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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 4 Feb 1937, p. 2

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the acton frefi pftess paok two thursday pebiwahy 4ul ij3t slr acton jktff ijrrfifi united stale 50c ddltloost single copiea 5c both old knd new atddrcsses abould ba given when change ol addrea requcated ot our ub sufscription ftatesjoo per year united stale 50c additional single copiea ii when cancdxat10nsw tbrt eixations we find ttiai mo crlbera orcfer not to have their aubacrlntioa interrupted in caae they ail to remit before expiration while itib crlpuona will not carried in ureas over period yet muicbk we itrc imulicd to cancel we iuu the subscriber wiahea the aarvlce continued ulva void its column advetttjsing hatesoo application in varioua column headings altholigh every precaution will be tav error the free ireaa accepts advertising iu on the leader tnndlnjf that it vlll not be liable tat any error in any advertisement published hereunder unless ptool at much advertisement is reiunted in writing by the advertiser and returned to the free press business office duly signed by the advertiser and with such error or corrections plainly noted in writing ttiercon and in that case if any error so noted la not corrected by the free iresrf its liability fchall not exceed such proportion the entire cost ol silcli advertisement as the space occupied by the noted error bcara to the whole space occupied by too short life in the death of dr mcquibban during the week the province pf ontario lost man of superior qualities and figure of prominence his convictions werfe so firm that nothing could swerve him from the course he deemed right he was citizen in his own community and his province the pity is that at fifty his life is ended but we judge that hib example and his deeds will live after him for many years kucit ull tklelmonbs klilerm hi uciiticitce auloi diixs editor 1136 exporln over ltillion canadian exports in the calendar year 1936 exceeded 1000000000 for the lirst time since the boom year of 1020 total exports for the year were 1028000000 total imports 035000000 the favorable visible bulance of trade was 303oo0000 the largest in many years the volume of trade is said to be lurger now than ever before in canadian history but prices arc still somewhat lower than they were during the last boom period december exports totalled 10300000 and december imports 53000000 worth trial number of municipalics who have tried the plan report successful operation in prepayment of taxes in burlington we believe discount is allow ed in barrio tax certificates are issued and those who pay before february 1st save 250 on every 100 of taxes the plan has many good features in its favor and few in opposition first the earlier payment saves the municipality paying interest rates on bor rowed money as is at present necessnry and this rate at present is five per cent or better the ratepayer who has money has the opportun ity of benefitting by the saving he is rclilly loan ing his money to his municipality and sharing with the corporation the saving made it would seem the ratepayer is entitled to this opportunity experi ence in other municipalities show that it is appre ciated and used the only handicap would be the change and inauguration of new system wmtcrn towna value the uveal newspaper there is very valuable publication in thrs province known as the municipal world it con tains information touching matters important to all municipal councillors and through them to the everyday taxpayer to make sure that it is read by those looking after municipal affairs many of the councils subscribe for copy for each member and for the township clerk no one objects to the expenditure some of the towns of western canada go much further in bringing information to their citizens which leads the bowmanville statesman to remark tw ot the cmilldiuc for uhom he voted generally speaking we believe that community on thli january mcrnlnc polilnu ucnt newspaper is valued by most municipalities for its low merrily in the houre adjacent to true worth that is the reason why circulation of tll cenlrc inn nbd clcv oclock by which time ho oloctoni had township clerks of the past and present day clerk day of eramosa tells of when clerks drink upet election uy iiluk day township citric drunk on ivlllng day fclrctlmi interrupted mid loatponod new clerk appoints und ntiw medlon ordered uuch would have been the headlines in junuiiry ittfi5 if news huwlcn and ewadatcrii hud been aa ctiujrprlsltitf luld nil well equipped uk in 1d37 tlie council for 1b64 woa componrd of james loghrin lirow jfolm duiflcld john hvu icobcrl lioyce and george nelson councillors john dulflcld john hea and deorgu nels6n could txi counted on to vou uct au occasion oifend ilobort ftoyce and times loghrln vvcru non