ttte actonfre press thursday november uth 1mi groves bromo quinine call home on those sundays away from home nil howard icmjlh forvjrcl to tlto wcekcnav lie likes to bjkcntl until at home in the liortom of ins family so when prolong buhmchrf trip found him at loowa etula lu utruiigi town that kimny sunday morning hifl cup of borrow and discontent wan overflowing until lie buddnly thought of lou distance and the new low sunday ttateit uill liu almost uh good ua bcuig willi thuii uiought jim oj ho briskly ulcpped to uie telephone botlt anyfttm hntl lo calli low ltht rblcd fcpply mj all day sunday healthful tasty and economical pood for any day in the week ui si iu sd hurid or rid any cl in he ish wht ym tiuyc just hou lu iltliful isty uid economic il idun ish and mulliish cm be iktlih hec uist of tht ir rich store of prou ins it iiiiins and iiuncr ds iodine md other tk mints wiy because ol llu ir tsily dilsttd and iinrl tlivomcd mnt lonoinn il lc ium ish ics uu full due in nourishment for every cent spent sere in idi in fish and sin 11 fish more yoften wh iteverv ly is most rnmenu nt frish rrocn ciniuej smolid puuud or dried em get nourishment in its most delightful form in prime condition from jj iue or river to your lhle department of fisheries ottawa qkzt ok vkkk huuklin uwuiifrmt siaij outwj luy li uy lu iuo il tiuiul iu ul tult urt 104 try ti recipe kippered herring scallop lulr our un jm ku iinllii all lu luttnrl uu ji tl all ulr 1iyr ui li bj1 ilmf li ciui ilhi tlw llu ui rmi luytui ill ij tur ll hill lusrr willi ultri juu 4ul lule in tall glass nnd ab and huaued over to the fcrfeveyvd thmt w5t the last old bui stitt as the baya irreverently dubbed him saw of bob that afternoon james brotey was another teacher who ud the birch in the old cottage roofed school lie was spectacled rather taciturn teacher but efficient in his teaching the big fellows occasion alii tlcd to take round out of him but they generally falrvd th worse for it mr broley boarded ut asa hulls thin kuvo him the opportunity of walk ing to bchuol and often humo again with muirlu matuu ws whoe futh abram malthttts lived arros1 the road from the hull nib intlma rlpnd into love und lvditiidly into wedlock in lq mr urol nt red tin mini try of tin muhodlrt chureh hi llrrt charrt ixu3 ul irln uu hi tatloncd ut bow mojivllli ioulf villi und or utvllu vor if rti thnt icaji lh iuv fultbrul irrvue und oiciiplrd ninnlx of urn chanv ill lu chitri vu rif uhcrr he dl in 1i0 mr brouy nsldud horn until lur tu ith jcuir into how tlilck und fat tolkctlon crowd upon nu uhin call onc of uhj holan uho utu nded uil oltltlmo chool llu ucrv jack hutchkon elliot mid ltd john um ollvrr ander son ar li melaukhllu ifmry lilht heiirt lorn uhthiart dm shook samuel moore john moarv itotx rt iasanr clulkmiood mtmolufc coiu salman hull tommy cuintron olhir hdjjy john uljby john allun we ver ttntlc ulth tlu chlldrcn juim allan jqun mann dick cluiicy and lilt brother jolm from umchousc john cum ron alex cummlns ed mutthluts ilm welbcruld und all uu ulfb beside tlioe t0od old dajii jk fore the time of thlr txhool tlu first iicliool of coune hud an turlk enerj tlon of schokira fornkr vcllknoun jiffy and ran around the barn and trito the miry tracks of the mill pond and joined the others in the cemetery over the cemetery fence they climbed and into ransom adams carrob odd and then around thrdush the garden of webber the miller past hannah bakery and th nee they scattered for home it was clc shave and these gray haired men told for many icara after of how old man overton nearly frightened tho wlln out or them well ttcll how do wander win lt