th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, F eb ru ar y 25 ,2 02 1 | 16 Let your community know you're open for business. ommunity c ourt yeL To help our communitieswe have created an online business directory that features local businesses that are open, hours of operation and how customers can safelymake purchases from your store. Our business directory can be accessed from anyone of our 25 Community sites in Ontario. Visit to find the community site in your area. Signing up is easy and free. 1 Visit our community website in your area and click on the banner at the bottom of the page 2 Click the "Add Business" link 3 Complete and submit the formSubmit Supporting Local Businesses in Your Community ourYusinesses inB With shopping restrictions changing regularly to complywith the latest public health safety measures our communities need to be kept in- formed onwhich businesses are open and how they are ensuring a safe shopping experience. To help our communities we have created an online business directory that features local businesses that are open, hours of operation and how customers can safely make purchases from the stores. Our business directory can be accessed from anyone of our 25 Community sites in Ontario. Visit to find the community site in your area. Visit our community website in your area and click on the banner at the bottom of the page. ea and clickarourye inebsitwommunitycVisit our 200,000 resale and new home listings to search from. Giving you the keys to � nding your perfect home.