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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 14 Jan 1937, p. 2

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vms two the acton free press thursday january uqx mtt sljr arton 9ret tbb puhllahcd kvxt tauraday at acu ootaxi suesduption bates vr ta 471 united statea eac additional slnl cople jc both old a4 newaddrieaa ilnld tn when ckana ol addrce raquaatad cancellations we find that fcot of pur eub idihen order not to hae their ubeerlotlon interrupted in cut they tall to remit belora expiration while aab acriptlooa will not carried in arreara ortf an exten period yt unleo we are noticed to cancel we ume tba aubacribey wlahea the aervloe continued advertising kates on application and aa alea in various column headlnge a1thou erery precaution will be taken to avoid error the free pre accept adyertlaini in lie column oo the under landing that it will not be liable or any error in any adertlaeraent publlahed hereunder unun prool ol ruch advertiaement lr requeeted la writing by the advertirer and returned to the free pre bunneai office duly rlgntd by the adrertler and with auch error or correction plainly noted in writing thereon and in that cae ii ny error ao noted not corrected by the free pre it liability ehell not eaceed auch proportion ol the entire cot ol euch advertlenent the pace occupied by the noted error bear to the whole pace occupied by aulol dills editor telephones editorial nd huln ofl beldcnce an unfavorable balance the past few years have shown that manufactur ing docs not gain all ty massed production much snvng can be made no doubt by units closely as sembled but the herding of individuals in such groups docs not make for better conditions leav ing aside the arguments of better living conditions health etc that favor the smaller centres for factories manufacturers are finding that workmen are better contented and labor troubles are not so numerous if the plants are widely separated agita tors of labor troubles find fruitful ground for their exploitation where the workers are congregated in large factories union dues and strike fees are more easily collected from large group the years of depression showed too tfiat the large groups and thickly populated centres were the most difficult to administer in relief and welfare maiters concen tration of mnnufarture has its savings but the balance is not in its favor from any standpoint the 1937 waidenflhip with the representatives to county council all elected the next item of interest will naturally be the selection of the warden for 1037 it seems that the years do not dim the interest and the competi tion foe the post is always keen we have always argued that the honor is to the individual and not to the municipality and that years of experience at the county council aro of more importance than giving the post to the person who represents mun icipality because it is that municipalitys turn that year it would seem that both aspirants for the posi tion have plenty of experience for the post reeve irving of milton and reeve hewson of oakville have both served well in the county council had plenty bf experience and arc both very capable last year reeve irvings name was put forth for jhe post autt he withdrew in favor of reeve currie of esquei ing possibly that is the plan this year and reewe hewson is coming forward to give due notice of his claims on the position it will be decided on tuesday next when the county council holds its inaugural meeting looka good here general approval from the majority of municipal ities has greeted the announcement that the mun icipalities will hereafter be relieved of their pay ments on old ago pensions and mothers allow ances uivdcr the new plan the provincial govern ment will also keep all the revenue from income tax most municipalities will gain by the change for instance in acton the income tax was never collected and there is no revenue lost the amount contributed to the county for these funds is there fore all gain for this municipality nearly all other municipalities in halton will gain by the change and can look forward to further reduced county rate this year which of course will assist in the mun icipal tax rate the present government has by its cnactmen another example the united states has just experienced another kidnapping that bears every similarity to the famous lin berg case that shook the nation the son of prominent doctor has been brutally murdered and the parents have ended two weeks of heartrending suspense only to be plungdd into the depths of sorrow in finding the mutilated body gangdom and lawlessness in the republic has reached state where many peaceful citizen docs not feel very deep sense of security it would seem thrit the thing has been an outgrowth ot interference with and evasion of the laws canada may well profit by the example and by comparison with conditions in england where respect of the courts has not been lowered and where every man is assured of british justice re gardless of his position the harm usually starts in tbo minor offences but it soon spreads to the major ones hih school exams to go intimation by the deputy minister of education of the early elimination of the matriculation examin ation will come as welcome news to students and would seem forward step graded certificates identical in the three main courses of study acad emic technical or vocational and commercial would be substituted mr mcarthur said if the plan now being considered were adopted by the department judgment of the students ability will be made by the students principal or instructor and will be much better guide than the present method of mem oricmg certain teachings in qualifying jor examina tions in addressing the canadian manufacturers association the deputy minister said you would be in much safer hands if instead of depending upon the examination standards still in vogue you relied upon the judgment of the boys principal and in structors time for correction hint that relief will be curtailed was given the other day when hon norman rogers addressed the canadian club and intimated that grants this year will be substantially reduedd business conditions are far from normal yet and unemployment figures arc still high he also realized the problem of un employment has certainly not been solved but the plan of relief will not cure the problem it was only planned as means to help until