thursday dbosi1ber 34th ims the acton pree press jeft6cnah miss mildred houlnser la home from musfcoka was mamie mainprise is home from toronto for christmas mr fred dawklns of toronto wu home over the weekend miss isabel swltaer paisley is homo for the christmas holidays miss helen ostraoder of toronto uni versity is home for the holidays mr john mann is home from truro for the christmas holiday miss margarctf macdonald of toronto la home for the holidays mr ted hansen la homo for tlie christmas holidays from toronto uni versity messrs bus and norm morion are home from kirkland lake for the christ mas holidays miss isabel bruce left tuesday to spend the christmas holidays wllh friends at tlmmlns many acton friends regret to learn of the serious illness of mlas phyllis clarke of toronto und all hopo she may soon bo restored to good health mr and mrs it brown will observe their fiftieth wedding anniversary on tuesday december 20th they will bo at home to their friends on that day from to pm and from 730 to 030 pm friends are indeed pleased to hear of the continued food progress being madj by mr william cole following his opera tion at ouclph hospital all hopo lu may soon be recovered sufficiently to return home twentv veafck ago worn the issue of the rree press of thursday beocsnber 28th 1916 it was good to see the rncii of the frith battalion from westlnghouse barracks hamilton homo for the christmas holidays ale joe was elected reeve of saucs lnsf by acclamation acton loyal orange lodge installed officers for the coming year as follows wm bro donald dm bro hall chaplin bro plank trea surer bro cooper secretary bro rbrownlee at the annual mcctlnc of bho metho dist sunday school committee of man agement mr if moore who has oc cupied the position of superintendent for the past thirty years retired mr prank kennedy was elected to nil the vacancy tlie annual at home of the hlgn school teachers and students watt of very great interest the exstudon to occupy tlwr chair was mr abm wray of strat ford acton elections were all by acclama tion tills year reeve george hynds was elected for the eighth time the coun cillors are charles bailey david henderson william it kenncy and william ii smith and for school trustees wm johnstone robert scott und hobirt mcpheron john carson promlnunt attorney in the pacific northwest died suddenly at his home in salem oregon mr carson received his early education ut milton and practiced law in acton in 1b78 and was married to helen prase allan daughter of the late col wm allan they went to salem in 1880 llolin kasdown in acton on chrlstmu mornlng december 25th lolfl to ihe and mrs easdown daugh ter slats diay by oliver waiutem sunday tlie preechers slrment was on chrbunus tuktn at you shall receevlu jc faith ac etc well ast sandy cloa for plenty but alnt got mutch faith lr bitting no results we shall see monday pa wanted to rite artlkel for tlie noosepaper where ho wlrks at ubout suay smith goln to holly wood to ict lu the movie pitchers but the wdltur sed the onley cost shele ever be in is some time when slie gets lnlg broke that ended that tuesday tills evnlng wo was startcn to play pitch at ma throde asslde the joker in the deck bed that plays uces straits ac flushes unket hen lnli out loud but az ma cuddent see no thing funney wander what are thy joak wedneulay jane at elsay has went fc sent at jake at blisters xmas cam if they think they can bribe us on xmas presence that sheap well let em guew ageii we dlilrlded in convenshen oem boled thursday at jake at blisters are like bird let loose out of glided cage or mini tiling no morc untel over week hunts so in oil the other kids fur as can assurtano clirlsmus ast sandy clan fof htslckil shot gun that can hit habets und etc ottomobeel that hast to have uus as ix pr of rulieru al he brot them all except the bike gun as otto never had mutch faith in getting complect rlssulta am compelt to admit that over reech id slltely saturday mister ust klny at the xmas purtle last night wood she marrlo him ku repllde ai sed she wood user wlien she are 18 yrs of old agt that ure yrs hents but illulers sd to ma sed he that ulnt long to wate for such lrl ilats wooddeiit wte umt loong for even june uhotm purtler ai has ot richer pmxence than icuy george wallace clothes shop 123 yonge st toronto opposite byriebiifcs epheadr0 ejetlirbt specialist and mnafottirlnf op4ldin 58 st georges square 15z9w guelf1i last meeting of esqiiesing council 1936 resolution of appreciation to reeve george currie on his conduct of office free book on hockey great book how to be come hockey star by tommy gorman manager and coa of the montreal maroons profusely illus trated and containing many valuable tlpa on ho to play the name also autocstapmcd fictuftc grcat rcayejw mounted jo fronting group uooliiki uunona oloup la cuuuiuilim tijitijual pvlur4 aft lujdy nortwh lulhy ilvo trrttw uu hluw uurl htlmikkti oiu uww uowut uurwiul julilinyounun uicuil uuty uiry ivl kelly dv knrt luy wtvlort ann luiuy art rwmtr aui hurt lovituky luky yow choice of the above for label from tin of crown brand of uly white corn syrup writ on the back