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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 11 Feb 1937, p. 7

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thursday february 11th 1037 the acton free press paqs sewn my valentine do not mean the paper kind that very poorly typifies the special one have in mind the ht and gladnrs uf my eytvi the joy and comfort or my heart the inspiration of my soul can uught but death cause ut to part but death ik not our final goal my earthly counsellor and friend the constant help mt of my life immortal bclnif does not iul when ends all mortal cure and jtrllv thu kiu no hi man donor dent hut it cunii by the hand divine and fain own thn boon but lent my worthy uondroiis vulcntliu to mo her coununaiicc fulr un faded by thr lupji of lime cray hu but lhnd her nutbroun hair lie volte hu ntlll lb tnillnw eliini brown are hr bright rxpnvslvi ey her curs of pale pink ihrll mold and rose uiic on lur ehk url kre imlf lu virtue run un told hrr form innu trlml und lithe her hilr ur uitely been in umprr mild in plrlt blithe in lnurlhet nli rt md jjut of nil ho lnuri did kull of the lem und rice of god and 111 life ulllllne or tottn toitetlur hale lie ly liod valentine my valentine oer ut lire udd yeiin are nlst yet thou are mine and urn thine and our ti he love hill ever lust tor tho in hiuveri we marry not liut tire or uimel pure ami air tin re hull not fall 1ii1l jot of lou that eer ubltletli there chronicles of gingerfarm written specially for ttao acton free kre gwendoline clarkk the sunday school lesson ioit siinhay kkiiilualty 14th rwkntv yeaim aco ftrem the kie uf the thurmlay february 15th 1117 some tiy the mercurj touched su low kg diaries belou uro on monday morning he wllon and druper sfrjeto kiikvn ut concert held at lofitan church on monday evening petition ujklnt for vout for women ucd by 21000 name villi be pr tent to the government of the province of ontario william lyon muclccnzlc for many yean connected ulth railway conitruc uon in cunada died at winnipeg aaed 51 yearn mr jumei uuwn phm will report to the to which unit he hay enlisted he ullltfike the ranlc of seryeant and will be in the dispen sary department rr carbert or campbellville received oiflelal notice from ottaua that lib son captain oniric cnr bert military crots had been killed in action lred wuhon of zimmerman con ducted ruccevful checker ctimnan in gilelph and acton lut week died ramsay in nonroisau on thun will you pardon me if become trifle rt mlntsct nt in tbii veevi chronicle j4uuw you me thl our vtddhm itnnlvi riiry we have ik en married nine tn tmi ye nineteen year uuo thb wry day iurtiir and were ijuletly nmrrle in the amthcan church in our home town lit re wnp only ilx ople in the church no one outside of the family knew we were yculntf mnrlid in fuct ue did not know it onrelvi until the day before thin like that hieppeii in war time he only urriin ment we made idvance wa thutwe would nt married durinif iurtiitrt iut it uc from tin 1ront but of coure we had no idea when that would be tht after lur ubenee partner came home on vurtiury 6th and we were married the nevt duj there wu no cuv and no clitlmlnif rrlllv the only new tiling we bouciu airwc uii pravtrbook of coin people in cueland were on wartime ration io celcbintlon prcad uh imjmjlble we could only jjet our quota of food according to the coupon value of our ration book our two oun of butter quarter pound of tea and one pound of meat per eel and ciorythlnc ele in proportion trade people could not be bribed to plve any one an ounce oler their allowance and ration booki had to be prera nted and rtamped before one could buy food and of coure the nectviry coupon du uchil by the grocer or butcher and no our weddhm feast woj midday dinner of cold sliced ham vegetable und deep apple pie havlnif previously obtained fpwdayi leave of absence from the school where as matron and the ceremony now over we felt free to go awaj on short holldav one could hardly call it honeymoon our bacitnce consisted of weekend cne and our ration book when partner asked me where uanted to no remember iylnir on dont know letn to london first and decide where we want to when we ret there so that is exactly what we did and then becaure it didnt really matter where we went we walked through the city and said would take the first bus that came along and ro wherever the bui went and we did and the bii took us to do klnj in surrey about twenty miles from london our luck ua in if