some cure had been proven successful there is no doubt the relief sys tem is distasteful to those who of necessity receive it and they would prefer to labor for their require ments it is readily realized that conditions are yet far from normal at the present time we believe acton has more unemployed than at any time during the past years and the lean years which preceded exhausted the amounts laid by for rainy day relief assistance is still very much of an unsolved problem but it is hoped that the five years of opportunity for observation has given governments an opportunity to find corrective methods and how to apply them editorial notes while ago men were sitting around for jobs now in the automobile industry they are sitting down on the job the spanish war is occupying the headlines agoin but it looks as if spain wasnt the only one interested in the conflict lot of motorists seem be very partial to those black hnd white markers they have only few days to come off the cars and be scrapped the globe and mail now comes out in new type dress it is so entirely different from the other papers that it makes the morning paper quite dis tinctive butter production in saskatchewan during i03g reached new high penk with an output of 24300 000 pounds an incrense of almost per cent over that jiroduced in 1032 the gross yearly value of nil products of the pulp and paper industry canada js now in excess of 53000000 and the wages paid to about 28000 employees runs over 30000000 assisted materially the smaller municipalities and hjchtlly in this county the absorbing of the maintenance of the provincial highways in the county showed the pust year in lower county rate naturally there is some opposition to the plan from toronto but for too long governments at queens park have had un attentive ear to torontos urging and it looks as if the rest of the province wus now getting some consideration the new plan looks good in this locality and will be heartily endorse back eighty years ago january seemed to have been quite popular month for launching news papers last weekf the st marys journalargu observed its eightyfourth birthday the bowman ville statesman was fouivded eightythree years ago and sixtytwoyear ago the carleton place canadian came into being all of these have improved with the years and are toduy serving well their commun ities the sunday school lesson fob bundav januaey 17u do you believe jn prophecy jesus the water op life golden text whoeoevor drinketh of the water that shall trivo him bliall jiover thlrat john 14 leaflon text john 710 time december ajd 17 imacc sychar exposition living water and how to oct it 1323 jcuus ministry touched all clajumh in tha last lcisou it woa jow teacher in israel in thin it samaritan woman ol bud character uut they both needed jesui and both heeded uio holy spirit ch 35 there ho cisen tlul difference among human beings oven when external dlitorcnccj arc very wldo romalu t3 23 in bomo tespocu the bad woman luid tbo advantage of the good man bho camo by day ho came by night jiho confessed christ at once and brought to him whole city he hid his dkclplohlp for years jefium was weary and hungry and thirsty but as ho kaw this erring woman coming down the road nil other hunger was forgotten in mia hunger to do the will of him that sent him 31 all other thirst in the thirst for pertililng souls his first thought wan to roach and save her the woman came for pitcher of water she got whole well full jciuii manner of deallngwlth her la full of suggestion to tho pcrroial worker ho began with the matter that was uppermost in tho womans mind and led hy very short route to the great qucatlori ho nak ed nmnll favor that ho might confer great one he took the woman whfn she was alone and so she opened her heart to him tho woman had mean spirit instead of lvlng tlilrmy man drink she brings up the strife between her people and his indeed jesus did not get that drink he asked for at all but ho got what lie desired infinitely more tho woman herself in 10 jesus tells her that there aro two things she needs to know tile won drous gift of qad tho holy spirit cf ch 3730 luke 11 13 acts 3b tho wondrous man who had said give me to drink the result of her knowing would have been that she would have asked of him and hi would have given her living water how simple this makes tho way to re ceive the living water the holy spirit simply ask and ye shall receive john 10 22 luke 11 13 the holy spirit is living water everything uvea where he comes john 63 ezk 47 this woman was very dull 11 comp cor 14 she did not appear at all hopeful cane but jenui wns patient and won and what convert she be came lie told her that every one that came to that fountain would thirst again 13 that is true or nil this worlds fountains the fountains of wealth fame pleasure carnal gratification or learning none of them quench the thirst of the soul then he tells of another water 14 the dr inter of this water shall not thirst forever it satisfies whoso ever drinketh but you must actunlly drink not merely read about tho water or look nt it then it becomes con stantly springing fountain within the source of everlasting life this water in beyond question the holy spirit john 3730 the one who receives tho holy spirit has within himself per ennial eternal aprlne of life rest joy satisfaction he carries well around with him he is independent of eviron ment he is emancipated from the dance the theatre the card party and all the world finds necessary for satis faction why then do so many pro fessed christians and it necessary to run after these things they have not received the holy spirit or the fountain is choked with rubbish out with the rubbish and let the spring gush up again the woman did not quite com prehend jesus even yet but she had sense enough to say give me thfti water and she got it too before the woman gets the water there comeb con viction of sin vs 1610 tnat is noren jiary oo call thy husband says the master soulwinner she tries to parry the thrust by theological question and fallo then comes great revelation or the nature of aod and the worship he accepts ii god seeking wornhlppero and the kind of worshippers he is seeking 24 20 the heavenly father is seeking not only those who will serve hlnuond obey illm but those who wilt worship htm 23 hut thougli he seeks them he does not find many prayer is not worship thanksgiving is not worship worship is bowing before god in