page eloht the acton free press thursday february 11th 1037 notices of births muruies ud dcttaa arc intvcrtcd la tbl column without chxe la utnvim notices 9c and nc per lis additional or poetrj died oibuens at vancouver bc an wednesday february 3rd 1037 pat rick charles olbberu aged 60 years in mkmoiuam kennedy in loving memory of prank kennedy who was called liumo on february 13th 103s in life loved and honored in death remembered wife children and randch ildren locals sunday is fit valentinos day7 postage stamp eticlcs to just one thing and succeeds snow shovels arent as useful this year as lco scrapers pancakes were popular item on family menus on tuesday hearts and darts will be prevalent in the malls during tlio weekend the ladled afternoon groups in batl mington arc quite popular at the now yesterday vaa ash wednesday and tlio commencement of tlio lenten season the recent heavy rains have caused floods on many of the utrcomd and rivers in ontario all aristocrat la man who gives to the world mare tlian he takes out of it lord tweedsmulr owing to the death of councillor scott erin will liavc to hold accond nomination tills year mondays rain fog and slippery highways were the cause of many mishap fortunately most of them were minor streeuville talr arc holding ban quet next tuesday at which hon dun can marsliall and miss medermolt will be tlie gueit speakers it is mild tin rainfall of sunday night and monday measured nearly on inch and half and hod it been snow fall of about twelve indies would have been recorded rev jolin muckcll of hamilton died suddenly yesterday ha was well known here and on several occasions had conducted anniversary serviced in the baptist church here mrs solomon says the thrifty housewife not only counts every penny but vcry pint and every pound wasteful woman may dip out with spoon faster than man can bring in with shovel man oh environment it is worthy of notice that wherever situation is desirable mankind usually claims the credit of creating it nut wlierever utuatlon is faulty and sclf dcatructhe and full of injustice and pain mankind has tendency to charge that up to nature so you will and large proportion of partisans claiming that it is the economic system which makes men what they are they blame the faults of our industrial system for all the faults which we behold in man kind generally and you uill find other men who ay tlmt man creates his own conditions that if the economic industrial or social tystem la bad it is but reflection of uhat man time if is his social condl tlonr being determined by his own nature it may be true of course that these tilings interact it probably is true but it would be hard gainsay that ihe point of beginning the casual motie power is in man himself once fcjrtmjii and nature and human rights represent the stronger force mankind is still creative tnough to change the tyrtem to conform with human impcra enough lo enjoy it from the nearest utttti box february 8th 1937 the editor acton pr fsiiji dear sir will you bo kind enough to allow mo to reply to the editorial published in your issue of prcbruary 4th entlluxi worth trial and advocating the inauguration in acton of system of discounting prepaid taxes and issuing tax certificates on the ground that the municipality by giving discount of say would thereby be enabled to bavo large part of the interest liow paid to live bank upon borrowed funds while it la true tliat at present the rate of interest paid to the bank is it must be remembered that it is per annum and that we pay interest at this rate only on the amounts actually borrowed and for the tune during which such sums so borrowed ore retained wp commence to borrow fom the bank immediately after the new year and continue to borrow such sums as they arc from time to umo required until about september 1st when our taxes commence to coma in some of the funds so borrowed arc repaid in october wlien large part of tlic first instal ment of taxefi has been paid and the balance hi november or december when the second instalment of taxes arc available it will therefore be seen that tlic money which we at present borrow from the bank is held for period considerably less than the full year and tliat therefore the rate of in terest which we actually pay is less than vor wavmplc in year x93g wo borrowed from the bank of montreal for current expenditures 2350000 wo paid in interest 72779 which on the 2250000 to borrowed amounts to rate of less than 3lii this applies to the year 1036 in which from janu ary 1st to june 1st we paid 5u and from june 1st to the end of the year in 1037 the rat paid to the bunk will be 5o per annum all through so tiat the actual rale tills year should be even less tlian 3j again while under the present sys tem we borrow from the bank only the amounts which we actually require if tlie discounting system were put into effect and majority of cltleens took advantage of it we might liave to pay discount on sum much larger tlian tlie amount now borrowed and which might more tlian offset the slightly louer rate of the discount the total amount of taxes levied in each year around 4100000 then there is the other consideration referred to briefly at the end of the editorial namely tliat the advocated cliaiige would involve the necessity of entirely changing and readjusting our present system of assessment and uik collection including the addition of much book keeping etc which might necessitate the rearrangement and changing of the personnel of the pre sent staff of municipal officers it must also be remembered tliat the two municipalities mentioned in the editorial aj having adopted the dis counting stem althsuccesif namely burlington and qarric each