paob six imf acton freepkess thursday january 28th 1w7 sammy bimtfck suntnj simple had dimple in his little ch lie ate and te and ale and ate to try and oil it in because he ate aad to relate in fat his eyes sank deep mow all the people want to know if sammy asleep done to turn by barbara brooks iancakca eriddle calces fupjacjta wheat cakes hot cakes crepes suwtto many are the names und the varieties in which uicse culinary crea tions appear buckwheat or plain with syrup or with honey or ev with and steak rravy larure or very small and crisp around the edges any way they come they still must be donctontuni brown and lovely in color they stimulate our appetlufi and appeal to our love of bauty in food jalr griddle cukes just arent griddle cuk 10 do them turn riddle cukes us uc tiluul cull uiem atu favorites of long landtag everyone but iomeliou the men tiave special weakness for them just let mtui uipect ttuu you my lovely lady can whip up bauh cf griddle cakes onctwothree order and there would never be any heed of leap year you uould have him cutlng out of your hand ut uic first night of those hardtoaot und easytotako griddle cake or if not out cf your hand at leaatr olf your grid dle and if you can not only equal the uoldenbrown pancakes which his mother made for him but ua well cult put new twist into the recipe and yive your eriddle cakus etf crupncvt and new flavor then your suocess is assured here are some suggvslloiuf for making and baking that put new hip into your tlapjacks bring ycur electric griddle to the table luve the batter in colorful pitcher and as each pencil ls ready for his cakes pour them onto the griddle in the six lie wishes and bake them to uie brourmiess he likes this of course is merely copying the restaurants wivj entice their customers by having hmik one in the window who dexterously nuike and baked cakes all day if uorks for theui it certainly sliould uork lor you tor tluit special party during the hlll days when you want to have souemin tliat particularly nice try pancake breakfast serve lots of donetoaturn eriddle cukes with sausage steak juicy broiled iioni and see if you don achieve something that will co don in uie annals of jour community as tlij lust party of tlie year this will be the time also to introduce the latest stye hot cake which lias bran added and lr nartlcularly crlrp and nutty in flavor here is how it is made all bran griddle cakes ftgs cup suffar cups milk cups flour tabltpons baking powder rif teaspoons sal cup melted fat cup all bran beat erca and iunar until lifiht and fluffy add milk and mix well sift flour with baking pouder and salt add llrst mixture stirring until flour disap pears add melted and cooled fat mill ing carefully fvild in all bran bake hot griddle turning but once servo lih butter and syrup yield 15 pancakes t5 inches 111 dia meter waffles loo are dependent for heir dellcllus crlspness on being donetoa turn try thti recipe and seo uhil golden brown beauty and melting flavor uie result all nran waffles supreme eggs cups milk cup all bran cups flour teaspoons baking powder teaspoon alt tablespoons migar cup melted fat separate eggs heat egg volk uell add mill and all bran let soak until most of niotstun taken up silt tlou uith baking wder salt and sugar adi ilted dry ingredients to liquid mlvtur and stir only until hour disappear add nutnl and cooked fat iild stltlh ba1en egg whites hake on hut watflt lion until no steam ls visible yield waffles inches in dia meter the sunday school lesson for k1jniy january 3ut fllu kfafrinkss would my son that could bid you mtad some formula and happiness youd find alas there is no road can recommend which brings content unfailing at its end but this say if you would find that calm tliat satisfaction gentle healing balm which is the essence of all true content then seek it nt for all your effort spent will be in vain perchance one day within shady wcod timid fawn beside you may have stood and let your wondrlng gaze upon it res drawing its slender beauty to your breast had you poor awkward human sought this deer and tried uith clumsy stealth to ven ture near the very flutter of your quickened pulse had served the timid creature re pulse so seek no happiness but rather live unhampered by vain selfish alms jet give to every deed meaning pure and true let failure but