ae had laliii week to devldec could not oliver warden day tebruary flth 1017 rachel pbl have elioasen more beautiful nichartlam widow of the late samurl pot than rwn rlups someone namsav in hen 81st year uim rt lhk slrrey l0lb and tlwj 2slja1 ulakl remimler how peaceful and surpasslni lovely were the wajs in und around ihi ma la town of dorunt mter few da to my job but pailm up fot oi his frlmd tin the aundi well went skattinir the ice was to thin to hold up suf flshentley ma llhi ide be sick of new monja but xnect to be sicker of haft inff to keep olfen the ice monday blister got home late from skool as told hls ma when she osl he war ncsslnn contest where sed his ma blisters repllde it wu after skool am of him sum other kids jake was thaiv allso tueoiay ant emmy rowed to town this in on st car says the con ductors is dum becos on the waj back she punched of them with lur cm berella xst him are this 32th st he sed no my ribs wednesday jane all wajs et tmr fresh with me at the partle last nlle felt sorta meke humbel so sed to lur reckon you think perfect 1mj1 she repllde sed no tlnj uint noboddle perfect it was holy unmedhss ensult thurolay kol onto su tliiiij ncv and wlrth re mi mbrini you can mor uej house by ottomnbiel but you cant murmur no house by no otto mobeel rrlday pa is in bad with sum hirrh ladji who hot lunclu for the chamber of commers dinner he wrl in the nooapajwr that evry thln was sirved cold cept the ice tee sum thlnj about afencled the lady siturda pa to kldden to unul hin ant lmrny that he mar ry ma be iis he were diltrunt from other uurnin how thej id pa ed she wire the null that wood have mi li dlddint sum to ap lu alt liet bat not week so he viltetl anion md my own back to the pioiit ariin to md stench thunder or nuns and all the stark realities of war so there we were two week married and ihen goodbye neither of us knowlnt whether we were eeliir each other for the last time or not it was common tnouuh in those daji and one never knew what the morrow might brlnff there were always the dread that some day telegraph boy would come ulong on his blcjclc an orange envtlope in hand and in that envelope perhaps tele grnm whose mevsace might ring down tin curtain on all oiu hopes for tlje jisuw ihi oood shluhkud golden it ki am the good lup in rd the good jlu phi ri luyet down his life for the shiep john 10 11 laiou let john 10 11 tj line octobi 2j place jer usalt in txtosltun am the door any one who tiks to git ttltt to the in any otlu way than thiough jtus the chrlil is thli and uibbu surely then there are many thlev and robbers today evi among preacher and teielien multl tiuieof suppoed priacheis of the gos iml and tt uclw of theolojy are btyond doubt tiying to git access to tho clnist she in some otlu way than by piccnting to them the real christ the chrjt of the bible the chrbt who was cruehl as ah utonhut acrltlte for in nul whoe body was nil el uyn the dead many claiming to be sheplleuls or the sheep had come before the lord jesus came some even be the christ but they thieves and robbers many are coming in our day with simlln claims they loo are thlevej und roo beis in jtiis day those who were illy hcep did not ii ten to the faj shepherds and false chrlsts no matter what their pretentions neither do they now no true disciple of jesus will run after the cult jcin him self the door iv to what is he the door to salvation by me if any man liter in he shall be saved this makes the way of salva tion very pi iln and simple jurt pus light in by jlsus christ the door open to all any man though man be the greatest of sinners the door stands open tim la he is the only door acts 12 john neither the law nor the church nor morality nor baptism nor creed is the door am the door thl door was opened by hls atoning death vr 10 11 gal 13 eph 17 heb 22 wc enter in by simple faith in him romans 25 35 eph acta 13 30 30 any one you this superabundant life so many have surh tliln thread of utrl be auhrtrd with nothing short of life bc liul inetsiire it peu how abundantly may iiave life uptxari in john id col lu if 10 kph hi 1d1 urn the good lu plu rd he best txpoltlon of thoie swttt ord the om you will net upon your kin looking to god to lit you into tlulr wulth of tm aulng it is not only wonderfully omfortlng thing that jt lis says hin uiiialuisly dailng on it lain nt ji hovah in rd pk 21 lui 40 111 hre us jehovahs jlate if thi the hnil ho di willing who enters in by jesus christ will be 1c sued no one else will to lib bc to lib