baclc ihiru with thtr boys agal murj has bit culljn mo for uic lust half hour to put out uu luihl und comi ixd nvxl wtek 11 huc to hack up ltwr av nui and recall events of lum tlu uli ide of main btnet from uiul jklnl northward in whlui ut iuuuow tht ilr church of tjig land par on win grants tin vunii ki muleolm kennedy the stoiu iu john holt the uoolun mill mun ill il ured gofid nl ht murv calllnir ui iln lcatuek rootwiak in jatan confined to business hen children soldiers saduibs business directory in japan the use of leather boots and hocs la confined for the most part trf justness men in the larger cities school children soldi and bailors and lilo ipw japanese omcn who dress in ronelgn stylo cl ilhlng peculiar feature of the uthi trade of japan la the steady in tcui vui in uic la li cllins in hor iirst produ tluitj notulliistandliig tlu in jrashlc uj motor transport tho munufncturv of ttunks suit cosca and baits hom uiao luwn steady increase tin ix liit pun hacd the moitt parti by touruu nnd u1 at trlatively low prlc with th irwr inif production of dunn tu it tin import have und uu prurti illy ttjtimrj what imp ir tlu rom lab chhfly of pit nt lutlnr will come principally fr mi caiiudu md milium according to tlu indu tiiul dtpartmnit of tlu can dim nit ii ililluu or colored mh of ullkli td iw cent con wl tf uppi ith fo tn tiiufaclurt into thot tlu riinuindir bciiit bu leather com inclpully from girnunj and hi unit st it sole uathe mostly mvelih iindmidll lratlier ls supplied ulnui intlrdi by the united 3jlu ctli le ithi uch ur that uied to leu ujiluuteri und funov uatheri ire uriht mainly great britain mlllltaln nl jupiitj roller leather peclal liecjiikln ior uic on bplnnliig michini tin bull of tlic fhoep leather whl che ip und hx aixut variety of uil conu from brjtlli india an cxpinjon noted in imports of spec ialty leathcri such as kangaroo lizard and nuke una due to tin ir incrcaalnu in maklnu uomtni liiqc supplies dr mcniven office and residence garner avenue and xjgln street dr nelson pbyslclan and bajyn electro therapy phone dr wm cullen pfajsteian and oftico hours 14 and pm iiiindaih by appointment wilbur mmtjut north of mill street telephone 128 lfoal ar vhone xo 32 boat s3 harold nash farmer barrister soucliw notary tnblle canteyoaoer eta mi1x street acton out moure 030 to 12 00 noon oo tooop oaturdsys 12 00 oclock reildmts uch or alexander ruiican und lnclilan kennedy rutcu hall edward thomas and william moore jumcs and have been reminded of an omlulon john cumminy charle cameron john and liobert warrtrr wilbur adame jos number of inurmenu that are in the tthtut jur brown and jo lusby old pioneer cemetery neglected to lind oihtr uho hllvl iti qv with that muruart bain ulfe ot ilev thelr 1ur uori ju ord mclachlun wai icbo ntcrrvd hero an nu nnd not ouur think becamo confuted in my uiin thp oqi lind ua to date it is nou fifty yearn tlnce an li tl or nlna iwttr tom ove ton blacmith shop was iluaj an attraction to uie boyu and irb colnj jo and from each for many yvar acton econd pubhv uccl4 docade brought new job of schml tood on the laun on the north rcno lhc lnlercjt ln the old rmlthy cart comer in front or tlu old knox nocr tt utrtd mftn hoi and llrt church it uaa cotupc rooiid building came ln for imioc tnterct of ortl room the only playcround as ull bmuil blicmlth turning red hot iiopl hoc caused uiem to be lute in my article last week mentioned burial has token pi ice there har kiwii jou wuleh over uicm con uintly reprove earnestly udvtrklti may wither them slclouiu may fade cold uorld may froun on them but amidst all let memory carry them buck to home uhctv