your noble faith renew not victory that counts but rather zeal with which you pattern life to some ideal remember well tis conscience that decide if our own heart be true or if it lies what though jvu tlnd not wealth nor glory gain the phantom of remune shall ever seek your soul in vain vernon marquee find that an error crept into my recollections if the cameron family last the financial cost op alcoholic beveraoes economic approach to the liquor iroblem temperance uuon clldrn text wherefore do jo bpeild money for that width not breud7 wid your labor for timtvwhich autuhelh not uu 5i lesson text lrov 31 17 23 20 21 matl 24 4551 john 2d dt 35 exposition the raggedy mull itovr 21 ui 23 20 21 students of social condition are licver tiled of discussing the causes and curse of poverty many remedies have bceil de vised for its ubolitlon liew alii strange economic experimental ure to day being tried in varioui porta of tin world to bring ubont its elimination solomon centurie ugc made study of the rorlal cond it jolts of his own time and country und many dt lib ilndioga and concluion are emliodied in the book of iyverl ho ascribe poverty in general to thne cuils which are so closely uuioc luted thati tliey ure treut ed ur one namely drunkenness wsu ulity und indolence the drunkard and the jlulton shall come to poverty und drowsiness shull cloth man with rags irrespective of the social and ecnoinlc system in vogue this state ment of solomons contains wumlng of universal application while it is true tliat in our complex modern jife many other causes contribute to poverty und want tlie fact rlmalns uuit the drunkard and the raggedy man are luiually one and the same love of strcng drink tends to make man useless and unproductive member of society it steals awuy his ambitions und selfrespect dulls his mind substi tutes fat and flubblness for muscle and utterly incapacitates him for any sus tained and productive effort he be comes increasingly incapable work is distasteful to him and whaj money lie ha ut poured into the saloon keeper till drunkenness is often characterized by disregard personal appearance and rvintnully the degrading habit tianifttrm man into dull aoddcn lnufer unkempt nithy clotlied wltli luyft it is worthy of note tliat in iu or is to ubollnh poverty soviet russia has banned the manufacture and sale of vodka whiskey the couutryii leaders recognised thut tier po pie could never le lilted from ccom mlc degradation and tlestitutloti so long as tliey oontlnuodrbi loiutage to the curse of strung drink woilfd to ood our own legislators wouli uaiuiain pat was going down town the other day he uai badl 111 need of ui out coal saving mvundhajid clothln tore lie imtued an ourvoat hatlglu de marked liars pa uuik the xiat down and walked into tie store with tlie au oer hu arm rie clerk calm up to him tijjjikiw iat wanted to ski the eoat pa said ilea much is this coat worth kelly the clerk said uouldpt gie jvu nuu than four dollars for it aint orth any more pat said didnt think ir vo worth ten dollmjr wldcli ou hd marked 01 it hrws jihir four dollar ill take the coat it silsr ada who married mr rotit mcwuilams and moved to dakota has not passed away but is now lllni hap pily in california she is the only sur viitng member of the family mr and mrs charles cameron also removed to calif rnia and mr cameron died there about tuenty years ago mr mc mnbb brought home the body of his fatherinlaw from the north but the funeral was held from the old horn where he had spent so many happv ears im also informed that the builder of the home tliat llrst occupied the site mrs peters smiths residence was warren tubby im mighty glad my friends check me up because after nil my memory is just like that of any other person liable to be at fault and like to be as accurate as possible there were other attractions at th cameron farm as well as the pretty girls and good natured boys of the family some of yui old fellows remember ery well the splendid orchard on the north scie of the house and barn and those sickle pear trees and wild plums on the front lawn which melded such luscious fruit every full yes some of you cair eeall today the ery sjwt where the trees tearing tlie jtitcy harvest ajples grew and which trees in the rciiard melded the red astrachans the talman swws and tioe sheepnosd