your hume and address plainly and the words ttooh or the name of the picture you want one book or picture for each label mall the label to the address below edwardsburs crown brand corn 5yrup the famous enehgy food product q7 in canada stattcm company li ralt4 toronto gregory theatre ciiuistmas ay matinee at 360 piccadilly jdltt merry movie btarrlng robert montgomery comedy grand slam opera cartoon porky rainmaker saturday dcmutt 2cut his brothers wife directed by the man who made san pranclsco vandyke starring robert taylor and bar bara stanwyck comedy echo mountain cartoon llttlj jimmy pox news monday kcmottu ssth its love again brilliant musical starring jesm mattliews joe polooka corned jokes on you cartoon al pine yodleler sport finef points miontght show nkw ykails eve at the grrwy vhoatre georstowii ccmmeuchi 1145 pun and payors fa all the esqucslmr council held their regular monthly meeting on tuesday deputyreeve robinson council lors wilson may and kdwin harrop were present reeve george currlo prnalded at the meotlng the minutes of last mceung were rcadand connrmed after taking the oath ofal legiance ta kiiyf ooorgo vi moved by if may and seconded by itoblnsmi that ho treasurer pay the relief acocuntit as prenented by the relief officer m141 carried moved by ekiwln ilarrop seconded by wilson that the treasurer pay robt wedge st 05 iiioiioy paid town ship as redemption money lie believing it to be paid as purcliaso monoy car ried moved by ii may seconded by wilson that the roqucst of the rate payers of glen williams for additional street lights bo granted carried accounts passed for payment were georgetown lumber co plate glaiis for council chamber 23b0 bowman weed inspector salary for 103c george leslie commission re tajc sale october and november 1d3j george elliott miscellaneous account bennett account for for stamps in 1030 george leslie treojuror account for stumps in 10300 bell telephone co county olflce supply co cup plies sanford relief account to date corporation of acton to lialf clerk and bulliif foes 2400 to rent of town hall sittlngu at 350 each 1500 town of georgetown half clerk and bailiff fees and rent for iilttlngs acton public utilities commis sion crescent street lights county of ilallon lntereat on county rate unpaid january 1st 1030 25132 bennett for work revising voters lists and attending judge 3040 board of health accounts sanford accounts to date 1406 13 barraclough meetings 1600 mileage 100 george currlo meetings 2400 mileage 340 dr paul meetings 2400 mileage 120 ii bingham mectlnga 000 mileage 100 bennett meetings 2400 bennett taking walter hodge to toronto general hospital november 30th sheep clalmj lindsay cheep killed by dogs wilson valuer moved by edwin harrop oeconded by wilson tlmt the trcasurero bond for 10000 at 40c per hundred be re newed with wilson and co car ried moved by ii may seconded by robinson that the treasurer pay the road sheets as presented by the road superintendent 120347 carried moved by aroblnson seconded by ii may thai the treasurer pay the following accounts george currla meetings 5400 mile age 720 commission 0500 total 15020 robinson meetings 5400 mileage 000 commission b000 total 14300 wilson meetings 4500 mileage 450 commission 7000 total 11050 edwin harrop meotlngs s400 mileage 1000 commission 7000 total 14300 ii may meetings 5400 2850 050 1040 4300 4300 433 31s1 1021 3000 3300 1500 final meeting of 1936 council continued from paso one lion of the council in the conduct of the years business the work had been pleasure uid lio had enjoyed every meet ing mouon sponsored by dr nelson and mccutcncon expressed the ap preciation of reeve harrisons fulfilment of the office of reeve his genial man ner courtesy to all and good business like methods had mode the work not only successful in the towns interests but pleasant task all members of the council spoke to the motion and express ed regret that acton was losing citizen who had been so largely instrumental during his residence hero in upbuilding acton and advancing its interests another motion expressed appreciation of the excellent services of chief mc pherson clerk parmer and all the mun icipal officers they hud all worked in tliu best interests of the municipality und council appreciated their coopcra tlon motion sponsored by councillor mc cutchccm expressed regret that dr nelson hud mmii fit to retire from mun icipal otrlcc his work in council had been of the best and it was hoped he would have continued and usplred to the rceveshlp council decided to make arrangements to have the snow plow keep open the tcctton of main slreet west of the trucks as fur as the town limits it will bo necessary to allow the county the cost of ploughing out tills section the councillors were very complimen tary also of the resolution sponsored oy reve harrison ut the county counl in securing the endorsatlon of the county for the connecting highway be tween milton and acton honor bridetobe miss dora lambert was hostess on tuesday evening ut social gathering of friends who honored miss kitty savuge bridetobe number of guinea and contest were enjoyed before miss bennett