pact roxm the acton free press thursday november liaty neighborhood news conachers injured interesting items concerning other centres and communities in which many of our readers are interest churchill the november meeting of the women ajmocuttoo was held at the home of mrs caldwell in acton ptdlowin the devotional period reporta were read and adopted and tmgjneia discussed mrs stephenson introduced mrs leonard of milton who cate very interesting talk on missions which was enjoyed by all xjunch was served by the hostess vid her assistants and social half hour spent oakvilfe rev caswell had charge of the services in his sons church on sunday rev norman caswell is now preaching in the first church his father had charge of rev caswell and mrs caswell enjoyed renewing old acquaintances during this visit mr jack hughes of the bank of mon treal staff left last week for christie street hospital toronto to have an xray taken he has been given two months sick leave from his work it is hoped the vacation and rest will restore his health thomas martin resident of bronte while either walking or blinding an the highway west of wilson street on wed nesday evening ajaout at20 clock was run down by nea trusootte 65 tarfc bow hamilton star vailing from tree in which he waa picking apples mi john smith fourth line trafalgar well known farmer suf fered several broken ribs and fracturrd vertebrae on friday large freighter arrived on october 30th at the oakvllle harbor carrying 1300 tons of vtumln coal from 4e peninsula for deliver to the hlllmcr fuel and ice co skidding in mass of feet clay cover ing the paved road on the seventh line trafalgar at the foot of the red hill light coupe driven mrs russell went out of control wednesday evening and turned over in the ditch record crewsons corners miss dorothy ptampton of ouelph was sunday visitor at the home of mr and mrs graham we are glad to report thatr little jean coulter who has beep on the sick list for some time is improving services at the church on sunday tu limehouse the regular monthly meeting of the women institute was held at the home of mrs 21 norton on thursday last with the president mrs smelhurst in charge fifteen members and three visitors were present following the usual opening exercises mrs wm mitchell read an article concerning the old presbyterian church in acton mrs gale ably took the motto its better to wear out than to rust out mrs joa meoowan read poem mrs wright gave her report concern ing the district directors meeting at milton on november 2nd mrs wm mitchell was appointed delegate to the institute convention in toronto to be held november 18th 19th and 20th three of the girls who attended the junior institute convention in save reports on the addresses there miss meredith spoke about the address given by miss ethel chapman miss ii mcooaan reported on miss sadies ad dress and miss norma stephenson gave general of the whole conven tion as well as mrs andrews address community gng fallowed by the national anbhen closed the meeting lunch was then enjoyed by all erin mrs mcenery who recently im an oper ou bg charlie conacher took slash on the wrist during pre season exhibition game between toronto maple leafs and detroit red wings and the big leaf right winger will bo out of tho gairi for 10 days rays showed bruised wrist hone and deadened nerve eden mills anniversary serviced of the united church were held on sunday bev clarke occupied the pulpit both morning and evening and delivered two splendid sermons special music was supplied by mr and mrs patterson of capetown the fowl supper which was held on monday evening in the town hall was nverj largely attended deilclou supper uas served by the ladies of ul cougrrgstlon after which delightful and varied program was given by the following artists piano solo by miss aucen young three coal miners from acton washington brothers the color ed quartette of hamilton miss gunby elocutionist from burlington mrs parkins soloist from hamilton mis ituth markle and miis margaret cum mlngs dingers from mllgrove miss spcncv violinist from burlington mr parldnxon saxuphone player from acton all of uldch acre wry much enjoicd and very fetneroas ulth thtlr moons ucv ii xluhonvj of hrus iels ipoke fevv words during the in urmkslon rev mr clarke mode wry able clmlrman while supper was bing tcrvvd thoie ualtlng ire nter tallied by an orchestra conilsung of mis luurcna locker mrs larl and mvfesrs rainshaw locker and and ex win auo