paos aooht ihe acton free priess thursday november 13uv 1039 notices of births ftuxtiajv an deaths are inserted la this column without chai la memoriam notices foe and too per additional for poetry ibabrjwebflter on saturday no vember 7th 19m in st albana church acton ontario by the her bfuilngftr slgnl laurlne aecand daughter of mr and mrs web ebor acton to rodger barr jr eon of mr and mrs rodger barr of mlselssauga lodge farm port credit ontario died x3bat st josephs hospital quclph on sunday november 8th 1936 sarah louise mcfarlane widow of the late william lee in her 76th year bowman at the home of her son harry bowman muton ontario on tuesday november 10th 1036 chris tina mcleod widow of the late james bowman in her 83rd year in memokiam ntcol in loving memory of dear wife and mother mrs john nieol who passed away november lth 1034 as wonderful mother we think of you in memories tint are fond and true there wasnt thing too big or too small that she wouldnt try to do for us all its sad but true we wonder why the best are always the first to die qulckly and quietly came the call her sudden death surprised lis all we have lost but cod has gained one of the best the world contained sadly missed by husband and family ocals no mono holidays tmm nrw nt christmas there have been few complaints about the weather uils fall majority of the stores in acton were closed yesterday all day municipal nominations arc scheduled for two weeks from tomorrow the wreaths for jftcmcmbranco day yero on view in burrs grocery window actqii legionnaires took port hi the remembrance day services at bockwood and nassaguwcya yesterday iit albans girls club licld very successful tea and baking sale on satur day afternoon in the parish hall additional service has been put on tbo arrow coach lines and uie bus arriving in acton at 105 am from tor onto now operates dully bolton will vote onvitortday proposal to hiatal waterworks in the town the town will bo well served its progressive citizens are in ttie major ity rev morrow was the anniver sary speaker at erin united church an niversary service on sunday ucv merrier of the erin charge occupied the pulpit in the united church here mrs william morley of morrlston while visiting at the old cockburn home mlrlnwn flight of fif teen steps and sustained painful in juries mrs morley was bruised and badly shaken but no bones were broken subscriber in renewing says enclosed and cheque for another year we always enjoy tin suac passu and want to congratulate you on lb high standard these notes and enclosures help loo in maintaining high standard mbs bennett south porcupine many friends in acton win regret to learn of the death in south porcupine of mrs bennett who removed there from acton last febrtiair with mr and mrs maoquarrlo mra bennctt had been all invalid for the past six years and xwraryuo stroke brought about her demise on wednesday of last week she was seventyeight years of age she leaves family of three to revere the memary of be loved mother mrs maoquarrle and messrs and bennett of tlm mina she ww member of the pres byterian church the funeral was held on friday with interment at tlmmlnt badminton group visits in guelph splendid games with racquet club guelph won acton badminton club visited ouclph baoquet club in the quclph ymoa last night and enjoyed very good set of games guelph were victorious scor ing 193 points to actons iso they won 13 games and acton took 10 the fol lowing are the scores mixed double ecclestone and dobble guelph vs burnley and mcphcrson acton 114 7ll butler and mrs butler ouclph vs clialmcrs and hinton acton iiioill savllle and chris yeatefl ouclph vs mooney and holmes acton 1110 115 yeatcs and savllle ouclph vs chalmers and dr nelson acton 114 1011 lciipecr and pat hobsoii quclph vs chalmers george temery acton 411 311 brown and florence why te guelpli vs chalmers and burnley acton 011 411 ladles doablea remington and jean savlllfc quelph vs chalmers and chal mers actonh3 114 dobbie and mlclile guelph vs chalmers and mcpherson acton 711 sll mena boablca jack gordon and doughty ouclph vs hinton and vic burnley acton 311 711 warton und butler ouelpli vs dr kelson and george emery acton 110 1110 leu peer and ecclestone guelph vh mcgeachle and cook acton 111 113 after the games delightful lunch was served and social ume spent activities the boxing and wrestling club was launched for this season at meeting in the on monday night the first workout was set for wednesday night and the members are looking forward to lively program during the coming months the leaders of the club are mr woi oclestiau and mr wolfe the next meeting of the group will be monday at 700 pan tumbling club to be organised all men and older boys interested in tum bling are invited to attend meeting at the on monday at 730 already several members liave signified interest this group so it sliould get away to good start plans are all complete for the men club supper on wednesday november 18th and the committee art now ready to dispose of their tickets this ladles night so special efforts are being made to suitably mark the occasion all men are urged to plan to come bring their ladies and enjoy delightful even ing ttckels can he secured from ic qraham if praser hlnum macrae matthews or george emery wants moris territory we had cull tlw oilier day from prank of ilockwood and he now feels that if mr allan lcishnuut hud made his challenge for checker to cover nine miles from acton there would have been plenty of opponents to accept his challenge looks as if there should be three or four cluscd lit this checker event with several territory divisions havent heard wlio tlo champion is yet or ofthe challenges halloween social the held very enjoy able halloween social at the home of mr mcculiough on wednesday of last week the prizes