liave larger population than has acton bur ling ton understand having about three timer and barrie four times as many people these municipalities would have larger staff of officers and officials who give their whole time to municipal affairs are paid larger salaries in proportion and are therefore better able to put into operation systems which might be difficult for smaller municipalities to maintain in my opinion all or these point be carefully considered before any definite attempt to inaugurate the proposed system here should be made rhanking you for your courtesy am yours truly farmer cleric and treasurer spanish cavalier in enjoyed two prizes for ladles and genii high and low ore given each week wife won the ladle high this time the next meeting is their annual ud br to be celebrated with un oyster supper and ull the extras each mem ber of the itiitltillv contributes j0c which udmiti her family regurdlevi of hi to it not run for profit weather will determine our attendance us the distance where the gathering li to bo held is 5j miles uuiiy and that too far ir it happened to bo 41 below vero like it uai one night loit week fr were ull enjoying real good health and an io thankful for it as writ it bllird raging again so well no doubt have plenty of miow yet before whiter is over ha quit mild though mi we dont mind the snow for this time cordially younj ft johnson ii no thomlqe juniors win from orange continued from trie going into action with smile on his face and song in his heart you see thjs adventurer member of the in ternational brigade this group com posed of antlfasclst italians antl naxi germans poles americans eng lish irish and lialfadoiten other nationalities is credited with saving madrid when general rvancoa rebels made their first drive on the spanish capital the leader shown above veritable laughing cavalier is giving the familiar communist salute to klrkland lake 400 for soft and 500 for birch per cord is being paid this year and is considered good price the lends islted at both places are english folk and in conversation nck fifty was told there are more nationalities in that locality than in almost any other place in ontario in one school nine different nationalities are represented uould think the teacher had job on his mind try lng to teach such an aggregation to be good canadians the parents of these children bring great many of their old country customs ultli them uhlh malcs it very diiricult for olther teachers or neighbors to under stand their farming also is carried on after their own custom great deal by hand their hay and loose grain is all put upon stilts and when put in stacks is thatched the swedish and nor wegian people are great bushmeil they hie the neatest bestbuilt homes prin cipally of logs the corners doors win dows porches etc are all so neatly done one uould think machine had made the joint rather than an axe and from alberta again dear fuke prksifc no doubt there has been many chuckle hi the throat and through the lips of hundreds of put phum readers over the editors description of attempt to vindicate the right of such func tionary to occupy the chair of the pair board to which last years vicepre sidency seemed to point this gentle man madu wise choice of divisions of the fnlm cures he might have rente farm and found it too overwhelming or gone into crochet lace work and found it too intricate but going into chickens ail no many have done seemed simple easy gobetween effort if the results were not up to sanguine ex pectations he luis this comfort am not alone the writer was well acquainted with gentleman in an american city who tiring at his ceaseless round at his dally trade and having good semisuburban location shut up shop purchased incu bators brooders baby chicks etc and prepared for the nice income supposed to so easily come in but somehow for all the efforts made and they were many and the care bestowed and there was much the results were to say the least discouraging it was not very long until the project dwindled and being of the opinion tlmt certain poultry meal would be good thing for other people to use he went on the road as salesman for such but eventually opened up shop and began to ply the tools of his trade as vigor ously as of yore however if one com pany can ship ton and lmlf of dress ed poultry from acton in one season going into chickens has hod come success however attained in the com munity may add that the editorial referred to is to be mailed across couple of standard time zones to one who as an intimate friend and former fellow workman in the art preserva tive will be highly amused over the ville go oiic ally bulged the twine behind burroughs this was holme unit goul of the year and everybody wu glad to me mickey nlrk his ilrst one george town deserved the win and unlev acton spruce up they will be unable to take tin championship away from george town wood who reiemd was fair and culled them in he inw them although took lot of ribbing from the hostile funs why mople go to hockey mutche to throw pboiks on the ice ls conundrum had it been any other town the person would haw been thrown out of tlie rink jut the neighboring town do not baby chicks and hatching eggs ieeiilto bother hi fact they think it smart the group finals should brbig forth good hockey and tough competition but the people on the iddelliles should learn to ilrst root for the kids instead of ncouroglng them to cut their oppon ents down the lineup acton goal woods defence putter son and bayllss centre sprout wings jones brush tubs glbbens holmes jocque tyler georgetown goal burrouglis de fence sanderson wylie centre kem rheud wings wheeler stockford subs presswood teasdule slosky iliih