by the pupils of no nusiagaueya who were credit to thtlr tejeher mr bricuv and miss ccn young ulio rciidcrxd some try delight ful piano numbers mr and mm john tolton and family of arkell visited in the home of mr and mrs lindsay tolton nn sund mr and mrs john watron and famtb of arkell werv sunday visitors in the home of mr and mrs geori wlumi mus irne remaining for fc dus several from this district attended the thank ohring meeting of tho vuniens missionary society of the prthbyurlup chur li on sunday ewnlng uheri mus mary anderson of kobe japan was uw special hpcakar visitors in the honw of mr and mr bridle were mr slwpherd and mim sheplierd mus audi bridle mv and mrs dunham and mus florence dun ham of burlington also mrs wm burnham of furt and mm wm smltlison of london mr and mrs patterson and mus jean iitterson of cope town pnt sunday in tlir home of ltcv and mn curkl mr and mm john ramsey and jjua cia rente visited rroently hi uie hohie of mv knd mrs george ramsey oari irix mr road adams of knok college oocopled the pulpit ul the ihrosbyterlan church on unday the many rriends of mm guberuon jar will be iorry to irani that itlia ia not improving us rapidly us could be expected mr and mrs jack webb and master tommy of xiamlltoil were visitors in the home of mrs webb mr and mra webb of ouelph and miss margaret clark of rockwood jere also visitors in the same honve burlington mr and mrs wilfred bridle or eden stills spent the weekend with relatives here mif doris dunham luul the misfor tune to haxe her hand crushed in the wringer of an electric washing machine at htr home on monday the injured hand is progressing nicely gordon mcneilly has rented emerson house on the corner of caro line and locust strets mr emerson accompanied by miss howell will leave for florida next wk to spend the in ter at meeting of the water commis sion held last night it was ducovcrcd that the dead line had been reached in nukmg an arrangmcut for the renewal of the lakijihor utility commission agreement and as result it uas decide to leave the matter over for next years commission qn ihdloue en night bojs did consider able damage to frame building on clark avenue owned by harry cuttrus and used for making cement blocks the building in which he kept his little car for takbig tha blocks to the road for loading as flattened while the building used to make the blotks hi was damaged when the culprits pushd the heavy car through the doors joseph frindlk employed on the road construction on the middle road diod ub st josephs hospital hamilton on friday morning lost from sliock result ing from an acclovnt on october lj8j when lie was draun into cement mixer and sustained four fracturxs of the rlgh lc he uas bom in hungary and uas 34 year of age lit leaves ulle and family in hungary gazette rockwood on sunday evening the of thi prcbyterlan church held tin thank ohrinn meeting at the church mr johnton conducted the lervlc mr mclxan of fden m11l cohtrl bulccl lo 1th early ot the ran the sptcta speaker for the oc rililon was ml ander on ot japan uho gow an lamest add li dialing ultli life and condition of japan cojiaratulatuni to mu jlnry lloltnn and mr reginald micks on the nccailon of their murrlait lait saturday latt tliursday evening the toun hall vvii tht set ne or womma institute ac thltl uhen kome of the district organ lijtlons staged contest in progronr the lveton took ilrst place 111 roclcu wi clue sicond word has been received of ule death of mu sopr pliyslcal instructor at the ilo tyl blu camp last year tile collectors for tlio bible society aft on thtlr rounds in the village and vicin ity wtfcjc end visitors mbis royce toronto mr lutu rson toronto mr and mr craig and son tor onto mtns fcvelyn pearn toronto mr and mrs baruett and family of arkeu mrs jaj roberta lfmeii muu mus blanche milne vulted over the wstknd with mr and mr mrnabb and family mr and mm duliby ur uuay to hamilton for fortnights vldt at uu nuirnlng service hi jit john church boly communion was ibervfsi he brllllngrr tlie rector cmiducled the service na ssaga wey owing to anniversary services at eden mills united church last sunday tho services at ebcnczer united church wcr withdrawn mr and mrs darby and son of knutchbull visited relatives and friends at lowvllle last sunday several of the young men of thb dis trict havo gone up north to tho lumber camps for the winter ballinafad mrs bert rogers visited friends in toronto during the week mr dan campbell has recently