for tlie best costume were awarded as follows ladles mis laura johnston gents mr clar fldgo tlui most ridiculous costuum mr howard switaer lunch was served and the evening spent in playing cards and dancing masonic visitors on monday evening about twentyfive masons of campbcllvllle lodge visited acton masons at walker lodge the visitors had charge of the degree work which they exemplified in splendid manner after the work of uie evening lunch was served number of the visitors addressed the gathering couple of carloads were down from quelph for this visit 1937 plowing match to guelph guelph is assured of the international plowing match in 1037 nell black cliairman of the agricultural commit tee of wellington county council an nounced this week directors of the plowmens association were in that city saturday when tliy inspected number of district forms with regard to suit ability of the land for plowing after huge crowds at cornwall this year olticlals expect the match in 1037 will draw an attendance of more than 200000 persons there is possibility that group of plowmen from scotland may give demonstration at the show tongue rwurncus you have nimble tongue if you can xay these three times quickly without mistake city chop ahops should stop selling chop without chins llvt fat frogs fanning thre fainting tlsli chichester church stuiuu in chiches ter churchyurd chased pup up uppr parliament parudv sloukun age llttk willie lliut aint no rhinoceros unit hippo pou us ciait you se it aint got iuj rudlutor cup esquesing council met on monday relief accounts of l70js3 and road sheets of 175195 are passed for payment the esquesing council held their regu lar monthly mo ting on monday after noon deputyreeve robinson councillors wilson may and edwin harrop were present bocve george currie presided at the meeting the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed comrnhnicatlons were read from geo elliott canadian legion and george brown mr barrla of the bell telephone co and reeve mran of chlnguocousy ad dressed the meeting moved by may seconded by robinson that the treasurer pay tha relief accounts as presented by the rclier officer 170s3rcartied moved by robinson seconded by may that tha treasurer pay the rood sheets as presented by road superintendent 173105 carried other accounts passed for payment by treasurer wcro bell telephone co 763 mra jenklnson to cleaning council chamber s35 hal ton pire insurance co premium on house at stcwart town 600 baxter shooting hounds worrying sheep 1000 smith cord wood for tlw council chamber 850 sanford re weeds and ttircsh lng mocliines and kupplles 2072 hiompson attendance at judges court of revision 500 benton attendance at judgur court of revbion 500 thompson electing jurors 500 benton selecting jurora g00 george currie selecting jurorn g00 bennett selecting jurors 500 bennett supplies 75 george elliott re dobble on accouno 5000 moved by robinson seconded by may that this council approve of bylaw granting tlie road superin tendent full control over erecting any poles or making any repairs by the bell telephone co providing it is approved by our township solicitor carried moved by edwin harrop seconded by robinson that tills council ac cept l4e lender of brown of 75c per 100 for tax collectors bond also insurance on township building at 100 per 100 yearly carried moved by robinson seconded by may that the treasurer pay georgetown pair board 7500 acton pair board 7500 poppy day pund per blackburn 1500 carried moved by edwin harrop seconded by wilson that the treasurer pay sheep claims baxter pure bred aheep injured 1000 lindsay valuer 400 carried moved by robinson seconded by may that this council do now adjourn to meeti tuesday december 15th at 1000 am or at the cull of the reeve carried short courses for kilbride announcement lias just been made by agricultural representative wliitc lock that the local branch of the on tario department of agriculture will con duct one month short courses in agricul ture and home economics ub kilbride commencing november 24th mr white lock will be assisted reynolds who farms near port hope the younj mens course will be on general agricul ture with special attention to live stock held crops soils and fertilisers farm mechanics public speaking marketing etc at the girls course miss alleta smith of glaniord will be in charge and instruct re poods and cooking miss smith will have as her assistant miss pulton of shcddan who will be respon sible for instruction in clothing ac cording to mr whitelock prospects are excellent for good turn out of youn people from uu kilbride lowville and campbcllvllle districts uttmbox alberta fbke pbessing again dear puce piess in letter yesterday from valued friend far away whom have not seen for sixteen years he remarked about soloist he hod recently heard who sang in such way that 70u aecmed to fetl ho hod heard and felt what ho was bulging he added the remark that so many fail to make oven the words under stood about day previous the calgary herald had letter complaining in somo what similar manner which nave since clipped how nice it would be if the scottish vocalists male onjlfemale who sing over tho radio as weuas those who sing in certain offuvch choirs on sun days would try not to roll their rv quite as much as they do this unfortunate characteristic is most annoying and in my opinion detracts greatly from tho cluurm and beauty of such singing it reminds one of barrow load of bricks being hauled over rocky road the writer of tho above item certainly has tho faculty of comparison strongly developed and yet both in his remarks and in those of my friends across the distances there is much to think about surely the chief and vluj object of liming to people is like that of public address not to show what the performer knows or can