erty shall go in nnd out the true acceptance of jesus leads not to life of fear crit constraint but to the per fect liberty of child cf romans 15 gal to security this too is found in the go in and out the one who really enters by christ is eternally secure 20 20 to vtisraction shall find pasture tin re is no such pasture for sheep in all the world as the one ho enters by jesu tlnds tiil pasture is green ps it ls od and fut ie 31 11 cf is iff 10 it neve fails ri 17i the worlds rlchet pasture lands are bleak and barren ildei iilssi in comparison lib this chlt is the door to other king john it eph hi 1kb 10v 19 22i throughout his pi paul the apostle speaks of jesu as bi nir in entrance whereby the believer pisses into an evt increasing rlchnc of spiiltuil experience door to the hlghei md fuller thinis of god him we have acces bv faith into the grace wherein we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of god romans is ulio an in the old good shep 10 11 liek 34 laim to take he ls not in the rulli ense xiln if he lo not fkliipy jehovahs place he must be the mtut during impostor and bla phenu this world iw there is no middle irouiu we cannot deny hi ity and till maintain that he was good but je us has abundantly proven that thl no idlt and blasplu moiis claim tint he miki ih has proven that he iuditd the good slupherd jehovah manife in ihe hi sh the crowning pi oof or hi love to the silt ep is that he lijeth down hi life tor them if we uspie to be true shepherd we must be ready to do the same if at the ap pro ich of daner vie leue the ht and flie for our own afity we are hlre nd not hepherd cf peter alas that there are so many ire to be shepherd but arc not to the pi icejesui knows own and ills own know him evei the uther cnovw illm and he know the rather who can fathom the depth and intimacy of that knovv hdge in it is life nnd eternal ecur lt john 17 timothy 19 12 ten great point about the good shepherd he knows the sheep even as the rither knowelh him and he the iather he is known by the sheep ha personal interest in each sheep and dials with it individually call it by name 31 lcadeth them out 51 thrusts forth the laggard sluep overlooks none is his own gocth be fore them he his trodden every ste or the way that we must token flt carcth for the sheep 13 lavtlh down his life for the sheep us ii 15 u0 glveth eternal nnd abundant life to the sheep 10 2h 19 jesus has sheep outside of israel 10 when he has brought them come one fold eph 14 15 gal 20 it ls through henrlng his voice that they are brought the laving down of his life was perfectly voluntary act on jesus irt it was performed in obedience to the pathera will cf 38 15 10 the one thing jeus desired the world to know about himself was that as the rather gave commandment even so he did ich 14 31 he had received from his rather commapdmelit to lay down his life for the sheep he mot gladlv dll llut he had also received another comm mdnii nt from the rather vi to take hi life hick again so in due siason he did that also ii am the good shepherd 11 oih til future nineten years ago and todav till feel thankful that the ominous orange cnwlope was never brought to my doo but in my thankfulnev do not forgt others who were less fortunate and mv heut gens out to thoe who liuw the terror of that fatal ni contained in the orange envelope of course telegram did not always bring bad news sometimes il was quite the oppoki but there was always that dread until on had read the nusjagc it wa twelve months before saw partner again the war was over but partni battalion vvls sent on to culogm with tin arruv of cupation uvlim he iln illy rmiriud to england it was itbruarv tin nnd mother tlv mouths posd ijiort we sail to cm id hut ot here it list 111 hi it ui fur in it 10 jesus is not only the door he also the good shepherd the false chrlsts and leaders who had come claiming lie shepherds were really thlev and robbers such were the pharisee they came to steil and kill and destroy but jesu mission was glorious came that they may ive life and may have it abundantly 11 any of us then may not onlv have life but ive life exceeeiingly life beyond measure this the force of the greek have here we re llki it man so hope everybody 11 uoklni ck om wl ndt then evir pt rlotl of tw nt yia rs so ram med full of wor id events iich eyas tatlng lar laih ng ev nt and looi hii leirw id is it po ible to 1m iiiine unother twentv tns equal evinlful one ijii only conjecture and hoic th it tin ihllish nation will never