fcrfoved into lils new house master clarence harding returned home last thursday from guelph gen eral hospital and is improving nicely mt and mrs george soper of acton mr george soper jr of golt mr and mrs jas livingstone of guelph were calleri on sunday at the home of mrs soper mr and mrs robert english left ys hrday for toronto prior to going south for the winter mrs thou moffat and mr moffat of live fifth line visited on sunday it the home of mra soper milt on oeneral hospital lias recovered suftlo lently to be able to return tiorno and is convalescing the junior room of alton publla school was not opened on monday duo to an epidemic of chicken pox there being over doaen children 111 with the disease early saturday morning pat oarrlly centre road caledon discovered tttat someone removed about 50 worth of alsike clover seed from his barn police are investigating mr and mrs duncan mac doug nil hlluburg out announce tlio engage ment of their only daughter lots kath lcen to mr william ivan nodwell son of mr nodwell and tho late mrs kodwell hlosburg the marriage to taki place in november thomas coulter aged 03 of caledon east well known grain merchant and product broker was almost instantly killed hi weston when the cur in which he was passenger crushed into radial car near fern avenue early last satur day morning coroner orulck shunk was notlned and lias ordered an lnqust to bo held ut weston town tall thursday night advocate xllgglns walter bus norrlng ton george bundy and harold wuson spent the weekend in detroit mrs stevenson has returned to milton after an enjoyable visit qf three montlui to friends in victoria bc the of the united church milton held 1u annual church service on sunday morning with largx attend ance the speakxr uas mra jtwltt nantfcoke ont part president of the hamilton confuruice branch with well over 100 citizens of milton and surrounding territory in uil cast and choruses the premier production its knockout certainly lived up to its name at the princezs theatre hre last night all took tlwlr parts uell and the produs tion uas credit not only to the boul lnr club and the cast but also to miss oral flnnlgan director chimplon georgetown sparl tin camt olf of jack tost truck uhen turning lhc corner at guelph nid wntir strvtl and broke large pan in mr hyne ton ulndou thl mornlni iiilliulcn pa td ii quietly in toun tf tht chlldnn mtl younper fr lie hid ml time bit no fieri iuj damage un nt about 1j0 uirt present at the iclal itnhnr held ln legion club iloomi li itldiy vi nlni ijimc thirty nicm bt in mt dtnnb brunch ultc pre tin as gulls of thl local lfulon tik lire hrfgad uas called out to uiul lli at iijkltt woollen mill toun lut ihurduy night tlie lire ia lxtintiut bed ulth the chemical tank be fore any damage ua done ex ileeve ii irold cltave uas unanim ously chosen president of the hockey club for the 1030 37 season harold has had much experience in hockey and uas oik tf geo getouni stondbyfl feu years ago with harold at the lulm the club mils year should be off to flood start tti club is to congratulated on their choice for president mr george oollop of montreal spant the week end at his home in norvaj and also vulud his mother in guelph has pita wliere she in recovering from broken thigh received when she fill in her hoiik some time ago mus haxcl hsrruon wlio was so wrl oualy injured whrii struck by an auto at wuuga beach lustr bummer now able to take thort walk occasionally her many frleiids will be pleamd to know she making good progroui toward complete recovery mrs grundy lias had to return to has pltil trealment of the injuries sji rectivcd when she and mlwi hurrtsnn urre struck by an uuto ut wasagu beach lust autmmr ibr numerous frlemu in cuorket wn wlah her speedy rcftora tl ii to health heruld ospringe mr and mrs stewart and sons spent sunday with relatives at muton tlie many friends of mrs ida tovol will be pleased to know she is progressing quite favorably fallowing an operation at st joscplis hospital ouelph frlcndj itussell struthcrs wui be pleased to know lie is invalcsclng atur his recent serious illness his mother mrs slruthers is sufferin from an infection in her thumb all wish for tills family speedy recovery mr and mrs mckinnon and blanche and mr and mrs raybum spent the weekend with relatives in kitchener tlie junior girls under the icaderahlp of miss mary campbell and mm winter organised supper club on friday afternoon at the home of miss dorothy mckenxie tlie name