vtam tax thb acton free press thtjnbday january 14th 197 oovtuum it takes courage to march end meet the toe in din or battle to thick or the niht tothooe knowing where nbe win have to alt fordae ahead because it is riant era greater course his who eeys lo to the crowd when they jeer end slight and who follows the path the other way just forglnc ahead because it is right bat the greatest courage of all is his who is shown greafr truth and by its light toms none else may see and may laugh and soon goes forging ahead because it is right the old man of jhe btg menu hints tar tum wmm lkftovkft meats as an aftermath of the festive season the housewife la often faced with left over of meat and poultry these left overs need not be wasted as they can he made into great variety of dishes with the expenditure of little time and trouble bones from roasts and steaks ihn be utilised in making soup and stock surplus gravy and the liquid from stews may also be used for soups few of the uses which may be made of leftovers are croquettes any kind of eroun beef or poultry one part mashed potato or rlc and egg mixed with gravy slock occyhlte sauce and fried in deep fat hash two parts of any kind of ground beef and one pari of mashed or chopped potatoes eiew cold roast beef steak et cetera may be used in stews instead of fresh meat of the leftover may be ebbed and re heated in gravy or white sauce beef ho with stew as basis put in baking dish and cover with baking powder bis cuits cut about one inch in diameter minced beef on toast chop cold beef heat in gravy and serve on toast eacalloped beef cut beef in cubes ml with gravy and place in baking dish with alternate layers of boiled rice or dressing cover with bread crumbs and brown shepherds pie fiafcac ait for beef pie except that cover of mashed potatoes jellied met cold roast steak tongue or tripe cut in cubes and added to fct highly flavored gelatin stock mould cool and slice beef sandwiches finelyground cold beef seasoned and mixed with salad dressing and worces tershire sauce canadian fcoklxsrs ado ttfccoveuy canadas forest industries are playing major part in tlie dominions forward march to recovery ebtlmaus of the national income for the year how draw ing to close show uiat tlie forest in dustries will contribute approximately xisooooooo compared with 1d7b3ooo in 1m5 this improvement duo large ly to the increased production of news print and also to large expansion in the production and export of lumber particularly in british columbia forestr products are playing an impor tant part in canadas trade recovery and indications are that exports of thesa products in 1033 will exceed by wide margin thoe of recent years tvurlng the fiscal year 035 the exports of wood wood products and paper were valued at j18ijww and import at t3 providing favorable bal ance of 1158 560 000 domestic demands for lumber have been ratlier slow to res pond to tlie general advance but it is expected that this demand will be materially increased by activities under the dominion housing act and the home improvement plan inaugurated by the dominion government because of uie importance of canada forest resources dominion laircst ser vice is maintained which concerns itself with problems connected with the proper management of canadian forests and with tlw manufacture and marketing of loreit products rarest experiment stations are established in alberta mani toba ontario quoboc and the maritime ivovlnces where field studies are con ducted timber utilization problems are dealt with in three forest products laboratories located in ottaa mon treal and vancouer scotch solution an enterprising pastor colled to parish in small scotch mining town uorked faithfully added many new mtmbeta and finally built new church steam heating plant uas put in and tlie little meeting house teuned to be complete in cwry way lxct 11 had no bell members had given so liberally tlml tlie pastor decided to rau enough funds from outsiders to buy bill ye say ae noo clvoorch one luurdluuided cotch miner mplied to the pssstors appeal an noo want tnll for if ye said tlia pastor yes an ye iy ue clioorch eated by atea yes itan said tii miner wy duut irf put whistle on ut watt and peace what good is war what good is war what do we fight each other for war stalks with helllshneas and pain conquering its way same end to gain bub peace with healing in its wlngs with love and patience always brings that which is greater grander far than fight and force which kill and mar and seeds of hatred surely sow in time to multiply and grow but peace what good is peace you ask peace is our birthright peace our task to speed it on to earths far ends until all nations shall be friends true peace brings life and happiness but war brings death and ghastllncss peace is of cod but war is sin and peace sluiil gain what war would win when scales shall fall from slghtles eyes for wisdom scorns to walk with war and cries with simme what is it for7 ve been reminded that the blacksmith shop of tiios overton was not on tlie site now occupied by the house of mr kelson moore but rathe on tlie vacant lot next to the creek im always glad to liave these corrections because will admit my memory does occasion ally give me tlie slip tlie brick house bullti in tlie ashes of tlvomas overton homestead which was destroyed by fire when the old california house was burned nearly seventy years ago was tlie home of tlie bbage family for about forty years mrs overton lived there and fine