th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, Ja nu ar y 21 ,2 02 1 | 14 Please email photo and information to Kelli Kosonic: Call: 905-873-7162 Attention Parents of all babies born in the year 2020! 2020 Honour Roll The DEADLINE for Booking and Material Submissions is Friday, January 22, 2021 The PUBLICATION date is Thursday, January 28, 2021 Submit a COLOUR PHOTO along with the Baby's Full Name and Date of Birth. The price is $35.00 +hst Please note that payment must be received before the photo can be in the feature. Date of Birth. Invitation to apply to the Halton Hills Community Energy Corporation Board of Directors The Town of Halton Hills is inviting applications for appointment of new members to the Board of Directors for Halton Hills Community Energy Corporation Board and/or Affiliate Boards. Persons interested in being a Director of the Halton Hills Community Energy Corporation Board and/or Affiliate Boards must reside in and have good knowledge of Halton Hills and have a reputation for honesty and integrity. Applicants for these positions must have experience in at least one of the following areas: Electricity distribution and generation; Government and regulatory agencies; Corporate governance and structure; Corporate finance and accounting; Private sector senior management experience; Human resource management; Practice of corporate law; Corporate sales and marketing; Energy industry experience; Community awareness and involvement. In order to express your interest in a position on the Board of Directors for Halton Hills Community Energy Corporation Board and/or Affiliate Boards, please submit your confidential letter of interest with background and qualifications by 4:30 p.m. on February 4, 2021 to: Renée Brown Deputy Clerk - Administration and Special Projects Town of Halton Hills, 1 Halton Hills Drive, Halton Hills, ON, L7G 5G2 or via email at Applicants must ensure that no conflict of interest will exist with this appointment. 1 Halton Hills Drive, Halton Hills, L7G 5G2 | 905-873-2600 | 1-877-712-2205 | With COVID-19 cases continuing to climb, the Ontario government de- clared a second provincial emergency and issued a stay-at-home order. The announcement was made by Ontario Premier Doug Ford on Jan. 12, stat- ing that the latest mea- sures are necessary to "save lives" and prevent the province's hospital system from collapsing. "The latest modelling data shows that Ontario is in a crisis and, with the cur- rent trends, our hospital ICUs will be overwhelmed in a few short weeks with unthinkable consequenc- es," said Ford in a news re- lease. "We need people to only go out only for essential trips to pick up groceries or go to medical appoint- ments. By doing the right thing and staying home, you can stay safe and save lives," he said. Across Halton, the week also saw more resident deaths reported in long- term-care homes due to the virus. Several new out- breaks were declared, in- cluding at Allendale long- term-care home in Milton -- just a few days after the previous outbreak at the facility was declared over. Data from the Halton Public Health website shows that from Jan. 8 to 14, there were 557 new infec- tions in the region, down from 748 posted the previ- ous week. The number of active cases stood at 442, includ- ing 111 in Burlington, 156 in Milton, 130 in Oakville, and 45 in Halton Hills. As of Jan. 15, there have been 7,370 COVID-19 cases in Halton since the pan- demic started, with 6,697 considered resolved and 137 deaths. NEWS WEEKLY ROUNDUP: STAY-AT-HOME ORDER DECLARED BAMBANG SADEWO SIGN UP FOR OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER AT THEIFP.CA VISIT THEIFP.CA TO READ CURRENT AND PAST INVESTIGATIONS