thursday fkbhuahy ui 10 the acton free press ulj ifrrr jlrrah 8ijuri storg pawnee medicine by dennis ii stovaix was near sundown of less day in 1840 purpl shadow had settled among the leafy cottaawoods alders that irinced the pcmliie stream near whoso south back lute benton left his sa horse and pack mule while he cautious ly advanced through the tangle of underbrush lie had come thirty that day so as to make on overnight camp here by the medicine spring lie luvd been warned by pair of trappers bock on bear jtivrr however to keep watchful eye for pawnees he raised up when halfway through the thicket and saw pony hobbled the clearing just beond it another one similarly fctralned fed on the succulent grass lute could not be certain whether thek owner was white or red lie made another quiet advance and came within sight of the rock basin from whose centre bubbled the medicine spring he drew down dis creetly when he discovered lone in dividual sltcing crosslegged at the brink of the bowl lute noted at glance that he wa white man garbed in the deerskin jac ket braided leather breeches and soft moccasins of prairie hunter hid coonskiu cap lay on the rock near by howghl lie greeted when lute ap peared ifowghl answered lute walking down and offering his hand sfy name is beaton intend to make camp here for the night flie shaggy hunter rose to lui feet so you be simple enough to make camp by the medicine spring huh lie said have you questions to ask the spcriu lute smiled and shook his head no but this is safe place to camp being alone and in tawnee country lhid uell to use caution wall snorted buck hatcher hed sjcinsare as likely to ccme litre as any where glad to have your company tliough boy sketch your on tilt closer the two made supper over com mon camp lire built close to tlie stream ttie meal finished they spread their buffalo rcbes at the rim of the rock basin buck grew moody und silent lute guessed lie was litre to ask ques tions of the sperits inquiry proved tiiis to be true the pawnees under old white thunder stole my pack mule com pldned duck blame the trick mostly on young beaver tail the chiefs son alwajii tlie tribe has befriended me but mule is mule want to know if am to go to white thunders camp and demand its return tie come to tind out the medicine spring as for the red men an oracle that gave mysterious answer to those who communed witi its bubbling uater to lute benton lt uos othlnf more tlian natural fount trongly impregnated ulth soda it uould do little good houever to explain this to buck hotelier he had lived long among the indians he had become like uiem in lieart and habit juty father was doctor and mis fcionary amng the pawnees announc ed lute with quiet pride he saved beaver tails life and woe friend to tlie chief injuns boy are not to be trusted his plan was to go on north and east to fremonts camp on the platte ho must have his mule however just the pawnees were in conflict with cheyenne and to approach their camp alone involved hazard wcr two years had gone by since his rathe had died lute had been just small boy when white thunder last saw him itho chief or beaver tall his son might npt again recognize him two both armed with rifles at least could show more formidable power than one ill bo with you lute decided well stat at oncel getting under way soon after sun rise lute and old buck rode through most of tliat day with only brief halt at noon lute let the plainsman take tlie lead bucks keen eyes seemed sel dom to move yrtjlutc knew they miss ed nothing at times the trail dim med and every track vanished from the windblown ground the plainsman bending from the saddle after brief reconnolter would pick it up again there be six of cm now with as many ponies and the pack hauler lie muttered more to himself than to lute tiie main camp well strike somewlior along tlie black jack fatigue of their horses compelled the trailers to camp near tlie head of bottlderstrcwa gulch where they lucki ly fund water linle crossing the ravine at this point was hard bcaum indian troll into which tlie line of tracks was lost they went on south jest us ealkllated tlicy would said buck otlier injlns jlned cm here ail are pawnees tlie fagged and hungry ponies made the best of tlie tall gross long before daylight uie riders ucre in tlie saddle again old buck know of grove with mere water in vale five miles farther couth it wag there lie expected to and tlie main camp of the indians they rode through narrow