th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, M ar ch 25 ,2 02 1 | 18 Visit our showroom • your window & door professionals • • awarded readers choice 32 times • 11 Mountainview Rd., N. Georgetown, ON L7G 4T3 905.873.0236 info@buy-wise.caThis Kids Activity Page has been Sponsored by Puzzles for children and the young at heart! KID'S M az e Answers:BunnyJokeAnswers:1:Byhare- plane.2.Don'tbemad,behoppy!3.Because youneverseerabbitswearingglasses!4.Hip- Hop!5.Arecedinghareline.HowManyBunny FootprintsDoYouSee?24(6sets) He lp th e bu nn yfi nd th e pa th to his eg g fri en ds ! Connect The Dots & Colour How Many Bunny Footprints Do You See? Bunny Jokes: 1. How do rabbits travel? 2. What is a bunny's motto? 3. How do you know carrots are good for your eyes? 4. What is a rabbit's favourite dance style? 5. What do you call a group of rabbits hopping backwards? Find 7 differencesand thencolourthepictures...