thursday november otto 1936 the acton flee ikesb jaqe bkvkn aix is weix all unknown soldier tramped the road ot life itsxrooked twlated trolls he fully knfw wnab hardships anguish sorrows and great struo werti hidden deep wllhln his heart com pletely out of view hla whole ufe just became on act he tried to appear calloused hardened brute of war to those whod 80011 and jeer bo acted well and no one knew that indemeath it all was loneliness breaking heart and nothing mean or unknown to even closest friends his act went over great for whod have thought lhla unknown heart was full of love not ha as witness from his secret files his un known acta of kindness wc missed them all just saw the worst in our quite usurollndness why should we mortals jwys be in clined to think the worst while in our midst these unknown ones for kindly friendship thirst the rugged cross this unknown one had cherished to the end cor in this cross there is no death just quite peaceful sleep asleep in christ the crucified so where fore should we weep the unknown ones are not unknown to him who died to save he took the sting from death itself and sorrow from the grave the ijutt post sounds oer lonely graves and broken is the spell as from the clouds tiie echo rlnz christs answer all is well chronicles of ginger farm written specially for tho acton free press gwendoline clarke slats diary by oliver warren sunday went to and chlrch st the preecher made tawk that sounded very tnutch like some daddeo tawfcs so cuddent tell if he is fer landen or rosenfeld wltchever wins thot he is ler monday lost evnlng st joke called to see jane st elsy witch apent the nlte with the former both of us kids around 10 thirty sed the ladles had dreemy eyes jane sed well who wooddent this late peol she was hlnten it was bed time so we left in about hour tuesday blisters who spent the weak cmd with his unkel sim in the country writ it up for the class ac bed he saw cow put sum waiter st brekfest food in her tank st then have her crank case drained wednesday over to smlthvllle kid in nkool got the meesles give it to evry boddle doc dopcm are osuhcn tree bed the 1st kid tree he sed bcoos he worked up such rush of bbmess thursday fa got off hot on ma me sed frend ast him did hu ever show ma who is bastf at are housj si lie rcplldo it aint necessary site olroddtf noes friday pa got on me becod my grade card alnt hot si bed the edlturs soil does mutch better yes but look how smart hlsia rcplldc wa blow to get uie idee then lie onley kkowled saturday ma got even with ju for wluit ho tod thursday he lust lib hat as found it on the lamp shade si he su what fool place will my hat be next sc ma mplide on yurc imd xpect deer me ma was all that laft xo you like going to places where you have not been before do just love it there is always something different about lhcpountry and there ure places of interest which perhaps olio has heard of but never hadtbo oppor tunity of seeing thus it was with real joy accepted an invitation to go to mount albert which is abou forty miles north of toronto wc went across country from here to brampton and on the way my friends called my attention to large barn which had once been boys grammar school it had two rows of dormer windows so it was easy to see it was not just an ordinary barn yet had passed it before without it attracting my atten tion so you see what difference it makes going on trip with friends who know their canada wo went through woodbrldge still well known believe for its fall pair to which in days gone by farmers would drivo thrlr horses and stock miles and miles for the purpose of showing them ati the fair often starting out at two oclock in the morning what con trast the townsfolk must find in the fair of today and that of fifty yoars ngo if there was oho at that time dont know we went on to markliam and pusstid the gas station which was the unhappy scene of the stonchouse ipurder after few more miles we left the highway and continued our journey along stone road and then really began to think we were in different province entirely for now wc began pass sandhills greab hlls of blown sand with never weed or blade of grass on uicm at all justf walt said my friends ond we bill show you sand filled road sure enough wvcame to an intersection where to the right of us ttw crossroad we flat and open but just to th left it had high bonks and the roadway was literally filled in with drifting tuuid as roods will fill in during the heavy snow storms in the winter the rood was partly shovelled ut but was very far from being navigable and suppose the ilrst wlnd would fill it in again just imagine living on road like that with the whole of ontario to choose from doesnt it make person wonder why people chose the locations they do in which to hvo presently wc vera out of the tandblown district and mile or two north of mount albert we reached our destination alter dinner wo were all tullcinb when interrupted the con versation by asking suddenly am la ontario or back on the prairie for there hurtling post the window aas big tumbling weed for al the uorld like tlu nuiuilnn thistle we used to see out in western cunada blowing by day after day driven by the high prairie winds across the onou enacts the oij man of the big clock tower continued from paie six now is tilt time another impreslon had in mount to buy wtatoes albert uaj the feeling of uelnfi on top of anlith precipice and us if ue mlht ohlcul figures relating to potnto