wwirtrtwwifciitji kvurj nwrtv efe ip paojb keobt 1he acton free press thursday january 14lh 1w kotfaca of birth mrrica nd death faueyted in tua oohuaa without char la meorii mock sk aad aac par additional lor poetry born cook at onelph general hospital on bfonday january uth 1037 to mr and bin william coon acton son mflgwnro waufrjknkinos at st albania church acton on saturday january 2nd 1937 by rev brllunger edith ruth fclder daughter of mr and mib john jennings to mr prank ernest wale youngest son of mr and mrs herbert wale brampton fentonsaqaski on monday jan uary ilth 1937 at the home of and mrs vtckcry acton toy rev brilllnger mary kathleen daugh ter of mr and mrs sagaski to wullam john pentozt of toronto son of mr and mrs penton of toronto died ismond at indian head saak hos pital on saturday january 2nd 1s37 james marshall ismond beloved hus band of tulle sheckle in his mth iqcals hlgfaways have been uke su driving the past week skating parties are too quite popu lar ng the young folks peel county closed the past year with balanco or tsjbtt acton creamery has added iiow truck for delivery purposes the january freexeups have been almost as numerous ra the thaws the business men class at the on wednesday night has organised volley ball league the ladies group of badminton en thusiasts too growing and enjoying the courts at the the floor in the social room at the ymoa bow completed and other improvements will be proceeded with soon acton churches have decidfcd to con tinue combined prayer serviced ehcil week uith the one this week being held in knox church norman deforest was in guelph xmllee court in connection uith defcud lng the relief office that one ha did rpt try in acton but he vlsiukl court fairly frequently acton machine shops shipped larae ooniignment of preims on tuesday the proouct of the local plant which lias ben very buiy uie past months on this arul ouicr special orders word has been received by friends here that mrs king of massty ontario luui uie misfortune on kfev year eve to fall and break lifer right wrist the injury lias been quite pain ful tvluard townscnd who lias ratified from uus school board of section 15 in equcahur wilt continue to act as ts secretarytreasurer during the third of century during whicli lu at on tlie hoard mr tawruend has the unique record of not having miscd tingle meeting few less on relief during im ber 1036 cost few more dollars to keep than in 135 according to figures given out at uie meeting of the bur lington welfare board relief far de cember cost 003 62 for about 260 in dividuals uhiur in uie same monui jcor q4jo bimut 300 cost uie town flo leis for the ome period ask transfer to the milton hydro district esquesing council held inaugural session and made appoint ments for year en well we ve met georgetown on both kinds of surfaces and now what have you the council elect for the township of agues ng for the year 1037 met at 11 oclock on monday and having certainly looked as if something big had dont know yet whether one of those new plays of dick carroll was respon sible for tho water game on friday night subscribed to tho oath of office took their seats as follows george curric reeve robinson deputyreeve wilson howard may and edwin llarrop councillors the minutes of tho last meeting were read and confirmed after the reading of the communica tions the following resolutions were passed moved by edwin harrop seconded by wilson that the treasurer pay the relief accounts as presented by the relief officer 3860 carried moved by robinson seconded by may that the treasurer pay the road sheets aa presented by the road superintendent 33174 carried other accounts authorized far payment were sanford tax receipt books hydroelectric power commis sion brampton lights ab council chamber board of hydro commissioners georgetown street light at glen williams october to december 1936 bell telephone company 350 73 55 31 12031 1030 651 70 22 g5 40 00 stones on highway the sand put on uie hlghuay through acton has had quite quantity of email stones in it as result of uict two of uie ulndous of mill street ttorcs have been broken this inter passing cars nicked up uiesa stones and threu them with such force tluit the door glass on wuton bakery uas hrolen and uie window in harold wllca store ui hit latt week while comparatively harm ful on the open hlghuays uiee stones lire real menace on uie hlghviay in touu lildeftly man knocked down by car knocked down by cor as lie at templed to cro3 tlu