quality stock 1tkiiornh and ilarrod rockn kodurtil at oiik own rakm we invite you to iiupert our tok lfore buyuig your hutrh miueli mb and ewry we until may ituiekv sloo ireloi j7 irelionij si 100 prr 10o keg itirev on itrurvt acton pouiitky farm kuplllon iuvj prop iuy 37h acton ontario dear fine pnrw notice with lnterest the suuee the acton hockey team are having it great sport that took of pleasure from when es of right henry ford whene encourage not leave without shutte kniwiiagemknt er you cm comclentiouslj anyone you would those plants in jour window ater or refllse tv ojwn the the sunlight might fall thi upon them but ou leave some human llouer suffer from want apprecia tion or the minllglit of enrourageiuent there are feu hardy souls that can struggle on stony soil ihrubs that tun wait for the dew and the sunbeams uvj that will rllmb without kindly training but only few utter the kind uord when ou can gic the help ing praise uhen ytu te that it is de serel the thought that no one knows and no one car blights many bud of promise just askc mr th policeman on point duly manaj ed to up to safety as the tur hashed puit the nting ludy at th wheel was obviously novice and uhen the cur htoppcl llui policeman hastened to ie prinuuid tlir driver do you kruw anything ubout trurtlc rule demanded heatedly yeg tius replied hwectly wiiut it you want to know here were miles oured rlnle so of course the distance ls prohlbillie and even the broadcusli dont alwajs aoine in clearly good radio riceptlon has been terrible inno anec for isil to people in the north but so fur ilk good roads we havent had nuirh atls act ion louanl rertlflng the trouble liave bit of new territory to write about having made weekend visit in re last writing to friend at krilher dorf and mlnduui krugerdorf is named after its llrt settlers family who came dlrett from gerinan about 35 jean ago and settled rich in the solid green bush over 10 milts from the nearest village or post otiue they had plenty of hardships to end lire foi good many years but laud with the game the family greu up and married and four or he sons are still valued members of the oininunltv considerable lumbering is belnj carried on at ihls station iuh settler is given contract by the railway for j0o ties and they can also git pulpuoud contracts from local agent iulpms worth 01 pr cord for poplar peeled and loaded on the car airtl jpruce unpeeled ls fl 00 load plrst gnule tbn 70c each wcimd giade iuv and third or culls for siding use 35c delivered at the hiding mindoku uuo buy spot good deal of beuoodu also handled from both ttiew twtlnu for shliuueiit the townships aic still unorjianued except as school sections so they still have dilliailty wlilt roads tlie govern ment has taken very little notice to the appeals for help so only gratis and statute labor is available for repairs and reconditioning so not much ls done only one bad lire that of 1022 has interfered and it did not cause much great deal tfimagc us the cuunlrv was all green was close bush ith very little timbering done to cause tire to inn palrly good clearings are to be eeu and good crops have been haivesed which is pi oven by st aeks around the luiildini caltle are lv uulilbers jet except for home use but plenty of horsts are to be si en is pillar all the battery ipei ited type no hjdo here there mi the obituary of angus mceichern recalls an acquaintance made and friendship foimed in early 1085 when he was engaged with lambert and son of acton in the framing of the big barn for mr joel leslie erin now the home of mr pearen tile writer was one of the hands on the farm and the getting out of the timber for the six bents or that goxoo foot building out of his own beech and maple woods was big affair that winter uas when the salvation army took hold in acton and can remember archies sympathetic reports of steve marshall then clerk in an acton store becom ing one of the armys trophies it need scarcely ue said that steve became one of the armys mighty men in its evangeliing work when the timbers were all framed the great day of as sembling and raisin came over hundred farmers being assembled sides were chosen by think swackhamer and ii ryder and the lifting of the ib foot high finfoot widths begun it wils heavy work and especially so on the east for the men had to lift from the ground making the pole reach longer the writer happened to be stationed near archie and can remember the ur gent come on my hearties from him as he tried to help hls side to maintain their level remember saying ap proaching the immense supper tables congratulation archie for tlut side hud run up to plate on lop hist acquaintance then forn thk wastk hum sicicnkss according to the most recent figures available one out of every 23 workers loses an average of over 13 weeks in the year because he is rlck at any given time about two per cent of the working papulation of canada are off work because of sickness throughout canada among thc worklng population an average of about four full days per year arc lost clue to illness prom reliable statistics it is estim ated that about 70 per cent of all scliool children are suffering from de fects that could be remedied among tlie adult population of canada it is estimated that about 30 per cent of persons from 18 to 40 years are not fit for heavy work because of largely preventable causes it li further estimated that about co per cent of canadas population from 40 to go years are in need of care from controllable if not preventable dl canada can have health if it wishes to pay for it tliat has been proven by the effective results obtained in such programs as diphtheria lmmunlyatlon pasteurization of milk infant morkility