page kxoht 1he acton free press thursday january 28th 1997 notice ol birth usnimt death are inserted in this column without tlaifc ia maaorialh noticaa yc and ec un additional lor pou7 born 6methurst in acton on friday january 32nd 1m7 to mr and mra bertfimeuiurst nee reu wuhera the gift of aon oeorge harry charles died mcmillan at dauphin lloapltal dauphin man on monday january 25th 1037 laehlan cameron mcmll puneral aervice from the home of his brother james mcmillan knox avenue alton ontario on saturday afternoon at two oclock interment in falrvlew cemetery acton ocals valentines day cornea on sunday this year fieenm as if the war in spain had been flooded out skating hasnt all been confined to the arenas the past week the back roads have been rather treacherous for any kind of travel the last week of january mow has the that half of j937 shaped up7 the days arc getting noticeably longer and the sun agreeably stronger every doe has his day but the cat has monopoly on the nlghls detroit news teople on the whole give about as much advice as they get dundee courier the session at ottawa terms rather tame compared to tlie one in toronto just now nunan for fifty years secretory of the separate kchool board hi ouelph has retired cote isistmastcr at oakville for forty years passed away at his homo there on saturday tire destroyed the queens hotel at korui bay and did damage estimated at 300000 in these blocks the sand has had to be used pretty liberally if it could only be confined to its designated place it would be just line too much ice on tlie road postponed the orangevilleoeorgelown junior ganio on monday night the team couldnt make the trip 11000 panes of glass ere broken in tiie riot at guelph reformatory last week and damage to the institution totals 22i80 excavations ore being made for the erection of new duplex liotue by alex kannawln to replace tlic old one torn down on church street subscriber in scotland writes we receive th fkk pxifci regularly and certainly look foruard to it each ueck we couldnt do without it if for any reason you mus your copy of tine psts pmksj always get in touch with tills office and another copy will beuialletlaatliour labelflieckeuv acton garage operators joined in gathering at the station hotel last night to tay fareuell to mr art wltzel uho lias dlspcwwl of the central oarage to jennings bros of toronto halton iiolstein breeders have banner year jiallon holsteln breeders have enjoy ed the bet eor in tlie history of the organisation states victor laurencc secretarytreasurer of the halton as sociation at the annual meeting of the organ ization held in milton on thursday last the auditors report showed sub stantial surplus and salen by the county sales agent percy leslie amounted to more tlian 000 at the and itoyal shows ballon breeders were well to the fore at the former show halton breeders exhibited head this number being exceeded by only one other coun ty namely oxford in the inter county competition the halton herd placed second in competition uith strong herds from eight other counties tills understand is the highest honors ever uon by halton ih lite in herd the breeders also made strong exhibits al local jjioua and also sponsoivd boys holueln calf club which proved to be the outstanding livestock exhibit at the muun pair byron jenvey holsteln lleldman for western ontario aa the guest speaker on thursday loit taking his subject tlie affinity of blood urn dreading at the same lime the speak er complimented the numbers on the potinis made by llalion assolcutlon during the jiasl year iwlntlng out over 300 tarloads of houtwln cattle had been exporltd to the united states during the past year the election of otflcirb ribulted as follows rildent inglehart vlcelvrsldenta mar ley wuuoji ii mahon secretarytreasurer laurence director najumnawcya lee tsguing br and leixy lmlle nelon arthur hrslop and hell ivaralgar woodlry fcd gar lyons and ilbjgar spcws wonder who the next imports will be on the georgetown lineup and just how far they will have to come were told that coach canoll is com plaining about giving correspondence courses to the team perhaps those three dazzling plays got lost hi the mails georgetown haa one more chance to beat acton and it comes next monday try to guess who will bo the now im ports in the last desperate effort to beat tho tanners looking back over this longstretch hockey feud between georgetown and acton we nd that georgetown has won one game from acton since 1029 and that win was right in acton arena in aeven yames played with george town in the past two years the neigh bors have scored just seven goals that loss to ouelph was the fifth trimming acton has taken in fortyfive games these are bill eccleshalls statistics and like his training bill knows his figures on liockey records it looks as if acton will have junior group champions the first in how many years dude lindsay is working the boys line and much credit is due to him for bringing along acurns junior tanners penalties liave proved costly to the loco juniors und we hope they take the necessary precautions in the re ma hi lng games we wonder if the juniors would like to go to orangcvllle again or wad thursday night too good to be true the