stitt jvrtiw sixtysecond year no 26 acton ontario thursday december 24th 1035 four homeprint pages five cents acton wins two games from preston exhibition games played were both local wins every body ivied out the preliminaries in hockey ora couple of warmups for the season were staged with preston and acton won both bouts the first game was in preston last friday night and was 43 decision for acton the game was at times blt nmgh preston boys are young and can hand it out but acton could take it and gaye it back all eligible for the team were in uni form and given workout which would seem best for the first of the season couple of other shots looked like goals but 43 was the decision monday night saw the finit local ganic when preston returned the dycdai thewool two hundred were out to sli up the 193631 lineup and johnny jones was the referee terry undsa walters and erard ran in four goals for acton in the ilrst period while smith scored one for preston preston came up goal in the second period to makelfvz when good scor ed but terry regained the lead of three goals when he scored on pans from mkrso flareup over puhing in tho corner put in some pep and three tacit in the penally bo two of them from acton acton wasnt passing ad well as preston but could get past the preston defence better than preston could pofcj acton defence the third period started with four in the penalty bo and others followed as seemed necessary both sided hod some nice chances but both failed to click the red light acton proved the better team on the nights play but lot of ths plays need smoothing out and the locals need to play more combination these will both likely come as the season pro gresses and the lines are straightened out jack kentncr was hot in uie ibrie vp for this game owing to illness the teams preston goal walker defense clcur cio and hendry forward smith knucx bettke alternates tuk tait pawelko dean good acton goal greer and woods de fenoe walters gibbons kentner forwards lindsay terry morzo alter nates fczard mooncy marxo huffman woods arblc anderson final meeting of 36 council shoe factory payment made councillors pass resolution appreciative of services of reeve harrison and regret of removal from alcton police to prosecute ttiose who mfcuse public lavatories second fine to town limits to be kept open this winter council pleased at action of county counteil at uie anal meeting of the i3tj council gu monday evening councillors mason mcmillan mccutcheon and dr nelson were present and lleevo harrlon presided tlie twentysecond report of the pin unco commlwcc recommended payment of tlm following accounts dr bruyii refund of business tax 310 king calcliun products tllo 2010 chalmers work at arena 1330 county treasurer hospital ac counts 13750 brown supplies us mceachcm care of jim truck 2500 acton public utilities commission refund on exchange of tax arrears und street lighting 15200 town hall service 726 puma house lighting 10 arena lighting power at pump house 1103 1020 10047 080 bell telehpono co services mcplierson tux collector taxes on slioe factory 04g4 prank holloway arena secretary 1000 mcbaln sanding streets 140 mrs mcdonald insurance on arena 17000 mooney work at arena 500 among the editors christmas mail among christmas greetings in the editors mail tills week was one from th kellogg company that was unique it was box containing uenerous assort ment of the breakfast foods for which this firm is famous the kellogg com pany have been among tlie regular ad vertisers in tji fat pmsss and this christmas guesture is one uiat extends uie very kindly relations that have exist ed for several years and tlicn from out west jack agnew sends greetings to tlie editor and wishes the old man and mary merry christmas well turn his letter over to this contributor for comment in his column wlien it makes its next appearance prom sault ste marie and many otlier poinds the christmas wishes come in until wc feel tlie lack of the editorial column this week to give better expression to the many kindly messages and greetings that have met your editor and staff at this time tlie holiday rush and lack of business messages ads accounts for the abbreviated form this week which we assure you not to continue for long kiluride short courses close with banquet th short courses in agriculture and home economic at kilbride were brought to close with banquet hi the kilbride community hall on thurs day evening last one hundred and twenty guests sat down to tlie sumptu ous repast served by tlie ladles of tlie kilbride institute with agricultural re presentative whltelock acting as