do but to bring useful message to the listener what differ ent treatment for instance nearly every one has heard in the rendition of know that my redeemer livcth from the quivering wobbling of some to the full triumphant expression intended by the composer mrc harrison had noli yet be come un acton citizen when our term there ocaed but personal reasons aid in being interested in the farewell gath ering convened in his home with its accompanying testimonial during two years residence in montreal tlierc were three pleasant interviews the first was in september 1035 when he escorted to victorc home companion of family tourist group to mectlth neighbors of long ago one of actons best known and beloved citizens there were two other occasions when on visit to bit james united church to hear tome celebrity was pleased to be recognized and sought out by mr who improved his sunday evening stay in thus attending there is much discussion here as to drilling for war some out and out op posed but drilling tor oil or gas goes on to tremendous depths c000 feet and more coleman turner valley alta bloomsbury literary society the opening meeting of bloomsbury literary society for tiro winter season was held in the school at no nassaguweya on the evening of novem ber 4th and was largely attended the president alex near was chair man after tho regular business was dis pensed with tho following program wm presented solo mr ross gordon har monica selection mr cecil wilson piano solo miss marlon watson tho following officers woro elected for tho ensuing year president manscll ncllls vicepresident ilos patterson secretary mrs alex near treasurer mac mclaughlin executive misses mary mcphedran ruby mcphcrson morion watson messrs vongooxen clarence wilson pianist mra vongooaen progressive euchre was enjoyed with mrs vatiooozen whining ladys prize and jock vanaoobcn whining gentle mans prize lunch was served and social half hour spent hi concluding maybe tiiexshoxjlb mrs newedd darling this is my nrst pie mr newedd oh what treasure lets keep it instead of eating it lucky number coupon friday november 13 1220 if your number apondk with uio card displayed in the window eft bar quality grocery and you art in pvwoion of counter receipt for parehaae at any rtore advertiidnf in tlua burae clip uoa coupon and preaent botn coupon and receipt to the fttek press ohlc and rcoelrc im in caah the winning number together with the name qf the person holding same will be published in this coupon each issue oooooooemexoooooexooooeoockoooc make your shopping lists from the ads faults and vi11tues large gain in employment over 2fl500 oddltioual workers were absorbed by canadian industries during september when industrial employment registered the largest gain of the cur rent year report issued by the do minion bureau of statistics shows that 10020 firms increased their staffs from 1015g30 employees on september 1st to 1044170 on october 1st figures for october 1st 1035 show that 0414 em ployers had payrolls aggregating 007017 workers the most outstanding features of the october 1st 193c survey of employment were the unusually pronounced increases in manufacturing in which the co operating establishments absorbed nearly 1sc0o additional workers and in log ging which directly provided work for practically 11700 more persons than at september 1st the expansion in each of these industries was greater than hi any other year for which statistici are available mining and trade also re corded substantially heightened activity in services construction and mainten ance the trend was aeosonolly down ward and there were also losses in trans portation toe reward jones to partner business has been wonderful all week dont you think we ought to reward the staff by all means said the partner let us pay them their salaries we may if we choose make the worst of one another everyone has his weak mints everyone has his faults we may make tlu worst of thesj but we may also make the best of one another by loving whatever li lovable in those around us love will how back from the in to us and life will become pleasure instead of pain and earth will become like heaven und we shall become not unworthy followers of illm whose num is love dean stanley maytli yes maybe no now boys lijild tlu teacher tell me the uiiu vv the zodiac you hrt thomas taurus thr bull right now you harold another one cancer the crab right ugulu and now its your turn albert tlw boy looked punxled hesitated moijunt and tlwn blurld out mickey tlie mouse royal guelph now ilayino george arliss east meets west slfuuilav monnay tukkiiay wkdnkshay novimher 141g171h the charge of tho light brigade kiyoi llyun olivia do havilalid the wokai lanccre ij3gi cuiiliuoj ktunly frum k00 pta shake hands mr park tlothesqualitv brand he will be here on friday nov 20 it is pleasure to introduce this experienced stylist of clothes of quality his visit is important to men of this community because he will present for their inspection the finest range of new woolens yet offered by clothes of quality his experience as wellknown style annotator is at your disposal if superior clothing interests you youll want to meet the clothes of quality representative the date is important elliott bros federal government may launch slam clearance project after viurs campaigning on the part of thousand of tmljghtetied cltlxen notably dr herbert bruce liuuteiiaittgovcruor of ontario tht cunutliun government it is indicut ance and reliouslng project the announcement cuiim from hon nor man ttogers federal minister of labor who hufi just returned tram england mr iloguni shown in td is vuon to launch tdum clear set explained that he was about to look into several proposals made to the government typical can adian slum dwelling and new bri tish workers partmenu are shown above