feminine reception ue mean it is rumored orangeville defaulted to goretoin on monday night and that they will drop out of the league its between guelph and georgetown now for second place uln for cither team on friday night will be of big importance if outjph ulna they are tied with georgetown if gecrgetoun wins it clinches the berth for them acton cant polbly be put out or first place and enters the playoffs in that position with both intermediate and junior teams leading their groups acton sure is going places lir hockey tiiik machine age while two men held the night watch man steam shovel used in road work at gun point near quebec was blown up by dynamite one night recently the despatch adds that use of the ateatn shovel was protested acme time ago by quebec unemployed who claimed that it was displacing men from work that story reminds ono of the cotloi ulots in england many years ago who mobs wrecked the first spinning pen nies because they threatened to put the hand spinners out of business it is just another instance in the long fight which probably will go on as long as machines continue to be invented though in recent times the opportunists liave been less violent in their methods than the men of gun point some time ago theory called tech nocracy gained some popularity in the united states its proponents used much breath and ink in showing what an evil thing this machine age was how many men machine could displace and the sad fate in store for labor unless the production of more and better rnachlhery were curbed it did net last long even though it was byproduct of depression it failed to ap peal mainly because its advocates had no constructive suggestions for meeting trie situation while one can understand to some extent the feeling of the handworker who finds himself ousted by machine it is hard in the light of history to sympathize with him por experience down through the years has shown that every laborsaving machine lias hi the end mtant employment for more work ers one instance right in the printing industry will serve to illustrate the linotype which does the work of five or six expert hand compositors now is re sponsible for tlie employment of more than tvice the number it actually dis placed all are hot running linotypes it is true but those employed in manu facture of the machines and kindred ni dus tries far ou lumber tlie typesetters who lost their jobs it is vain to protest against labor saving machinery progruu is inevit able and in tlie long run tlie machine means more business and more jobs uttwbox editor pan pazs acton ontario dear sir fc being one of those privileged to at tend the banquet given last saturday evening by the boy scouts association put on by the scout mothers auxiliary uant to commend these organisations tills uas one of tlie finest functions every put on here tlie speakers were also of the very beat however in one particular think tills could be improved upon that being the saturday cuuld not these scout and otlier local affairs be held some other night and thereby enable our business people to attend they are am cenaln very interested in such good cause and should be privileged to attend trusting this will not bake up too much space in your valued paper am yours truly an appreciative guest stewart guest speaker for boy scout continued from page one some allbjkitta musings mow uiat gsorgatou hoc raf or suit them curely they can settle doun to taking it runny but ueve never noticed much praise for walters in our neighboring contemporary although the farmer georgetown boy always turns in first claa ame of hockey and is largely re sponsible for georgetown not gettinrj past the defence tlie monagemtnt of the nhl juveniles in georgetown will bring four of these teams to acton arena on sat urday afternoon the montreal maroons und montreal canadlcns uill play at 130 folloued by the toronto maple ltafjvs new york americans one of the players cf the toronto maple leaf professional team ulll be the rvferte in their sweuters the same as the professional teams these youngsters have been creating quite bit of at tentlon in georgetown admission prices hive been set ut 10c and 13c for their appearance here royal guelph now waving one in million sonja henie adolphe menjou mon tues after the thin man myrna loy william powell continuous saturday front swd fcm next wfjunes 1u1mv february ro th 5th camille robert tay gretxtiarbo dick carroll injured whin his car kidded on the slippery pawment of the highway between acton and rtockuood on monday night dick carr 11 guelph sportr official and coach of the georgetown hockey team had narrow ecarh from serious in jury the muchlne left the road and utnt over an embankment it rolled doun tlie grade turning over several times to bring up with crush at the bottom the bmk whlli the car ls totally wrecked the drur fcuptd with siwro chak tngup he suffered tivire bruises ubout the htad well us the rest of his body hi maiiund to extricate hlnuxlf from tin ovt rlurnf vehicle and crauled up the nib uikmt nl he then made hi way to ni arby farmhouse and mined htlte lyom there he tele phtuud fur alstance und was takta to his home hi guflph uhile hla bjlterrd car was touid into that city ih was confined