IB SUMMER OLYMPICS 2021 Continued from page 18 Working with former Olympian Steve Bauer when he joined the track program in Milton, Foley worked on technique and progressed au ly. in three years, he ting his coun- round set for Monday (Aug. 2). Foley, 22, is the youn- gest of a pursuit team who are all under the age of 26. He helped Canada qual- ifyamen's bursuit team for the first time in 30 years, doing so last ‘all. "It's a timed event, so we have an idea of what we need to do," Foley said, "but it's also a complete mys- tery. At the last competi- tion, we saw the world re- cord drop by a massive amount.’ At the 2018 Common- wealth Games, where Fo- ley helped Canada win a bronze medal, Australia “It (pandemic) doesn't affect my motivation. Everybody understands what's at stake.” - Michael Foley became the first team to break the three-minute, 50- second barrier in the four- kilometre race. Then, the world chamnptonships in Febru- , Denmark lowered the record to 3:44.672. It had previously taken more than a decade to drop five seconds off the world re- cord. COVID-19 hasn't greatly impacted their training. Strict protocols are in place to make sure every- oneis healthy, noted Foley. "It (pandemic) doesn't affect my motivation," he said. "Everybody under- stands what's at stake." In what may have seemed a cruel turn of events for any ambitious ithlete, Foley was named to the Olympic team just a a - nounced it woud not be go- ing to Tokyo Then 24 our I rater, the ness beyond hi: ley refused to be discour- ed. "It wasn't terrible om ing," he said. wi ith e ine stepp' at worlds (in dn Februar) it it gaveusa chance to ret! N suit squadis ready’ to adopt Foley's simply mindset — put their heads down, dig deep and try to shave valu- able seconds off their time. SCAN THIS CODE FOR MORE a OLYMPICS COVERAGE SAVE 46 % OFF THE NEWSSTAND RATE Get the Toronto Star weekend home delivery for just $ Q9Q* AWeEK FOR 12 MONTHS YOU’LL GET: © Saturday and Sunday home delivery « Starweek Magazine print edition « Complimentary 7-day ePaper edition * Complimentary 7-day access to thestar.com website SUBSCRIBE ONLINE: tsoffers.ca/deal/comm OR CALL: 416-367-4500 and quote code 2DAYSAVE for weekend home delivery for 12 months MOO applicable tae 57-4500 get Simple marketing solutions for small businesses. marketing360.ca arketing ~~) san ano Powered by Star Metroland Media Woz ‘ez Ainr‘Aepsinyy | Sime UOwEH - dll OUL | GL