rood at uie comer of kerr and colborna etreeu at oak vllle duvld pard aged 85 of kerr trt tout oakvllle was injured about the hcitd resulting in passible concussion aiwl had several ribs broken oakvllle oldest native bom resident mr pord wellknown ftgure ubout town and hi injury has caused widespread regret while his condition is not regarded as erious every precaution is being taken against pouilble cant plications moore account to date george elliott account re tho henderson property trcasnjyer county of halton to half hospital accounu for the year 193 town of milton esqucsing share of division clerk and bailiff fees ebqucslng aharc of relief given to howard clublne ocw nov and dec wilson and co renewal of treasurers bond duncan mcdougall refund on taxes overcharged leuoy dale balance of account in full to dat 655 moved by edwin harrop seconded by wilson that this council petition uie ontario hydroelectric power com mission to tronsfir the supervision of uie district known as uie milton rural hdro district from ouclph to milton ue bclleung tluit uie change will result in considerable saving and give better service to uie contract holders of uie milton district carried jov ed by robinson seconded by wilson that uie request or uie raupatrs of glen williams for tuo ad ditional strt lights be granted car ried mowd bj robinson seconded by moj uiat uie tounshlp of ei qutelng puclioce 300 ft of enow fence and sufficient posts to erect same and uie rood superintendent be instructed to purcliase some carried bilaw no 872 to appoint member to uie local board of health for uie year 1037 uas rtad as required and ii bingham uas appointed to uie otflce by bylau read as required jenkins hardy uerc appointed auditors ctcll chliliolm uoa by bylaw ap pointed weed inspector for uie year anouier bylaw for uie inaugural meeting passed by council provided for road expenditure for uio year bylaw no 870 passed at this meet ing gac the road superintendent uie authority to supervise all construcuon in uie tautishlp of work done by uie bell telephone company mo ed by robinson seconded bj may that uie cler be in tructettto urlte the municipal world re dr realty dog farm re license on dogs carried moved iby robinson seconded by ii may tluit the rolls be return ed to colltctor joseph sanford to allow him to ilnlrh hl collections carried moved by robinson seconded by wilon that the tux collec tor credit wm reld 80 on payment of 1037 taxc to be deducted oif the 1037 payment order by the farmers creditor arrangement act cacrled movid by lalvtn harrop seconded by wilson that uils councu pay uie clerk at uie rote of 00 per pension urlung old age pensions amount 3b carried mov ed by robinson seconded by kduln harrop uiafr walter lauson be acting clerk during bennetts uisence carried mov ed by robinson seconded by may that this council do now adjourn to meet monday labruary 8th at 130 pm or at the call the reeve carried ska1ing party it mcdonau chosen eire chief at thi annual meeting of acton hie uruiud mcdonald was re use ted chldf of uie brigade and mcdon ald akuulit plre chief for 1037 other onleer clioiiii uire fred crejon cap tabi of uie tire truck and reeli with ilambert pirt uiuteiiunt chuholm second lieutenant olid gordon smith tru driver gordon bmlth mini uu unanlmutis choice at the tiliellng for beopolaiytreaiuier succeeding wilson wtio resigned from the urujadj been uncorked wonder uicro wercn more bpectatom hit with the puck it was certainly off the ice plenty and for same under uie ice condl uons players certainly had tempers well in hand and played clean game excuse us acton sweaters are ted and white with little black trimming they had lhe socks to match on prlday night weve told that acton is to be put on uie front of uie sweaters and that numbers are also to be added both very necessary looks as if acton and georgetown will draw crowd under any condition both teams sure go out to win and are their rans with them woods turned in mighty nice gamo in georgetown and on the night really deserved shutout morrison and sloan seemed about tho best for guclph on monday night jotham is due for serious injury if he conunuci ids habit of laying on uie ice in stopping shot squcek morrison the latest addiuon to uie gupi team via uie ojlo is pretty good ilnd but uio ojlc will heed to send more reinforcements to put guelph in good poaiuon guclph certainly showed uie need of condluon the just couldn skate with uio acton boyu bus morton who hant played in game