toastmaster program of toasts wero proposed and responded to by the fol lowing members of tit two classes ar nold coulson jean snyder frances coulson ross hurbottla and kormon 8ml th tlie toast to the guests wus responded lo by warden george currle ueeve george ttiorpe and mrs george agnew dutrlct president or womens institutes the guest speaker pf uie evening mr hguroy of milton gave his audi ence most inspirational discourse on lifes bargain counter another pleasing feature of the ev cnlugs pro am was the announcement and pre sentation to the prize winner whoweito us follows iloma economics foods ami cookery jean snyder sewiug lillian mcphall not books lrurces coulson agriculture live stock judging norman smitli note book harold harbottlf general aglculture hosv harboltle pil lowing presentation to the members of uie stoif tlie remainder of the even ing was spent in dancing the muslj being provided by bennetts orchestra 18330 letter from tlie hewctson company enclosed cheque for 100000 as pay ment according to their agreement the company felt that in view of tlie fact that sprinkler system storm windows and other equipment being left in the building that they should be relieved of further payments council was agreed id this proposal and tlie clerk was instruct ed to complete arrangements tlie matter of defacing tlie walls and loitering in the public lavatories at the ymca was brought to the attention of the council and uie needless damage and misuse that was being made of these conveniences tlie chief of police was instructed to prosecute all offenders and put stop to this damage and prohibit loitering in these public conveniences tlie tender of norman scarrow for uie arena booth was received he offered 700 for the season council decided this tender could not be accepted but agreed to rent uie concession for 1500 as lower figure would not pay the costs in connecuon with uie concession council confirmed uie clerks letter regarding assuming costs for an indigent patient tlie clerk was instructed to have uie usual uouce regarding uie tax delin quents inserted in the fskkpkb the junior hockey club requested rebate of tlie town hall but council felt they could not granfc uie request taxes that hud been found uncollect able wero by resolution ordered to ba written off in concluding the year the reeve ex pressed his appreclauon of the coopera concluded oil vim three christmas supper on thursday last at fl00 pm the sunday school or uie acton united church was provided wlui christmas treat in tlie form of supper and enter tainment the supper presided over by superintendent brown was in charge of the teachers with few extra helpers in uie kitchen and was in cafeteria style supplied by the senior members of the school allowing uils betty olbson and rlllle vincent rendered two vocal duetts santa clans comma to town and rhythm in my nursery rhymes some interesting slides were sliown on the screen par truylng uie early life of jerfus and dr morrow told ui tltoy in connection therewlui that jolly old fellow santa claus then made his appearance ably carried out by mr krnesb coles to uie delight of the children und grownups us well on be luilf of uie teachers and officers of urn sunday school muut kitty savage blde tobe wus presented with silver truy crvam and sugar during the uveii ha domjle and lamb were pre heated wlui awards for perfect titteiid auce during the year reeve harrison who was host at uuj reeves dinner reeve harrison entertained on tuesday toronto home was the scene of catherine of council and officials reeves of acton luivc in uie pant ten dered dinners to fellow councillors and to the officials but always the reeve has been residing in acton at the time in that respect the event on tues day evening uas unique reeve harrison has in uie past few monuis had his home in toronto councillors town officials county warden and other friends were guests at the city home on tuesday evening or reeve and mrs harrison at 02 high park boulevard tlie hospitality of thu home is well known in acton and on this occasion lived up to uie tradluons of which actonlaris liave known it itu the day before christmas and well not dilate on the way that table groaned well just say it was turkey dinner with all uie trlmmlngs there were absentees uirough illness who were missing and this was re gretted and the occasion of many kindly wisii that their convalescence would be rapid in the social ume over the card tables in uie reeves favorite brand of euchre the prize winners wero exwarden harold cleave and councillor dr ej kelson it was indeed splendid evening that was climaxed by