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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 19 Nov 1936, p. 1

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zjr sixtysecoird yeaiwno 21 acton ontario thursday november luth uuli eight homeprint pages five cents toronto papers to amalgamate on monday meeting of st albans hill billy trustees nonplussed and exasperated teacher and pupils who in aisled on spelling words backwurda and stapdlng on their htnds when told to stand up were the amusing characters in the play school for backwards the mail and empire has been jiaxt of the prograjnrgtentcd cm tucj parchased by the globe and day owning in parish moi by aroup will be issued as globe of at aiban voun topics nnd midi kari bunjter was indeed pux an when his neighbor took him to announcement was mack this morning urt for having too many children and that the mill and empire has been pur vile odor in his house icaused by six cwed by the globe printing company barrels of souer kraut this was th and is being incorporated into now predicament witnessed in the trial of and greater newspaper the olobw and new rates are effective december 1st approval of ontario commission given for reductions and also purchase of liondh which will tm published for wio first time on monday morning production of the merged journal the largest morning paper in canada and the second largest dally in the dominion will he carried on for the time being in the karl von bunker the entire program was as follows hymn play the school for back wards solo the garden of today sung by frances chisholm the history of some of the best known and loved hymns was givcti by mlss barbara at the hicetlng of acton public utilities commission on tuesday evening com tnlssloner hansen and itocvo harrison wcru present accounts were uuthorhsrd for payment us follows hydro department present plant of the mail and empire fc taylor play the trial of ka von king nd bay streets within few bunker those who took part in the monthst construction of modern news tw th for paper plant will be commenced at the thelm novell dorothy baylus ruth northeast corner of king and york hubble ada elliott uarryware george streets and the globe and mall will 041 120 boo 008 200 10703 fs5 ware and jack baker the players in the trial of karl von bunker were harry ware george ware jack baker harry rogers alice taylor ada elliot thclma lovell dot baylus phyllis mac key huth hubble eleanor jocquc and daisy buchanan the meeting closed with tlie singing of the national an tliem begin publication in this new building by next fall the new and stronger newspaper en tity created by welding of the mail and empire with the plobe will bo com pletely independent in politics and in its general policy with regard to the welfare of the community and the nation this was particularly emphasiz ed by george aiccullagh president of the globe jointing company in outlin ing his plans for the new publication wm ohuru lifelong resident of peel in addition to tno circulation good county died in tlie peel memorial hos wlu and assets of the mail and empire oil tuesday of injuries the purchase also involved the property iv wnon his farm wagon won struck owned by the mall pricing company bv ttuck cllar mcmillan at king and york stretston which the cheltenham monday nlghton no new plant of the otobc and mall is tj highway east of brampton be erected tbprcsent building and ohuru was on his way to iris home slic ofthe mail and emplro has not tnc an waff0 drivlii weit bell telephone co services symon hardware supplies josn lteid heater installation norton motors unti freeze iylcrs transport and of ontario lamps buares ltd supplies canadian lino materials lid supplies 5250 community electric supply co supplies mcdonald electric ltd supplies powcrllto devices ltd supplies dominion cutout co ltd sup plies iakku the frkk press the following not was vecelwd tlib morning from mr white lick agricultural representative it uppears that the reading public appreciate the presentation of the local hews in tnc pe initti columns the demand for extra copies each veck continues to in tho executive of the hulton plowmens association li very much dffllgtited with the general etup and publicity you gave thoir annua match and am wonder ing if you would liave about two dozen additional copies of your issue of november 12th available we are of course particularly interested in the first page which contains the article and if thu number of copies are available