uils year for acton will bo back on uie lineup in uie next game we arn making any predictions on uie hockey outcome uili year but we do say uiat fans have never wilnessed better balanced or fater team since acton oji entry the pity is uiat tliere just lsn room for all uie eligible material on the line up and its well to have it uiat way be cause accidents do occur and places do need temporary filling we re told uiat murphy formerly of oakvllle intermediates uill be on the georgetown lineup when thoy appear here well uevc met him before and beaten uie teams he played on too georgetown can be such swell place to live after all judging by uie way hockey players have to be fcauiered from all ports of the county to make team hacnt heard yet how dick curral and his georgetown boys liked uie 3j trimming in guelph last night guess those new playr just didn click again and are being kept until uie close of the season its said the ice wasnt in good shape lart nirht weil that the firs time cither simpu mfthods for ice storage where let readily nilable the toraiic of few blocks or it is very lmplc matter ahytjn occupied comer of shed will wne the purpose rough board enclosure ten ftet square and eight feet high itatis uie dominion department of agriculture pamphlet simple method for the storage of ice will hold liioutfh ice to provide 50 pounds per day for 130 days after allow ing for reasonable amount of wastage the mailer the quantity stored the laraer li the proportion of waste the bottom or uie enclosure should 1m covered uith about one foot of saw dust if the oil underneath is impervi ous clay will be all the better if there is few inches of gravel under the saw dunt in putting the in the enclosure the boards can be taken awuy from one jilde and replucld after uie ice la in lumllion tile rpacc of one foot to be filled with sawdust should be left be tween the ice and the boards and the ice should be covehi with ubout uie same thlckne of rawdu it la the juniors lost two games continued from page onci uttmbox liad the edge in tho first half buf georgetown omo back fast to take the brcaksvnd jvter all its the breaks that count lnbfiockey game riddu and kcmshcad ro tho most cffocuve for georgetown whllo woods and uio acton perurs forwards shared uio limelight from tho writers viewpoint tho next name in acton promises lo produce real struggle with acton out for revenge and georgetown out to make it twice hi row marxo refcrecing proved uiat uio best of referees do hot como out from toronto or uio every loyal fan should bo on hand to boost their coming intermediates when acton meets georgetown next tuesday in tho acton ice palace old tkntakio in aubseta tho llnoup was acton goal woods defence boons and bayllss centre sproat wings mar shall and jones alternates holmes jocque tyler golbralui patterson sub goalie brush georgetown goal burrows defence sanderson wylle centre emshead wings luddall and welter alternates stockford bonrtcld goldham press wood can i1 an catxtj pofc united states under uie canadaunited fcaatcfl trado agreement uie duty on catuo im ported into uio united states from can ada was lowered from uiree cents to two cents per pound but the number of cattle weighing 700 pounds or over to enter under uie twocent rato was limit ed to 155 700 head after which uie old rate of uireocents per pound was to apply kiarly 00 per cent of uio im ports to uio united stated of ulls class of cattle came from canada as has been uio ease in previous year and by early october 1036 uie quota of 155700 head had been filled during 1030 imports to tho united tsates of catuo weighing less uian 175 pounds came principally from canada tho rate was reduced under the agreement from to cents per pound but quota on this class af catue wan set at 51 033 head and was filled in the early part of august 1030 since uiat time the full rate of centfl per pound has applied during the renuaning part of the year to cattle under 175 pounds tile number of cattle to be imported to the united states in 1037 will depend on two facton writes uio canadian trade commissioner in new york the first factor will be uie level of domestic piccs nnd uie second the supply of canadian cattle available for shipment catue prices in the united states for 1037 are expected to be higher than in 103c on the other hand it appum that the number of cattle fed in canada in the fall and winter of 1030 will bo mailer than 1035 uiat in the first half of 1037 the total imports of cattle from canada