aero quite easily itep otf uo und production in canada reveal coming home we folloued different that the 103g potato crop is another road and came through newmarket relatively short one consequently it aurora and rlchmondhlli we stopped may reasonably be expected that prlcea at aurora little while nnd corn will be bag or over during the memorated the occasion by bulne present liarvcsung of the main crop to chiim cup and saucer that brings my be followed by periodical price advances coluctlon up to three throughout the winter and taurine wl ped te dunlop ohcratory months thb trend already is reflected ant hope to do more than pas it one in the current market nrlcc levels re these days at richmond hill slau cently the montreal wliolcsal potato hoard informed we were 702 feet price ranged from 110 to 115 per 80 pound bag in ottawa from si 20 to 125 per 80 pound bag and in toronto from 135 to 140 per 00 pound bag total canadian production at potatoes namely 30soo000 cut for 1030 com pares favorably with the total crop of 1035 but the 103g crop is 10000000 cwt less than 1034 and c000000 cut lesj above ea but im guttins on too fast vorgot to mention sharon temple place of worship erected at little place by that name not far from mount albert when the temple was built not null uas allowed to be used in its con struction eery bit of lumber was pee ced in place just going by the place had the impression of largo squary than the ttejear average not only la building with windows closely spaced the canadian crop short but the crop alon tacn ot ili iour ulills so lhat one of the united states la the shortest for coula rlht through the buuding many years therefore u3s prices ir then there uas the meimontte section bouna to lme bearing on canadian uherv man house uerc built uith price lewis some canadian groucfe ro peculiar to that district the roof and potato marketing agencies ure nlwia fourilded uith tremendous pitrh ready looking forward to tlie united ending in ilat piece of roof on top stales ji suhtantlal marketing outlet bmu three feet squure ua also in ihls season teret in the urge number of ncrcji at thli tim nf the year uw market im fix mer to refuretatitui in the sni1 inclined to rsupplud since potato bloun dlmrlct acre and ace nf ever giouers are either digging or hac bar ureens tnul few hardwood lot und vi sted their crop and are unxloiu to turn erj llourbhing ire they uere so it portion of thrlr crop into cash nou to be hopld the goernmint keep up the good uork la the time therefore buy potatoes before the market mikes another lirlo udvince uiui in thh eonnectlun it is anticipated that th market ulll be llrm vt ulfhln weelc or tuo another reason for liujlng nou is uith regard to storing quality potatoes bought und now run leu risk of bclng chlllvd than if purchased ufter subffvlng timiwra turva comment ttinpj ralure from 40 to 50 degree are quite suitable for the propr storage of potatoes tut the tlanger point is ituchd if th tt mpt riture in the stor ue ritom ipalloued to fall in low degrees uho ure able to buj now and he suitable plate to store them in uell uh is ut do uithln theekt tuo or three ueks soon ufter we pissed wondbrldite it been levelled and li in tin caurctf of preparation fur ceding on juno 3rd 1034 an appropriate memorial service was licld and pleased indeed were tlio who viewed uio work of tills cncrgutlc committee tluj hind hjui been dexnlod to the corporation and fence rected wc undcratond the committee huvo not yet completed their labors but the place la liow creditable and shown that those pioneers who rest there arc not forgotten at that time the committee issued little booklet rich in detail concerning tlie old cemetery id advise any of you who secured copy to preserve it wouldnt take food deal for my copy tile pioneers cemetery is indeed credit to those who have shown their remem brance admire it every time stroll clat way tno little booklet rem in da me that the only minister interred here wu itov zcnor adams and the first burial was phlncas adamk then again find 4hat iallcncc adams was the earliest year of birth whose remains rest here and the earliest settler recorded was catharine anderson go on and and that james oardlnrr was killed in the liltf mill and that catharine elth was found dead hi snowstorm and alexander sjcarthbr waa killed at born raising and the utcst burial was ivter mcdonald who died in 1886 then there was john wcqlll who was shot in wyoming and james mary louise and william allan mclennan wlio succumbed to diphtheria in an epid emic of that dread disease tuui also that jlltty widow mcnabb wus lost in tlu woods and found dead and marjory mcpherson llad the loiujcit span of life 17831881 john picwes was uuj llrst crlst miller and robert swan the first xostmastcr and cliarlcs slianks was tcaclter wliat story is told in that old ceme tery of the founding of tins community alid aealu give praise that they are remembered and their works do livo after ulem would you audrey ieedm auove is the yomnt ludy who was kissed four hundred times by various leading men of the films during screen ted qh for the life of movie hero she in shown as she modi hir hrl public appearance blnce he event no gifts customer hi youre giving mo ploce of bone butcher ho no im not you paying for it 6c gou mmjlingjtjlnts incrlasfc itoflecung tlie striking growtli of can adas told mining industry approximate ly 137 gold milling plants with com bined rated capacity of 3as35 