would appreciate having them sent forward together with tlie account for same reeve storey to be candidate for eramosa councillors express their inten tions at clone of meeting on monday knox thank offering ladies night at the 1104 united church 084 dies from injuries 22385 waterworks iftvparixnent hydro department power and heating at spring 43br canadian joints man villa co supplies hydro dept october opera tlonr 5700 the womens missionary socloty of the united church wus held in the church on thursday evening november 12th tlie president mrs batberee wus in cliarge mliji pern brown read tile bible lesson mrs brown read tile devotional topic jesus the great teacher mrs hemstrcet and members of her group dnunutltixl cliapter two of tlie new itudy book men and women tof the par horltono tlw spirit of edu cation was taken by miss j3 ben tlw statutory meeting of counrl was held hi tn town hull uockwood on kiturduy november 15ti ut 700 pm pivmnt heuve tjtorcy in the chair ojuncillorji albert lush john hindhy omy and wm pinkmy tlie report of the chairman of the tin autumn thank offering meeting of knox win held in the class room thursday afternoon mrs blow pre hiding ilie tntiting opened by sinning tin doxolocy and pruyor by tlie pre uidnt mr blow welcomed the guests from knox church guelph and boston prvsb terlutl church psalm 130 wa rcud by mrs it mcdonald followed by pruyvr by mrs mainprbte solo mens club rev johnston in thrills and spills addretih ielijhted gatherinif was sung by mrs allan mrs williams toronto was guest speaker and gave splendid iuul inspiring addnss licr sub ject being 1icturx memories somo memory pictures are huppy some sad some helpful und interesting one of her word pictures was the life of mildred local board ot health was prtsentedand our muslonttry supctin ucccpled on motion of messrs pinkiiuy und lush on motion of messrs gray and hind ley the bylaw form forwarded by the bell telephone co was laid over tor further consideration moved by messrs lush and pinkney ujid curried lite acton and rock wood brunch of tin canadian legion be grant ed the sum of j1500 moved by messrs gruy ojul hlndley and currkd lliat accounts amounting to 1664 co be passed for payment and council adjourn to december ifith at coo pin been acquired but will be leased us the publishing and production headquur of the now paper negotiations leading up to the salo were commenced last friday mr mc cullagh revealed and discussions were continued on saturday the parley was resumed on tuesday and reached con clusion on wednesday afternoon bloomsbury literary meeting bloomsbury uurary society held lit meeting in the school of no na kaguweyu on the evening of november 10th the president mansel kclus was chairman while the regular bimlnes wv conducted the program was in cliargv of tlie executive and boss patterson presided while tlw following numbers were given harmonica selection mr cecil wilson rvadlng entitled home sueet home bymrs george watson met with heary applause piano solo mlw alma watson harmonica selection jack vuiigoozen reading entitled the pool by rtoss patterson was followed by duett by misss vfarlon and almawutson con undrums by vangooien uero solved by alex near musical number by mis marlon watson and mansel nellls concluded tlie program progressive euclire uas then enjojed ptims were won by marlon watson and jlos patterson lunch was sened alter which the meeting adjourned along the highway his wagon wafc over taken by the truck and the lmpac literally totv the wugon uiiart one oi the horses was killed in tlie crash ollara war critically injured about fcht head and chest and following examina tion by dr ii brydon no hope woa held for his recovery mcmillan was arrested on charge of reckless driving by traffic officer ray hodgson bramp ton and lodged in brampton jail he was later released on ball of 500 highway accident mrs ddble jr suffered injuries to lur hip uhen the car in which mr and mrs doble were returning to lis toucl on sunday vveninc from acton kidded on jilece of ley pavement just ittust of rockwood mr doble was fol louing car and uos about to pass uhen he saw another car approaching he applied his brakes and the car wvnt out of control tlie rear end struck car owned by albert peers toronto and the approaching car ucnt into the ditch but uas undamaged mr dobies car and peers car ucre both damaged nett the work of missionary teacher in africa was told by mrs morrow utter from the ontario hydro com birii who told of the story of slon