Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 19 Nov 1936, p. 3

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thursday november hth 1938 the acton free press imtt qjljp wree flreah iifrhorl tnru locked wings john scott douglas ohobe two crates wero flylru aloruj oa nicely as you please strata formation you know ono ship directly above the other bad luck then throw monkey wrench into tht works or was it poor flylruj no ant will ever know guess anyway bland hoborts acroplai seemed to hit an air pocket and drop while rjng sccloy rlckvty old buj seemed to jump up to meet it of course that probably could not have hnppciuki unless an of the pilots jorlced hi con trols but am justr telling yod the way it looked from the ground something seemed to tighten in my ihroat and my heart stood still as saw those two ships coming together blands ship coming down in steep bank his landing gear appearing to claw at the wing of mnwtteredcratoirjcbtrie talons of striking eagle knew wha wu going to liappan vcn before hard uie sickening crunch of shattervd atrhf and braces uie sharp tearing of fabric my stomach constricttd painfully as saw the upper wlntf collttpit flappliiff loosely in the breeze my body felt paralyad uven foryot that had been tun in if up hip on the tapmocwhen the ncddint hud occurred my brain howvtr had never been more active was nhvidy untlcipiung uio next steps in the trjgedj the lower whitf of itinrs biplane would rive wiy next due to the strain nf the rjiipa motive powir and ther would not uj rvcti time to jjet it chute open before in hit the ground was inlsuktii the next thine ro jiuppeti wus of quite different nature blilidj undlntf bear suddenly owunc lo the left or the neroplaiud parted urenclud fre of its connections on the right mde would he ever bring hi bit out of that jlde llp he approached earth rubbed cliaklnc hand over mv old damp forehead unable to tear ejer away but imxlotu not to ye the crufh expected to take place iifun hundred fr thousand feet and then omehou numb brnin told me that the motor uu thrabulnc attain uiiiji crtikinnr and rcroanlnn at the ihap jmlloiit in my mliuiv cic iuu lilund ilobirt lighting the controls hi thin hiielcliltiud face white and twitching hli lbnjj tapering ilnaer ghud to the control jticl game could not hae rjild just how came tlunicht he ufui at that momint if hid fitd my throit vi too rirj leant hundred feet abow the alajka airua compauy hangars nlwulilnulj pot com plete control of hs hip pulling out of his dive and rooming up into the blue agrlru lie did not even know hl undine bar uu torn olf he did not know that if he tried to land he wan wry likely to end ills life in maw of flaming vtreclc aye leaping out of the aeroplane had ben revving up shouted hoarsely two gaping grcahballf to find wheel perhaps we might even yet warn him of hu danger then turned my eyes upward to sec if itlng secleys lower ulng had glwn away nerve here it vas agalnl ring evidently reasoned that his lower ulng as not going to remain long intact instead of coming down in alow glide lie was tearing down toward the field in power dlvel cold flnbes of npprolienaion pressed against my heart with the terrific strain on tfuit on wing of the biplane when he pulled out of the dive to cut momen tum there could be but one result du osier united for that sharp upwoid twist of the aeroplanes blunt nowj walt hd wltli cold clammy hands twitching tlie note came up little very uttl but there uas nothing jou could call real pullout no perceptible slacken ing of speed fling tliought too clearly for that he runlhd past me like hurricane land ing at twice the regular landing speed whe hu to the very end of the long tarmac knew he had been right ko other landing would have sawd his life once more my eve were drawn forc ibly upward that uhich uiu caused little ley shivers to course up and down my splntsj niaitff uas gilding down for landing xvjiperatvh looked for tlie grcase balls they uere running towurd mid centre of the held one of them carrying uiiwl and the other dragging ntrip of canvas spread thv canvas liouted theres no time loset tlie nun with the comas julltl ohcicil the utlier man began to wave the wheel over it the uheel iuivnd over the while runvni would he vlsible from the ulr would lllaiul lnte pret its meaning ills aeroplaie rontlnutdto ilhu down suddenly when the sagging lauding hear wu about bite into the tarmac the nulne roird mi and the rate buvd over oil head ti id and yoomed tvvrul thtulsand ft above the air drome lie lev lied out then he hoverm over tlie held banking ulmleisu un doubtedly undecided hes clever niuttenil to the two mechanics per haps wv can