jvrtjow tt sixtysecond year no 40 acion ontario imuksoay april 1st u7 might honicpnu pages five cent laymen of united church meet in acton greenock literary society the regular meeting of greenock liurury society on thursday evening murrh 18th uus held in tin form of bo social mr harold pluman iave inhpir aftrr th disposed of ational addreaa to county jr elliot patterson took the ctudr und athering tin followbig program was given by the men musical selection by harvey flah laymcn of the ilalton iresbytery pr and arthur mckeown recitation by the united church assembled in acton krwin mcrcown kultur duett by law last evening at banquet and were in hcin mocutclicon und gordon mclccown plred by splendid address bv harold recitation by mr hoy hlndley solo hy human of hamilton dealing with the mr black play entitled mrs subject the task of tlie laymen mr hooligans now spring hat by harvoy pluman said that service and example fisher juewson mccutclieon and oor in tills life were opportunities that evert don mckcown speech on making bas ileavcn did not afford daylight saving in acton on april 24th this year mloiiikban iiorkks sou iimll ii hum mrqullilull lnvulli munduy uti thi if thi fuumii jumping ly tin lull or ciyrm ahiii othi furm im flbituafq service clubs und such are dolru splendid work but tliere was nothing to take the place of the christian church personal experienced and ex ample met along lifea pathway were used to illustrate he urged not lukewarm christianity but getting into kiu by gordon leslie musical selec tion by arthur mckcown play entitled coronation day plans are under consideration auditors re prt ieceivvd by council taxi wvlaw conkiukuki at the fortnightly session of acton council on monday evening councillor mcmillan jonc and thos glb betis urrc present und reeve mc ctltcheon presided messri cole und wright ud dressed the council regarding the ob whut became of uic dinner by henry irvance coronation day and the ncllu lloyd mckcown will johnston supplying of decorations for the corona bob allen musical selection by mr iki council decided to consider the jumcs moore und mr oscur lacxcr amount of appropriation tliat could oe fallowing the program tlu boxes were made for decoration und make decl uuctioned orf by mr hoy hbidlcy und iu the next imellng suggestion being christian wholi sold for good price tin remainder was made thut the council appoint the evening was spent socially committee to meet ulth societies und citlxeiu to formulaic plumi for the cor lokne school report onu tlie mutter of improving drainage on the following is the lorn sclvool stt ducussed by council easter rcdort ulu cqmm inspected sr iv margaret mcphall b0i the properties it waif painted out tliat the job hearted and giving the culms of christ first place in our hves mr oallagher ivesident of th lay mens association was in charge of the meeting vocal solos were splendidly given by rev stephenson und ho dr morrow und comet solod by mr chas landsborough tjw uccompojil swackhbtocri rcy denny menu were played by dr keuotl 77r nm hoimc ithsent tof fcxajnlrui mr alex mcdonald uclconied the tlqn gathering to uu acton church and mr er unun nulhtlnglllet ej phil rhyruu replied on bclialf of umj jjck 62 visltiiur laymen thank to mr mumali jf itricla alrdrie b5 hoy ivst wfjiks answkk tlwt eorreci answer to lal ueelttj uxxle suem wast superb iiuivni the flni correct answet wai hatoded in ai the lrcv lr by leonard aiklnkon and wui reuve wo adudi uekeu tot he rrcaty theatre tbb wekv pcm will be found more difficult and the winner tflu be decided differently tram the amwert handed in at the rv rvexs oftlee up until talne oclock en kvlday tnamltuf the ilrsi cor rect holutlon opened from the lot will reeelve the award thb week the prise will be some coronation hfum decora ill ml and every cor rect atutwef received before nine oclock rrldjy tncrnlttt will have an equal chance of winning the uward join the fun send in your uolutioti pli meiils and tikk unit for equally low figure indhm cliff held up for rv bid uav later sold lhurtoii of trutford popular hnrv mull for tlie same buy rr uwk silver mune for s174 the popuur irui jumiwr kiljy ret unit for 155 and ijvut governor hrueej treluwney brought only lriiicess mary sold for jigs sllvvrmaii und holding of toronto were the buy en of kiuynhi dr hagrncer of preston purchased trelawney and lrln cij mary h1uu hlngem was sold to ia711e imlklngluirn of e3ora for old mr gaiety whom dr george mc qulbbatl promised life of ease will be miaj tklku 1iumk