gap in the hills while darkness still covered tlie bottoms of the gulches in the early morning dusk they belield tho ughts of many tires with shadowy figures lute came alongside behind them few jardc buckc one remain ing pack animal scrawny beast bur dened with their combined duffle stood uith drooping head thar they be announced the plnlruiman pointed marled finger white thunders camp it la beaver tuil and big bunch pawnee braics are camped in the grove some odds boj but ue jot to have our mules he sat uhlle longer saying noth ing then he unfolded his plan well light here an hide our hoeses behind tlie sand hills our only chance is to sneak don and crop out old jenny an our mule im certain the stolen beal5 feedin ulth the injun ponlej out on the clearln quite distance from the main camp not more tlian tu three bra es will be watchln cm and at this time momln theyll be meepy lute knew the peril of attempting to recover the stolen animals by stealth he preferred to approach white thun der openly and make demand old buck objected houever when lute of fered this proposal it wouldnt do boj some brave uould get you long before ou had chance to reach white gruoded hunter solemnly averred with thunder or beaver tail shake or his head the lljjht was groulng coneshaped lute realised the futility of arguing lodgos tock form at the border or the with tlie plainsman he rose and stroll cottonuoods dogi yelped and ponies cd out into tlie dark leaving buck to uhlnnicd you keep uatch up here tlie young man liad tlie neir our have uhllst crawl dour feeling that their animals should be through the brush to the edge of the meditate brought cl ter to camp jet tlie peace fulness and the hushed quietude over ruled his fears buck hatcher still sat crosslegged at tlie rim of tlie rock bowl uhen lute returned without uord tlie youth pulled eff his boots and stretched him self betueen his buffalo robes placing ills long ririle under the edge of the furry covering he doed several times and as often as lie opened his eves he observed the humped flgute of the hunter sitting mtionyess by the medicine spring at last lute heard him mumble feu indian uords of cabalistic import ap parently he received his answer for he went at once to his blankets and in few minutes uas sound asleep what tlie orucle had revealed and uhut course buck hatcher intended to pursue lute uld not knou until morning came when he slipped out of his uarm pallet at uuu lute made disco ery that immediately altered hu in tended route hk pack mule had been stolen during the night moccailntrackil and the print of ponj hmifi further down the crk told the torj pttttihes old buck at oiue jur miied he gave lute emindlm glance iluliit tell juh mtdskius aint to trusted am gvuwdn it uus beaver tall mm of white thunder brave who nnde off with jour mule what uus the good of jour fulhiia friendship und of while man medicine well hit the trail totrther tf jou hay und ft trh back cm uilen unhiuils lute llrrdrd little time to toiulder clearing buck propesed not til go downt declared lute die indians will be less likely to see me as am qmaller tlian tou til cut the mules loose and drive tiicm up the hill once uc yet them hero we ciin make our cscnp by following the ravine buck muttered but ugrccd to thli they led tliclr animals behind the sand rldfcc and crept back to the crest aiuv few more lowspoken words luui lipped uuay crawling dowjb deep wash that made gash in tlie hillside his objective was the troop of indian ponies that were closely tethered lnw than fifty yards trom tlie stream closer to the cotton woods so he observed wcru the two mules neither was hobbled but trio of dusky guards squatted hi huddle out on the open clearing they jumped up when pony whin nied lute dropped flat and remained motionless hoping lie would not bo dis covered the pony neighed again how ever and the two mules started hauling at tlielr ropes he raised his head high enough to look out over tlie clearing it was now quite light he saw tlie three braves run around tlie bunch ef ponies and wave tliclr arms they uoro signalling hearing slight noise behind hlnilutc turned his gaze he gasped when he discovered nix palntstreakcd pawnee creeping down tlie guloh iive mote rode out from tlie camp to the border of tlie clearing tlie savages had cut off his retreat lute jumped out of tho ravine and ran short distance toward clump of closegrown cedars imttlng his back to tlie trees he knelt on tlie grass and