give him little more in foriiutioji th uirve of carried the eainwi jnd uu wheel to uu plaoe where mv aeroplane was still sjiortuitf and oough ing stondlng on uio left sldo and wav ing the wheel wo gestured wildly to in dicate lie should attempt landing on that side not tliat wo really believed he could do it bland ii aborts book knowledge of aviation was profound but he was not natural ilyor tho way rinf soeley was he evidently grasped our meaning quickly or thought ho did for ho cut hl gun again gliding down sharply to effect landing before he lost ills courage it takes courage to make land ing like that when you know tho chances of landing whole man are about onv in twenty hundred feet above tho field ho ilshtolled to cut momentum when tho aeroplane began to stall havi oycr comc all forward momentum lie pan caked the night of uio now polntlig downward gave mo slight heart but be fore he could gain much momcnuim lie ibh tailed again crackup one of the greascballs formed with dry lips bland tried to puncuku ttgaln but figured lie had delayed too long the aeroplane seemed to freesuj in space when it ilrjally came out of the stall it was in sharp right bank knew wand was holding his ulck to the right kicking right rudder bar before the leroplane could side slip twenty feet it ieemed to freei in ipace again counter acted by left rudder and the bearing of hls control stick to the left it slid ilowly ovvr on the left wing gainlnc speed in it neared earth the bur stnick heavily on jtr left side where he landing gear was till intajrt swinging crazlly it circled kft and then twlmjd over on the left win looked for an explosion but bland had wisely shut off hln motor relieved of the suspense of the list ftw moment the kreaeballs ixgin to cheer themselves hoarse as thin whitefaced vouth climbed miakily ou uf the alroplatu suddenly our con iratulitioiii on hi clever landing wert ilenced bj the apjjearance of blj rijiihhewn youth vvlime gray eyes were norrovid uid hard do you thin vow own the wlioh sky stormed ring vou have tn time down hundred fit to ir oir mv wing ill hntljchis iilci fad was viurlui illnnd turiad on tlinc with blajnj ijts conn down to hit you yd ojimd into my landhu gtir bland and ring hud started tlie train in courst vi our ikld ut the same time uing had provtd natural mettmg lluts licviie three months earlier bland was still training having no natural bent for fljlng and ring had been in itructlnp jiini when the accident oc curred bland had unverrity degree ring hud only finished high school when ring accomplished something spectacu lar he was wont to remark drjl tliat he would have done better if he only had better education had blood had ex isted between the two for many montlis and now it boiled to the surface ring remarked tauntingly if only had more education perliapa could sec why your dropping hundred feet ino my wing was my fault how about it ring had lashed at raw spot once too often with sob of fury bland flew at him fists clenched ring was bigger heavier tlian bland but lie was taken off his guard blands first blow tnt htm reeling the second catching km off balance knocked him in tlie dirt yhen he picked himself up hla mouth is hard and white his fists biff tight had sufficiently recovered from our first shock to step hi but it was all we could do to hold the two infuriated youths they glared at each other with burning eyes if you werent fio plgheoded breathed blond iniskily youd realize an educations the greatest advantage fellow can have nothing to be ashamed of ycajil snapped ring notice it helps fellow pick up things quickly was only two yeara older than cither of the two young mxm but felt it was my duty to give them bit of fatherly udvice tlie superintendent was tiot thr do it and was the senior pilot on tlm held listen you two babies growled twhy wont you ever grow up youro both wrong list as ourw both wrong about the acciden ring glared at mo from the place where ta stood with both arms pinioned by tlie greasebalbj what do you mean by naying wro both wrong about the accident juit what mild itlng you zoomed toward land just us much us he dropped toward you cliarley and joe will bear mo out in thttti when two drivers of swlfbly moving vehicles watch tho other vehicle instead of moving away from it theres on unconscloiis tendency to drive toward tho other the best plloti crack up in formation flying because theres no stationary object to guide by jjclthcf uuhojrtvu recent qnlacqjjiall spoke for sevcrnl moments then bland broke tho silence gues jims right ring im sorry lait my temper rings taut face relaxed tliat 3oes double bald uing extending hu hand they both grinned us