gave approval tor investment of ner brothers accepuince or chrktian surplus fundi of s1500 in dominion uy by miss ii speight hindu girl of canada bonds who brntiuil as doctor by mlj another letter from the ontario hydro moffat ccmnrisslon oavc approval or tlie new mrs cleave told how the chinese rates to go into effect on all readings women are taught to read and how an of metres after december first tlie new elderly chinese woman was accepted rates effective after that date will have into the church told by mrs barberee no service charge for domestic service rev dr morrow sang solo accom and bz per kwh for first co and panud by mrs arnold dr mor for additional row cloed the meeting with prayer commercial rates will be 2c for iirst 100 kwh and ogc for additional power charge will be 21c per kwh for 50 hours and 4c for next 50 hours plus 33c for all additional monthly consumption these new rater will be jffcctue tlierefare on the accounts pay able in january nnd february approval was given for repairs to tlu pump at the waterworks spring the list of arrears was checkvu and instructions issued for their collection taylor dies in toronto hoys blamed for milton fire milton pollcj aliened three milton juvenile uere respjusible for tile fire tthtrh blazed up in large stack of strav in tlu horse stables at the ilajton county atlruuurai societys fair grounds tne milton fire brigade responded quickly and prevented the buildings from going up in flames provincial constable oliver and chief uf police hatfield in vestigated committed for trial as the result of tight in an hou1 in hamilton saturday night after which fred carlwrlght blacksmith or the vil lage of moffat received 11 stitches about thv throat gerald ten eyck was com mitted for trial in higher court on charges of aggravated assault und cut ting with intent to malm according to evidence carlwjlght was in the kitchen of the hotel taking to the cook when ten eyck came in and fight startm thought lie scratched mc ulth hli hand uut jc tunnot surivuu uaudcuxi drtwrlght teaihed xjrs carturliu testified she uw bloodstained knife on table in the kitchen and then saw woman hold it under the tap one cut on canwrlghls throat was three inches lm while another uas one and half lnris he was also cut on thchet boiton favors vvatekvvokks instauvtion holton ouireiii voted overw helmlnsu li fuvj of the installation of wuer works sben in the vlllajr on moudaj lflij voters nurklii their ballots for the watttwrl while orlv 3u voted ugalnsl til prop val udvuku the village ctun ll the vote uas me of tlu laru it in the hlors of the 111 ne jk vurr of toal of s64 lkted niarlln bally two illoti mu siwjiled th poiiasd mmem wll tike wit from udtfp well und store ll in lauk high oi hill ij th suth of tlie mil ig lo ruvije coiutanl pteviure the jcouiku hja that time the siwh my be eiilortd to provid water for rllghlc ht tile it uvpjt the ti titnud cvvit of uw hutitlbillon s30 0oo brampton artists on acton program concert last night proved an enjoyable nnd well chosen event tliere was fair attendance at the concert last night bionsored by tlie baptist ladles aid and mission circle those who did not nttend the event missed splendid evening of entertain ment urumpton artists were gerurous in assisting at thl concert and their numbers uvre greatly appreciated the knox sunday school orclustra under the leadership of mr spiel vogel gave group of splendid selection the golden star male quartette of ilrimpton contributed big share of th progrum their numbrs were pleaslng iv varied and will rendered thla quar tette cumprlirfs mr robertson baritone mr llallt bass mr clark first tenor and mr hearn secoiui tenor with mr sittm ii their aceompanlst llltle lly culhbert with her re ui delighted with ever number end pirl uuutoii and his plain uc rdion ul ujiplaiided and recall far ever iiumoer mlves anderson and nthtcott vocil duett eontribited spundll numbers theve uere all ur niton artlsls uur their acton visit appn elated while litje ihttvj putjiiberi ls but he other extreme in on this pr rani ivmr thv hlbv win it ha ars of age gave humorous that derionslritsl hit age no bar to ibllv mcsrs 11 splelviel and chas uirdslkirough in cornet duett and mr oles in vocal oo were ojiioj my ileal atists round nit thl well balaiued program itev ijaxttr uas tlie chairman who kept thi event running alojjt and mr coles explained the pur wjtjq of thu cotjjert which was rvall to vut forniur lealdnt of acton in passage his home ui engund the death occurred in