reduction typhoid and tuberculosis contrcl there are means available in canada for the effective control and the even tual elimination of such diseases as cancer tuberculosis diphtheria typhoid if the people would only learn to use these means the main problem of health as it af fects canada ls the preservation of health and i2 the prevent of dis ease and ill health primarily this ls question of health education it ls question of steady persistent education of men and women ibojs and girl to the fact that most diseases can be prevented the public is longsuffering it is slow to anger how many more years uill by before canadians realize thirt they are being taxed heavily for hos pitals and mental charitable arganiza tions that are increasing in size and number beyond all proper proportions it is known and generally agreed that the pasteurization of milk will re move the chances of undulant fever typhld fever and tuberculosis and yet municipalities in many parts of canada remain unnuved and unafraid of the menace it ls known for fact that cancer heart tllsease infections from bad teeth and many other dlseiues could be re duced to minimum if periodic health examinations were universally adopted columbia university has recently ruled that caery one of the stall of 3000 must be medically examined annually some day canadas large educational institutions factories stores and office will realize the elonomic value or such scheme in the meantime tremendous waste illnev goes on from ewed in ieslie barn later ears with as background the from preventabl often nay to day in hi en good deal of mining activity in ears gone bj but after considerable development the guide of cold was so low and su inanj other cheaper metals intccd in that it didnt pay to operate that nearly everj prospect has been abandoned the family spent the most time with are veiy musical they have four boys and wee girl ranging in age from to id jears thiee bojs play lllfereiit instruments one guitar one mando lin and one vlnllu and the father ihe piano ue had oine nice music they also have niie radio so have plenty tun of home entertainment enjoyed my visit veiy much our home life is aboul as usual the bojs butcheied nice young hog while was away which dcssed 111 lbs hey have our lee supply cut und stored and are busy ut the wood when the ueather is fit wife and uttended social ei cning at one of the neighbor sponsored by the womens institute and held each ueek 10c fee hi char und tlu gathering entertain ed with progressive euchre croklnole checkers et after which wiclal hour bfide tl erlnlcndchls othir branch brown ai tons inlcndcnt is three simdav school siip mentioned last week an on the family tree of alex irst sunday school sup xllss ruth nelon scion one grade up who is in active mlssi mirv work al icttamaat ii recent lettei with photos to the mans here uveils the cieatness of the work showing splendid growth muntreil ivb bill with ah increase in assets of over seventy million dollar in lldti and grand tal of more th in seven hutuhij and seventy million tlol lais th highlit in the companys his tory the annual report of the sun llf asurance company of canada recently release bv arthur 11 wood president nig ha nd in lo the utile ailed ones little in yea national importance respectfully vail alia only illini man and minigiiu diri ment whl ls one ef the insuraike the statement ls he use of us indii ills ate the umpire was leaving th after game between two rival teams he was uppioiclied by is dog demanded when grounds baseball an irate whei fan dog ejaculated the umph huveu any dug youie the only blind nmn saw uho didnt have dhf reve of the blight spl and isiianiiil world not unly interesting allon of tin growth or this company but also twcaue it cs bll lies beyond doubt the inhere siieugth and liability or the fundamen tal inlples of life insurance since muii th rivel of the sun life of can ada have increased by over tw hundred ind nine inlllon dollars and in view of the miustnntlul increase in the assur antes fore during 1030 over those the of ioii tlellnlte general recovery if btiklnes conditions cannot lie doubtetl of special interest was the announce meiit by mr wood tluit purtlclptine vcr policyholdri would received incieused dividend pay menu during lw37 clearing lines in order make kimim for new spring goods we have number of ijneti that are offered al itarkaih prices shop early ixk keal values cashmere stockings elas to 10 hiwn or bluck only ft iulr 29c silk and wool hose two quulillci 49c und 69c cashmere hose 59 pair giri long drawers scvctxj qiuuum while they last pair figured cotton flannel suitable lit chlldrcai special of vnrd 25 knitting wool lly ox ball to clear ijc white flannelette blankets large size per pair 198 vicim knitting wool my good colon ok ball heg 25c to clear ea 19 several weees linen towcllinpr to clear yd 15 one lot ladw bivck hose var every wea while they last jalr ioc ladies scarfs several style to clear ta each 79c mens winter underwear all ltecular ijmeil at 20i kkutceunt mens and uovs windbreakers all at scelal tudueed frkrit one lot mews wool shirts odd lines only go each 98c boyff breeches fievcral klnav to clear at af pair 149 ona lot tooke shirts smart patterns collar attached reg 01 to clear 169 oilfc lot mens heavy pants nee to s4 00 to cirnr al lil one let hoys ovcrcoath le yean heal buy at 195 many other lines at special prices elliott bros phone as acton jackson goin strong again after getting off to ulow hturt hu vey jnokaoii is tualn popping in fou with nguliiilty und ih right up unutn the leaders in the corlng rcood tbk ittuher itart4il with he 1rafh when tic wa ib yeaa old and has mlw won place on the hi ii allhtur team