pri for thee old so timid fearful too oh do not pa an old old man if he wtms nttdlns jou hilui loom unliam hirk haw the around bid iviry tl cc uu in till simill ac nl uhlpcrhik from tht round uratcful tamest of eternal lace twn tin botui from in ult to pnuct somt frail momorl il till itxcud wulwuiicoulh rh and chapelt cuplu decked implort the passing tribute of jgh thtlr nam thtlr iiri pelt tho unletttred mut tin plite of fume and iey rupplj and mans holy text around he rtrvw thit tench tip ru ilcmornlbit to die pcrh uu in thl ntlltcted rpot laid somt he irt once prtfiant ulth cclc li il lire hind that the rod or empltv milul hiv waetl or uoked to ctiotuj the living ljrx some vllhftl himikllii tliat ulth daunt ea the little tvrmt of hl fl lil with tootl some mute lnplorlous milton here ma trull tui of hl coun vcrj carlj in the hltory of this mor tlian hundrvdjtar old toun death ul vis tor hie maje tic and courtlj roails which tings pass over the way that the mn of luttrs tread the pith tile war rior traverw the aliort and simple annau of the poor all load to the jiahw plac all rminite however aried in tlielr rout in that one place which is appoinud for all living it was not long before tlu eirli ut tiers found it necea carj to ovick place to bury their deai ii liv ed he died lie as burl ed is all that the headstone telli us cvpcratlon paee bj jes two or three or fou of them the ctonui turn gray mosei etch out the inscriptions and tlie man has ceaed to be and ls to the world or ir he had never lived thus is life only few years do ui journey here and we come to that brkljo death which transports us as tlie road we have travelled either virtue happiness and joy to paradise of love or the road of passion lust and vice to deslructhe uretcliedness for the first ten or fifteen jears when lovud ones passed awaj in the homes of the first tattlers their bodies were ten derly laid to rest in consecrated spo il the clearing of the homestead but as the years went on it was found more desirable to have common burial ground devoted to that purpose and reverently cared for in uiose early days it uas alwuia thought that the grave yard sliould be associated with some church and the churchyard was gener ally enlarged to make fitting resting place for the residents of the commun ity who died hardl had the lot been secured for the erection of scotch kirk in acton in 1843 when it uas decided bo secure lot in the rear for gravejard mong the first intermentj hi the new buryinn ijround uiu the bod of rev zenas adams one of the founder of the town the adams famllj had elected the plot it uil north ea comer of tlu cm ttr jitt whe the tutei used to open th end of river street across th tree inm moore stable door numb of the nilmlm ri of the adam fomilv id tlielr rettnt place in thli large famllv plot some will remember the neat clctt fen ulth the prettj wicket ate at the entrance ih llrit monupient in thi old time graveyard uas erected over the uao ot rev mr dani rh cm iln of cveral of the utre ivniovtd to other resting number of membern of the snme croinuel trj blood tlierv scattered oft the earllct or the ear bj hand unseen are showers of violets found tlie redbreast love to build and warble there and little foot tepj llghtl prji the ground eacli succeeding jear tlie mounds wlilch indicated that all jiat was mortal of omc resident or the community was renting underneath became more numer olu before and after the church ser vice or durintf the das of the week the people wha relatives or frlendi lay burled there wandered quietly and rover ently re and there among tlie graves often slleit tear uas ched for per sonal lots or sympathy with tlie be reaved ones who missed so sadly the dear one taken this was favorite place also of tlie bo and girls who attended the lltllo cottage roofed onet roomed school which stood for years on tlve north east corner of knox church lawn and in front of the church there they often pla hi among tlie grassy mounds but always in quiet spirit reverently remembering the sacredness or tlie quiet spot in the course of time tlie original plot became filled up and an audition to tlie graveyard became necessary tins was purchased by the late jolm speight and tlie late alexander grant who paid the purchase price and were to be recouped from tlie sale of plots and graves befo they wore fully recouped the agitation for the new cemetery took shape and eventually pwlrvlew was opened and the old graveyard closed further burials being prohibited by law tlie original parcbjiscrs of the added portion to the first graveyard were consequently ncwr re imburscd hi full for their outlay before the opening of falrvlew oemc ry nearly every family of tho country nidi had members of their homes old and young interred in um old oiw among tho out standing characters win sli pt there wt ie such 11 known early settler in squire al brown ilumioj ore sr oapt burns ihn zlmmt inuu john cumin lima all br wn br hh maim duiuuh id niudy ruth rf rl wm ioiuj john cott ihn mbijtu john tght jumi cum ton inn adniiis lx rt iwaim und mimbtn of othon with iiuiubtrl of their fulnllles winn valrvliw our pr4nt ixaullful clt th ad war op nl ovi thirty miuiy tub ri of tlie old in ii ynndplil uiul thi rtuuhutf nlmilwis of tlie ur om wh hid pt fir if in aet lir gruvyird wt re rinmwd