levelled his rifle not one of the six in tlie ravine showed his head he spared ids powder and made an other swift dash farther across the clearing this brought him within range of the five mounted brave who started galloping about discharging their bows at long distance but without effect one of tlie rive mono gaudily decorated and more daring tlian tlie rest rode out alone indicating by signal tlmt tills uas to bo combat betueen him und tlie iono white tlie others straightway witlulrcw to vwatch from the sluidow of tlie couonuoodr again lute dropped to his right knee and levelled liln rifle the pawnee jelling war cry rode his hona full speed into tlie open passing within few yards of tlie white man with the skin and daring of an indian rider he hung far over the opposite aide of his mount as lie swept panb the white youth he dlscliarged his bow from under the ponya neck with such good aim uiat the arrow struck the stock of lutes gun and glanced off without doing injury lute could liave shot the indians horse but refrained tlie rider pre sented no otlier mark except left foot tlie uhlte outh had plan in mind desperate chance but his only hope again the hooping rider whirled and returned passing closer ne drew his arrow to the hood lute watched the pawnees aiming hand and drawn bow just at the instant of release he leaped straight toward the racing pony he flung his armn and yelled in sud den fright the pony reared and swerv ed tlmt unexpected side leap threw the pawnee off guard the discharged ar rw mlfjuid its mark and tlie rider lost his hold his liand slipped from the withers of his mount and he fell to the ground having lost both his horse and his bou the indian sprang upright nnd faced the uhlte man he struct his hand on his chest and threw his arms uidc lute raised tlie long rifle au he took deliberate aim at the young warrior he reccgnized the pawnee the musket fell at once to the hollow of his arm he paced foruard and shouted beaver tall surprise smothered by red mans guarded emotion brought only slight change or expression to the paunces paintstreaked face oocd medicine he ejaculated offering his hand at once the pawnee warriors gath ered in an observ lng circle chief white thunder strode into the open in war bonnet and white buffalo mantle ho repeated the others greeting good medicine when ho hud grasped lutes liand he added gravely good medicine has strong heart the pawnees are his frleitdsl white thunder offors peace und begs his pardon white medicines mule and the mulo of the hunter will bo returned lulu shifted his gaze to the distant hlopc he suw old buck riding cau tiously toward the vale loading lutes euddlu horao closer by coming in re sponse to tlie chiefs command two braves were bringing the missing mules luto bin hod pleased acknowledg ment white thunder is kind he told the chief gratefully ho was my fatlurs friend and ho docs not forgot good medicine spoke the pawnee leader again go in peace wlilto thunders heart is made gladl with swoop of hlu browji arm he turned and itrodt toward his lodge at thu border of the cottonwoods lute took the liulter rope of the two mules and wentntp to tlie place where buck hat cher waited in mingled joy and aston ishment tlie pawnees had not for gotten to show grawtude any bay wsh bay message from the ipremier of new brunswick to me it seema strange unit one should be coaxed or coerced into eating ilih and to my mind it presupposes mental resistance to ovcrempliaslzc the heulthglvlng and energizing qualities of fish while do not doubt for minute that fish contains aupertj food qualities prefer to eat fish because it please the palate like nothing olso will living as we do on the atlantic seaboard where fish of all varieties are readily available in abundance we are naturally deeply interested in hav ing tlie people of our sliter provincej make me or our food supplies but des pite my mercenary interest as public man in the natural resources of our province my own experience prompts me to ndvlsc people to use fish liberally because or its own delightful nppcal slats diary olxveu waitren sunday annoy lngenear ore thing dont under stand ho bllds 31 mllyen worth of dlyo to hold high walter out when they are lugh wattcr blase up the dike to let uie wattcr in monday the teacher ast bllstcn what an the dlntrents between con wtancey stubbornness at ho thot ecent at replldo as red arc strong will as totlier strong wont bupotc it was okey doko as tlie teccher just