they shoo luinds und thought tlie quarrel had bacn patched up it was not long how boiore ring wu riding blanj again om day then biplane appeared over the ragged range of mountains eas of juneau ring and bland came out of th hangars to watch it suddenly it twisted over on one wing in crry 4ort of way righted itself is thoiigh by innii lait despairing cifoi of its pilot and then the nose dlpjied it went into spin down down down came tliat earth bent atroplauc the subdued bellcu of its motor rising to shrill wnl cluthld ring by the arm my hand trmbhrg he up rhap not volte look hi the ncire did tlie crate had wlnr butuid iron flying otr iuo lontluiikl lu nolng to era said ring inaii avwd pulling out irt to come up but divld too far on tlie sh ir pilllillt ite the doomed snip lid jrii of ciion or the aeroplane would ngt havo burnd the way it did further than that wo discovered from his rambling convera tlon that his father was badly injured ills father must need immediate at tention said ring 111 toko doctor and and him bow demanded blond with slight lift of his eyebrows you can scour thc wilderness cast of hero for weeks and not cover all of it within flight range itlng snorted guess cut find wliat xm looking fur ull right fet mo do some calculating from uio facts wo have you and your education said itlng despairingly wliat wo need here is good ilyer not schoollnarml itlng went up uiot very afternoon with doctor und supply of gasoline be returned at nightfall slightly disconsol ate but certain ho could succeed tile next day bland meanwhile liad been working swiftly on topographical charts which he covered with countless figures xat that night he net small square on the topographical map and told ring ha would and tlie prospectors claim somai where within uiat six mile square ring only laughed at him tho next day liowovcr after ring liad uown from duwtito noon still without result he grudgingly conceded uiat there vourdttiotriki anyl isirtittlyliig oooorj ing to uio chart although lie did not anticipate any result the stranger was still unconscloui telt queer stirrings of hope when ring took off with uio doctor ubout ono oclock tliat hope changed to fetr when he failed to return after more than two hours three hours passed four hours and then we heard tlie buzzing of an uero piano everyone on the field was ner vous except bland he looked very con fident rtng could haw brought uiat injured man here this monilng as well is thls afternoon lie said bitterly but we dont know ring has found hmi protested bland was right when uie aeroplane landed ring and the doctor lifted out big man swathed in bandages ring was strmgely quiet and humble he appro iched bland llobart im pigluadcd idiot he said savagely hiuld have listened to you but didnt lioh dy this time the greaseballs and fifteen hundred fi above larth sonie thlng v1il dt tat ind it elf from tho pungm lerop mt parachute it difted avav from the aerojilane opjjlnr wih report lie an ploilon of dyna mitt hmp injure danfled from th end hu white iriiation timk artli and ui dragged liftv ft befoe tne lint of the pirirhute caught on tr unk ui juhed up iptinr almot au ilnr youth was lying beside th fraytd torn linen whitefaced youth ith blood drit on one chlpu where hud come from iiovv had ne bean injured had he retained ills grasp on consciousness long enough to reach the airdrome only to lose it before 4k could land had he gained conncious ness for an instant long enough to free himself from the doomed aeroplane which as vv en now blazing wreck on the tarmac we could not answer uiose questions then nor for some time later th stranger was raving in delirium by tha time we had taken him to the juneau hospital in cur prom snatches of sense in hit jumble of words we icamsd very little of the mystery surrounding him we learned that he and his father had been injured in uie premature ex plosion of dynamite in mine they were prospecting in the interior we learned rom one sentence uiat he had bqt ten gallons of petrol to make tlie trip to juneau he judged this was insufficient but he was evidently wrong for there must have been some left in the tank constipation may lower resistance germs can be corrected by natural laxative food common constipation is due lnrjcly to jnsumvient bulk in meals it is condition that hould never he treated casually lonjr neilectetl it may contribute to jyeneral rundown condition your body hicla tlie ntrciirth it necih to fifth olt infection you nrc much more likely to pick up neri oua illnea guard nftaimit common constipa tion make nure tlie meals you eat contain plenty of bulk kellocftu aiavliitan ir ftcneroua source of effective bulk within