uie law of kindness relun cd uhere thr mothers reproving eye won molrttntd ulth ar and the father ur frowned more in sorrow than ln anger come for the met part from the united jwllth ilurrltt stitv and orut britain kenneth langd0n buristtf soucltor notary pnuv it ices acton oe over seynuck cafe main street for appointments ihoni acton 60 tf oeorgetown 88 office hours acton tueaday anc rhursday is to jo to rwo lngs on request in front of the chur and on main street thv tlrst rchool erected uas on the cormr of ulver street 1tnd main street and still atindr there having been for ovvr thirtyfive year past uic resld encc of creuon mclauffhlin thoinaa overton had opened blacksmith shop on lot bctdc the stream ind npxo to the old california iiou1 xir nelson moore home novv occupleii the alte of this old blucljnlth chop mr oveaton nccotlated for the school bulldlruj for re idenct he lt nnd the nevv school uaa built in the xrhurchyard singularly enough this econd tchool though tuice removed from uie church yard site ctlll stands and has also been in as residence for many years about the jear 18gb or 1070 when the new stone school building or two rooms and library had been erected and oc cupied neveral years captain william allan purchased the vacated building on uie chur laun he removed lt to site on aflnei street txtueen maria and guclph in fact on the property where uie line brick residence of goardrnore co tiow stands and where mv and mrs joljn clarke and family resided for several years and uaa also occupied for number of ycam by uie late nelson garden and mrs garden and family by making extens vc improvements col allan for he was promoted to the caloncncy of the hulton lorru rtlfloj about thl time provided very com fortable home for himself nnd hu family and lived there for many ycir adam uuni purchajud the property from col allan and he and hb imlly auo resided there for ieirs when mr ci irkt vv maklnr prep ir tlon fu tlu erection of his ldenc ovlt tvvtntj ji he dspocd if this and it vv mow uil ircim op rty onquttnstic far fr tht it en slni on th it nil md it 111 comrrt ible wlu dw ird lyler sr and chi now ri id my mein irli and nuc rither ix tint in ide uts cllnt th old build nu in tin dis uh lt ait nt publu sch ul it ui hif rt tht di of fiv ihl nul th pinny uiek uu di in thdtd bj the uliir vi ry mond iy nili ilnd mv tdd nu mory ut fault whin try to tw it of tlu tiulur uh ui ht thi jouiut idea hou to hoot in th thlui in this lute etln 11 iiki dint mi mbi lutlnr ml lllll ulu mi ht in tin btr rum or tlu id audi motel ift tin bu lilt wh uas in jwd tin ton bulldlui down at th rmr of mill and main ui ir vu mw of tin uchert hire ilun vv grihain uho uiiih durhu tin lay md run mdy in the julldliu ulun mr und mr hill nuil llvi at um iitrm tint li in nt ut of th lluri uui all phu ehar irt rltlt illy rn id tlnw iclu an win 11 uh in lh hi uf ilul iv iv no pirtli nl ir ivi an punt nu nt hi unr ilv ur bin uu di uld mi tlmi lk th in tin hji lh j1i mil lirnul uu tilil tin mdu md lukul him out hi jue oded in heeling tp iiitiuiu mil it hi hob ciiiii ui th pitncpil ndi und mud ufti him with hl tun ib ua di unnlnjd not to ix uillil und thr null tht rr in mill ttu lu id mil ht hut mhiu th ir wludjw tukliig ith lual ring for for tchool or late in ettlnfr home the flyinr iparks nnd the ringing of the anvil ver ce ed to uln their atten tion longfellou classic the village black mith applle ulth more or less exacti tude to this ouner of this early buslnesj cuutc of acton groulruf etreclf under the spreading client nut tree th villa mluiy stands the smith mighty man is he with lurtic and sinewy hands