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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 28 Jan 1937, p. 7

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thursday january 38th 10x7 the acton free pkesb paok tszvxn two churches ire church in our town which thought twu wondrous wise it tried to py expenses bjr selling cakes and pies but after years of trying that plan to raise the cash the folks got tired of buying and the whole thing went to smash there was church in out town and it was wondrous wise lb always paid expenses by simply paying tithes for when twas foun the uuie did pay it seemed so very plain forthwith twould have no other way not ever once again twenty yeafts ago chronicles of igingerjfarml written specially for the acton free fir gwendoline ciakke frua the kssoe of the free pr thuraday kebrnaxy 1st 1917 there is an unusual depth of snow on the level now the itund of the boy scouts madu their nrst appearance in public lost wednesday when tlie patrol formed thu guard of honor as ptc lanti was escort ed to the reception blashlll si co of alvlnsuin havo opened dry goods sure lit tlic wallace block lately occupied by devcrcll pte wilfrid oitellly of the lg4th battallont lost hi life and wo small was seriously injured wlien bomb exploded while practice woji in progress ut the bombing school mr uobort alien swan ttlver man was rentrulnnf ucqualntunccs ut orcwsom owners the past week mr allen went west ten yearn ugo and lias been very tucccssful ill furmillg tlierc ijcrgt colcy enlisted on monday in the 255th battalion ut toronto and will don the khuki aguin lie exnecui to be drafted for home duty messrs hcnderon ai co of the glas gow jfoine have srld tlielr fine buslnci to messrs conway and mclean al though then have been changej in the firm name same member of the hen derson fumlly have been usoeiaud wltil tins bushiest for fortyfour ycary th present firm was oruunlzed about twen tyfive years ago both mcssn henderson and henderson ihivl been uisaclated wiui tlie business ulnce that time mciriiconwuyand mclean come to acton with tine reputations or kticccasful business men the brightest and most moderate ueather on sunday in tix weeks favor vd knox church anniversary last sun day rev dr tl mckay was the special speaker hahskn in acton on sunday janu ary 38th 1017 to mr and mrs carl hansen son dikd trank in nassagaweya orj wednes day january 24 th 1917 christian vrunk in his b3rd year boles in kuugaucya en tuesday january 3th 1017 surah jane wilson wife of david ijoies in her 59th year workman at her fathers home park avenue acton on tuesday january 30th 1017 annie maud dills wife of thomas workman jr of klt chene wcueasv shown in would thabe world trade appears to have definitely turned the corner and for the first nine months of 1030 was showing increases over the previous year recovery in with recovery in individual countries this fact indicates that many of the forces which have impeded internation al trade in recent years are sull far from being removed is encouraging to canadians to notice that the trade of both great britain and the unttei states has been increasing as these tuu countries form the principal market or canadian export sales the question if international trade conditions is care fully analyzed in the fourth annual abriculturil situation and outlook which has been published by the do mini department of agriculture and trade and commerce trade in agricultural loocbiiifts has not recovered to the same extent has been ihuwn or somt other products this fact is attributed to the shift in production uhllch ha taken place in the countries normally considered as importcs of agricultural produce these countries chiefly in western europe have for economic political military and bocial reasons encouraaed the produc tion of more home crown fodstuffs this has been accomplished by tlic erection of high tarltf barriers and thr use of many new barriers to trade in recent mantle there lias been evidence of iotnl lelaxatlon of these trade barriers tills chiinae of attitude give somewhat brighter outlook the world trade pic ture another feature which is tending to relieve the situation ls the trade hjreement pjllcis being effected chhili by the united states and canada the uncertainty of currency exclininr has beei factor impejini world tnuli in recent leurr und tin decision of ryjnre to deilue the franc in co openitim with great urltaln and the united stales bus had settling elfeet oil forelun echinues kor the fiscal jeir