the body tlie bulk in allhuan absorb moisture forma soft muuii und jrently cleunaea the ystem thin dclicioua cereal nlso furnishes vitamin and con tnina iron two tables poonfuln jaily with milk or cream nrc usually suffi cient stubborn cases may require aiuvbran oftencr if not relieved tliia way consult your doctor servo allbiian in some form each day cither ati cereal or cooked into niufllnsbreods etc eat it rejjularly for regular habits guaranteed by the kellokff com pany sold by nil jrroccrs mado by kellou london ontario cfulisnitiah jw to u0leiut built fttttvttttttttfttt oranges sweet und juicy qqr dozen nice size ouc lettuce 21cebekg larue heads for lit grapes sweet potatoes finest southern lbs for 1c if onions io tr dry 13c mr grapefruit undcratiuid how you could reach any results without anything to work an but did have something to work on rlnfff exclaimed blond could esti mate tiuit the lad liad used approximate ly eight aullons of gna two must hnvo burned klght gallons of gaa will carry certain type of plane at top speed tor roughly many mllea then drow circle on my topographical map thitj number or miles about juneau could automaucally rllmlnau all areas in that circle vwst of the narrows because ho ocw from uie iiortheastf lliero were two points on my circle which ottered poa jiibllitie of landing one was north east of here tlie other southeast judg ing tliat tlie lad hud rlown straight course us jkisslble guessed tliut the polnb on tle circle northeast of hero sort of plateuu region was tlie jpot wanted drew nix mile iouarc about that point to allow for jtossiblo miscal culations mingled admiration and hicredillity were written in ulng kiow imllc iiay thats marvellous guess educations valuable anywhere but it looks to me as if ill hcvcr be big man in aviation until give it chalice to widen my vision wistful smile quirked iltngb lips know lot of nays you could improve your flying do you suppose if helped you out tliat way you could help me get slarted on my education right now xllunds answer was an infectious smll when the two hoak luuids this umci knew it meant they were to be fast irion til 1i1vaiuy of rom kit thoue men are the grace and strength of co unc 11 who are of that licallhful nature which content to take defeat ulth good humor und of uiat practical turn of mind which makes them net heartily to work upon plans and proposi tions which liave been originated in op positionu tlelr judgment who are hat amdouj to ihlft responsibility upon otlurs and wlw do not allude to their former objections with triumph when thone ejections comc to be borne out by the result in uxtbig 1th such xroius you ru at jour ease you counel sincerely and boldly and not with trlmorous regard to your own part in the matter dinner stories let courts attend to that capitalist your prospectus of the wingless airship corp looks very promising but you dont say how ycu expect to overcome tho lav of gravitation itomotcr aw tliats easy wo are expecting to have the law hired unconstitutional impatient teacher wliat inspired tho pio neers to set forth in their covered wagons7 ml well maybe they didnt to wait about 30 years for 2frush and crisp sc jiho ic ot lbs for jlmoc fur zidc ioltlen yellow iotatoks iltlwniieromatoks ckikhy cuanhkkuiks carrolts limited mounties hold spectators attention at horse show two members of the royal canadian mounit police troop performing at the national ilore show in madison square garden new yorl come in for some attrition from fur spectilor uie mounties ii hartt uit and hall aru pictured in conversation uitli mrs ii mellon jr ind mips susan stnckpolc diicusinn ome fejtuies of the program the scarletco ited mounties ire ilwivs warmly welcomed in the metropolis viilru prti cuil 111 crunch quu oucl oats ortsui 23c weston creamfilled foul flavors sandwiches 29 aylmr vcgclible or tomato soup 23c auhi imini pancake flour 15c cabin pur maple syrup 23c pi pumpkin no in 9c codfish ilb pl 14c dd apricots lb 25c bxiict eto special solid mejt cayt4 wajimil au ro mf aus s2c 65c fru kuchevrolns onioim pj coall chipso pi 35c kirks 3i14c rinso pis 21c nouhlshmemt fou growimo children vt ll jfcjw vjrdn ratch tuna fish mjbthi7c garden patch golden corn 10 oviltine libbv gentle pre msjab tomato juice t4c red salmon 27c 3e klbt 19c rownlii ulin chocolate kiu 16c klb pis 27c 701 pl25c ii 23e liplonl tea tea ftw cold evdttiaf oxo cubes clbbolls limited llbbv dii pickles nsi19c mcljhi quick puddings 10c lbvln conchliljj bleach bohl 15c ou kii floor wax 53c cbbolic sop lifebuoy 3d soc mux stueet stokb closfcs saturday night 1030 free delivery ihonk 158

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