th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, S ep te m be r 10 ,2 02 0 | 12 Visit us today for some sound advice! Don't put up with hearing loss anymore... Georgetown's trusted choice for hearing care 360 Guelph St., Unit 44 Georgetown (In the Knolcrest Centre) 905.877.8828 FREE consultation 90 day RISK FREE trial Armstrong Ave Delrex Blvd Reopening schools safelymatters to everyone That's why the government of Ontario has worked with health officials, school boards and educators to develop a comprehensive plan to keep kids and staff safe. • Physical distancing measures will be implemented such as desk separation, signs, floor markings and one-way hallways. • Face coveringswill be required for staff and students in Grades 4-12. • Hand hygienewill be enabled with hand sanitizer and hand washing. • More nurseswill be in schools. • School cleaningwill be enhanced. Paid for by the Government of Ontario Visit Parking enforcement will resume Sept. 14, in- cluding time-related en- forcement and the collec- tion of fees and fines. In March, through pro- vincial briefings, Premier Doug Ford suggested mu- nicipalities 'relax' some by- laws related to noise and parking. In turn, the Town of Hal- ton Hills quietly ceased all time-related parking en- forcement and suspended the parking permit pro- gram for municipal lots. However, since enforce- ment was relaxed, the number of complaints from residents has gradu- ally increased. The Town's enforce- ment co-ordinator began tracking requests to re- sume parking enforcement in June and recorded an average of two to three calls per day in June, July, and August. While the number of complaints has increased, the amount of revenue col- lected through parking fines has dropped by near- ly half in March to August, compared to revenues col- lected during the same pe- riod in 2019. Starting on Sept. 4, vehi- cles parked in violation of the bylaw will receive a warning. Parking enforcement will resume, prior to the re- opening of schools, on Sept. 14. Fees for municipal lot permit holders will return on Oct. 1. COUNCIL PARKING FEES AND FINES SET TO RETURN The Town of Halton Hills will be bringing back parking fees and fines next week. Graeme Frisque/TorstarBRYAN MYERS