plomer jldnif of hauagiueytt ilhip mr islir until pm uuy guelph on saturday uft short il iiiuv deaji uu the daughter of tlu lute mr and mv john cameron und had ikid in arkell from the time of hi marriage where jhe and her husbuiid furmed for muny yeur surviving are lu huhund and tax unm kdu urd detroit jiert tu ur valley alberta arthur and camirnu guelph william und ctrl at home and two daughters ir james hume lie wood and agnes fcrindalc the funeral was held from the home two easter cantatas given in acton knox und united church choirs presented splendid kanter mewuce of sonj kept by dr james mcqulbban of e3 lot townline pusllncli township at mira ulotitf with mascot and junior tnto 30 oclock on tuesday afternoon in jumters which were close to tlie heart ternunt uas made in arkell ceineury of his brotlicr mens club say farewell to bill eccleshall mrs pktkh mucdonald for thirty years and llffloiuf resident of the iditrlct peter macdonald parrd away on at meeting of uie executive of the saturday evening at her home on lake mens service club of st albanr church avenue in her vlghtynlxui leur mn it war decided to iuspeiui operations macdonald had been able to be about until the election of ortlcen in uic fall ult11 before chrlsunao and uar able the present drain uas too small council tne most satij factory of any year the books were audited and found cor to attend church the sunday previous two splendid tcostrr cajitatas ut rii given hi acton on kaster sunday knox church choir presiiud the christ victorious it portray in song and uivd story gellisomanc the crucifixion und the joy tluit was found in the re blfrrecloil uas beautiful theme well glvcll tlie garden of joseph was the rlister rantaui of the united church choir tlie story was told from the standpoint of the gardener it ior truyed the bllrijl the scene in the night wluti tlie stone was rolled away and the visits to tlu tomb flu tlie resurrection morn when the grave was found empty tlie choir uuj well balanced and solo reldent of arton uei1 lakc mrs mowut of toronto asjlsted the choir during the day splendid congregation attended und joined in tlie fcuter service won i6vdio prize for his address was extended by mr ed dobblngton and to tlie ladies of the church for ihc bounteous repast by mr galbralth during the discussion period many points of interest in church work were advanced and it was deldcd to con tinue the organization oa ut present rather than divide it into two groups 80 lelloy mearthur 61 il kenneth allen b5 18 kcruin moiliull 65 sr pred nlghungale alrdrie 70 agreed to meet at tlie property on tiiuru day irftcrnoon to luive the draliuxgo cor rected messrs byrne und agneu representative of the aclon citizen kind requested tliat the council con anna orttff slder their atmuil grunt tlie bund jllnntxs were not in good condition the 91 juctppast year and they requested tliat coun cil make tlie grant large as porjilble olive cannon teacher to assist tlilii that was always municipal organization willing to assut in every no erin report ay nassagaweya institute the regular march meeting of the hassagaweya womens institute uas held at the home of mrs richardson the president xrs rudbtjry presiding tlie members were pleased to iiave with uieni mrs agnew district ireldcnt wlio gave an outline of the womens institute work mrs gave very interesting and instructive address on ttiings we take 1vir gran ed mrs calvin campbell sang solo mrs luwrence king read humoroui reading entitled jim butler und the owl mrs guziy milton gave splen did tall on production of itadlum which uas very instructive mrs charles morton read paper on truth about soup mm rhinehardt gave vocal solo dainty tea uas served and social hour rpent moved by mcmillan seconded th following is the school report of by thos gibbons and rvsolved that the no krln for march usuai urunt of te madc to band carried it was understood that there would be no charge for the rental of baivd quarters at the arena letter from tlie halton union larm era mutual pirc insurance co express ed appreciation of the action of tie council in purcliaslng new chairs and cushions for chairs in making quarters mare comfortable cheque for 15 00 uii enclosed to help in defraying the cast of the new furnishings tlie seventh report of the fnunce committee recommended payment of the following arcounti lena johnstone rumley chalri and and cushions salt auditor salary sr iv kruin mckeown 78l honors helen west 710 lyal mc cutcheon 652 jr iv kdiia allken gg1 sr ill wanda hutlsdge 77 