Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 12 Nov 1936, p. 3

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thursday november nth ism the acton freepress gugikrggflrphb ftrnrt ftnri the end of the rainbow uy oee even thouaand dollars chor uikj jeffrey wulctna may mean just spvrfi thousand dol lars to moa lolkfl but to us mom ifl mean lleflwbefty and and the end or lho rainbow itll mean wo can better wait minute son smiled hla mother gently in another breath youll hove our air castle all built and youll have me worrying about wlilch of our eight bedrooms should take her loco became serious if you think wo should scjl jen uhc continued wu will acll it does seem oa though provid ence luui come llcrvoico broke thla is no time to weep cried jef frey jubilantly just think wo can move away from the railroad yards wo con tfet cottage out whew you can have the sunshine and the air you need wo can pay every bill wo owv including doctors bills seven thousand dollars he murmured ecstatically well have to start bank and heros another thing he went on joyously con take that job in the despatchers office it wont bo bo much to begin with but itll bo leading mo somewhere this money will take those debts off our hands and leave ua some thing over ueiore ho slept that night jeffrey reviewed the unhappy vents of the past four years ho recalled vividly that hlac night when his father yavo ills hfo to save the crock passenger train of the acme railroad the grateful railroad company hod granted to the widow longterm lease at low rental of stra tegic corner of the railway station ut hedron and with high hopes the vil klns had embarked on the business of selling fruits and magufclnct jeffrey groaned when he thoulitof tliat first jear in order to permit him to llnlih his jast lour at high school his mother hud lurself conducted tlie btund she luui hung on until he hud graduated and hud then suffered gen eral breakdown from which she had nevwr fully recovered ho thought of the yearn that had fol lowed of hla frustrated hopes and plans hedron was division point all trains stopped thero the rnagujjno stand ahould have been gold mine but it needed modernizing it needed tills it needed that and everything it needed required money every douarthati canio to them had to go for medicine food and other wants more pressing than tlie modenihuiilou of the stand tliey had struggled on hopelessly nevr quite daring td give up the leata they held with each year their burden of debt jiad grown bit heavier and with each year jeffreys hopui hod grown bit wore faint his thoughts then reached the man clawson only that morning tlie man had appeared at the stand he had introduced himself and then abruptly orfered twentylive hundred dollars for the stand together with an assignment of tlie lease jeffrey was at first too astonished to puk and the man mis interpreting ins suynce kept raising hla offer the young man liad no jlca what the lease was worth but he did know its value should be far greater to some 0110 with money to develop it properly than it liad been to him ho alio knew that the best way to learn how much it was worth to clawton was to let tlie latter do the talking he therefore wisely kept silent at hixtynve hundred dollun houever the man had stopped guess you dont unlit to sell he hud raid angrily and without giving jeffrey chance to speak had stalked auay tw jelfrej thlnkinff the mutter ended hud been hearts tele milne the station martjr agreed that rtxtyae hundred vab fair price and that jeffrey thould hae accepted it umiccountubl then the mm hud come back 1th an offer of cwu thousand that high im going lie juid roughly you tan tulv it or leave it and if jmi take it joii have to do it quick cant uate much more time mi the mutter xiiit jeffrey had demurred the lease longitrtmy mother tlie price all right uith me aiul think ahe agree iii have to we her though ani uippohc id better laujer can give jon until tomorrow noon claumin liad piled now the assign ment of that lease ulu have to be ap proval at tlu head office of the acme and that 11 ike quite uhile have vour lawyer druw up an agreement tliut will bind both jour mother and me to thu transaction for the time king iii put tlie money in escrow in your bink jettrey hud done everything that liad been aktd of him ik hud ecn th lawyer talked uith his mouier and he liad ullllniilv tilgned the agn emeiit onls feu forinalltle now mulned to he done before tlie uhnle matter uould be tiled he apiieirtd at the tiind arlh than uaiul the nt monilmr john he ltd to thi old mm who ran the stand night were felllng out but claann ugreed to kt jou on 10 mi uont suffer any in it clawson inutu old john uig in kvir blnce you tol me last nucht ive been uilnklng about that tttkiu ive heard it some pluce and dont know just where he hud htitmthlug to cln with hlnkle think hlnkle he ex plained owns that string of tnagaxhio stands in tho continental stations wonder an incoming train and small rush of customers kept john from wondering any more just then oik bit later ho went off duty without having said any thing further ll was not lung afterward thut ilawllns tho division superinten dent npprouched the stand jeff ho said ive just lieurd tliat youve out and want to tell you uuit youre about tho luckleit lad thu side of both pule listen ikj went jil conlldcritluly without giving tliu young man chance to explain tliat tho bar gain was not yet completed for years and years theres been talk of merger of tho acme and tho continental xlall roads its drugged on so long that no body thought it would bo out pretty soon now