winesap we alwajs used to like so much in the fall remember quite an incident in the fall of 1873 ikb watson wlio was lire man moore ilres shingle and saw mill was going out pigeon sh ottng one luluiav afternoon ail united me to along in those dajs there is fairh good sliootlng in the dense wivkis the cameron farm around tlie pond and at the hack of wlllaiu waldles john walters and the core well we started out from the shirgie mill avd when got to the raiua tracks li said we will cut through jimmv cameron orchard know tree of splendid ripe apples owr there well fill our pocket eat ufj were after the wld peoiis yi apple all right but jum as vv were leavinj tlu trx we heard gusti camerons shrill musical olee shout ki theres two fellows over in hu orchard hooking our mpe upple mr cameron xn appeared around the cjbmer of uie barn but by the time his hi there get out of that was heard we were legging it down over the back fields to the tall timber en route for the woods where tlie pigeons were we enjoyed those apples bub our bag of pigeons was rather meagre that day another apljle story now comes to me which occured year or two earlier than this sidney smith sr had substan tial roothouse between tlie track and the land which jed to th back fields of the farm not far from the ratlvfuy crossing there was an orchard belcw the railway the orcliard was planted and the roothouse con structed before the railway was built when the apple crop was good mr smith used to have apples stored in this roothouse tom kennedy and ed mc garvln learned about this one after non after school when they were going for their fathers cows which were pastured down the lane in the back fifty they thought they would like some apples and turned to the roothouse to investigate the door was secured with one of tlkse big oldfashioned padlocks and there was no entrance to be gained there they went up to the roof tore oft the protrmne rxn of the ven nnd ed covin to tlie bins of apples from which tiic very appetizing an ma came they stumped each other to et in by that route tills was alright for tom because his fat chunky young frame would never get through ed was al ways skinny duffer and jie agreed to go down he got into the ventilator all right but found there was wire net ting protecting the bottom tom took ed by the hands and bumped him up and down until tlie screen gave way and ed dropped through he filled hls pockets and tom pulled him up again ed divided tlie apples but kept the blg gest share for himself next night they essajed to repeat the trip when ed got down tom said throw some up the ventilator maw replied ed ive got plenty in my pockets all thr iv some up said tom ed finally com piled and threw tom dozen or so of the choice snows stored in the root use then at the top of the ven tllator tom shouted down now you can stay there you little beggar ill never help jou out im going for the cows kd was prisoner tom saw voting sid smith and id hlin ed garvin was in their roothouse hooking apples sidney go the key and hurried up to get ed when the door was unlocked ed bolted but he took go care all fall never to get within block or of old mr smith tp the rieith of mr and mrs cameron the farm was sold it is purchased by the late hamuel ore he had lived from earlv bo hood on the moore homestead on the hst line the tear of the cameron place but re irtd rrom farming and he and hs nilthir came to acton live he took over tlie shingle mill at tlie death of hi oher edward li ihtj but disposed of it shortlv aiterward and bough this farm he lled there after brief ul ies in ihu william remstreet the lake page from wielr notebook ul thbi respect ii trilst betrayed matt 24 4u 51 this passage from matthew referring to tlu second coming of our lord und master my well bo used in connections with our subject of temperance it con tuliui warning which needs to bo taken deeply to heart true christians ought to conduct their lives ut ull times like good jrvuiili whose iniuiler bt abwmt lemporarily hut who may return ut uny minute day or night we may be calle to go to iiliu he may ut any moment wune ui the glory cf lib bodily pret ence should he come today tomor row tonight wliat will he tlnd 01 earth god lias given our nation gifts of wealth und material possessions un told are we administering them fulth fully in ii id