and the niu of hl brawny amu arc strong os iron bands his hair is und black and lone jil face like the tan hl ou 1j uet ulth honest uxat he eane whateer he can and looks the whole world in the ficc tor he owvs not any man week in week out from morn till nlpht you can heir hi bellows blow you cun hear him lowing his heavy sledt with meiur beat and like ringing the village bell when the evening sun is lou and children coming horne from loot in at the open door they love to see the flaming forge and hear the bellow roar and catch the burning sparki that fly like chaff from thrcdilng floor rocs on sunday to the church and sits among his boy he hears the pardon pray and preach he hear his daughters voice sliilinj in uu illiire choir and lt mikt hls heart jolce loliinc nj dclnt orrowlnj onvv ird throut jllci lit ros lich rnin et nu ist bi iuii la venliil il cl som thlni ittempied unu thlni done arued nil ht hanic thnnl th my worthy trii nd uu th li in uitji ihu hi mi ui lo of life our rt inn in nivht il um um null sh ipi uh rnlnt it tl und th nuht hut wink overt the blickmlth vv tic nnd tin oys und girl it hi mlthy or tluy did not ulu ay npay hi indn with kl behivlou 11k old mm hid tempi and onu of tin bl tr wt re oik unnuy him in vurl is iyi me hid ird behind th jp mti niiliiber of eh lice apple tritl rt vv tin one plciiilly ir sui ipple toid ju ixhlnd th shop nu nib oiu tl iy in iti august uhin tlu in wiu loudimj with the hu us harvi ipphj th aquirtittt jf uu big rh iii cum aloiii from chool die ihurtill who wn uluuys mild iu mm rid und lnimet nl looking lid ui im lnt tht jmp ti hold the bluck multh iiuntlon by ti lllng him ome thing ibutihool notn thlni think its lull uu compluhlng in hli ttulu ciuttou ly ul mcgirvln juki mie and john mill mule tin ir iy ut uu rt ir and pn ired to lo id up with th ill man uppi mr ovirum hil mn th lids if tin to of ida tiun but uh hop aiul il pecti ml li ju ld meaurvin wuu up in lh trei hiding diwn thn uppi the it mm ru lud up tin in hla hatluri 11 inu uiul hlit thunderous word hu it iilu mounding for yards ovi tin liyii llu tuiyi biiilivilid ln get lli iwuy ulth th tkln of their teeth uppui their moutlis re 1d jot out of ulo tret ill the smile of victory will the cheers of millions ot citizens nnilnp in ni ejrs pre dent franltlln del no rtoosvcltr hts his famous smile for me camira as he hears the election returns droda dons torontos puckstopping gear dental buchanan office in lishnuutbloc houra until evening by appointment gu for extraction claud wednesday arternoon phoo 149 pearcn denial barreoa moved to our new quarters in the symon block von 39 m1u street aston mlscujlastous fkancis nunan bookblnaw account book of all kind toma to order periodical of fevery deacxiptlon carefully bound ruling hetly mnd promptly done wyndbjem street otielph out general in we stteimuan tn lite fire health ami accident automobile windstorm plate glass boae fidellly honda annuities and all general lines of insurance also ocean steamship tickets leading comallks kxcrxletrr jacluties hpreaetittl roltlra axaoefat lod bir catud fer mbsoqj only fired wright oblce coolkr iiloek olflta 95 lioiu uld 16jjt want to sell something is all idy lo itch flylni puck and it iblc lob as miliar ci ii fi hit iiuinln mupk lenfi wdlter iurk llrodu the sh11k ii mlv hi il conny sinyllu ban ht from duron olympics sprn ulw on his nit llroda mui ou uil vlu ran giori nn worlh to uu hu job wliii wont be in ny his work at tlu ifs troiiilni cum wivir has duwn nl luthls fitini the hot faithful cat liu im cm aillui sold ymu vxras tanall ad uio qulckost choapooi wny to itnd buyer only cknt awobd1