old lady slie was tills property comprises at least two lots tlie little creek which rises in tlie pish pond property runs through wesley masales property dan youngs under the tracks and supplied uater for smith as mcoarvin sheep akin tannery later storeys clove leather tannery and brown as hall shingle mill runs through this property when thomas ebbage was burned out on tlie acton plow company property he built pump factory in tlie rear of tills lot over the little creek gasoline engines were just being adapted to small shops about tills time and mr ebbage with his customary enterprise installed one of tlie first that came to acton he had previously used hand pouor water power steam power and he adopted tlie new gasoline explosive engine one of the first built by qoldle az mcculloch oalt speaking of hand power some of us remember when mrs ebhage and tlie children of the liome turned tlie crank of the big pump log boring machine in the old shop beside the presbyterian church they oil liked to help father and they did their work uell tiiomas ebhage always did his uork well when he undertook to install pump in well or cistern lie invariably made lt work satisfactorily even at tills date there ure many of the khbafie pumps doing satisfactory service in the surrounding country some of them have buen in use for over fifty years too when mary and uere young folks on the farm tom ebbage put the tirst pump in our new well it uas there until we left the old farm tlie voung man who succeeded us of course couldn be so slow and oldfashioned as uc uerc and he put in ulndml1 outfit and let nature do hat ue had been doing io long welt while his health uas good yea and for long time afuruard mr eb bagc uorked busily in the hop he wlui tlie assistance of sympathising neigh bors had erected when cement tile came into vogue tom ebbage uent to london and inves tigated tlie lnduity and ordered tot of cement tile and cliurn moulds par ears he manufactured tile for the mun icipal councils of acton ewiuiilng nus sagaueya erin and eramoa hu tile ure ulwavei reliable tture was no slop uork an in fi liar tile was thrown out as oan us discovered when mr ebbage became too ill to continue the business his bon charlie continued tlie work and hu reputation for good ivout work equalled that of the father thomas ebbaecs well spent life ended over twenty years ago after long period of illness of this family noneemaln in anton miss clara resides in toronto and occasionally visits acton but the family like many another has become scattered and reside at widely separated points oil the continent think the little tannery which was built on this property by john zimmer man one of the early settlers was the first tannery in acton mr zimmerman owned the farm which la now owned by mr alfred llemstreet and think also the rear hundred which is now mr john browns one farm when mr zimmer man passed away the little tannery was closed but during its existence many side of fine calfskin prench kip and other leathers were tanned and finished there the building was utilized as bam carpenter shop stable and driving house after mr febbages death it was sold to kerr the auctioneer lie lore it down found valuable timber in its construction and with it built garage and stable at ills fine new resid ence at the corner of bower avenue and john street eighteen or twenty years ago the little house on the north west side of the lot was if remember correctly built by john parmer for years an es teemed resident of acton he lived there with his family for some time his father michael parmer was the first colporteur of the tipper canada bible society in this district scores or the homes of new settlers were supplied with bibles by mr parmer eighty five or ninety years ago john parmer was kindhearted and had great love for lmldfh mllpyjfv cholarwiu rememb the luscious rosy apples handed to them by mr parmer when they were on the way to or from the old school by way of the old lane opposite this house it was in this house that peter sayers and mary mbore lived in their early married lire peter was head sawyer for moore brothers in qieir shingle factory above the railway where mr youngs house and orchard are now situated mary moore was foster sister of the moore brothers daughter of the late james moore sr her mother died in lier infancy and mrs thomas moore sr her aunt adopted the utile girlie and gave her tt comfortable home until her marriage mr savers went into business for himself at speyalde between fifty and sixty eartf ago and later bought the cargill mills in nassagaweys he prospered in business and retired to oudph mrs sayera died in nossaga wcya and mv savers over twenty years ago while living in guelph per years uie twoacre lot next to tills house was calf pasture when james cameron owned tlie zimmerman farm arid lived there with his large and inter esting family over seventy years ago acton division no 243 of tlve sans 61 temperance was organised its members were practical and enthusiastic and backed up tlielr temperance principles with their money and their muscle they built acton temperance hall as place for holding their ueekly meetings their numbers multiplied the liall was well built for holding public meetings in fact it was recognised as the town hall for this community for many vears tlie sans of temperance had strong influence on the moral ctatus of acton and vicinity is on historical fact that the early members with thtlr families for two and three generations