service looking for his ap proval bn his return xiusrub in uie very prodigality of his gifts we ixavi last sight of the giver and owner our government wait founded on great ideals und high sobriety industry and reverence of gods will formed und tpuld ed the thcught and conduct of our fore fathers how does it stand today what would clurlst were he suddenly to ap pear find among us whom he lias made ruler over so much of ills goods how lutve we used ills bounty jiaa not the very fulness of our wellbclng begotv ten in the hearts of many an insatiable greed which stops at no form ofde bauchery and exploitation one of tlie most sinister manifestations or this greed i3 uie legalised liquor traffic tills monnce of the devils work is chal lenge to all true christians by what mental jugglerj has the natin at large been persuaded that its financial well being in general will be promoted by joining up with the liquor interests can the same fountain bring forth both sweet and bitter water tlie liquor traffic has never brought forth anyuilng but degeneracy and death in what wordllness have wc been steeped that we ignore this pracn fact of history what recklessness of consequences lias made us acquiescent to uie sinister influence and forcer among us so inimical to christian life and thought it is time to wake from sleep and join battle against these disintegrating factors of nur national ilfe like wolves in sheeps clouiln they come us with specious plausible words but while they fill their awn bottomless pockets their un happy victims impoverished and oauched go staggering to ruin financial and spiritual the church must take the militant leadership in the warfar against this selfish niatcriallsm must bring back again to consciousness jense of true stewardship or the goods which we administer fcr god let us turn and cleanse our hearts that we may indeed be ready for the coming of our irtalnlyreturnlng lord tills is not ilitmnt hm very practical thinj sg groves bromd quinine im your watchman im telephone to lw ure uiil vtn an anum lcroiie watclimau at tlie aarno tinic guard your iiomc against cmergcaciea fire buclden aickiioah ukkwclcomti prowl en tliuirfl that can hap pen in the heat of regulated families lets hope they dont hap pen to you but in caito they do tfl always wise to he prepared til work for very little too only few cents have you tleliione in your home oar local buxitumv ojftcu will ttltully mtpply information business directory mkdfeoal dr mcniven fhyrtelan and bg oblca and realdeooo ooraer avenue and klcta street dr nelson yhytohm and baiijn e3ectro tnarapy pbooa dr wm cullen njian and llmrgmm oftico lloura 14 and sunday by appointment wilbur strew jujt north iilll street tekephone 13t legal pbon no 33 bor harold nash farmer solicitor notary kubuo conveyance mill street actom oitt houn 030 fcn to 1200 noon 00 ta to 50o tn saturdafv 1300 oejock kenneth langdon office acton georcetowa over seynucv cafe mala street for appointment phone acton of georgetown tm office hoipm acton tu diy aat thursday lmti to 4j0 intp on rquet okmtal buchanan bonial barjeeei otrlce in lelhmn bloek ecoum tn until itfeoki by appointment for extraction clad wedneidfty attrnoon pfaon i4 pw pearen tenlal 8arxm moved to our new quarters in the symon block phone 30 will strtt jftop drought relief projects supply free skating rinks ft vv if ft it and the old swimming hole has returned to the west where irrigation dams collect water mqtsceulak 6h francis nunan kfeokblndw account book of all kind order periodicals of tvery doacripuon carefully bound hulintf aeatiy und promptly donu wyiidhajii street quclph out wv11 mifht john say every man tliat hath this liojie purifleth lilnisclf even as lie is pure 11 john lit transient satisfactions eter nal values john 2g 27 35 jesus tlie true brtad from heaven is tlie pledge and source of everlxtlng life which brings satisfaction cf all our he irti iiurcers dut the multitudes who followed htm had not the eyes it uc this they uv not the slcn in the bread only the brcadin the sign may god touch our eyes to see that the tem iioral blessings uitii which he has dow erwi our ihis are but symbols and fore sliadowhiks of the unsearchable riches winch are ours in christ dlessed if tliey which do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled malt every other