honors bessie held 75c honora ralph mckeown c7 viola fletch merry district secretary er w5 erbert fletcher 57 georgo allan mc sr ii ernie tliompson jr il hoy hulcovltch 70 jr ernest west 03 honor merle mcutchean 88 honors sr pr clarence held 85 honors shirley fletcher 80 honors mcrrluin morrison absent for examination on account of illness nell gibbons auditor alary j3g8d 75 00 75 00 barbour teachlf sllir ik dubun institute meeting ttie xvublln womens institute luld their march meeting at tlie home of mrs alex near tlie president mrs near was in the chair tile roll call was ansuered by current events mr bracken district director gave the re port of the last directors meeting held in milton plans uere made for speak er service to be held in acton ar rangemenu uere made for tuo girls to school report of no 10 erin the follow ins is the scliool report of no 10 erin for the month of march iv helen mceachren 02 charlie tlioniiicn 71 frank thompson c0 rhea burgess charles burgess 38 fred spear 38 hi frank burgess 70 sidney spear co ii thompson 78 j6an leonard ijla spear bo eileen mr mcdonald ci attend the oirls conference in guelph medniatd 72 lobol henderson 07 in may tlie juniors girls uere in clmrge of the program und miss mar garet waulie took the chair tlie fol low iruj program uas then given chorus by the girls pack up your troubles reading by edith nell is en titled if you have knowledge share it solo by annie black reading maripiret waldie entitled romans or thimble duett bv marion and cauiarine andirm contest on bird arithmeuc folloued ulth mrs storuj winning the irt prize lumh und social time uere the concluding feature clara swackhamnier thompon 58 doimle mclntyre 75 deluert cole pr sadie mclntyre dinald 70 leaser teddy cole 58 co is reljuired to pas dt notes absence for four tin jui akitt iv kloomskury literary bloomjbury literary skletj held its regular nunting in the school on tues day evenllut hie president mr nellls was the cluilr the roll call uas answered ulth gems of thought and after routine biirtuv mr chus lasby pvesided for the social progrutu which incjuded the following numbers selection from shining stars orchestra jwch the motor city of vlint as sau it by mr alex nvir was followed by reading entitled the touch of the musters hand by mr cech wilson club suing ng by messrs ruiy mcpherson and alma watson leading by mrs victor wilsun when was girl progressive mrhre wius pluyid mr and mrs ross pu erson liung the prie wlnuen the hi mess mis mar and mrs vllor wulsm then uved bountioils lunch and atrial hour was spent visitors from iukumi on ttifstiay evenhw membepi of st georges utre gu hti of sl tun in aclon dancing und lmimmuu game uere enjoy kftcv utch delicious upper ttum serv ed vou of thanks und an invitation for turn vl it ueie given by st geoiges past pn sldi nt slipp maile siak time with the coming of sprint saps rimning in more than 70010 000 mupk trees in utern canada and in an area extending from westeril ontario down to the atlantic seaboard in nova scotia approximately 50 000 canadian farmers tawing part in the annual iple luirveit which provides th with an extra source of revenue at lime when there little oher activity on tin farm hie provinre of quebe li the centre of the industry supply ing about 75 per nt the marketed output production heavies siuitti of the st uiurence river and alang the north shore lutuieii ni tre il and quebec cily ontario accounts fo about 26 cent the greater part mlng from tie tireni seetlmi of the prov tnc new ilmrru ick and nov otla prluce th remainder while thee are mon ihun 70 ooo 000 maple ire on eiiu cinaii farms only tmt moooowi or more than 35 pr cut of the stand are lipped in the ealy days there uu utile alfic in iple prodilts ulth tlie growth of urban kipulatii uul thu mhrat on tf sons and daugntets fiom the aims to the town aid citi and their desire for the wellnmeinureel dellraeles there grudually has developd an important tiude in maple products in 1861 pro duction in canada uinounled to 13500 000 pmnds or migur in lhil it uai j50o0oo pounib und in the iuji sftson it uus esliinutej ut 500000 ikiiuuis valued at tjvia 781 the reporl uns adopted the auditors report uas presented und the auditors recommended that cer tain of the assets should be uritten doun and recorded fqr the guidance of the audltarn next year the folloulng letter urconipinlcd the report acton ont march 2cth 1937 to the reeve and councillors aclon ontario gentlemen in presenting the enclosed state ment ue uish to state that ue