chosen for this group is ospringe oven amateurs and they are planning on mevtlng each friday afurnoon at tlie arious girls homes mrs henderson of paluey blocr guelph spent few days with her mother mrs cooke lost uecku mrs mclean is visiting for few days with mrs chlsholm at erin tlie monthly meeting of the women institute uas held on wednesday after noon at the hospitable homo of mrs gordon jackson fourth line when about forty five ladks were prent mrs jackson presided and mrs sunter read the minutes it was decided to start the literary meetings in january again mrs box uas appointed dele gate to tlie toronto convention tho topic for the day temperance waa the subject of an address by miss mcmillan of erin who gave an instruc tive and interesting dlcourse mrs richardson of erin uas also wel come guest tiie roll call why am temperance woman as well res ponded to miss isabel scanlon read an article on the beverage rooms mrs iteld gav splendid reading strong drink is rafting miss cooke read paper on the motto for every evil under the sun tliere is remedy or there none and alo played an instrumental eamy slumber time current events uere 11 lvn by miss ada currle tuo very pleasing solas uorc rendered by mn hcndcnan smllln thro and the wee hoile among the heath lt very pleasing event took place uhen tlu pa ident asked mr ii ndcr on nee margaret cooke to come the front and the folloulnr oddrc wis tlad mrs hend on ir irkaret it nith prtal pltnmirt tint friend membir of the initt tub are pitherld tl tht after to vl nd ti you our lieirtl ukntilitl up ir rtctnt irri ige yi have iw en alued mber of cur org intzatlun for numlwr of ytar th mgh iuit aluays able to bt pre nl jwr nnully ue have been fortunau in having your help in tho preparation of numerous spe die and pupirs your evir llllnif as ktance in the musical part of tho grtms has uho been much enjoy cd your loyalty to your home com munity has heljied us to better live up our motto ijr home and countrj we all join in wishing you mo cordially long and happy life to gether prosperity and the richest of gods blessings as token of our esteem for you we ask you to accept this gift may it ever remind you of the happy urn spent at tlie institute meet ings signed on behalf of tlie institute members mrs oeorg cooke and mm tuns ley made the presentation or an uphol stervd occasional rocker in few will ehaen uords mrs henderson thanked tin hi irs dainty lunch was served and soclul time enjoyed local hockey league has first meeting likely lo have town and rural section with ten team in ieague the annual meeting of the acton rural league was held hi the arena on tueaday overling when all of the teams of inst your grouping but two were re presented tho treasurer report left tha league with bank balance of 92 58 from last year trwr preldcnt elected fa this year was talbot mid the secretarytrea sure was hullo way considerable discussion was iwld as to the advisability if splitting tho league having the rural teams in one group and tho town teams in another as the majority of teams figure tho town teams too strong for tltclr rural rivals however arter lengthy discussion no dennlte decision could be reached and it was decided to wult until future meeting when all the teams would be presented and satis factory agreement reached it was understood that one of the ab sent teams had plans for entering the ontario rural hockey association but tho majority of tho teams decided it was unwb to do this owing to the extra nxpenso it would run into tlie next meeting has been called for next tuvnday it looks as if the fans are going to see some good hockey this winter as the four town teams expected should give all the town boys who want to play chance of getting into the game again not ill soon knqcod maogregor and macpheraon decided to become teetotallers but maogregor thnngm if awim kf if thy hail little courtesies in tlie stir and hurry of life how core loss wo ttro of lluie eouriejea we rudely brush aside lovo that yearns blcs u4 unthinkingly we wound hearts whow joy or sorrow hangs upon our slightest act or word prldo or care lessness checks the spontaneous expres sion of our lovo wo crush und cast aside the flower of life mystery and tlien bemoan tho monotony of existence to bo awake every morning to the uonder and majesty of it all edward howard griggs tlojfr lnouou have you any knowledge of tlie sib and satin departments spent all my life in tivem fih and what about sheets and blan kets