hunger and thirst in life can be stilled only tem porarily and somehow somewhere at good ot gross hunrers and appetites are ant filled it terrible csts and in their ven mutnif turn the beauty of life to gall and wormwood the very drlnlc that quenches tlu drunkards thirst becomn the eadfly of desire uhlch drives him on liuitlabjy to further excess only the hint for god can be met uilhout muinv and ittuiutr price 1l1 55 praie god her drlnkctli of the water ih it shall pie him shall never tlrt but it shall be in him well of water irlniilr up into ever isiik mf john iitp tf tin sutmminjs unlet nntl tlating rinlt provided unwittingly try the fed ml garrrnmrtit in the rehabilitation effort it manitoba satlateheknu and tlhrrta general in we kltciajuizk life fire health and accident automobile windstorm plate glass boiler fidelity ijonds farm iiusiimnco annuities und all general lines of insurance aio ocean steamship tiekeu leading comfanies excellent taciotiklt llazt of cuuula for mk14 onl fred wright office caper blok office os phone uia 102j iiy tirrv row central lims canadian co rre pendent kra tl lei vnivt edli tile nat thomas mijore jami ilr wn llu mr ihrrv wurd and rnv alfroit wis dairy larm alfrd hensree ejn scls law gilbtrt intt llemsltit aain for mam ars taking in traoi tuirtst visit mi untry fair stop ped nieryiormrd iresently nntlciti little man seated on one uf the hires what struck him as strange wils that lvery ume the erriroinui stoppid the little iade mine to irl the horse at iitth curiosity ovrcame ti hits avd when next tlie man on iusc opimlt him hi said pardni tvr but jou enjoy 20 lv uid and round like this the unhappy one jjrimacod mot bit lu nplltd tlien uhy do ou do it asked th tourist til man who ouiu thu contruplloi wes me tiw dalur informrd uu tittle man und this the only way it rimllia slsi jmuar cth th old das of the swlrnmln le luldoor skatiilk rink ie returnlni to the priiu lake dobbin and the gray mare til outdoor bathtuo ls not inl comlii liack but its also not uhit ls used tx the latisi model ls stream lined ui smmk and dme up with fluod bates mliiuturi anals and ramparts of steel and ctment besides tha it oilers latlri fur the farmerettes and finn lniys who have the tirv scrajm snow that often blow hnk just about quickly us iti lifted tin bcii pirt of it ls the swiinmln holt of liiat wuti meant to be nitatoiunt nor was it planned as luckf cushion lie ivderal govern mint bilt tlie first ie wltli cooikra 111 tin farmer and through the aincj or multimillion liar farm rehabilitation seluiie it statid wlien pratrtf drought in alberta saskatchewan and manitoba jiiain ai he tlia wis recojnlzid in 1jjj ai nil problem in the rl at of tliat vir tile tfhaiklltatlon itup vi or ad bti to func on tin hrvedrlfd 11 poinces one tin iudaninil task the movement wai ieun coiuan uppl of moiun for pasture lands in the windb mi ircthus mj pfiit ip pran skkwatcriiu danu and maj 1ruatlnn projecu that involved the daiunitni up of rivers and valljs hundreds farmers occvpted tlu fovrrninenls flnunrul aid and in ir lands in coulees and ravinea did the rest nervolrs filled lkiiands began the touch of longabsent mols ture fed through irrigation ditches arm xk had chunge of diet iu ate its till farmer learned anew what raln aatir kid like and tiiv hot afternoon 11 summer iouid bi siturday night tins whiter hundretls of dams and iunouts ill catch surface moisture tliat would ordinarily be lost hi the spring runoll liehabllltattnn offices in regliu iave had hundrevis of applications for nd in nstructhig reservoirs in drought ieis the thrte provinces htrantls of coulfts and ravines that ullertd only enough moisture to grow few srraijy shrubs have been dam ui or wlchned and deepened to lurin dm us irrigation projects of nil ar atlered in lumps over ectlons ir thr prairie whril iwl orner the province snrls while sas darns and duiouts pread rder tn the other as they do in th latter pr vliee an tir millm hat dls the pr jut either j1i fanrrs skate and aitii 11 thiir own fedi ral olklals suddenly ij rated priuct 111 want to sell something 05 to drjliht nght he it given ill and itructton and unk duwoiit on their left lhlnd them palrtr lad kaung rink the oer hanging oak trickling trout brook olrs prairie ploiuxrj down eaat 0lp pin smill jul the qulckot lo ood burn oku cent woboi