9 | The IFP -H alton H ills | T hursday,M arch 4,2021 theifp.ca COUPON 20 Armstrong Avenue, Georgetown We have ANCO Winter and All Season Wiper Blades! Only $7.49/each installation available ehiclesMost Vehicles $3995 ONLY • Oil Change • Antifreeze Check • Lubrication • 52 point inspection • Battery & Wiper Blade Check • FREE FLUID TOP UPS *Upgrade to synthetic from $15 extra *Up to 5 Ltr. most standard vehicles 905-877-1237 ✃ ✃ on Heavy Duty Diesel Oil Change $149.95+ TAX *T6 Rotella synthetic upgrade $239.95 *most standard heavy duty trucks up to 11L Euro Oil Change Full Synthetic $169.95 + TAX *most standard euro vehicles up to 8L diesel, euro and standard vehicles. Best Prices We Will Work On Any Size or Type of Diesel Vehicle "All Types and Sizes we Offer Service, Repair and Annual Safety" I was recently reminded of our 2019 Remembrance Day service and the iconic photograph of our padre, Todd Nelson, with his black clerical robe covered in snow and a children's choir in the background. Todd has moved back to New Brunswick, and as Peggy Graham told me he was a fantastic padre for us who was always available when we needed him. He will be missed. Peggy has obtained a commemorative Legion fob watch, which she will be forwarding on to Todd to show our appreciation. Did you get your tickets for our Irish stew dinner on March 12? Tickets are lim- ited to 100. March 5 is the cut off date. Acton students are im- proving with their entries for the annual Remem- brance Day Poster and Lit- erary contest. This year we scored two firsts, two sec- onds and a third at the zone level (there are 11 Legions in our zone). Let's see how we do at the district level.) More details to follow. Our two oldest veterans celebrated important birthdays recently. Sytske Drijber is now 101 and Cecil Curtiss is a grand old 106. Congratulations to both. When Halton Hills even- tually moves to an Orange Zone, our membership chair, Kati Legge, will set aside a day to take dues and hand out membership stickers. In the meantime, dues can be dropped off in the mailbox at the rear door ($60 cash or cheque). The executive met on February 23, for the first time in three months. Wes gave us a summary of the work that has been going on during our closure. The main bar cooler rebuild is now complete, patchwork roof repairs have prog- ressed, the air condition- ing has been upgraded and lighting fixtures are being upgraded as we speak. Most of the cooler upgrade was covered by our insur- ance. Stay safe and well dur- ing these trying times. Please check the web- page at legion197.com, and in addition we will be post- ing information on Face- book. David Maloney is the public relations officer for the Acton Legion, Branch 197. He can be reached at rclbr197@cogeco.net. OPINION A fob watch will be given to padre Todd Nelson for his service to the Acton Legion. Acton Legion photo ALL THE BEST OUT EAST, TODD OUR BELOVED PADRE BEGINS NEW CHAPTER IN NEW BRUNSWICK, WRITES DAVID MALONEY DAVID MALONEY Column SIGN UP FOR OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER AT THEIFP.CA