uie singing of auld langsyno and other oldtime favorites but the parting left pang that was not spoxon but fully realised by all uiat uils was tlie lost guuiering uiat would be held with reeve harrison in acton municipal circles it was culmination of seventeen years residence in acton almost every year of which has seen mr harrison fulfilling some municipal office it wlll be noted in the county council procedlngs of last week that his lntereit in acion is very manifest he sponsored resolution by county council urging thtit the second line become provincial highway in auld lang syne jolly good fellows thf voices were perhaps louder than musical on tuesday evening but passersby in toronto heard uiem none could doubt uielr sincerity during the evening cxwaien mason expressed the pleasure of the company in this gathering and the regret jt wus uie last of such bouquet if chrysunthemunu and box of the reeves fuvnrltv clgani uere prtvcn tl an little token of appreciation an be half of the gathering somt acton merchants report petty thieving among un of the chrutmut hnppeb tlie suieks were ro alluring that some folks forgot their better sid of lift und early training christmas smile the ktory is told that an acton mother took wie of her children to see sontu claus in one of uie city departmental stores wliere the youngster confided to uie jolly old fellow what lie desired for christ mas und was duly ussured hli wonts would liave every atten tion youthful faith wus badly jarred however when the young hopeful visited another departmental store and santa claus usked him wlui all sincerity what lie desired for christmas the visitor from acton promptly accosted santa claus with what have you for gotten already year end business of utilities com transfer funds from operation of waterworks account to general account the acton public utilities commis sion meeung on monday evening had reeve ii harrison nnd acting chair man hansen present tlie secretary was instructed to pay the following accounts hydro idcparimcktl co services g03 hepc or ontario supplies 015 community electrical supply co supplies 858 packard electric co ltd metres 7g24 lashbrook flat rate heater installations l0o canadian general electric co metre 4200 express 112 blnlr supplies 350 s1g24b waterworks department canadian weulnrhouse co re palri to motor 5835 hydro dept power at spring 4flll hydro dept november opcrauons 0035 si0g01 the jlit or arrears was chocked and instructions issued for their disposition tlie secretary was instructed by re solution to transfer 500 from the water works operutlons account to uie general account of the corporation tlie superintendent was instructed to secure set or chains for the hydra truck county council approves second line as highway reeves harrison and irvinjr sponsor motion adopted at meeting on friday warden currie complimented on courteous conduct of meetings wigwag may be installed on oakville crossing reeve mccutcheon appointed to mothers allowance board hulton county council held its tlnal meeting for 1d37 at the court house milton lost prlday at 100 pm with the warden in the chair and all mem bers present minutes and correspondence were read by uie clerk following which mr wulter cooke represenung the department of hlghwfcn addressed council with refer ence to the installauon of wigwag at the railway crossing situated on kerr street in tlie town of oakville mr cookes purpofee in upproochlng thu council was to ascertain if they were willing to pay their share of the cost and upkeep of the wigwag should the same be installed tlie total cost of the wlgwug would be 41800 30 or which would be borne by the grade crossing tund 30 by the cmr and uie re maining 30 be divided between the county of hulton the town of oakville and uie township of trafalgar with rebate to uie county of or uielr share tlie countys share would be 00 for installauon and 000 per year for upkeep 10 was left with the road com mittee to bring in report but mr cooke was given to understand council would probably ravor the suggestion reports of uie standing committees were read in open council and later considered in committee of uie whole with mr parr georgetown in tho chair special communications letter from the department of public welfare asked ror the names of uie two municipal nominees to the mothers allowance board committee recommended this oe discussed in committee of the whole railways lcgllsatlon and agriculture recommended discussion of resolu tion rrom the ontario agricultural coun cil re export markets for canadian seed the groups in the district were drawn up potatoes asking