Veggie Vokes! What did the leHuce say tothe celery? A: Quit stalking me. © What's the coolest vegetable? Knock A: A rad-ish! ~ Knock, Kno . 2 - Who’ there! © Whatis a planber’s favourite, vegetable? A: A leek. @ What did one snoniman say to the other? A: It all smells like carrots to me. PoOCcCcCHwDyuMmMaA Fs=v Dw 7S Zr rvainrso 4 >pixamrw-oo +r rE wn rn 2—-|A Viz cv n7"-(|paA2Pre> Fe va Ham Fresh Ontario Vegetables 120 ‘9z ysnBny ‘Aepsinyy | SNH UOWEH - dl UL | SP