th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, S ep te m be r 17 ,2 02 0 | 4 FULL-SERVICE RETIREMENT HOME 905-877-1800 222 Mountainview Road North, Georgetown You've worked hard to enjoy retirement, now it's our pleasure to make this the best time of your life in a family, friendly atmosphere. Mountainview Residence Of Georgetown In-house physiotherapy team, Aqua-Fit and gentle chair yoga. On site activities include multiple movie nights weekly, various card games (for the novice and the experienced), ice cream days, pet therapy. Along with personal care and services to support independence. Our residents share full service meals in our updated dining room. Reopening schools safelymatters to everyone That's why the government of Ontario has worked with health officials, school boards and educators to develop a comprehensive plan to keep kids and staff safe. • Physical distancing measures will be implemented such as desk separation, signs, floor markings and one-way hallways. • Face coveringswill be required for staff and students in Grades 4-12. • Hand hygienewill be enabled with hand sanitizer and hand washing. • More nurseswill be in schools. • School cleaningwill be enhanced. Paid for by the Government of Ontario Visit Meetings at Halton RegionRegional Council meetings are taking place through web conferencing until further notice. Please contact us, as soon as possible, if you have any accessibility needs at Halton Region events or meetings. 09 17 20 We're reviewing the Regional Official Plan The Regional Official Plan shapes how and where Halton grows--and your input is valuable as we make these decisions for our community! We want to hear from you about the five theme areas under review: Regional Urban Structure; Rural and Agricultural Systems; Natural Heritage; Climate Change; and the North Aldershot Planning Area. Public Information Centres Join us for a Public Information Centre (PIC) online or by phone for each of the five theme areas: • Rural and Agricultural System &Natural Heritage System (combined PIC): Thurs., Sept. 17, 2020 | 7 p.m. Get involved and have your say Visit, call 311 or email to: • read discussion papers and summary pages on the theme areas under review; • get more information on how to join a Public Information Centre online or by phone; • provide input through our online questionnaires; • sign up to receive updates by email on the review process; or • connect with a member of the project team. Thank you for taking part in our Regional Official Plan Review.