born among them mr one bottle erf whiskey to put in the cup board in case of illness after three days macpherson could boar it no longer and he said mac oregot not verra weel too late macpheraon was verra sick me si all day yesterday cheese week apple week cracker week aiaj fresh and tasty good medium mild chpfse special tb 1q choice old canadian cheese special it 5c unest loaf cheese kraft style tb ofir golden bar tb pkg plain or pimicnto 6tb englishtraft spreading cheese pkg 17c apples qt baskets wealthys snow apples hlkinhqm orange spy apples special basket soda crackers nursii aj usual clilcistlt mocottmjck 225c special red bag sodas full pound idc bairs btttrjh xnm dlptrrl ot umaait acton sunday noveuber lsth 1s3s 11 utb wtnwt 2j0o noon sunday school and blb clmimj ijoo ol the ulnlrtrr tueadmjr bjm youn people union thunkuy 7j0 bible btooj umx everybody welooue yrttbgtttiaa mmox cmvtum actob uxv bennie mlitaf uazue willow btrvet sunday november islh 18m 0o tired of beintf reepon ilble 30 the sabbath school 0o prn wnt do you think xot the thank offering next thurwlay the 19th at 00 dock mli vellle anderson will ahow her lan tern aide etc at this meeting always weloolfe sapttet cfptrrlj aorom key baxtem sunday november 15th 1m 10 00 sunday school 00 morning worahip the law tit liberty welcome to all umclamirieo small advertisements caetta five iasertlaaa bog shitting satckbay call b7u tor prlcea trank holmes xxxooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooockjooooooooooog ford flash v8 engine sizes extra economy lower price remodel now at low cost why diuy thai rcmodelling job any iiiiktr use of the ntw government liun which available at low rate of intcrt we hltall be pleased to ko into tlus matter with you hithoul obligation on your part estimates furnished on all classes of buildings the georgetown lumberco limited everything in lumber sash doors mid interior finish toltuul now oiin at illnuu bo to hi store and the woiidrrful ruiud urt orterliitf li hell worth vlaltl com und check our luiied utul you will be wry agreeably kuauuedl we alio handle hydrated ume hardwall plasttr fibre iwn conetit and roohiit of all kimlri cedar posts wan ed phones keorgilown 250 acton 120 milton foe saix tvoknled hand poae citda bar eood is hc attpll 19 lot jtjth ume ere ptemastent waves ir carl icenlner of toonto will be at the beaut parlor tuesda ovi5 ber 17th phone lfhj jes9ie rcssell volt suli xlllk fed chickens and pounds at 23c ptr lb apply it brown phone i0rl2 acction sali daild matthews ntnosa will hold an auction sale of household ffecu on tuesdaj noembcr 17th at tuo ocloc terms cash roy hjndlby aucuonce mattrtssti and comforttrs mattnssu rebuilt ahsaluuly neu veatlur beds made into sanitary fold ing mattress tvathers waslied strip ped and made into down comforters fcjdcrdouns rxcovered itasonable prices repnsntalhe hvrc now 204 box 70 pree pret top fcstatf of u1ul1am kvicirr dectastd all persons owlnc monej to the abo mentioned deceased ore reviulrvd to pa the sanu to ii 1arrhcr solicitor acton ontario and also all persona hawntt cuilmi acaliut the said litate ore reejuvsted to file tlu same ulth the said solicitor 30 mary blanch good iuicfs paid for hors injured cattle or anything rultable for foil meat with injured anlmali phone very prokiptly arid we will pa tho phone cliartrcs tut meat mik be secured immediately to be of ue hores positively never resold under any condition vannatttr pox par1j 10 tf phone d5 rlnc 31 acorgotown notiee to creditors the civdltors and nil other nartlas liuvlnif claims atraltml tho tiuiu of wllham uvoinus ktar late of tlie toun ship of naauautia farmer who tiled on or about upumlwr 37tii 1030 are reoulrvd to sind to tlie upderstned wil icjtor thtlr full numea oddrciiieij and dyyrlptlona full particulars of their cluhiiif and the natuiv of the seciirluea if any held by them and tills notice lwlntf flven nurguont to ctlon 51 of uw trusunsij act 1037 chapter 160 notice in lireby biwn that on and after uu hurtloui day of november 3030 uw jtotecutora will proceed to jutrtbutct uw tuucu of the sold deceud among tlw partial legally fcnutkd tltercto and will not ba rciponslble for any clalma of which tliey have not uin received notice pated uiu twentyninth day of ooto lmf 10 jo william maj11in nkall and aiakandfelt uinctaam nkau tetocutora varithr actoji onurlo theu itoucltor ib patterson bo hpedauai in eye orthopia treatmenaa lal wjnuutan hl nexl ouelpii phone 310 quauty sr