adoring contemplation of himself in our prayers we are taken up with our needs in our thanksgiving we are taken up ulth oar bless ingn in our worship we are liken up with himself and ood ii seeking only one kind of worshippers tlioii who worship in spirit and in truth that in in reality not jn mere pretense cf phil ii we are ubso lutvly dependent upon the holy spirit co leach us how to worship and to lead us into acceptable worship ood is spirit not mere outward form though ood is siplrlt in h1h eieiltlal essence ilt doei manifest jumshf in vblble form 24 10 33 10 niullhi glad du hi coming when the pure in heart ihi1 ui him matt john thi woman know that the meiisluh was coming and wan waiting until he came to tell her ull thing ho lndd is the one who do tell us alt things within two yearn very sad prlttto edward will wonder about the world from country to country trying desper ately to forget his sorrows he wlu have lost uio woman for whom ho gave up the iieoiwwjmd ho will spend his nnal days in hungary and england alone tills is tho prediction of madam tcr fren laila professor occult science wlui visited toronto although nor homo is in purls she has spent most of her life in various places from new york city to hojitf itong the reign of george vi says madam lai la will be prooperous one for the empire boculluc during that period it will enlarge portly from the annexa tion of certain islands following great war tho war she says will take place in 1037 but the empire will not become in volved in it as matter of fact the empire will benefit because it will scjl vast quantities of munitions and other material to the warring natjons just about the time tills war gels well under way prosperity will return to canada in such measure that uio former boom times will look like lean yearn in comparison lurthurnioro it wont be ileetlngprospcrlty it will be here to stay in tho uarly part of this year great all field will bo discovered within eighty miles of toronto madam lnlla prvdlcu in 1vsbruary toronto man will perfect certain type of plant madam is not certain whether it will be vegetable or fruit which will possess amnving pro perties ihnit of all the fruit or vege table which it will produce will be sold bath dried and fresh secondly the leave will make fabric which will bo not only waterproof but fireproof tills material will also be much in demand by warring nations in march this toronto scientist will commence to build his factories and by the middle of the summer the first crop will be ready for the mill madam lalla claim she has predicted many world evcnui and just in cose you ore skeptical alio produced scrap book containing newspaper clippings score of languages the clippings carry regular newspaper dateline and credit madam with tho following prooliccles among them 1028 that acostc french filer would hop the atlantic which he did two years later the slnojapancsc war that carol would return to roumanlas throne 1020 that beer would again flow in the united states that the market crash was on its way that jimmy walker would be reelected mayor of new york and that laguardia would follow that the next president would be demo crat 1031 the dictatorship of dolfuss in austria 1034 the reelection of noomvelt scotts scrapboor wfltiqiianmiii by scctt famp imowtuci ria4 cahlvh iu maeuiahech morwoco carries u15 txrrv oi ynck amd crtmnics cunningham beaten by fellow kansan canadian public libraries public libraries in canada during 1935 cost eighteen cents per capita less than luo per cent of the cost of public schools and about ten per cent of the cost of universities and colleges public libraries in operation during the year numbered 042 and the expenditure on them was about two million dollars they lent over 21 million volumes for home use and probably between onethird and onehalf as many more to readingroom and referenceroom borrowers canadi an public libraries lend two books year for every man woman and child of the population in addition to the puhllc libraries which are primarily urban institutions travelling libraries circulate in every province of canada the object of travelling libraries is to supplement the book stock of small public school libraries and to provide somfi public library ser vice in communities otherwise without any three universities acadia dal housle and st panels xavicr conduct such service in nova scotia and mcglu university circulates libraries in quebec and the maritime provinces each of the five most westerly provinces operates provincial system of travel ling llbrorlos with headquarters at the provincial capital mubkoka campaign that vc may have some variety this will be true story it happened before the constituency of muskoka was mua kokaontarlo was the liberal can didate furiously opposed by the liberal co nicrvatlvc came to the square timber cabin of the widow 2l who stood out in the chip yard to let the suave campaigner solicit her vote is there anything may do for you mr fmully asked why yes could do to have some card wood chopped the liberal ze dot immediately remov ed his coat and set to work sturdily putting the mlneralitrcaked oak how much do you want cut he ask ed after while pausing to mop his red face oh guess youve got big enough jag thee replied the widow you see mr the liberalconservative feller is in the house and jest want enoinh wood to boll him cup of uni the printed word jihuh then made thf clearest and most uimtstakahlj decliratlim that he him self was the messiah und made it to this woman who was samaritan and not jw an outcast and sinner that hpduk unto thee urn he plctuicd nere is llnlsli of what glen cunningham famous mller of kansas called the most exciting and desperate rnce in my career staged at new orleans cunninghams desperate race was run against his fellow kansan archie san homanl of kansas teachers riollege who defeated him by an eyelash cunningham is seen here with left with san romanl many experts bellevu that race marked the beginning of uie end for cunningham as greater mller now let me see im nearly three so this 10371 mudcjnolbtllo mario lllonne qulle perauiab younu lady of almost throo summor oe into oliloquy iho viow uni luily duya of wiotliur yeur umi trio to see what hwauta herwlf and iht athtura four moru vlaltom to collunder aha expecta mora tun with or 13ifo perhuns more movlii contracta ifa laat moving world lor iiuur oulntu

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