The IFP - Halton Hills | Thursday, November 4, 2021 | 2 NOTICE OF CONSULTATION Join the conversation on proposed airspace changes in the northern GTA. NAV CANADA and the Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA) are committed to working with our neighbours to make sure that noise management remains a part of the conversation as the aviation industry recovers from the impacts of the global pandemic. THE PROPOSAL NAV CANADA, the country’s air navigation service provider, is proposing airspace enhancements around Toronto Pearson Airport. The proposed changes will introduce a new, modern arrival procedure at Toronto Pearson Airport known as Required Navigation Performance Authorization Required (RNP AR) for two runway ends. RNP AR provides the opportunity to design shorter, more direct routes, enabling aircraft to turn towards the airport sooner. These procedures will support environmental sustainability efforts by significantly reducing greenhouse gases and the overflight of residential areas. If implemented, some residents may observe changes to air traffic patterns. As a result, NAV CANADA is undertaking public consultation to ensure that communities and businesses have the opportunity to learn about and provide input into the proposed changes. BE PART OF THE CONVERSATION NAV CANADA, in collaboration with the GTAA, wants to hear from you. The public consultation will run from November 1 until December 17, 2021. Visit to learn more about the proposal, register for upcoming online public briefings or to submit a question or feedback. NAV —— IB NEWS WEEKLY ROUNDUP: MORE COVID-19 RESTRICTIONS LIFTED BAMBANG SADEWO More COVID-19 restric- tions have been lifted Pexels photo. Here's a weekly roundup of COVID-19 cases and news. Proof of vaccination. cision was a8 past the previous week. Anoth- akville cosident died from the dist across the province, with ments t 10 eva public health As of Oct. 3, the number businesses like restau- andhealthcareindicators, of active COVID-19 cases according to Health Minis- stoodat76— with 41casesin rants and gyms along with casinos, gaming e: h- ments, indoor oe aan space where erent of vaccination is re- quired — being allowed to operate at a full capacity. Ontario will also allow personal care such as barber shops and salons, and other indoor settings to remove capacity limits and physical dis- tancing if they require ter Christine Elliott. In addition, the provin- cial government also plans to allow for a greater capac- ity at organized Public events like Remembrance Day ceremonies and Santa Claus parades. As for the weekly CO- VID-19 cases, the region's website shows that from Oct. 22 to 28 there were 76 new cases, down from 91 Oakville, 18in Burlington, 10 in Milton, and seven in Hal- ton Hills. There have been 19,882 cases of COVID-19 “i [m] SCAN THIs CODE aD, to view COVID-19 cases tracker. Mountainview Residence by the Glen The only, family owned & operated retirement home in Halton Hills. You ork in a family, this the best time of your life ly of ied choices), along Mountainview Residents See our new suite plans receive the vaccine booster online as we grow to dose and are enjoying meet the needs of our ongoing activities residents and community! Se ee Located on the cusp 5 of the Hamlet * Cl len Williams 222 homitinita! ad North,