committal at tani hey tlld not vote in the temperance act poll of ibflfl on september 7th lsj4 um council vnucied tlio ujiunl bylaw providing thut the election for municipal councillors for 1665 should be held in house ud juccnb to the centre inn on january 3rd and till thu election wu open vote only polling pluce uaii provided uie flvo men elected were to clcsct heevc from lunonc themelvci at the nnt meeting of council on junuary 3rd the clerk opened the poll in the regular manner havinff al rtudy written neatly the names of th3 eleven cundidntei acrcu the top of tli2 poll book the voter wan orucd for uliich of the eleven candidates he uould vote the vote ucre allowed and after wrltlnr the voters name the clerk plac ed stroke after it and under the ni of the candidate for uhom he voted on thuv january mcrnlnu polunn ucnt wliellk the monty coks oclock by which time ho olectoni had rocnl newspnper is so much renter tiinn any other nnd flvb or the poll boot single periodical in the community the kelvington had been neatly covered with the record influence saskatchewan weekly newspnper carries thc fiuth wfts nurled wlth ft ahnky most interesting article on this topic it points hn nntl voter and tile cleric writer in the out in melbcrta atown in alberta ratepayers voted ma past he then ttnrtr to add in annual meeting authorizing their council to sub variety to the record by running the scribe for copies of the newly established manville nnme ut varl ncrom thc an odd voter la given bix votcn and the mirror for all householders in the community in clerk adds pant 11 more and biager blots occur and an occasional name li truck off after the perhaps part of the solution of our hard times tuul our tlow return to busi ness normulcy may bo nevn in uio hug proflu the brewora are making ull over canada if wc are ut believe ngurva brought dwi hi the llrltluh columbia igbtlnttiru by hugh udvagc member for cowichnnnewcaatle in recent uddrcas to that body accordhut to mr lavage it coahi thr brevier 476 nuinufacture twenty iwegulloii barrel of beer tlio beer old to the ijtpior uoud for 1coo or profit cf jwr cent at that time there wan tix pvr cent rtuler tax which thu xlourd paid brhiglng then cojt 1760 for the iwer the uoard hold iv to the hotel keepers aksociu hon for v3k profit of 540 and the ajjjilcutlon iells it to the beer pirlom fcr j2530 unothrr advance of ten per cent the beer parlor divldcji the beer into 4fi0 glatuu at ten cellu each and tlie coniuiner pay 4000 for whuo originally cont 475 to manufac ture of course thejui are brltlnh columbli lguren the cotx of upkeep of the vari ous oiflciij through which thn producu puiic apparently nt lnclixlel but the cot will le pretty well in line with thojm in ontario with greater popu lation and therefore greater jalu ontario llgure ihould uiow even greater comparative profit from manu facturer to connumer when the bevenifie room were flrtt mooted in thir province ue were told that the uorklptr man war entitled to hii glurjt of beer the name or uie rich man uho could buy it by thc caie well the working man in retting i1j1 beer all right hut lie jr certainly pacing one deuce of price everything considered to uet his uhltlc prom manufatturer to consumer the price ipread li nearly one thousand per cent and uell be blert if ue kin rce where there very much hope general builncsi recov ery in country where any one product get thin much fuaar for little value to lb patronr durham chronicle duke of windsor goes skiing near vienna asquith saskatchewan thc council did thc same thing and every member of the community nets party has been allowed to vote then copy of hts community newspaper and pays for it nant ln rec in the margin in his taxes the municipalities mentioned were by the nppearance of the record the almost unanimous in agreement that thc wcc house muu luue been cry adjacent to rj the centre inn for the rest of thc page paper is of such value as to warrant official recog lt coterdd wth rcrlcfl blots nnj nition in this way smaller subscription would smears over names and voter alike be possible because of the lowered cost and cer tlie to nn cnded about noon on january 3rd and on the tainty of collecting subscriptions and securing new pake appar thc corl ot ones we are not suggesting that ontario com the clerk in nood elenr handnrltlm munities are ready for such step yet but at tile dauld jl rcadlnn aa toliovir low lcnctntagi kind old lldy iuppose jou hae hud many trlaln tramp yes lady but only rcvcn com ictlorui oiii ol he few photoiraph3 taken of thc duke of windsor since he ibctuiud throno ot england and became an exile ut austria thc hike shown at vienna with wallerdellcknrth his ski instructor duriin ski expedition on tho hills outside vienna tlio cxkine is stlli iiivl uu taitlc of baron eugene do rothschild near vienna acton stores can fulfill your needs give them