md rt lntrr hi thi pi ili in fuirvi ih wui in of till ourse hu ui imply evldmcid ulrvlew ctintliri iiillful ipt nilure hu done much for ili rul conti ur and attr ictht hit survey lh ide with view to land cup beauty and tlfect it well ktpt und tlie coll clean dry md to tlu hot uim of tin krave 1or var tlie old ciikury wiu indeed neglected and fortaiken looking tpot uppireiuly forgotten by nil with uuil md briar tlourlhlni jmd lieaditoiies deinollhed there uere rveral attempts njade to put it into pre en tabic condi tinn but it wa noo tor otunbj all nelson moore wa nniong tinu who deplored th neglect uul iri el through hl lnithitive lie embled tin or 1d3t ether bnwji davldn mc dour ill donald mcgre or and him elf thi bind formed tie head of rremp who had not rorcotttn tlie hcid tone were nil embled and bulll into ramnrnt cil in the centre of li ceim erj an liitr nee purch ed oir ivjiov avenue the cround ha concluded on pipe seven wiikat rxrokth up kxmru of cajumllan wlieat in bep tcmb rrgtalered an increase 447 g44 busticl aiul oiaaoa lu valuo over tlie same uiotilh last ear hw total during tho month was 20 1iojto fnialiels av 120 5b2 268 rouiparnd with 17 jt 072 biuhcu at mo0uu93 bhlpmeiiu to tm unlud klngd im amuuntrd ti it 30 706 bushels ut 208 flttl mipartd wlui 10 1j177 nuoieu ut snl831 yr ago bblptn lit lh united ittates atiwnint td 77j u4 biishili vulmxl at tl 110413 iiianl willi dj4 814 bulu ut 14 not 7u4 iaht rkquest arutocralo castaway to his valet jiiftt one more thing before turn in hi mjmum make sundial and call me ut half past nine tjif nji tuounif iiurd rk rvcr killed anybody muld tin jthr fit it ml th triable dud rcturn il tlie jwuul nuur in soxne ll ku hajj he njtlce of danger hi it new minister leaves for tokio ill tilluc ql business directory mkd1cae dr auniven flltclaa and offlc and haaieaoo oomer avenua and kbxln 6tret dr nelson phyatrbm and ehectro therapy phopa 99 dk wm cullxn pbymtctan and odlro hours 14 and nulys by aplioliitiiiriit wilt if jtn ju no th of mill hircet trhplione 128 lefjal phone no 22 bent su hakold nash fakmer barrlste souoltcw notary pubue cvavttjmhrxr mlul stheft actow olft hours 30 fin to 12 00 boon loop to oo baturdaya 12 00 clock kenneth langdon bjerrbrter kolleltor notary fhttv offices acton oeorjetown over seynuck cafe main street el for appointments phone acton 66 or georgetown 13 oftlce hours acton tuesday am thursday is to 4j0 to krav lngs on request ukntal pictured aboird the ss fmprr3 of camda is it hied irom van couver arc the hon indolph cruet former lieutcnurt ovcriar or britiji columbia and mrs dn ce lhc are bourd for lol japan where mr brure will up ne di tit mdian nun cr to tho land empire lie ice ed herbert ltrltr who recctly up pointed cinadnn minuur to the united sti ctltts preu crid pi ole buchanan denial oflice in irishman block ilourt 9am until pm vnlcs by appointment gas for extractions closed wednesday afternoon phono lie pearen denial sluxeon moved to our nctt quarters la tile symon bioclc phono 29 m1u btrtl actoc oxford group starts new attack on canada francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kinds made to order periodical of every descripuon carefully bound ilullntf neatly and promptly done wyndham street ouclpb ont tlie otford croup has got away to an other flylnu tart on its most recent attack on canada starting in brant ford the group plans to hold meetings in of the group are shown above photo graphed at niagara falls as thej plan ned their itinerary lept to right lady nanton winnipeg hall ward vvery part of the dominion the leaders mont eal erl bentley toronto leader or the team mvk ifallword major carl spurgin victoria and gorvh leon of london england special correspondent for the sundaj chronicle general wk scciauzs in life fire health and accident automobile wiruisfonn plata glatf boiler fidelity bonds annuities and all general lines of insurance also ocean steamship tickets lkadino cotoanles txciiiurr racnnxes lloo cad or hi oar fred wright otrloo cooprr block officd 05 muc bold ltxj it may be colder bat quints have more freedom from crowds rtour dlapiwars bake hi ereaed loaf pan ulth waxed paper in the bottom in ynlhr olderaveyard mod rat oveil 3j0 dgre abou one hoar ajid ten minute meld loaf by incliea marshmallow on top and broun in 111 tanrf that ap ico have hi pie ha ulcrate oven i37j doffrea no rival but il can be captured in dtf ferut form here fcujnpiatlon for wuiie tarta that have tlu liavor of pu but have eane hophtitlcated on us aliucol maltshualixlw tautb taru cup dried aprtcoli cupauiiar fi marshmmllows cook aprioofcs kv method ivcil above pastry for taut3 cup all bran cuix hour uoaivu ii alt cup fut tablespoons lid water more or leas roll all bran and combine ith flour and wit cut in fat uu un 11 th cojiaisu ncy at ct niliical add enough water to form dough roll out on floured boatd to inch lu thickness ptwt throoh sieve sweeten pulp to line tart simiis priek ibrhtly with ai marahxnauow cut into pieces fork bake in liob oven 4o dcfrrecs ah bakad pastry shells plaos iht to urn minutes to eb tlie crust in oui luor iilck even tbout it mljlhly chilly cllnder tluj lh hw wbj tbnalvrf want to sell something sold iku pmxaa amu ad uas oilokatf uh to sod baaml onu obit woboi

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