found ull the bools und record of the municipality kept in neat und efficient order and appreciate the courteous treatment and help uc rorded us ty the various olfkcn making this uudlt it our opinion that sever il of the fixed avsi should be urltteli doun considerably the total tuet over all liabilities much too large we would suggest that this be done it your nct tegular etlng and ricorded ill the minute ilool so that net yiars auditor uould have aulh irily to urlle olf certain amount from the fixed asmts yours faithfully fred salt neil giduons audltorii moveil by tliw gibbons aonded bv jones and res lived that the auditors itikirt for the year 1030 as prepared and submitted by the audlto fred salt and nell giblions beaccpted and adopted and that the sitne be hindei to tin acton 1wii put in order that the usual number of roples thereof may be printed also tliat vote of thanks und appreciation of the council be teiiied to the ubive numed auditors for the efficient and satisfactory manner in uhch tiny have made the audit cu id mov mcmillan seconded lv horn us gil boas that the treasuicr aiith nljil to invent the proceeds tin bands of tin hydnrtertrlc power cciiunivsluii of ontario 50 ahlh ire hit eullid fr reilun tiou on apt 11 in dew ntures of the the bylaw adoptlng daylight saving fjr acton for the coming summer was gven the required readings and passed by the council according to this bylaw daylight saving will become effective this year on saturday april 24th ut midnight and continue until midnight monday september gth specimen bylau as in george town for licensing taxlabs was read by the clerl tlie matter was jeftovr tin 11 the clerk had an opportunity of referring to tlie hlghuay traffic act and reporting back to the council permission uas given t3 remove chestnut tree on main street it was understood that maple tree was to be plonted in its place tree on mill street at the corner of elgin street was to be trimmed the clerk and municipal officer were empowered to elzi rentals for arrears uf taxes on properties statements of receipts of the various hockey clubs operating nt the arena uere submitted by secretary ryder the clerk also submitted complete statement of the arena receipts during the put season total receipts of the seaian uere 1024 44 credit bal im of do 23 altoued tliat amount to be paid on the debenture of si 203 03 due each year letter from the travellers insurance ci claimed the municipality uas llahlc for an accident due to slippery pavement the clerk had replied denying any re sponsibility the municipal officer had posted notice that the transients quarters uere to be closed on aiid after april 1st tlie council confirmed this arrangement reel and in good order the cash balance chrislmx since then she lias been ruth gibson whose singing has being deposited in the bank confined to her home and gradually delighted many audiences in acton and on friday evening number of the ailing until the end come on saturday vicinity participated in an amateur executive assembled in the horn of iu nlnif program recently and won second place first president mr ecclesjiall to wish iefore marriage ellyi mann uud watch during the past him god speed as lie leaves for england daughter of tlie late alexander mann cckcnd mia gibson compiled with when the following address was read by ami mcpherson and uus bom in requests and contributed beautifully the secretary mr mino dear bill we your fellow members of tlie mens club are gathered liere to wish you success and happiness in your new home across tlie sea we uill mlis your cheery presence in our club and hope you will ac cept this small gift as token of appreciation and esteem in which ue hold you when you are using it in dear old blighty may you sometimes think of your old pals in the club may you and mrs ecclesliall and bill jr meet with prosperity in our new enture signed on behalf of the club lashbrook president miko secretary scarrow treasurer geo hall executive member carnrite executive member the president then presented mr ec clesliall with combination smoking set mrs ecclesliall uas tlven called into the room and mr scarrow in few esqileslng township at the farm on tlie rendered solos on tuo radio programs in toronto many acton listeners en joyed tiarse numbers via the radio miss gibson is appreciative of the support of all her friends here who assisted her by voting for her in the amateur con test third line just east of acton fifty sevn years ago she uas joined in holy wcd lock to peter macdonald they resided