but heres where your luck comes in lw continued tlie acmo crosses tho continental at medford nvo miles away medford is continental imvlslon point yesterday afternoon it wad decided over my protest toabandoja iledmnas division point in favor of fciedford in side of three months hedron will bo deserted village keep this under your hat jeff itll get out soon enough and when it does therell be an oldfasliioncd riot jeffrey was thunderstruck he had never even remotely considered tlie pos sibility uiat hedron might be abandon ed as division point he bocamo utterly heartsick as le saw wjiat thut would mean tlie dozens of small businesses tliat grow up hmvltably about any divi sion point would be ruined their own uasj would become absolutely worthies juiit when clawson wuj od the point of buying it with start he realized sud denly that clawson undoubtedly did not yet know of tins latest development hu mind uos awhirl with conflicting thought as tlie superin undent walked awaj almost on the lattera heals camo clawson all et he asked shortly jeffrey stared at him dumbly he had not yet hud time to adjust lilmself to this catastrophe clawson repeated hia qiillan this time more aliarply and jeffrey mechanically produced the agree ment already signed by hla mother tlie man studied it for moment then lie too signed it now lie said wed go over to the bank and finish the deal want to get it over with walt cried jeffrey agonliuklly ive got to its too late now interrupted tho other roughly in daze jeffrey permitted himself to beflcd to the bank where tlie transac tion was coon completed claweon ac companied him bock to the magazine stand hope iou understand he said patron singly that you cant hack out of this thine now youre tied up tlghtcrn drum and so am wont want to back out but im afraid you will when hlnkles man gets here tills afternoon and offers ten thousand for your lease ire laughed aloud at jeffreys be wilderment you see fionny ho ex plained little bird whispered in my ear that hlnkle was afur this place so just beat him to it its kind ol tough on jou but theres nothing wrong about it its just little buslneia trick that three thousand you lost he smirked ou can charge to experience shes aijwell toucher tor hours after clawsons departur jeffrey was in hopeuss maze in the end however he suceeded in convincing hlnvelf that matter had turned out just as th should have had not claw son tried to put over pretty ahadx deal if ho burned his flogcra dn the process he was getting on what le de served if some still small voice deep dovojaiskle jeffrey kept insisting that there was something more to tho prop osition than just this tho arrival of tho man from iltnkjos early in tho after noon helped him smother lb tho man was surprised nd disappointed to learn that clawson had been ahead of him tills makes u10 second tlmo hes done this ho said savagely ho bribes flomebody in our office to keep him posted 011 affairs like this now if wu want this stand und we do want it well have to pay through tho nose for it there wiui weeping und walling in ths station the next morning whtn thu news spread tliat hedron was to be abandoned but jeffrey was conscious only of relief ho and his mother were out from under shortly before noon clawson appeared he sinllid ingratiatingly at jeffroy wei ui said breeily this rather changes thingn doesnt it iooks like well liavo to tall everything off after all it doesnt look thut way to mo re plied jeffrey rlrmly liut it isnt fulr for you began tho man youre fine guy to talk to mo about being air snapped jeffrey hut you cant toko seven thousand dollars from me iiputtcrcd clawson wildly for something thats woruuess didnt make you buy it said jef frey you got what yon asked for just like you told me yesterday it may be little tough on you but theroi nothing wrong about it tills is only another oftliose liulobuslnesy trieks and ho continued relentlessly you can charge off tliat seven thousand to experience shes swell teacher clawson argued pleaded and wept but jeffrey stood firm something that the man said at the end however bothered him thought said clawson bitterly ou wvre too dumb to be any tiling but honest and here you turn out to bo nothing but firstclass slicker why youre no better than am although tills came with but poor grace from claweon it put jeffreys conscience to work ngaln tho young man npent miserable afternoon and in desperation ho finally put his problem before several of liir friend in the station all of them advised him not to cancel the agreement he nhuddcrod when he thought of tlie consequences of cancelling it he and his mother would still be saddled with an awful load of debts when old john enme on duty that night jeffrey prepared to go home no found himself uonderlng all at onco just how he would explain tlie matter to hln mother sooner or later he would have to tell her he realhed with start that he knew wliat her aruiwer to tlie problem would be jeff she would say gently no mat ter what this man tried to do to you we cant benefit by his misfortune we mn cancel tliat agreement suddenly jeffrey knew what his an swer too must be he frvalked firmly to telephone called clawson and told lilm the deal was off slats dlaryr by ouvkr warfim sunday yung mister si lilstrpsjouc who hassenb ben marryed but yrs cum to are house after super ac soon mlatrcs jones ast ma how long had aho ben marryed to pa 20 yrs sod ma ac tho vissltcr scd nint that offlo long tlmo to live with tho somo man ma bed well ho aint lho name man ho was when marryed him wo all laft xoept pa monday herd numboddlo say sum tiling about