ended march 31si 1031 can uia vxjiorted agricultural pr dtiiv valued at su04firou0 this as an inerease of 10 pr cent our the previous jear approximately pi rent of the farni materials exported to great britain and ll per cent to un united staus the agricultural situation und out look for 1037 deullug with ujl important ngrlcultu ul voiiunotlltte now uvutl uble free rjuest from tlie ihtbllclty und tension urancli diuiilnlou puruiiciit of agilculture ottawa jigsaw puxzles are rather out of date that is the kind that come in bojtoa and are bought from the store hut there is another kind of jigsaw that never out of date and that the jig saw of ufc when you go out to visit your friends or perhaps to attend meeting cr church service have you tried picking up piece from one place and trying to jit into piece picked up from somewhere else irhaps liad boucr give you an instance to explain what hicaii 1lece no wiul invited to meet ing frw miles from home there was gap in the prugram to fill in one member read poem from magazine rn titled the woman trustee now tliats tui idea thought why should there not be woman trusted on every bchool board oih who la better quali fied to know whut is bejl for children welfare than woman then began wonder how many communities were iiufflciently progiehcive to uppolnt woman trustee and how many women there were brave enough to sltr in on the scliool board lo und bthold afterwards discovered was at tha mlnute visiting in jmt such commun ity und was even talking woman who had had the courage to take office ns woman trustee piece no uas writing to the editor of the magazine from which the trustee poem uas taken she was so ilad to hear poem from hcr mauojdrc had been read at this meeting and um quite sure she was glad because editors very cftcn have to do lot of guessing in recard to whether what they publish is pleasing to the readers of their paper or magazine piece no preacher heard just recently said in his sermon wc all have forcer within us forces waiting to be used in so many ways nnd all ue need is the power to release them the power to release what grand wo ids and hw pregnant with meaning think of the unused talent in this world think of the wasted opportuni ties all because so many people have not yet discovered tin power which re leases dormant talent or unexplored tralls of character pfece no wsy speaking the wife of retired minister and she told me that for many years she liad cut out and saved the scripture column in certain marazlne because she thought ft so well written and the ideas ro well expressed happened to know the person who wrote tills column and told her what the ministers wife had said but course without mentioning any names and was the writer pleased there you have two perfectly fitting maternal morality full lialf of the irreparable uiss from death und disablement in motherhood might be saved dr chlpman noted montreal obstetrician and gynae cologist reccn uy told large meeting in toronto held under the auspices of the health league of canada in ma ternal rrmrtality canada ranks from the 5th to the 13th highest among the 2j countries rnr which statistics xn available dr chlpman told the audi ence lalcty and tlic medical profession were blamed alike by dr chlpman for the high maternal mortality rate ho chsrged tlial mistakes in technique und in judgment on tlic part of iho physic liilfctot thr nurse caused 30 per cent of the deaths and disablement while 1m care lustiness or ignorance if the patlrrit caused 18 per cent poor antenutu cure and want of prtipe facilities were the other cuuscs of the high deuth and disablement rate in canada in an uveruge your 30000 bublrd were born dr chlpmuti inform ed his audience in the procesvs 1200 mothers died and 230oo were more or left permanently disabled and again dome id ooo of their bableii died ho aid 75 per cent of these died within the first 30 days while in the unlud statert 11000 of the mothem died in hldblrth the price of our motherliood is ln business of chain stores stulhtlcs recently issued regarding the juslnovj of chain storen 11 canod it show remarkable development in re cent years hie kules in 1035 amounted to j3g4i29b00 or 179 per rent of tlic total retail trade of tlie dominion compared with sales if 1347100100 in 1034 it will perhaps be surprising 10 many to leurn that there urc 445 dlf ferent chain organlzauons operating in the dominion with total of 8023 in dividual stored these companies cm ploy 30440 inale employees uld h02u females und puy s3c3b2000 