tht me minister of both groups liave onjy uirec teams it warden currie is honored at county event presented with occasional chair at the annual wardens dinner in milton citizens from all ports of halon as sembled on frlday evening at the milton inn at ulo annual wardens dinner which lias for many years been gather ing of note in county circles warden george currie ably upheld the flnest of tradluuns of uiis annual event tho menu contained everything that the christmas season and the service of this wellknown inn and genial host could arrange for the satisfying of the inner man following uie dinner mr moore editor of uie gcorsctown herald was tootmotcr and conducted uie proceed ings during the dinner hour and lnter spcring uie addresses music was supplied by tanks orchestra the toast to the king was followed by one to canada proposed by dick kc county crown attorney and responded to by his honor judge munro and mr hughes cleaver tlie toast to ontario was proposed by mr hampshire and respond ed to by mr gilroy milton and mr fclokclock ufp ookvllle the county council was third on the toast list and uiat veteran of municipal ajfolrs exwarden mordcn of oakvlllp proposed uils toast with re sponse by reeve victor hall of trafal gar reeve jos hcwson of oakville and deputy jlecve robinson of norval tlie toast to uie exwardens was pro posed by reeve john irving of milton and ex wardens amos mason of acton land ernest jeleadhead of kelson re sponded tlie final toast was to the warden george currie and was pro posed by mayor george harris of uur jllnaton before uie warden could reply lie was presented on belialf of his fellow county councillors wlui beautiful occasional clialr and hejt jolly good vuow came spontaneously from uie assemblage warden curried replied uianklng coun ell for uielr cooperation and uielr kindly fits reason nmcm any which may liave come during his tenure of ojilce warden george currie honored at the annual wardens dinner in milton uist friday local hockey schedules for juniors commeufce on december the warden graciously passed on to uie iinn uorlc of lufl fellow councillors 20th and intermediates on december 30th fellow djhectors i10nok ai meetlnb in ocornclown last retiring prpmpnt niuriuay niaht the liockcy uhcduln lor ktllkinlir ktilufcnl at very pleosini ceremony took place at abricullure and the minister of trade clrnictid uu mtermedtal will toteh meeting for tlu year of the hallo union fire insurance company held here on monday tha 2lst miss anderson guest speaker at tlie farm wonicns club held uicir monthly meeting at the home of miss jessie mcgregor the meeting opened with singing and prayer the roll call being answered with christmas verso after uie business pari of uie program miss jessie mcqresor favored uie ladle with an instrumental and mus nellie andcrn missionary on furlough from korea gtyve wonderful and beneficial talk on her work in korea and uie won derful people she has to work with she also favored tlie ladles wlur uie solo holy night which she sang in uie korean language mrs robertson kindly ottered her home for the next meeting very hearty voto of uianks was tendered to miss anderson and mtss mcgregor the meeting closed wlui the mlxpali benedic tion after which the ladles in charge rved dainty lunch and commerce make provision for better market for canadian grown seei potatoes the resolution was endorsed hospital accounts this committee recommended payment of accounts amounting to 02075 printing committee recommended payment of accounts or 8032 finance accounts recommended for payment 134505 resolutions passed were as tollows moved by mr robinson seconded by mr harrison that allen burlington and mccutcheon of acton be ap pointed to uie mothers allowance board for the year 1037 moved by mr harrison seconded by mr irving uiat this council go on record as favoring tlie addition of the road be tween milton and acton to the provin cial highway system and that uie road committee be appointed to act wiui other representatives from uie county and to interview uio department of highways in this connecuon moved by mr hewson seconded by mr allen uiat the following accounts be passed county buildings 23305 hospitals 02075 finance 1345u5 printing 8g32 childrens aid society fees 14500 first games in rural league the acton rural league swung into action on tuesday there was fair crowd on hand und ja band livened matters up overtoil woi scheduled to play bu failed to make an appearance so rock uood and udcn mllu played an exhibi tion game with the bulldogs beating ktlen by 3srln very clow game nalllnufad new entry made their