laft uttel tuesday lu got on ma ho sod ho was down to cort lawyer ast joorynuui when ho was marryed ar had ho formed or xprest ophiyen the man sed ho was marryed in 10 as 32 as huddent had or oxprcst no opinyens for about yrs ma sod she dlddeiit bleevo no sucha tilling wednesday juke was out to holly wood hut vacashtji at says tlie octor tssi alnt doing wlmt uioy prommlst eo he teen tlie noose paper thalr where it scd ladles reudy to wcav cloe tluinday mister and mistress olllem are taken jessona in french they tuketi frctich bablc out of orfenago as suy they wont to no wliat it says when it begins to tawk all our fambly but me loft about it say tlieyro rite friday elsys fokes is going to send her nway to study musick as singing ac titc wlum vacashou conies as nabers led it vvos uiotful of her fokes eury uhi she diddent no what they ment alnt she dum saturday ftpeechon of dumncs jane is praktckally us dum as elsy she aed tlioy wauent no use of basket ball fans as that game is plade in the winter iiecfcen of tho annuel yr orange pekoe blend salada canadian mine magnate returns from africa every woman faces this question how do look to other people so many women rink thoir beauty by nofrlect of constipation it often cnmcft loia of pep callow ok ma dull oyeo poor complexions yet common conutipntion enn be ended io easily just cut two table ipoonfuli of kellopju all hit an vv ith milk or fruita every dav throe times daily in ficvere casea tlmde liciouu icadytoeat cereal supplies the bulk needed to exercise the ijyjitem and vitamin to help tone up the intestinal tract within the body allhuan ab oibi more tlian twice its weirjht in wnter pently aponrinfr out the tefitines it never cauiea the artifi cial action of pilln and drupo that often prove ineffective kelloppfi allhran you nee is food not medicine it rehevea common conntipatinn the way na ture intended noitn rcuultanreaafe huy it at your jrroccra made and tfitarantt at by ivellopp in london golden yellow good size doze new navol4 oranges grapefruit texas seedlebs medmm lurire titjc cabbage new firm green heads pur lb nix crkois per htmcli 5c bananas spinach turnips curly crisp table quality ciok ci lbs for li lbs waxed for dc nice size lettuce lar frm crisp heads for lit fu tomatoes firm ripe yi lbs lii lit tl lhs onions souiij and dr carrolls imited ittjntttm ano hxjntkd ifoilnob matno morlyamn wlio fled from japan to tlie unltod stated 21 yirj ago and sadakiehl chlmutsu who caused him to flee have been hobnob bing in oaaka scene of tliclr battle of wlu morlyamo was wellknown bus nlcsr man of oslca and member of parliament lie become involved in political rcandnl in 1d15 and ichlma uiu the procuator of the osaka dbtrlct court liad him indicted morlyama dliigulsed himself clipped out of japan to manchuria whence he went to europe and worked his way to amerlcn where he worked as laborer and re ceived funds from home tho statute of limitations on his offense oxplred recently and morlyama returned to oftoka lie called at ichlmatsuu office was welcomed and invited to an elab orate dinner in his honor both men laughed over their experiences as pur suer and pursued iomewird bound from combination big came hunt and honeymoon in the african jungles duncan mcmartin canadian millionaire and liin beautiful brlac are pictured as they arrived in new york mcmartin is the son of ono of the discoverers ot the famed holllnger bold mlae while mrs mrmartin is the former mr pauline sears california to nhte it mdi the fourth marriage for mcmnrtin and tlie second tor mi iw rndlan phou fori bigger business advertise cecille jelit jelly shortbreads lb 11c powders ps 25c lgc pie blueberries 2no8 25c tigei tomto catsup 56ot boul 14c aylmer cream of oyster soup picnic cul wax beans ftcih rolltj oatmeal 22c si chailti evaporated milk fumi lnthsl paste cowani perfaction cocoa frsnbford peas sevc out sliced side bacon dp dc lvnnvali rtko dessert pluls lombards lynn valley no tin no 10c 10c lib hn 25 no im k9 tib pis 28c liplon red pct5 tea mb pis 27c sniooth woojtn clothes pegs fikldc shinota floor wax 1uu 25c aim and hammer washing soda 6c rinso pi 21c fjfina steri tized pol purity tt 25 gold laiirtdy soap 19 ruu chipso pi 19c old dutch cleanser well gladly gtva you ll mfojnialioh cort cinlrt9 llit iccwdlwti3 u1w ou oii hn 19c sgl pancakes flour pi 16c cbli pw mpl syrup ii 21c ciowm at darlw cwn syrup it 37c mwi ts mux stiaok stouk clocks saturday nhjut 1030 free delivery piionl 15a