in lailarlci aijtj wukrs the stocks on hand at the end of the yeur tluilird j5g0g2l0o it has bij quite apparent that for many jcurs cliulu stores have been steudlly increasing lh various lines of business but it requires definite flgurej such as tlic to reveal tlie extent of thnlr activities it is not many years ijncjtthcre was iwarcely chain utorc in urujitford now there are many of them and they occupy some of the best sites in the city what is true of urant ford bi uc it other cities and towim it soiiietliiws suld that they ure dis advuiitaije to tile community inasmuch iui they send lurye umounts of money out of the city on the other hand they must be fulfilling needed service to consumers or they would not prosper ar they do it certainly tlie day of business badly put rwmer speaking lut now lat im very plcamd the ttuy you have been uorking lately tilid so im going to make you present of that pig put jjinlllngwlth pleasure all sure und tis just like you sr tillttk oclock deed cruelly high the speaker declared organlwition and enterprise and thci put uii in the habit of keeping tj late houson letting home one morn ing tils wife had ttrcallhd him with trlplfb put tok look ut tliem and then looked up at the clock und it was exactly three oclock put said sure and im glud didnt come home ul ivehe tiioiioiit t1ikv uid kilidy oue ye ken uiat yer hens oine ouit into liia garden jixk tiiocht uiey must be dacln juiudy whit maks ye think sae7 uecuuse they never come time tables at acton those tunes rirst iulntir lilting on scufloldlng hey mute whits that tune youre whistling fiecond painter tliut tune called painting the clouds with sunshine ttrsl winter well if you dont keep still you will be in liospltal pointing your limbs with iodine the fee press says pieces in the jigsaw picture of life the writer and the readero to go on with the puzzle piece no can be fitted to piece no the com munity with the woman trustee there you have livewire community who decided they wa the sclitot ttoard and what did they do they discovered that to release their power as ratepayers all they had to do woe to nttend the board meeting and their voice they did and it work ed the woman trustee was appointed thus two moe jigsow pieces are fitted together of course carrying out my ulustra tl 11 piece no fits the other side ol piecv no do you eel in idea if you stop to think 11 bout doesnt it ulso strike you thai life isnt just disconnected ullalr we can if we will discover an almost uncanny continuity of thnuuhl in widely separated sttiuitl ns wf can ee piople and go places that 1mm absolutely nothing to do witli other people we see or other places where we jo und yet we ourselves may be the connectlinj piece that makes it possible for us use them to put the rest thu puzl together occasionally something happens and ue call it coincidence but believe coincidence would be very rare thing if it were not for this spontaneous continuity of thought por instance in our morning paper an expert on handwriting said thai hand writing in which the lines sloped per sistently downwards betokened the writer was very far from being uell or else led an unhappy life lly that same say that the time is ripe to mend this trcuble ilepiils haemorrhuge und the toxuemu are the deadly enemies within our gates dr chlpman said he pofnled out that in the past five years the maternity centres of new york had reduced their maternal death rate from to iwr 1000 births in great britain the rates vary from it to 51 per thousand births he said por further encouragement add that the maternal deathrate in holland is 2011 per 1000 in denmark it is 274 and hi sweden 312 thorough medical examination in th early stager of niothcrhool was recom mended by dr chlpman careful no 10 should be made lie snld general nutrition condition or the blood stream heart lungs and blood pressure ad vice should be given the patient as to diet medication clothing exercise nnd the care of tlie teeui special care rliould be taken during the last three months tlie patient should be guard ed against sepsis or zymotic disease too many of our babies arc turned out to grass with their kind foster mother the cow asserted dr chip man adequate training for our doctors and nurses must be provided dr clupman raid we must demand this from ou mcdlcal schools he said we must have more adequate instruction high er standard of practical training and provision for refresher courses for our doctors nnd nurses the need is not so much for mole babies as for better