HB NEWS PANDEMIC COULD IMPACT RESOLUTIONS: Continued from page 1 is out of alignment and to find our- selves, to find ways to ac- cept ourselves, to find meaning,” she said. “Most times it fails Ed cause no one's done thi ner work; they haven't done the inner healing. Build a healthy relationship with yourself first and then may- be look at exercising, wealth management, rela- tionships," said Blanchard. The pandemic could very well impact resolu- tions, she agreed. People ‘want more mean- ing in their life and a more sustainable work/life bal- ance now, she believes. "I think we're all, on Pier level, trying to och r that now that we eet isolated and restrict. . We're really starting i “see what mat- ters most, meaning so many people now wanting to work less, wanting to travel more, realizing fami- ly plays a richer part in one's life. I think people are changing and I think CO- VID is helping create a ange that is necessary," said Blanchard. The uncertainty of the pandemic and ever-chang- ing health and safety proto- cols, can wreak havoc with Co) determination to achieve our goals, said the Haymans. "For example, if we in- tend to get fitand suddenly longer open due to an outbreak or new variant, we then in LIFE COACH that moment through ex- ternal source, fail our reso- lution," they said. Their advice is to set small, concise mini goals and resolutions that can easily be achieved within your own mindset or with- in your own home “For example, € every day I must say thank you at ev- ery given opportunity, or I must tidy my room at least two timesa week. These are easily obtai inable and fe us a gentle emotional boost every time we are successful," they of- fered. Don't set yourself up to fail immediately; don't try to climb the mountain but take small steps, added Blanchard. “Set an intention that is more powerful than the problem itself. Instead o! looking at weight loss, ool well-being. Instead of lookingat financial success ora career that has more fi- undance in it, look at freedom," she said. Despite what some ex- perts say, Halton-area country singer Cam Bogle makes several resolutions every year. ~ 3 “Resolutions are about & a r day," said Bogle STORY BEHIND THE STORY: Most of us have New Year's resolu- tions at some point in our lives, but are they actually a healthy tradition? We asked experts to weigh in to find out the answer. W202 ‘0e sequisoag ‘Aepsiny, | c: H ‘SCAN THIS CODE FOR MORE LOCAL THINGS YOU MAY NOT KNOW ABOUT NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS many, making reso- lutions is synonymous with about the age-old practice? Here are four facts, com- piled from a K Internation- al blog post, that you may or may not be aware of. It's widely believed that Babylonians made the first resolutions 4,000 years ago during their New Year's celebrations on the Enjoy the sounds of the season At Halton Au sharing our ov 0 OF <le back to your Jevetlione é “Book a oS q first new moon after the spring equinox. It was an 11- day festival called Akitu in which the people made res- olutions to stay in their gods' good graces. 2. Romans kept the tra- dition People of all occu- pations offered resolutions year. Starting offa new year in the middle of winter is a with the riginally started in March and later adjusted to include two more months beginning with Ianuarius (January). ual practice for many Protestants. Ac- cording to a 1951 study by sociologist Isidor Thorner, the practice of making New Year's resolutions is more common in countries with a strong Protestant influ- ence — such as England, Wales, Scotland and North- ern Ireland. 4, Many resomtions made, few actually kept. Big: surprise, right? Accor tually keep/achieve them. Book January . Classes To} HALTON rt AUDIOMETRIC CENTRE HEARING AIDS & AUDIOMETRY Georgetown’s trusted choice for hearing care 905.877.8828 360 Guelph St., Unit 44 Aemstiong Ave THE INDEPENDENT Georgetown READERS’ Guan GN? (In the Knolcrest Centre) | CHOICE 2021 5 vonattic nn cams SWAWAWANUP4-1ae| oF Wiccmeotelan info@wizardpaws.com | 289.428.0127 | 7 James Street, Georgetown