read an address to kitty and mrs robert mucarthur presented lier ulth set of crystal plates and sherbets she replied very feelingly after re freshments the girls sung clulstmoa carols and auld lang syne and shou jolly good pellow deer killed by fence for the third time within sheit period deer was killed in this district on tuesday afternoon when it crashed into wire fence on the farm of george robertson erlneraruosa line tiio yearling doe received broken neck gamei warden gordon matthews dressed the carcass and gave the meal to the 1700 chlldrens shelter and the guclpli hos pitals 2040 2520 000 2400 500 2500 200 settle mr dear ive been thinking it over and ivo decided to agree with you mrs it wont do you any good ive changed my mind mileage 1440 commission 7000 total 13fl40 carried moved by wilson seconded by edwin harrop that the ta collector be bonded in the canadian general in curance company for 5000 at rate ol 75c per 100 premium 3750 also in surance on township building and gar age premium 2500 and that the trea surer pay name to george brown carried the bylaw providing for the municipal elections and nomination of school trus tees was read as required and passed moved by may seconded by wilson that the reeve do now vacate tlic chair and that it be taken by deputy reeve robinson carried moved by wilson seconded by edwin harrop that the tlymks of this council are hereby tendered to reeve george currie for tlie courteous and im partial manner in which he has presid ed over the meetings or tills council during the past year carried fttttttttvttttvttti onions ft lbs nice size hi sound dry ijc oranges turnips uulii lb table quality fj waxed jc lettuce large firm xmas navels grapefruit texas seedless ttt medium larue ctoc 35c dozen rt crisp heads for jc nice size sweet and juicy also medium large 25c dozen large 39c bananas lemons full of juice luric size pur dozen 25 larre size golden yellow dozen zijc grapes fresh und crisp jc lhs for zjc tangkkinek celery hearts tomatoes ii ii sale carrolls limited burlington gage who has been manager of tlie local branch of the royal bonk ot canada here for the past sixteen years has been transferred to toronto branch at the corner of jones avenue and gerrard street at the alafltrbocymceung of the town council held lost night the most im portant question to come before the meeting was tlie question of placing strings of lights the business section to brighten it for the christmas season the council after much discussion and two resolutions on the matter decided to spend tlie sum of 300 in lights for street decorations for the christmas season good cheer li the good tilings of the season health happi ness and prosperity heaped up in ample measure this is our wish for you and yours on these glad holidays the very merrlast christmas over trsrown ch eeno his ulad wish for happi ness and prosperity in nil your undertakings may hap piness health and wealth be yours in ever increasing abundance merry christ mas to one and all norton motors business directory mxdkxu dr mcniven ntridan and office nd rabldsooe garner atexuib and ncln street dr nelson phjalolui mad baialili electro therapy dr wm cullen rtiratajan and bmaian offtco moura 14 and 74 sundays by appointment wilbur atxctjt just kortli of mill street telephone 12s ieoa1 phono no 23 box harold nash parmer solicitor notary tubu conveyancer ate mill streft acton out hours 030 to 1200 noon loo to boo saturdays 1300 oclock iwmmfw christmas greetings another year has passed and again we come to you with the wish thats old but ever new merry merry christmas to you and yours pallants clothing and shoe stores kenneth langdon barhatc solicitor notary pablw offices acton oeorfcetown over seymrcks cafe kin street por appointments phone acton georgetown 8s office hours acton tuesday nd thursday 11ft to 4js0 in kfosv ins on request toentax buchanan benial bigwa office in lelshman block tours until kvwiina by appointment do for ftttracuonm closed wednesday afternoon thoo 149 pearen benlml baixeon moved to our new quarters in the symon illock phone 20 will strict astofl miscellaneous francis nunan bookbtader account books of kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound uullnc neatly and promptly dona wyndham street doelnh out will ll our filctx mj cuomert ui lvkppla of totstbl chrltbuin loyful kw yw carrolls limited for that turkey sage ti sweet apple cider boi gdeen giant 10c 22c peas st 29c hard candy cellowrapped table figs hrlb pts 25c log cbin brownie biscuits pfc 5c mclarens stuffed olives 27c 25c catarac ale the best in town maple leaf fmincemeat ounds mixed walnut brazil and filbert tnuts in shell ixlure conuins abnohdj 81 jttlt jelliest aj west india molasses freeoseed raisins 16oi pu robcruons royal auorltd 3lb box chocolates aylmer fancy tips of asparagus 72 el christies fruited puddings christie fruit cake ti 17c 16c 25c 35c frvs breakfast cocoa ria chase and sanborns dated jf coffee lit 89 36c kentuckywonoer cut green beans no 2tl 23c hein2 tomato ketchup l8 bow 35 carrolls wvwuari limited ij hhhplliu mill slouk pixsks saturday night 1030 free delivery phonb us