ones dr chlpman nid the stork derbies wc shall not encourage dr chlpmans lecture uas cne of five lectures on health topics planned by the health league of canada as part of 1u educational campaign for healthier canada chain stores ure the outcome they have greatly increased not lessened competition in the various lines of trade and tlie fact that they urc equip ped with larie rtneks arc well managed and provide good service to their cus omerr has enabled them to became firmly tstablished tlie figures sho that they constitute nearly onefifth ol the retail business of the country al ready with pra jierts of steady expan sion the future hrantford exporlt till devil had no chance nejiro preacher called on whle minister and found the latter writing what you doln asked the colored parson im preparing my notes for next sundays sermon sutunly nevah would do that dont know tlie debbil is looking rlsht ovah your shouldah an knows every thing yo gwine say now dont make no notes and when gets up to talk neither me nor th debbil himself knows what im kwine say nadjan nationalrailways qeinc teas dully except sunday 705 am dally except sunday 10jrtbm daily except sunday 613 pun ttunduy only 719 pm g4nf west dally except sunday 8ji4ajn dally except sunday 13 pjn daily except sunday 705 pan dully except sunday lx4mm sunday only 1133 pm stania3ti ttmk bigger sjfauket opening up in kouth avltica for milk bottles south africa has recently put into effect itgulatlons requiring the use of icaled containers for the delivery of milk and this would seem to provide lireater cpcnlng for the sale of canadi an milk bottles canada already sup plies south africa with milk bottles also medicine or prescription bottles but only to limited extent according to the industrial department of the canadian national railways ulill is it johnny what is brick hod used duddj kither wh for earrjlng bricks of course you should know thai it ex plains itself johnny after 11 moment silence then slipp se tripod ls used for rarrjlng tripe mall received letter from relative with terrible downward slope but dont really consider that co incid ence would say that was typical instiuice resulting from ntlnulty of thought two more pieces of jigsaw puzzle with mself connecting them there now thlnl ill go and put some ice on my head jlgsiw puzzles ulwnys did give me headache think what this won derful offer will mean in enjoyment through out the whole year for yourself and your fam ily magaxines of your own choiceand this newspaper packed with stories time ly articles helpful departments and color ful illustrations now is your chance groug group select one macaune select of macazin arrow bus schedule kpfective sejt 31th 1038 leave westbound dajly d45 ala dully iixpt auturduy 1145 um dully 215 pm suturduy only 315 pjm dully 515 pm dully 715 pm dully 1115 pm saturday sundnya olid hollduys only 105 am leave eastbound dilly excoot suriduy 700 um daily 010 ujn dally 1245 pm dally 430 pm dally g45 pm dally 000 pm mafcms 24lssues lyr nadoibl home monthly yr canadlvt mbjazbe yr qciawalne lyr metorhl review lyr silver soeed yr ameftad boy lyr parents magazine bum can horticurture and ttterty ma52issues1 yr judge yr magazine lyr true story yr screenlatid yr house gartfed ema ins fire car accident sickness etc harrop rfcputaiarratrvk gbtct kiihei mnloj narwtoh ublod cawadlaia tlra lajmrmbe company th alubaio awiraiim cm the caimidiy of cmiolaa amnrixtc company the hxerehutu cawuuiy co take your choice no wonder the birds go south with treat for the eyes like this iwoitini their arrival the beauty miss kathleen nolan who is win terini in miami deach far from the snows and winter winds of tier native montreal note the nifly print beach ensemble shes wearing cntrti ittu caadln jhin this offer fully guar anteed allrenewals rl will be extended offer no one magazine from group and one magazine from group and this newspaper offer no three magazines from group land this newspaper enclose gcnuc name ittay stheet evince whats the news news ifl ehunpiii con htanuy events happen fast and things chnnf over only an alert newspaper can keep abreast of these happenings on many local fronts the aelon free vna nffcrs is renders complete service in news reporting and editorial features it answers the question whats the news regularly every thursday suliscribc now and keep up with the times the actoftfreepress acton ontario subscriptions for all mituailived taken at the free press ofllca

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