toronto of talor for more than quarter of century one of guelphs leading lndus trl lists mr taylor former president ond general manager of the taylor forbes company pla ed an important part in guelphs public life his bene volent work and philanthropies ranking him as one of the most generous men of the province going to guelph in 1002 from toronto where lit had been general manager of the dominion radiator company he as sumed the management of the woodyntt co uhlch later became the badminton club visits in toronto mr and mrs george emery presented with iamp by former associates on tuesday evening team of ehe placers from the acton ba linton club ucnt to toronto to pla against the eglinton badminton club tlie tailorforbes co he retired from the tournament was greatly enjoved by compiny about seven jears ago to re everyone and while acton were little at the conclusion of business the clerk frank day was invited to the chair and after thanking uw council for their ikludneils and courtesy through the year stated that it was usuul but not com pubtory for tlie members of council to announce their intentions with regard to becoming candidates for the following jcar and ocplalnedthit when this was done at the last meeting before nomina hon the ratepayers uere in position to consider the question of new nomin ations wlure necessary on being called to speak reeve ii storey stated that he would be again candidate for the reeveshlp depressing his thanks to the other members of council for their cooperation and voic ing his opinion that after one year at the county council he was better prc pared to give efficient service as county councillor councillor albert lush thanked hli tallow members for their assistance dur ing the year and expressed desire to retire from council ir some other ratc paer in the west division would take up the representation coun lllor graj thanked his col leauuu for helping to make his first vear in council pleasant experienc he stated that while differences had arlsvn during the jcar on matters of iiulicj he considered that each member of council still held the personal re spect of his fellows he intended to be candidate for council for 1037 councillor wm plnkuey spoke in imllar strain and announced that he uos at thev bcri ice of the electors as councillor for 1037 counilllor john hlndley in his usual happy and humorous style thanked the members of council and officials for their asslstance throughout the year and announced hts intention of becom ing candidate for either reeve or councillor road superintendent james oakea spoke briefly and reller officer john henderson expressed desire to be re lieved of his duties at the new year acton mens club lias indeed been fortunate iff tlie speakers wh6 have ad drrtwd ns two metiiufs and last night the gutherlng tliat partook had an even ing they will lonjf remember rev johnston the guest speaker proved to be more tlian advance notices of his visit he pastor of egtlnton avenue united church past president of kiwunls and man who lias travel led und originally came from ireland pack that into one individual who has good delivery pleasing personality and fund of stories and an aftcr dlnnev speaker more than usual was the outcome but mr johnston liad message he culled it the thrills and spills of life the jeriod of safety and com placency from 1010 to 19u had tbeen spilled by the great war the war had spilled the best of our manhood in thp slaughter tlie period of prosperity from 1020 to 1028 hod been spilled by crazy speculation and now we see national ism growing up that ut liable to spill our present institution hi contended that north america was in strategic position kutionallsm had become almost sort of religion but hcc the annual meeting of dublin liter canada und tlie united states with aj socletv war ikld at the school on their unguarded frontier who could filday evening november 13th with mr tendent of tin jq abcy memorial childrens kurslng home in ambhut india who died after three years of faithful and devoled service there miss nellie anderson our own tnisilon ary liome on furlough also atioke tvw words miss margaret brown favored tile meeting with piano solo after tlu collection mru beiinlc offered tlio dedicatory prajer mrs buchanan on jelialf of tile mission band presented wltli in memory 25 for an in jsm of mrs mary the orlam moore hearty vote of thunks was given tlie acton auxiliary for the invitation hymn was sung and mrs bonnie closed the meeting wlthpruyer dublin literary