first chance needed chance dr blair has again brought to the atten tion of parliament change that would seem over due the north wellington member would execute criminals by gas rather than by hanging but still there seems opposition to the plan and those who feel that the change would not be as great deter rent to crime we were always of thc impression that thc motive back of execution of criminals was to rid society of unwanted individuals nnd those who had shown by their conduct that they were not fit for freedom among their fellowmen surely the days of torture of mind that criminals must go through are sufficient without adding to the horror of the death if punishment of body is desired there are more tortuous deaths than even hanging that might be used but have been abandoned with thc advances of public opinion we hope the mem ber will keep up his campaign until change is made and the lethal chamber used instead of the rope same time it is unique idea not only does assure every opportunity for ratepayers to keep in touch with municipal affairs but it gives the mun icipality an organ through which it ran be sure of providing its information in manner in which all will have an ample opportunity of seeing it returning ot editoitlal notes canada is the source of approximately ho per cent of the nickel production of the whole world lleer or the wnshlp of eramosu do certify that the election ot coun cillor for the tounrhlp of eramana to cre for the jear 18g5 havlnb duly commenced on the proper day ua before thc lauful clcninff time interrupted so thai the same could not laufullj be continued and the said election uan not kept open thc necessary time and that by reason of such interruption there lias been no cluction of councillors to serve for the present jear up to tills date witness my hand this 4th day of january 18go lamplighters still ply their trade in streets of downtown toronto four men employed turning on streets lights by hand cheaper than installing switch system since 1032 the natural increase of canadas population has averaged about 110000 persons year spring must be just around the coinei wholesale price ot gasoline has advanced juil ion the according to the bear and legend were due for another six weeks of winter and without either wed likely get it anyway government saving governments move in mysterious manner in making savings quite often small post is abolish ished in the rural sections with plea of economy many times the savings made by abolition of these small posts however frequently is squandered many times over the peel gazette points to one of these big handouts of public funds when it says public approval will hardly be accorded the proposal to give the retired chairman of the defunct railway commission retiring grant of 30000 that is equal to the yearly salary this official an appointee of the bennett government was receiving as head of the railway commission civil servant icceiving such salary as that was well pnid while in ottfee and the retiring grant of 30000 equal to the value of three good ontario farms is altogether unjustifiable what mnkc the case still worse is that the olflcial in question who was at one time ii judge in manitoba will in addition to all this re ceive pension of f000 for life on account of his services as judge before he became head of the rail way commission on top of all that this toriner judge and former head of the dominion railway commission is now resuming practice of the law 11 this is specimen case of ottawa spending it is hurdly surprising that federal expenditure is in crcusiiig rather than decreasing hen ue hno the poll book antl turn to thi printed ininutiv uhrrc it ri corded centre inn january glh 10155 the cmuilll nut ut the pcctil cull of the rece thc reme in tlie chair privnt mesip ren duf tield niuon and rlc the clerk laid uii the table hi re slimutlon of office il folloua erumomi january glh 10g5 to the municipal council of thc tounjhlp of iraniou in council uv em bled gentlemen ivom uhat transpired in the 3rd of thl month ut thl election for council consider it prudent to tender to you my rejilimatlon clerk of this municipality islriicd tuunchlp clerk the reilisnatlon urn uccepted without comment and hn diivlttum or cdcn milln wiis uppotntod clerk with lukiructlons to conduct new election on junuary lflth and 10th jiiht to hhow there were no hard feel inifi the exclerk appeared uhen the hechem uiok place an urrungad air proposed for inliiatlon all five of tin 18g4 council j00 pe nions voted on the lflth and 173 on the loth there uee 12 candi dates thl time ami the retiring council rceleited with the exception of nilmin uhei uiu replaced vutor it is disappointing to read further and find william iurrimi that the trallic bottle neck is at bloor and jane uu thl fttlher oeornu and llaxter nehon truth succmjtly told by the brandon sun the the