in nassagaueya for number of years but for several years owned tne splendid farm just north of aclon now owned by mr fred denny falling health of mr macdonald induced him to build the cheapen farm telephones fine home on lake avenue but he uas never able to occupy it and passed auay tirirty years ago juit before the family came to acton svcn children blessed the home but of tluje only jumes of new westmin ster and anne or the waterloj school leaching staff remain tlie mo her had the sorrow attendant of lay ing auay the beloved husband and five children john alexander jessie mrs srachan croft and only last october mrs tfitterson in spite of th many sarrous she experienced mrs mardonald uas active bright and un complaining of her lot hers uas al uays an hospitable home and her nclgh bjrliness uai most kindly she ulll bi remarks paid tribute to the sacrifices missed and many mends join in sym uhlh she had made of her husbands time and for the use of their home mr gcarge hall presented mrs ecclesliall ulth set of toilet articles mr and mrs ecclesliall both made brief replies expressing their pleasure and surprise in receiving such tribute mrs ecclesliall then served rcfresh meats to the visitors und very pleasant must he treated for warbles haltjii cattle feeders ulll be interested sales to learn that tlio british ministry vffty iffflsful agriculture has pussed order in council requiring tint all imported tattle be treated for uarbles before leiving country of origin tills is as result of legislation passed in great britain in january of 1030 uhlch re quires that every iutsoii in england wales and scotland liaving cattle uhlcn are visibly infe led ulth the marot of tlu uurble fly shall take prescribed mimsiires consisting of either applying de ris drevsing at proper intervals or of squcein out and destroying the lnii we underst md from white in agricultural heprera ntatlve foi ilalton that the packer ulll not pay us much for uarbly ittle as for those free from uarbles by onequurter to onehalf ci nt per pound tilts amounts lo db count of from 50 00 on 000 pound animal warble powder his nou twen tlutrl butid by the halloa live stock im provement association to key men tjiroughout the county tlie additional piuder uas supplied by the res pec some splendid auction sales have been held in the district during the past ueelc at the sale of stanley norrish at eden mills high grade stock cous brought 84 young calves s20 and hones 174 the ilock uas in the pink of condition and everything uiis disioed of uilhout reserv at the sile of ross argo on tuesday in eramnsa tounship one of the largest croudr luvembled in many day attend sti lug parking space could not be secured any here near the farm building tlie implt mrnts uere in demand and brought good prices auctioneer kerr old steadily for nearly six hours before the big offering uls dlsjuised of every thfng uai sdd and it uas one of tlu largest sales held in the district in some lime pnthy ulth the son and daughter who left to mourn her loss and revere her memory james the con uas home for visit ulth her only month ago and his coming uas great joy tlie fun til uas held on monday afternoon ulth service in knox pres terian church conducted by hev bennle her minister during the jstvice the quartette of messrs james smith mann alex mann and rumley rcnuvred un appropriate number the service uas largely at tended llh friends from durham guelph toronto georgetown rockuood waterloo and erin joining uith those from acton in paying tribute to tin memory of the deceased inter miut uas made in the family plot in fairvieu cemetery the pallbeare were messrs reid mcgrego mcpherson alex mann james mann and nell mcnubb floral trl antes uere from the follow im mr patter on mr and mrs halt croft don lulu und jessie mr allld mrs george murray und mrs roy battram mb bennett mr and mrs alex macdon id and mlvs mar garet macdonald staff of waterloo public school ml dora lambert mr and mrs john mcgregor und mlss jessie mcgregor mr and mn as mcdonald vancouver and daughter anne there is special interest for formers in the bell telephone company an nouncement this ueek of reductions in rates all told farmers of ontario and quebec ulll save over 100000 year tlie reduction of 25c per month 00 yarly on rural service should make the farmer telephone yield more for uhat it costs than almost anything else he can buy there should be asub strmtlal growth in rural telephone this spring his explanation what do you mean by loitering near jewellers window and