to the united states will probably be no larger and may be uian in the corresponding period of 1030 the united church young people aautlust which kitiw uu ice from melt saclt ty luld an enjoy uble skating party ln at the arna on tuesday tvnlng tin iu drier the sawdiut uu tter the jrockuood united church oclely were ice ull kt and it is ood plan to gutits on thu occasion following the throw out the drlist of the iwdui iron ucatlng uie young folk turned to th chmvh scliool room where rfruhmtn wire strvd mid social llnu enjoyed uklll ifcas of mif thinks for lit shi may rujht is uiul klii may be il tlmi to time the ice li being miiavtd during thi mimim under covtr uiu iwdui1 uill continue to dry out and thil tw in uttir condition to used again in tin following invtrjil uu and mhritli atloni for uxhoux inrludlng un teewill ar lvh in the 1111 inouuh lamphlet which nuy obtainwl on qui ft from ui ihjbllc ity nnd est ntlnn lirunrh minion di pn tnu nt of agri culture ot awu sure enough waltcr hercs your sir customer you call that shortcake take it out and berry itl the double barred cross dear patx pbess pleasant features of life in this great province is the constant meeting wltn of tonncr acquaintance and uioso who knew of others haw al ready mentioned uie misses ouracy of tho william gurncy family in acton now mcsdames mc williams and lawrence wives of former erin and eramoa youths who have largo farm and ranch interests also another mrs mcwli llams former fellow teacher with our myrtle matthews thera are also tho rosxcl boys from our old willow fctreet comer samuel and perry now com petent truck men for heavy work mach inery piping etc for the immense lrhl ing interests samuel made trip with two others to uio yukon in 1935 and on new years eve hero in the manse having uio brothers and their wives to supper sam gave thrilling account of his trip 350 miles of it going in by plane and after scanning uiat land of uie midnight sun returning by long stretch of raft navigation making several por tages past terrible rapids to uie fronb then mr harding well known in acton merchant and civic life now at high river uio business depot of uio duko of windsor ranch many miles out in uio country also fred plank former crowsomi corners lad bow strong farmer west of lacombe and of course fiftytwo umes year touch acton friends uirough tux fatx paxu uie number rapidly diminishing but now ones arising find uiat my letters in return to uut old home paper were just half twentysix thanks for the privil ege lady in this pastoral charac calling one day in uie fall on church affair errand was prevailed upon to remain for dinner and in uie course of convc sauon revealed uiat her girlhood home was in ontario which of course led to hctnaual wliatviart when it proved to be county glengarry this brought up tho matter of ralph connor author of the glengarry books our guest knew rev gordon as lad at school and later as her pastor in winnipeg but special tnterefc was attaelied to uie fact of her fauier being uie actual church precentor whose life and service formed the basis in depicting uiat church functionary in ralph connors glen barry literature indeed ontario people in cry uldo rense havo had grat deal to do in developing uiui great west nam prominent in political life hcndeu wir once junior preacher at lowville and kilbride rev wellington brldg man once nclron youth opened up uu great region south of here in the mac leod and pincher creek country to churchly privileges and remember you ontario folkj uiat name which ha this province from centre to cir cumference william abcrhirt liailcd from ontario and uie province is cuil in tremor clirlstmos is past and new year to morrow and the bargain windows by dally newspaper ads ahd radio barkin will have to adopt noiae other line or ap proach prelnventory sales and ouier in ducements happy new yearl yourr coleman turner valley alia january 1st 1037 international symbol of the crusade against tuberculosis tas arniliw nmreji urmnn the pajia or hi lory fljtluliik tm uu tr luhtn ttr tin ir uroiitcn oj tliu caui may oim cumom ew ma to avtln ii common to tin in alt ticli cirrlm hutu am itanium on which apjwind till lulllll ni ot tho cuim good or bad tint rauio wan always hluonid fortti in tirnia of hiriildry whl urniluauy tuvatmi hluhly olltid kluiiy artir hi uvn tf in chrl linn ira tho cro am in uu nilnii ly popular iiito anil wltli tliiii nibli upon tin ir lunuir niiiry umiipilv kulidil rmto forth to ln luttk rjr ills