again know the whole li ortiv md tiagedv of those other and now in liliti ve in partni itt in mn id nu omplt foil th il toelu otu weddllie ail om ihmhtli million 1s1i more th in hundre million little lout and salmon were added to can id ti population by the dominion depart nu nt of rlhrle during 1931 allowing for jm rcentage of lovs thl dirliulion of trout and salmon eggs fry nngcrlings and older fish means substantial addition to canada trout and sal non families and both sport and toinnu rcl il ibhermen hould reap the benctlt as the season go by and the fbh babies of 1936 grow up out of total of nearly 109400000 eggs fry etc the sockeye salmon dis tribution made up more than half or close to 34 400 000 next in number came the atlantic salmon with approx imately 25 700 000 then speckled trout with about 020 000 and knmloops trout with distribution of ti t22 000 rainbow and cutthroat trout were each also well over the million mark other speies disli nitid included brown trout coho sihnon kcnnerlv salmon sut iheads und landlocked salmon ibeie wis alo mil til distribution ed ith veil trout iigures as to egg collections made durng the car by the departments ilh ciiliiiic branch are not fully com piled jet but it is known that the at ian til sahnem ejection totalled more than 20 150 000 spcdclecl trout ct ik ttlon wu ii 000 ull of it save 101 000 in tlie maritime province the ti ribution from the se 1dji olh tions win in imitu in the spring of lu7 at uj cit klcn ut laid bo to your dntuut lluy faz of orove8 hromo ouinine glttrt tklnc tho itilurla iwo nt time oiovei will check thol old within hout it wwisr ouininek the free press says gmsl oft thinlc what this won derful offer will mean in enjoyment through out the whole year lor yourself and your fam ily magazines of your own choiceand this newspaper packed with stories time ly articles helpful departments and color ful illustrations now is your chance croup croup select one magazine select one magazine ulilymat52lssues1yr jutlee lyr parents magazine yr tine story yr screenland yr house garden 6tiil madeaefs 24ksues lyr national home monthly yr canadian magazine lyr chalebme lyr mctdrtal review iyr sliver screen iyr american boy lyr parents magazine 6ma cad horticulture and home magazine iyr this offer fully guar anteed all renewals will be extended take your offer no choice one magazine from group and one magazine from group and this newspaper offer no three magazines from group land this newspaper please cuptolmj end ar time tables at acton nationalrailways golnc east dally xcpt iiunday 05 am iaily except sunday id 07 am lially excerpt sunday 13 utndjy only 719 pm uolnf west iuly ekei pt iiuuday 59 ojh bally excel kuiiduy 33 pjn ixdly xv pl sunday 7o5pm f3jilly xc pt sanduy 1340 am liunduy only 33 pm jllantaltd teme arrow bus schedule ijiave westbound d1ii5 oli am dtllj ixclpl siturdii 11lguni dally 15 pm siturdiy onlj 15 pm dilll 15 in dills 15 pin dill il 15 pm siturdiiis eundaj and iioldai only 05 in leave eastbound dally dalli dalls dally dally dally tctpt sundai 00 10 ujn 12 45 in 30 ill 45 pm 00p whats the news nous is changing con htantly events happen fast and things change over night only an alert newspaper can keep abreast of these happenings on many ioen fronts the acton free press offers its readers complete service in news reporting and editorial features it answers the question whats the news regularly every thursday subscribe now ana keep up itli the times the actonfreepress acton ontario ins fire car accident sickness etc harrop repitegentativb core district mutual norwich vjnlou cahaikwh mrs xnsajrmfectf company tb alliance aanraboo cstt the casualty of calja aaausatu compatiy the merchalnta casualty co tl toriaxlakralria mntaal llm hi slinpli fui arll uui uihll fin uui milld iii lcton stores can fulfill your needs give them first chance subscriptions for all magalnm taken it tltf lce press ouico kin ci su 111 sl iii li mt piim luil inc an il in 1m from th an mi in lln ullh in urn iln in lu 11 ti inn nu lt in intl an ipi miiiiiiiii ii km mil in iimiiiiiu ihioii hi lull ll ill 11 md niishi alllimuh in in ln nut ill muggs and skeetbk 111 fait ll iikii nt iu inn in lit hi ii 11 ut nil nnd ill tiain th in 11 ni tll iul ii tl ll ill ii 111 lndhlp ti inn hi km iiiuih ad hi mil snuu ruixs eoduey ihc cfcick ootcidc dolv vaiiut to plav wilm mla hes too ctouh im pse1uljdlli xm mot oom mm vr u1 ss so milm by wally bishop

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