ulth brick in your pocket there nou officer id almost forget promised to go and help friend droun cat tonight coming events aiimnnweiucnti of meetings cor tern oilier kventf uuiur tlu heading arc charged io ecu it pr line villi iuiiiuiuiii iliarce fur any annuuncfintnt ol tc pantry shower on monday rvenlng march 22nd mr nd mvs norman veit me host and tive tounshlpcorincils and all cattle hostess lo about thirty close friends and ow tiers are urged to coowrate in relatives gatlvcrcd to spend social lamping out thls easily parasite thu evening und to tumor tlie newlyuedi ls the third year lu uhich pjudcr has mr and mrs joseph whitham ultli been supplied to ilalton cattleowners small pantry shower and officer of the association reqiust during the evening mr sims mcxearr that taltleouner uatch their cattle urttd as chairman uhen short pro ea ifullv during the next three months gram was beaut fully rendered vocal airl ipiy monthly iss whirl lion doll il int uerssary treatment al ui mi that the annual amount over seven mil lu canada muv lx entirely li lin it in iialtn ls far as this mcii ned uniticii voln leoples meetinc silo mr black violin selection mr khner campbell campbells cjvujj solo mr plank duett mr and mrs bluck solo mr juseptl the unity whirhum delightful lunch uus serv ed with mrs jumes moore and mis ciipr assisting the haste gabu hi dancing uere enjoyid until tlie wee sina hour idieph and ontario luvistmeiit and savh suity lo run fur thru year lr mullen hud th re of the uiilti the aitiuniyivi cirhd nil iv pli iiieitiiig on ptiesduy die clerk read is ui ieiue he had evening alt the rlplure was ad to eiii ployed by an aherdonlan had uith the ih irdmore co nganhn bv alart mills ui culltn re uf puiwi ave iwen here ten years sir doing the ad ption daylight savlti mil all for the lust which oinpird cer hire nuns work for one mans money alton the clerk had sun ted the same lun elfments 1th life the group and no uant rise ariuiui nieiit as tst yt ar hush uni jolntd in slihhig hymn and wveral ei iployr canua gle that but hit lieiidmort co wen willing to to liiurthtlllg rin uere enjoyed before if 11 tell me tlu names or the ither opiiale tne arruiiueme it lasf year had the uu ting emlid twa men ill sack eut sorry to part happy to meet again the contemplated removal of bdl ecclesliall to england made the occasion during the past ueek for several groups lo express by way of presentations the high regard in uhlch he uas held the men in the stmrts in uhlch he vva actively engaged hi acton and ha taken such keen interest presented him uith beautiful travelling anj waterman pen and uncll set tins presentation was mode at gathering in his honor uhii ut ninova uere cxpreja und best wishes for iii continued succi yesterday group or the fellov employ of the llearduu rx plant es pnved hi verv compllmrntary addresi their regard for bill ecli shall and as little memento of th esteem en ted him ulth rolls rawir go wishes and regrets uyre einphu ijd uiul the assurance that he uould always be we homed bark to acton hill ecclesliall leaver arhui nevt wed nesday for england followed by goo wlshes from many frleiuls who have appreciated his community hitervl while coronation dance may 12th in acton town hall ausplcci of lakeside chap ter lakeside chapter bingo party in the legion hall on wednes day april 14th at 15 rockuood minstrel show eden mills hull friday aprll 2nd at fl 00 ad mlvston 25c and 10c the ulll hold their next niieting ut the home of mr and mr mcphall second une on thundav april ath sale of homemade ilxking will be held in the council chamber on satur iv april 17th under the uuspicei of knox ladles aid tuesduy april gth at 00 in the rhurch the knox guild presents rev capt mardial vlmy pilgrim in hls relebruted ulustruted deccrlptlon of the vinn memorial adnilisuni 15c 303 mis iutty wallace of the depart ment of agriculture uill give lecturi on nutrition and lood values in the purlsh hall on tutvlay april gth at 30 oclock lu con junction with the innhouse acton bannockbum and dublin iiftltutii all ladies lnvlusl im rkhat yitrhxi din fall to see the pirture that uoil the motion picture arls and science award tht outstanding plctur of pjjti and uist ru ner ai the mast outstandiug riuutre april 1930 at gregorv li fid tth east mn famous drama hillsburg dr iniut an pites of the mrs henry wood ly be prcanud by the club under the of all sinli tiltleut here chinch in the toun hall trln on fri day evening april 2nd curtubi ut 15 in oniptly admission adults 25c chilihen 20e 302