to lib bed the follow lng day sutierlng from shock und bruise mr carrol had btru attending the acumgurlph hockey gmuc in acton and wui lelurnlng home alter tlie game hot cereals tlie popular sellirif line manna pkg 29c trt samioa ulill tlwry last sunera ptg 25c sunsoy pkg 25c made from sy ticau red river pkg 25 ifiut la lach patkate oglivie oats 25c large 55 ex package heather oats 20c ccar quirk cuuklng craekd wheat 19 lb ollupliai package whratlcts corn meal 319c rolled oats lb alwwvti vtrubt imotx your next order with barrs quality vrulu fctvd vvsciablr dear pkkx pacss the recent remark of your ginger parm lady contributor re the rising sun uas of touch interest it were well for us if ue indulged more in tho study of tlie wonderful forces of nature have several times tills winter watched the golden rim of tlie glorious king of day appearing over the farorf edge of the earth there arc the beams of ugh upright tlicn slanting and gradually spreading before the source itself visible read somewliere recently unit tlie psalmist must have been in similar uatcli when he remarked if take tlie ulngs of tlie morning the slanting beams and dwell in the uttermost parts of tlie tea tile full outspread the leading hand cf his great guide uas there in watching such gradual grand and glorious appearance and con sidering tlie ordered regularity one is al most appalled at the immensity of the universe but may also readily quote addison in tlie unwearied sun from day to day doth his creators power display and publishes to evciy land tlie works of on almighty hand may say tliat on one of these observa tions prolonged my uatch too lontf for in order to avoid projecting garag roof stood at the back porch door until was cold return lng to tlie site of the stove and having hot drink sudden shiver revealed danger of course had tlie fclks been home tills would not liave been allowed but being away to the city to bring home their earliest pride from school for christmas lioarscness at night led to questioning and remonstrance and nearly tuo ueeks dosing in various uays tiie annunced retirement from the superintendence of knox sunday school of mr brown breaks the chain of three brothers similarly en gaged tlie others being of the united church acton and rev uho conducts school at tuo of the four points on his present cliarge here in tiie west recent pastor in mon treal rev broun wrote recently uus pleased to read in the new outlook of the splendid uork done by your son inlaw on that difficult field adding perhaps it is because he ls brown atany rat if ale brown jp actons first superintendent had been able to look down through tlie years he would liate been greatly encouraged however such men have to ualk by faith and not by sight and in doing zo are even then rewarded coleman tiie old south portrayed historic architectural gems that dot the south and are in state of perfect preservation proved the inspiration of the many effective and authentic seta recreated for the gorgeous hussy starring joan crauford robert taylor and lionel barry more and featured ol the screen at the greg ry theatre on ivlday the finest brick architecture in the world typically american uas develop in the south and washington in the early years of the nineteenth centu stated art director cedrlc gibbons in commenting on tlie production for six montlis the mettoaoldun mayer art department collected data for the iets they did not attempt to build actual homes but rather to pre complete picture of tlie architec ture tlie time with its striking dignity and simplicity of line in en large set for exuinple they had bulld lngi inspired by those found in rich mond charh toii and ananapolts some provided exteriors others interiors and faith and uierc uas need of mure guod scouts in tho older as well as the younger generation tlie term scout and good citizenship are synonymous and lie urged all as individuals to take keener cltixeu shlp interest lie closed with chal lenge for all to do our part in making our section and canada better coun try to live tn appreciation of this splendid addres uas expressed by scoutmaster mason and the hearty applause left ho doubt that the audience concurred in their appreciation of this visit and address by exmayor steuart on behalf of the group scout gilbert romphf pre sented beautiful bouquct of roses mrs stewart another interesting feature of the evening was the presentation of badges to actons first three king scouts by the scoutmaster the winners of these honors uere jack vangoozen dirk vanqoozen and tom watson another distinguished guet at this event was mr iruln chief com missioner of ontario scouts who pro posed toast to tlie group he con gratulated the cubs scouib and th mothers on their activity tills hccutlng uas really just plan of building the boys through games and outings into true manhood und better citizenship in replying to live toast scoutmaste mason gae tribute and high praise to his associates the boys and the citizens generally in tlie carrying on of the uork in aetcn some or tlie experi ences utre briefly touched upon complete report of the activities in neat binder uas distributed to all the guests and mr mason suggested it uould be easier to assimilate in tliat