tho cold gray don of tho morning after if they are slch thing this arc it to hie back to skool si for offlo long time this flno wether tuesday hum of tho kids got tolaff ing in tho class this the teecher tied are 10u lairing at mo as when they tcd no she what else lfl they in tho rkool to luff ut illlstcrs sen tfurri tiling funny about that lalfed out that mad hs all luff as hllsterfl goj his era pulled widmseuiy now kid in skoal was hrugg thut hls lulg had be 11 broke time in tho same place jako glvw him some good advise juku sod if was you wowciit put my lulg in that place no more thursday we wus arguen about reveng in thu class the teochcr scd it is rong if we seek it kid sod tlicn he done rong by rubbeii sum qulo on hu ulster lin stlk is onley becos her bow klckt his dog recent frlday bunch of tuff lookon guys in old ford car stpot aat arc city martial do we huve any tipcdo ordnantscs hear as tho osslfcr sod no aj the faster youso guvs got outen hear tho btttcr it will bcfor all consarnd lhoy was no more qucscheiis ac anscrs saturday alep late this wood of slep sum more if it wasent for tlio hot blasted fumes in the basement as wltcli called dad blasted furncsj when got down their as no boddlo could here me say it it was three dujc later clawson had been released from lus contract and jeffrey had listened silently to many jibe and jeers at his quixotic action of all his friends in tlie station only rawlins the superintendent had com mendedhlm rawlins now came to win muff lie nald nmlle hovering about his una the good we do comes bock to us noonor or later tlie plan to abandon hedwin an division point has been given up ive taken the liberty of phoning thut information td hlnkle for you hla man will be here to gee yoi this afternoon sure hes married merchant there goes married man stranger how do you know man he used to buy three pound box of candy twice week and now hi only buja 10 cents worth of peppermints once week used oil wasted li there much money used politics comparatively little answered sen ator sorghum gut there la scandal ous amount of it wasted dont treat constipation lightly poor health may be the price of neglect too many people ilhimlfla common constipation matter of no proat consequence yet thin con dition causea dmcomfort and may lead to headache and lonn of appe tite when it allowed to con tinue it may lower your reiiatance and no increase your chnncca of cntchink scriouu lllncsa common comitipatlon often uo vclopa when you cat meals that lack iiufficient hulk your nyntem failu to jrot needed internnl exer cise fortunately today you have penerout source of effective bulk in kellobba allbran within the body the bulk in aubitan nbiiorbo moisture and torma noft mmm which gently clennnea tho nyhtem this natural laxative food alao nuppliea vitamin and contninairon serve alabuan ai cereal with milk or cream or cook iiito brenda etc two tnbleapoonfula daily nro uaunlly aufllcient stub born cnuea may rcouire aijbitan oftener if not relieved thia wny conault your doctor allbran in puarantecd ly the kolloffr company an nn effective laxntivc foou for constipation sold by all procera mado by kel lojrtr in tyindon ontario conmtwatw uffiei luu ttttvtwvtvtvtttt onions ihb nice sizt sound and dry ihb nice sizt 1u sound and dry ioc sweet potatoes finest southern lbs for 1c grapes 2fmpfror rj lbs for tij oranges florida sweet juicy good size per dozen celery s1alks jumbo sue each jl icj bananas jlden yellow lurje sue per doen golden yellow ki grapefruit msjsl 5c lllll l4tal71l nhi lurruce cusp heads for potatoes 7t carrolls limited new 1937 ford v8s announced two of tho moat popular body typoi in tlio ontiro ford v8 lino nro the do luxo fordor touring icdah ahovc and tho tudor ncdan below the new 1937 ch tionn aro iihown tho nmart now front end now headlampn vtypo winddiiold and nto of tho tear drop form wherover practicable combino to pivo what thoso who previewed itdeclaro to ho tho mcit beautiful ford yet produced the fordor touring iiodan in family car ciipccinlly imituble for touring it boaili roomy builtin trunk tho tudor iiedan has new full width front neat with divided tilt inif neat back two engine jiizeii aro available tho famous 85 hone power vs uhfrino and new co horsepower vti mfino moehum cal iniprovomenbi include new all nteel body witlt iiteel top eay action ttafoty brakci und new fingertip nteerinif if you expect to sell you must advertise jsitijcajd for christmas baking rrisco tlic dlgeitible skoilhins scdl5j iy llb in fryf pure cocoa jvib 19 jv grtcn gtanl peaches tv 27c builord pears no i9c mb 10c put blicd pepper aylwtr tomato catsup 13 rd rival cereal oil 22c out belt phu butter iu 27c old ftihlond mint humbugs ib 15c llng mlioi chocolates tb 25c ctown or baohiva corn syrupy pii 37c 22c raisins lb 11 new dates lb magic baking powder 16oxu 28c 3v fmgr ruff lei biscuits 29c currants 2iu25 sdd viiimu typ raisins 15e silvi sui piuy flour 67e fib mllud rollj oats ii mipu lf mincemeat 25 dbcioui fingcf ol bitcuit nd willow vmolheicd cocojnutend damtly bnrd with mill chocoltte extr tpcil vlu christies bis fig rolls 14c sultana biscuits 28c dainty sodas 17c 21c our own old our best new velveeta or chateau kraft canadian goiid flih nmwlurt sardines ui 25c ft plnl jfc salmon 10c siha salt pis 5c powdd sop oxvdol 19c colort soap 5t18c urnll dll soap ii 14c pg soap 33c iiiitid fitunik closks sutuiuay iojio lb 21c lb 18c ste lb 25c macaroni or spaghehi lb 5c fresh coffee lb 19c 31c golden tip tea klb pw 33c carrolls mill ktrttet free delivery jhonk 158

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