HB OPINION STARTING WITH SMALL STEPS CAN HELP LEAD TO SUCCESS, WRITES DR. NADIA ALAM Here's the secret to cating healthy and looking and feeling goo The IFP - Halton Hills | Thursday, August 26,2021 | 48 Road inecrést | What ot put in your mouth matters, not just for abiet tion needed to carry out ac- tivities. Food fuels human activity. HERE ARE 10 FUNDAMEN- TALS TO CONSIDER: + Understand andaddress the reasons you eat the way you do. + Don't skip portion con- trol. Half your dinner plate should be fruits and vegeta- bles, a quarter Should be be some sort of prot (plant- or ants based) and and the final quarter should be some sort of ‘whole re fruits and veg: Join the Town of Halton Hills for the Southeast Georgetown Secondary Plan Virtual Open House September 14, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. etables The Town is developing a comprehensive Secondary Plan for Southeast Georgetown and work has begun to develop appropriate land use designations and policies for the area. Join us for a presentation on two land use alternatives and an opportunity to provide input that will help inform the development of the preferred land use plan. THE FUNDAMENTALS OF EATING HEALTHY DR. NADIA ALAM Column + Prioritize plant-based proteins White mneat and red me . sayeth sed food, trans fats and high levels of salt. + Avoid excess sugar. + Include beans, nuts and seeds as well as healthy oils + Choose whole grains (brown rice, whole-grain ce- then get 15-35 grams of fibre tassium must come from other sources. - Educate yourself. There isa lot of misinformation out there. Trendy diets that come and go often stress the hu- man body so that maintain- ing adequate nutrition and even achieving weight loss —their advertised benefit — become harder over time. Tying beauty to a thin body type has led to a cul- ture obsessed with quick-fix child or adult —all can drive people toward unhealthy eating patterns. You cannot sustain a healthy lifestyle without ad- dressing these underlying issues. Overeating and under- eating both have health con- sequences, including heart disease and stroke, arrhyth- mias causing sudden death, diabetes, cancer, osteoporo- sis, muscle wasting, cogni- tive impairment and prema- ture death. significant two-to-three days. A thy diet takes time, but is well worth the ef- fort. Make one Nadia Alam is a Halton physician and past presi- dent of the Ontario Medical Association. Her columi appear on voto dln diaalam.com. She can be reached through her web- Site. HALTON HILLS Halton Hills is developing a Cultural Heritage Master Plan (CHMP) to provide the tools to identify, protect, and celebrate Halton: Hills’ rich and diverse cultural heritage resources. This project is a community- integrated process, shaped by input from YOU! Register for the Virtual Open House and access more information about the project by visiting the Southeast Georgetown Secondary Plan project page on letstalkhaltonhills.ca Participants can provide questions related to the Secondary Plan process to Town staff in advance by email or phone or via the Q&A tool during the Virtual Open House. Contact us at planning@haltonhills.ca or 905-873-2600, ext. 2900 with questions or for direction on how to access the event. If you require alternative accommodation to participate, please contact us at Need alternate materials and 905-8 00 Ext. 2900 Contact us by calling 905-873-2600, ext. 2900. options? letstalkhaltonhills.ca/CHMP theifp.ca