form than to take the time to give it at the meeting peruxal of tlie re port shows that tlie orgaifcatlon is very efficiently and systematically managed and activities hove been helpful to the group and tlie community generally oeal quartette number war given by scouts cliarlle allan gordon glb bens bruce and gerald pargtter their accompanist uas miss hunt aiui the number uas exceptionally well done and appreciated tlie concluding toast was to the scvat mothers auxiliary proposed by scout bllton and in responding to tlie thanks of the boys for their help mm ilassard the honorary president as sured the ys that the mothers were pleased to assist their effortf and uere proud of their conduct of the acton troop greenock literary meets tlie ngular meeting of he greenock ijterary society uas held in the school un thursday evening wtlh the presid ent mr eluood johnston in charge after considerable business was disposed of tiie following program was given by arthur mckeowns group group song by tiie boys paper on current events by gordon leslie vocal duett by misses barbour and wllnu west recitation by qleen johnston guitar and mouth organ duett by gordon and arthur mc keonn speech by henry ncllls on tho growing curing and grading of tea at tlie conclusion of the program lunch as served and aocial hour spent mid winter specials mens penmans bibbed vol shirts and drawehs regular 25 special price each 79c mens flcoee lined combinations sizes 36 to 44 special srice 98c tiiik holy of uoues iut uas hired in lumber office tlie proprle tor us young man and lie decided to liave some fun with the new hand so lat was left in charge of the cnlccv ultii instructions to take all orders uhlch might come in oolng to nearby store the proprietor called up tlie onice hello is this the east side lumber company yls son send hie up 11000 knotholes well now an aint that shame we are just out of tlicni sold them all to tlie vinegar uorks to tlie vinegur uorks what do they uant uith them they use them for bungholes lu bar rtls men leather cais li gular 25 special itlce 79c boys fleecelined combinations tollmans best quality special price 79c silk and wool hose all shades sixes 10j regular 5c por zc pallants family outfttters mill steelt aitjos opposite pott office ctnadiax flax tuo types of flax are produced in canada one type ls cultivated for the production cf fibre as used in the manu facture of jlnen the other is grown for tlie production of flaxseed uhlch linseed oil is extracted tlie flax plant is the source of both these types uhlch are cultivated according to whether the jreed the fibre is the principal pro duct dchhcd fibre flav has longer ntrau and fewer branches and ir more suited to mols climates it is groun chiefly in ontario and quebec tlie seed flai type iras shorter straw branches freely and hi mot suited to moderately dry funny climate taking canada as whole from do to per cent of th fla produced is grown for seed produc tion and is localized mainly in the cen tral part of saskatchewan although flax is grown successfully over uidc area an excillent qualify of flaxseed for all purikimi ls grown hi the dominion the prlnclpil caiisumer being tlie linseed oil manuf iciurir uln products tuo com mccial ilavs ed products linsted oil and in ted nual at present irih mills in canada use flax there growing dimand for flbr flux fom the nuns furm circles in the province of qiubec which makt home pun llntils that find nady sal with tou lsts change of business the shell service station thnt has been conducted ihc past tuo eurs by mr witzcl has been sold to jennings bros of toronto who have now tuktm possession prompt and elficient service for all makes of cars good workmanship tires and all accessories we hope to merit share of your patronage by rendering the best of service we are retaining the services of mr jack airdrie wc are prepared to iluy number of good vned cars or car for wrecking shell gas and oils goodyear tires used cars jennings bros phone 25 main street meat specials special salmon lbs for in piece fillets fresh or smoked lb ill 16c 15c shoulder roast beef per lb blade roast beef per lb fresh sausage lbs for zoc hamburg steak fresh ground lb ic lbs for 2m creamery butter 10 wellington brand lijq lovell bros quality and cleanliness our motto phone 178 prompt delivery welsh breeders gave this pen of sheep to canada ciooi sttlf the clu npjacx id bien ildlm forth on the wouthrful pr pcrtlis of tin untifut preparuton he wus hawking hut are you sue its all you say it is muuded it it male set pile in th crowd am sure nildam retorted the other why you tan tuv 11 from mi that it was tlilj prrparutlon that made the towtr of pisa lean uho uas lit dlstljigulshrd visitor lunatic usylum wnt to liu telephone and found difficulty in ueltng lib connection mtc usperated lie shouted to tlie operator lakik liere ylrl do you know who am no tahh bark hie calm reply but knou uhciv you ae fcift of the kerry hlli mock uooki lural college at guelph onl hoth pltased with the sheep which are society of north wules this pen of hon duncan marshall and dr new breed in canada sheep has arrived at tlie akcui christie of the college are well cnhi rrg caadun rbow if you expect to sell you must advertise