tons daily were in operation throughout the dominion at the end of september com pared uith 30 ftold planls in 1031 tlie 1030 hit includes 20 new mllu with total capacity of 2700 tonn dally that have entered production since tlie be glnnlng of the jear and several small plants that are operated intermittently tlie capacities of the milling plants thit halve entered production in 1030 rantfe from 25 to 100 tons dally with the ex ceptions of tuo propttlei in ontario where the mill capacity in each case is 500 tons dally eight plants uere in the course erection in october all of which ar expected to be in operation by the end of the year and the construction or at liust thirty others uas under considera tion ontario the chief koldproduclng pro vince ulll have g2 jjold mllla with total capacity of 2400 tons in operation by the end of 103k thui compares with 51 mills and 21000 tons at the close of 1033 including those under construc tion quebec will hae 17 mills uith total capacity of 4550 tons compared with 12 mllln and 4050 tons dn 1035 figures for british columbia manitooa and nova scotia show no appreciable chan te from those for 1035 household hints by mbs maey morton menu hint lamb pio cabbage and apple salad orange sllco dainty coffee or tea tills is simple sounding menu but its little out of thoordlnary nevertheless inert wlllson home economist suggests this recipe for moat pic which im sure youll like the cake is as different as can be have you ever tried to make desserts with rjndy try this recipe cancer is not hopeless incurable disease tlie threat majority of cases of external cancer can be cured if treat ed in the early stages began to rain and the liiht uas fading so our journey for the rest of the way was not so intrn sting it uas about six oclock ulnn ue reached home and partner ua not jet in for supper the front 11 kl lu which he had been plough ing looked ery nlcv as ue came th lane with the loamy soil nhouing upin iin liroun rldgf harder to uort of coure than sandy mill but uould iy for general imrpose farm this uium corner of central ontario in uhlch ue luv ls inicht hardy to beat and then think of its hitorial background why the hmisi where william ljon macken hld are almot itluuit number il inillhin done an auful lot of hiding his da lamb pio two pounds lamb shoulder boned and diced one large onion sliced two tablespoons lard two cups diced potatoes two cups diced carrots two tablespoons flour two tablespoons butler salt and pepper rich pastry or biscuit dough have lamb shoulder boned and diced drown together with sliced onion in hbt lard season with salt and pepper cover with hot water and tet cook slowly for about half an hour then odd the diced pdtn tocs and carrots nnd cook about 45 minutes longer or uttil the vege tables are done thicken with flour nnd butter creamed together pour in casserole dish cover with thin crust of biscuit dough or pie crust and bake in hot oven m25 decrees until the biscuit dounh or pic crust is nlccy browned orange slier dainty cakes with refreshing flavor are made with orange section gumdrop candy beat two eggs until light add one and onefourth cups of brown sugar and continue beating until smooth stir in nine orange slices cut into small bits and one teaspoon of vanilla add onehnlf cup of chopped pecans sift one cup of flour one teaspoon baking powder onefourth ienspoon salt add to mixture and stir well plncc in greased and floured shallow pan bake in mod crate oven for about 21 minuten cut into squnrcn while warm and dust with powdered cucnr facts and iancie9 to amuse the dinner guestst wonderful tune saver and onj puny apt to delight the guests is thi serve plain ice cream let dur guests create their own des iiis by allowing them to select toppin from combination plate emit mint peppermint candles liirn tt sauce melted candy ri md chipped chocolate or ulupiud cream bliylilly tad drop ml uti each urving of crut touu pretty and ddtidou tlnlb la tm anttime fotea time salam tea the free press says think what this won derful offer will mean in enjoyment through out the whole year lor yourself and your fam ily magazines of your own choice and this newspaper packed with stories time articles helpful departments ana color fc illustrations how is your chance croup croup select one magazine select one maca2ine uety mag52lssues1 yr judge yr parents magazine yr true stay yr screenland yr house gained gtaa madeans 24ksues lyr national home monthly 1yr canadian magazine iyr chateblne iyf pictorial review iyr lwer screen iyr american boy iyr parents magazine gma can horticulture and home magazine iyr take your choice this offer fully guar anteed au renewals wm be extended offer no one magazine from group and one magazine from group and this newspaper offer no three magazines from group land this newspaper time tables at acton nadjan nationafhailways osas eut iaily except sunday 705 dally except sunday 10j57 daily except sunday flu kunduy only 710 going west dully except 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ami keep up with tlie times the acton free press acton ontario subscriptions for ai magazines taken at the free press office muggs and skeeter by wally bishop do you kiuiw place where men dont utir anything but iuilh gwaii where on their hcuda of my ulfe twxt owgr wip startcb iu me ikanier witti papekitwis aaora4lt4v ra lt fc cl svw01ca16 rjhts rraj for thac ir rpuatv puwhv am jecomkvy omder3tal4 rc its so gono wai cukwlcmf iv ohrth