society organizes linham in the chair the meeting was called to order with the singing of tlie maple leaf forever after the regula business was dispensed with the fol lowing officers were elected for the en suing yur president mr walter linham vicepresident mr alex waldie secretary miss vcrna jo treasurer mls frances mullln pianist mru robertson assitint pianist miss margaret waldie program committee mrs frank mi bernice bracken mrs ross sjclii committee mrs bracken mrs illick mrs mclsaac after the ekcllon of officers mrs mclsaic give an interesting talk on teach tlie rest of tlie world something of plan of living together peaceably mr johnston told of little personal thrills that lued come to him during his lifetime but thu mil thrill of life was in building houses of happiness and mrcy his address was full of thought und spiced generously with good humor mr johnston in ills opening remark paid high tribute to mr and mrs emery who hud been valued members of his congregation in toronto und wiiose i01s he feltf keenly but pointed out tlie gain acton had made by having them here mr and mru gllroy and mr and mrs dawson of the milton canadian club were present and mv gllroy briefly ad dressed the meeting bringing greetings from the neighboring club dr nelson vicepresident of tlie acton club trip to jtland followed by duett proposed vote of thanks for the ox by mlss young and ms robertson the ting closed with the singing of the national anthem two escape injury ceiknt address and to tlie ladles and crchestru who had made tlie event so successful mr dills president or tlie acton ciub presided and the speaker was in rn tidp in fwvli trjduced by mr george emery secretary ahhn lak iikjb jiiavfc acton mcjv announcemenu of future activities of the mens club were made and those present felt that if such plendld spealcers were available not one months supper meeting could be mlssed tlie men hold recreation period every wednesday from to and card tables are being put in base ment room for those desiring same two persons narrowiy escaped injury lieii blown tire resulted in colllilni on eraindu road sunday albert smith glen williams uas iraveulng nbrtli when his right rear tire blew out and the car careened across the road strlk lng telephone post crashing into an other machine driven by ncw stad eramosa road good excusfe slime residence in toronto behind on the total points all the games despite his active association with one ut closely contested the acton play of gutlphs leading manufacturing con wt handicapped by the low courts ccrns mr taj lor found time to identify la iar umber or points by the himself with any organization which had biris hitting the ceiling the welfare of the city at heart ills cllief interest was in the guelph general hospiul where he served on the doard the games was of dlrehttorii niootlv as chairman for ears he uas one of the original commlttc uhlch formed the guelph chamber the eg union club wvre splendid hosts nd hostesses and the social gathering happy even acton invited the toronto club to mak return vlsit on december 3rd mr and mrs george emery were taken by surprise wheu asked to accept fell from car falling from the door of an automo bile on the highway just uest of acton on monday morning mrs george barnes of acton received bruises and cuts about the legs when she struck the cement road mrs barnas had signalled for ride and broun of toronto stopped to givelur lift the door did not shut properly und she opened it again to slam it houever the uliid caught tlie door ami carried her out onto the road the car was barely in motion at tho time mrs barnes losu her shoes nnd hat as hr hit the road ten teams to play in rural league at acton arena tliisi year referee and committees are appointed and rules drawn up judge why did you commit kecoad theft after ou had beta aiqultad of the first prl had to pay my lawyer comniro wriud for wju on tin ahtautifll ll ancxiu onelpli junction halluiy board uas fnndahlp and tcxxl ulalus of the chairman of tile guelph patriotic vund minion united church dadmlnlm ctlhmney fire during the ujr jears und uas known one time to have held eillice with more thin 20 guelph urganuallems colnty dramatic festival nice in held in oakville jii nov niber ibth 1030 the ollices for til llalrn ciuutv dramatic ftstlval aire emwd from the iriup represented it tills meeting oliier groups uuthlng to be niil icntl with this ivstlval ma ski llelr it ance lie of ql ti the iriasnvr bore japuarj 1st dalt rs euetui were prsii ut