were largely responsible for the tem perance sentiment which has so largely prevailed here when the names of these early families are reviewed this fact is not to be wondered at there were the browns the nlcklins the war rens tlie elliott the moores tlie sny dcrs tlie lasbys the halls the mat thews the speights the halls the wordens and cuch outstanding individ ual members as malcolm mcpherson and john holt and john parmer and others there was not only the parent organisation but the cadets of tem perance enrolled the boys from four teen to eighteen they were under the supervision of members of tlie older concluded on page seven altrxomatios dusky hi stopped out into the road and called to another negro throw up yo hands txrudder oalnt do it cause ah get rheumatics in man hands was the reply kcbber mind dat ahs got auto matics in mine yo wins brudder yo wina tiikee kactl pat hear ydur brotherinlaw is very bad patricia ob hes good torwukahar year yet pat aa long as that patricia yea dies bad four differ ent doctors and each 000 of than gmvo him three months to live pain and ruaaumx mature has placed mankind under the covernment of two sovereign masters pain and pleasure it la for them to point out what we ojgbt to do as well as to determine what we shall do on the one band the standard of right and wrong on the other the chain of causes and effects are fastened to their throne 1937 wfiat is your share roger babson economist and statistician has this to say in the rotarian magazine to my way of thinking he says advertising and selling are going to play tremendous part in the coming boom your sales department shoutd be drilled into prosperity psychol ogy ihemmutethcrlow point of adcprcssionisjtcchedantl 6j the turn towards better times comes become bullish on ad vertising this bullishness develops into white heat as busi ness reaches the normal line it rs in the normal zone that all constructive forces of your organization should work and work in harmony mr babson further urges that businessmen consider these important factors credits should be kept in order at all times as prosperity proceeds there will be increasing shortages of skilled workers and executives so investment in your personnel now should pay handsome dividends doing business in the prosperous days ahead without sound accounting and finance methods would be like lighting fire with gasoline if you must borrow at least be free from debt one day of each year practical research in your business may mean the difference between profits and just breaking even strange as this may sound less than 10 per cent of the businessmen of the united states actually pulled profits from the great 1029 boom remembervthis warns mr babson wlieren depression hits everybody prosperity is always selec tive profit tickets are not passed out to all that enter the big tent of good times in period of business expansion you must work 1inrd to assure profits as in period of depression you must work hnrd to avert losses only four times during my 35 years of studying business conditions has the babsonchart on which have spent over million dollars in research crossed the normal line on its way upward the first of these was in 100212 the second in 1015 and the third was 14 years ago in 1922 the fourth has just occurred at the start of tins impending boom he says in conclu sion you all have new set of books to open this is the time when everybody starts from scratch but some only scratch the way to eliminate competition is not to meet it but to keep ahead of it will it be boom for you your home market is in aetonyour home paper is the free press business directory dr mcniven njslslsa ana hsuii offloa and ttsfvlsnos oorasr avenus and beta fltzass dr nelson dsctro lliarsvy dr wm cullen rtirslelaa and sasgssw offlcs hours 14 and sundays by appointment wilbur street ust north of mill stress telspbosm 13s pfaoos no box us haroldfltash parmer bollcltor notary public conveyancer sie baub street actok out hour 930 to 1200 boon loo to boo eatuntays 00 oclock kenneth langdon barrister bsuehar notary pahb offices acton oeortetown over tbeynueks oaf uala street par appnunents phone acton tt qeuisstowu sv office boars acton tuesday ano thursday 11s ib to jso as lnfs on request buchanan denial fas office tn hoars kn until ipe atmjsxkieb by appointment oss for xstxaotlans cloeed wedneedsy afternoon phone its pearen benlel beixseo moved to our hew quarters in the syman block phone 39 mill street aston aoscellaneous francis nunan booiiblgaw account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound rullntf neatly and promptly dons wyndham street auelph ont general we brcoiauzb in life fir health and accident automobile windstorm plate glass boiler fidelity bond farm insurance annuities and all general lines of insurance albo ocean steamship tickets leading oompanwi axceixent pacluttes nepreeeatative protective aseeela uon of canada for hfseone only fredl wright offue cooper wtfck office 9k 1honc kedd 1621 ljqsisa aflaa pisa britains royal family bound for sandringham daring holidays picture if llrttulntf first rumily wiu made as thei que elizabeth and their duughurs ir llritiil ltnpire und hli family lift their home at mnyq waving ur jplctuivd in tt excellent new kim of the 146 icfmdillv bound or holiduy visit lo sndrmuhjui kini gtoruj vi rlnecsk elizabeth md prlrv tlulr car ohiusi 0ndus mtoui want to sell something sold vaz pxiaa small ad the qjuiokeat cheapart way to find buyer only ctcnx woldl