local newspaper is the only one in the wmld that gives darn about your community burlington has issued new water rates and decid ed to metre all water services it seems the only equitable way to charge for this public utility the gross value of production of the principal held crops of canada in i93i is estimated prelimin arily at 504 139000 compared with 508910000 in 1035 trallic bottle neck is being eliminated says urn heading on the tront page of the brampton conser ci stieets in toronto not in the business section of brampton fergus newsrecord hujon county council cut its tax rate hum lo nulls hist week having saved 35000 in mothers allowances and 29000 in old age pension bv the government assuming the entire cost of these services premier hepburn seems to be cunying ins economies to the great mas of people han over post uho tin releie here the latter nerving for man eun ut ilchool triutce and councillor in the louer part eif the tounihlp william ianlih operated the uirne mills and iiuticl the 1hirrlci famlli who vie earlyiettlern on the farm now ovueel by tobeit rarrlcu it is mild that ilium iurliih chuuited the hpelllnu of his name lo uvold con fusion in the nuillii apppurently ptl mumerj delluhled in uivlnic mail to tlu urnujt pirtlrh even in the early elays to ue cutitlnmitil nexl wwl ity iiowa11d giuuing central wew4 canadian staff writer toronto iybruury jiul with ptiiiu lallon ol oei goo000 peronr thli city latond largest in the minion ttllll emplo four lampltghurs oculled relic of ancient tlmeii it was revealed by aiihuorth general manager or the toronte hidroklectric system this suteinent folloued clnhely upon that ot ohb ume mitchell editorial dheclor of electrical new and engin eering ho st ite torontos slrce llhhtlng ssieti was jo eurs out of date mr ahuailh however pointel on lhat lumpllghlera were nut employed because of an uiulcpiutetl lllumluatl ttvftem thim men he iuld turn on eueh of the stieet lliihth in the doun umn area by hand be ause the cut of installliih an tinde igremnd cable no that all lliihii may be turiud on ut once bv one switch too cxorbltunl many neusmgo the lighting wts tiulled cire fullj and it wus und the cost of in stallation intirest on capital and de elation would annually amount molt than the total jenlv sal litis of the men it is fa that nasm we stll loiitlnu to use lamplltthlert turn em jiw iiintm the dountawn uiea lighted by the lamps uhlih are tinned on by huni upproxlmalelv iv square mile in urea illiain itriiig inltliirrel by mng and contains botuecn five and filx hun that toontos present jjystcm of streel drtd lights the city ullowj the lamp lighting is out or dute the city not lighters three lious each da in which convtmplatuig ftny changes in the to turn the lamps on the remainder luting facilities according may of their time ls spent on cleaning lamp itobblns ttl bes and in reporting renalrj ve rould of cou se like to we better there is one advuntiige in having llghiing if ue had the money his ampllghters nild mr ashworlh id mils is in having the ughui liuiiwcte every evening other pats of therlty uclu log the residential districts nre huipetted by patrols every third evenlmi thin uf course is not suiflclent for the ouded elowntown area and were it nol or the lumpllghten spcclnl patrol oulil hue to check the busiucu ie don lights claim ktrffta dark recently many obje tlons have iwien iiuute concerning thc lighting cl slieets tailier this mth the ti urojeity depa tment wis ordered ma complee survey of ut eet light ing aft an alderman claimed bread ml milk nlestreu were being held up ut pistol hit lilmply bcttause the iets ue so drk the da follow ing this oule id invcjttgutlon coon iis jin il torlst of blunie in eoimetlon with the dentin of two women nek by the mohirlils uul tlle bo inie of poir vlslbllily ut thit pul ihe jiuy nmiutn lut uchecl of limps where the two women me their deihn while ej eit oplulem hut lndlciite wutihlp said dut we havent and runl umord tiny thunge now weve gat to be very econetmlcul ut thu time old style ugltu tlie umiis in the dountoun urea are kn wn us cluster lights there being five lamps of 100watt power on each pol lh art adnally being replaced uith vj of one lump of 500watt power which are olnhl ercl more elflcient irvve er the neu polen lire only btlnj ue ted ni one of the jder type muil ti ln eked el own by motorists when rontos street lighting ein 1m tailed ovei twentvilve yeuri thev mtel more light than uoulii rrti oiu light said mr mlt hell he big lum had not been evil pel then and they useel clusuti lve 100 vuitt lamps it ullghl olntcd olll not us elflcient hi att kin whe he toronto wll eveiiuxuliv hinge ire ulem iivsteitl ol ei in tlngwhhh will not nectjl ite the mplcy ng eif lump hghtciit irl known at any rate the cleys nu nre 111 hive be more able to ueu llw

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