initial uppeurance and held the ann boys to 23 tie tlie third uuinc between york rood und storey glove was llttli late starung and uie boys were put on ice before uie game was completed at the unie york road were leading 20 it is douhtfut if the uume will count i343fl77 concluded on page two there is santa claus holly mistletoe red bells and candlea and sclntillaung christmas tree helped to make gay betting for joyous christmas party tar tlie senior girls club of the ymca on tuoulay even ing at the homo of uie secretary mr oeorce emery following sumptuous buffet suppe christmas carols and story told by mr emery were much enjoyed then games queuau and answer contest sardines bingo and 45g plckup sticks proved lot of fun but weru interrupted by the tinkle of bells as santa upprouched games were forgot ten as thtvhu rushed to find posluons around the tree which wu with ivi lun looking parcels for uie dear old saint to distribute no one was fomot leii not even perry watson wliom santa tuetued surprised to find among the happy group of girl mm wauon mrs mucrue ami mrs dills assisted mrs ttmcry in thi prepuruuoii and serving of thf hupiwr aud tdiared hi uie fun the evening on february 1st and uie juniors complete their schedule week later illtermfcdut schedule december 2bth guelph at gcorce town december 30th acton at guelph january 4th georgetown at acton january gui georgetown at guelph january 6ui acton at georgetown january 11 th guelph at acton january 13th georgetown at guelph january 15th guelph at georgetown january 18th georgetown at acton january 20ui acton at guelph january 22nd acton at georgetown wprkljor uie best interests of the policy january 25th guelph at acton january 27ui acton at guelph january 20th guelph at georgetown february lot georgetown at acton playoffs for first and second teams are best two out of three games and scheduled for february 3rd and 5ui junior shlule december 20th orangevllle at acton january 4ui orangevllle at george town january 7ui acton at orangevllle january 12ui acton at georgetown january 14th georgetown at orange vllle january 10th georgetown at acton january 21st acton at orangtwllle january 25th orangevllle at geogre town january 28th georgetown at acton february 2nd georgetown at orange vllle february 4ui orangevllle at acton february 8ui acton at georgetown play off dates between first and second teams are arranged for february 10th 12th and 15ui first and second teams will play tor best two out of uirec gomei for tlie group championship oakville now has only one paper iiewhpaper amalgamation was madu in hulton county last week wlum tlia oakville record acquired uie star of that town oakville was uie latt town in the county to have two newspapers gome time ugo there were three in thati town but now it has come into the same poaiuon as most ouier towns wlui only one newspaper there are tew towns in uie provlnoe wlio have two papers as the costs of publication are iueh uiat their existence linuomlttlii towns and fitted are lutvliig fewer publicauons but usually uie merger rvults hi the publi cation of better paper instant when the retiring preudent mr wallace lasby was asied to vacate th cliuir in order uiat he might receive ex pressions of appreclauon and of good will from his fellow directors for his untiring effortii and his unsunted service rendered to uie company during his two year term of office as president all uie directors present paid high trlbu te to mr lasby wlio while ilrm in ids convictions was ever hilndful or the welfare of the company and who endeavoured in every way posslbla to holders and of uie company alike his judgment hi all matters was held in high regard by his colleague as it always carried with it soundness and weight given by his long years of frultfil experience mr lasby although token by surprise in short speech expressed his sincere uianks to oil 4ji imrectors for uielr very kind remarks and extended to uiem his deep appreciation of their cooper ation and assistance given 1dm during his tenure of office masonic officers elected monday evening was election night at walker lodge the officers for uie en suing year are it bro george gordon bro llumley bro cecil cripps bro wlutau bro salt bro waunn llny it macaruiur bro kirklless bro george iiiid treasurer bro gralumi secretary bro medonald cliapialn bro cooper or bro wilson tyler bro jolm jennings coming events ti or otllr kvrtlli umj tliitf ling cltarsrj calm nf with tiilmtiiuti hafgf of any kimrumiit of new years dance in lvwn 1u11 friday january isi under auspices uf ht albons aypa oood music nov elty dalices admission 3ac