prlni ipu ami to hivo or rouim tlin llil iiid from tho iiilliul troai at all k1uihw uuih and onia nn ntutloiih havo im uid by iiiniiiiur ahlo fuiiilllim cltiii onliru guiui imtlotifl ami rauuu lu bpanlunl found nlliclouu eymlw omong tin axuca which wan viry itlmll ir to our cnuji llio uwujtlkii illltiruni in an old eymlwil nudo wviril crotuj liiua tht habit or cliwwhw nihil mu luui carrlut over into our nuwli elvlllicutldii and clnlw and mu it piardlnin awjirla tlons ill follow that uriwim cut torn it was tin foru tjulto tho nuiiiral thing that au thn war 04 ulnst tulrliiliwbi bathirtut niomi ntuni anil naltnn afli nation tool up th can that koiiio inttrnatloual mbli uhould ixi rluwi which would lie hyniluillc tho mutur wau ulven caivfllt con uh riilim fur it was important that tho nviuihi ulioulil bi lntiriiallnnally uccipud anil havo nnlvirual apim al anil yi it nhontil bo dieiuvlly tlutinrt rrom any ulnmly mtimtt it inti rnatluiud uy inuil uucli aj tu 1um cnuui it would uvtm that tin tutx reuhuibi eamuahcni ru of thtt iliilh nim iujj or tliirxalmtut di llln rati ly wi nt out ufn iiiihii that woulil hivo muiii 11 lnt ilk tho klunillrlinro unit in hi rxd arc aliro of tliu uiil liiiiun anil yd imi oulto illullngul hut id from yiuy had to bvoui not ly tln nwui but thmi of tho vrloux unk ditorgt anthony aiulr tl uo on liny hail ulho lo avul tho llr llnuk tho multcu and ihn papal in tho wonu or ir wtiwirt ft that it would mi in that what tin thought thoy niluht voinlro tiny nl and look anil mi wo huvo thn patrl urehul inw ho 1orruhiu njj or ti two iruiailtw aiioiniill lusl nowuuyinlol to vtny laud or mipul ir iuihu audi uml burwuiful truiilo aw ilntt iiurjnihwl lulw rtiit wbt mw inibuiu to aln liuik ror ull tho plo of tho world tho holy inn or ii jhh ihu im tho miu un hlili tho mum lola tin lonnilo uiul tho tjuii mury lluutali for misi mptuivi ivo itianhiil tin many yur ihn iwnmr umlir whli tin uml oili uiaiorluiu uml tul ii ri uio vorlin uiltull tiu in tho rvwliu havo won kiuh murlcd bill ijj ltut ht ry roiitlniin pt rt of un ut pit ui luiii irtir oiilrlhullii ti nallmol tunl tariuui abimluiloii ill hi oronto will ii4i urtally uu uu1 collections client wrote us on january 2nd 1037 as follows many thanks it li re illy wonderful the uay you ret rejplls it is mo thin ever expected are on hi inp trouble itli your unpaid account if send us your list at once and await re sulti kelly aiken collfctum sprelallfctii orjingeviixe ontario kt 1hh0 bonk reference on lteutt royal guelpu sow rtavino college llolidayb jack benny blikns allcn etc sit iuion tuis juuujry ic 18 19 gold diggers of 1937 llir mulrr mulrjl with joan blondrll dick povvlll and ryrniciulouii cait itlnuiiuj stuiliy frutx wh lllults htlllal irci 2o si s2 the garden of allah mmillinl illllkicii ci1aklls boyfk tntiiulv in colou clearing lines before iilack taking we have number of lines we wish to clear at special clearing hricea it will pay you to take advantage of the bargains we are offering print dresses licit 00 tor 89c ladles waffle knit unoies lingular 20c 45c fianelette ulankets white only size whllo uley luit pair 198 children cahhmere hose sixes to tluck nd brown 25c klannelettk white urht and dark stripe jc inclil wide yardit 89c cashmere hose bias to snd llrtwn tomcm only ifl jl 29c on lot ladies scarfs to clear 89c tfhjunokietto gloves special at 1a pr 49c iyjama cloth bveral k4iern4 special yard 29c rayon bloomers lo clear ilor pr otvn lot girt long drawers to oleur 39c ow lo wool serges 51 lnehoi wiae srenu sluulal special at no yard 98c towels 4rverul qualluc on dlpuy 25 one lot mens shirts nee tl 50 and vi 00 por 139 pine socks horl silk wool hctfalnr 50c llnea only 39c overcoats to years odd lines your choice 195 windbrcakers all al ties at bpclu woo kce 50c 15c 00 39 69 89 tooke shirts kef j3 0o wmtl couan to clear at 169 meng ribbed wool underw1gvr odd lines your choice each 98c mens trousers winter weight 275 pulr onv lot mens combinations itimilir to 50 for cud lnci 119 vny other lines on display at clearing prices elliott bros phone 38 acton holland celebrates julianas wedding with ull hollund en fold crown princess juliana and her german prlrice luhnhurd von xjppe ulesterfcld wcro married th hague tin country cunltol on juii tnu popular juliana and prince btrn hard wlu will wcomo crown prince consort arc pictured toaetner aa tiuy mcurtd their murrlatfu license from uio buntomaatcr of the city acton stores can fulfill your needs give them first chance