mr urcon vuiprder mr wick jii vi pn ideut mr fair jr crtav ms it macph rreavarer mrs noi eaton the olfuvrs elected with one rere sintavc front each group avlitu with the tlval will make up the ecitive meeting of the eveeuti callid fjr novrjnbfr j3rd at li luk hall is johns united church oakvllk club the address read uith tlie pre seiit itl ui is as fotlous to mr and mrs george emer iir number of jears both of jou re vey active in the work of our euhioii united church you were must enthusiastic plaving mem br of our badminton club mr erne being not only our games cap tain but our ver able and genial prsdin in these oiflces lie nut iil rendered splendid rv ice but all he did was ivilly supported bv mrs enu it was with kit re fi ellnts uf ree we irneel kf jour transfer in ivnii to acton ontario jrutiite uus fortunate iitn tu alton 1or wherever vou ht kid pi uf happlues and frl ndshlj to the place we as du to unlit ts sinll token uf our frit utbhip this lamp it is blt miterlal and vuibje ep sli ji of our allerllim for jou both also unite in aishlng ou con tinued micfts1 and much bleslnj in jour iw surrmmdlngii wilson prldnt novubr nth ltjel chlmnoy fire at he homi albert rjan last evelljug at six oclock thi gave the piru brigade run tlie blaze was confined to tlie chimney ajid resulted ii little property damage sparks from tile chimney tlireuted the oulxjdc of the ouildiig and neighboring homes the brigade were soon on the job and had tie popertif safeguarded against snul ssaaveya institute meeting til ieular rnnuhl meeting of tlie nai iawea womens iiutltute was hld at the home of mrs ii simpson th prestdn mrs padbur in charge tin rill tall was responded to by soup ipe aul shower of texspoons mrs khineharelt iave splendid report if he ilnu el metiin lu rersutb atmul td in milton ms dredge gave radlng entitled iiiu und that mis evijn ijlniiijin und mrs ii young uovt ad vr interesting papers mrs lu teher give demonstration on potato soap which was sampled ut lunch time dainty lea was wrved at the cloiv of the mvthig meeting of tlie itural league took place lxst night and representatives uere pnseiu from eden mills hockwood dublin york road jones boys army lome runners and everton president talbot was hi tlie chair it uas finally decided to operate the league the same us last ear with each uam prisuntlnga lut of playre to be passed on by meeting of delegates froi each team two new teams wre pre or mr sent and wanted to enter in live league application of storey glove was ac corning events announcement of ueetliik con ctrii or otlier eventi undtf thlu iieaelintf are charged to ceuti pr line willi minimum ciuri tor kuy atinouncemeut of jjc bannockbum school concert prlday december 18th dublin christmas concert december 8th 1030 vrlday christmas concert woodside 10 erin december htli at 30 pm churchill sunday school concert will be held on monday december 31st euchre erbody parish welcome hull this evening adnilion 25c pted but the rangers of guelph were held ojien until eierum had reached final declloii if everton sticks ulth the league the rangers ill be out it was decided that ten teams were plenty for the league committee or two was appointed wth the president and settle any diseuslms or disputes that arise during tl season royce of rockuooel and pravoj evertun uere apjlnted jcje keiitier apjwilnted referee in chief lor the stavm if joe lsunaule at anj jiight ht hi appoint referee to take his place jjlie league will ii strietly und lfx plaving nil da kins and slmpon were ap punttd interview the council and try ijt itlsfavtov agrn niellt ulth lilt rink he follovilng uami ulll form tki uaii for this ear htun mills itock uooil dublin yor luiad jones biyn ann uin hoi lome rsarnurs storey the young wuiwii milon ctrcl of glove and ll is itlur everton or ouclpn the haptlu church will liold an rur itanuerb for the truth team tile next iuxm ua und ulc of iwme baking ba cj4s room on balurdity november ttlng will held on munduy oecvn wjinens conservative club announce social nuvtlng thursday november 1fith it 30 in the xhirish hull dint forget the tuk of dvoiiihir ciapter ode euchre monday nlrht vovemoer 23rd ut mca eirhh inint hltchhhting itound tlie world toll bros will give their amoving travcuvuo in acton on dec uiur loui in uwi ulted church the bunnockburn women iiutltult art luatuiij adanc in woodziov bcnool on priday november 27tii good muk lunch provided admualoo 25c tlwr br 1th 1st at tlirc oclock

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