COMMUNITY HALTON DONATES MEDICAL VEHICLES 10 ST. JOHN AMBULANCE MELANIE HENNESSEY mhennessey@ Halton Region Para- medic Services has donat- ed two of its vehicles to the local branch of St. John Ambulance Canada. The region has provided the first aid charity with one decommissioned am- bulance and one emergen- cy response vehicle that will be used by the Oak- Hill to provide medical support for resi- dents attending communi- ty erents 3 in Halton. are grateful to have community cortnereiikest John Ambulance Canada who help provide essential first aid and medical assis- Region Paramedic Services chief/director Greg Sage. “On behalf of. Halton Re: gion Paramedic Servi am pleased that we are Se to donate these two vehi- cles to support our local St. John Ambulance Canada branches and provide life- saving care when residents may need it most." Decommissioned vehi- cles are typically five years old and have travelled be- {ween 225, 000 and 275,000 ‘s. These vehicles hae a ted their use- ful life cycle with Halton Region Paramedic Servic- es, but can still operate at full capacity to meet the needs of St. John Ambu- i "Having such wonderful community partners like Halton Region allows St. John Ambulance to ex- pand our medical first re- sponder program outreach into the Halton communi- ty," said Tim Bauer, execu- tive director of St. John Ambulance Halton-Hamil- ton. ‘Our mandate at St. John Ambulance is 'saving lives at home, work ant play.' Halton Region's gen- erous donation of two vehi- cles in support of our pro- gram allows our volunteer teams to provide first aid coverage at hundreds of community events every year in Halton. Our sincer- ON NOW AT THE BRICK! SAVING YOU MORE Visit for more details and locations. gion for their continued support.” Since 2000, Halton Re- gion has donated 17 decom- missioned vehicles to local St. John Ambulance branches. Ambulances have also been donated to various charities for use in Ecuador, E] Salvador, Haiti, South Sudan and Ukraine. MUN 8 2 (O) I ON NI te 8) 1B) me ¥ IS & DOORS honesty+integrity+ quality 905-873-0236 www. 4 J VISIT OUR SHOWROOM: 11 MOUNTAINVIEW ROAD N., GEORGETOWN, ON L7G 4T3 ESTATES & TRUSTS What happens if | die without a Will? M. Jasmine Sweatman B.A., J.D., LLM., TEP., C.S., EPC, CPCA Certified Specialist in Estates & Trusts Wills, Powers of Attorney, Trusts, Estate Litigation and Administration, Corporate, Real Estate Ifyou butdonoth hildi your estate will be left to your spouse. elf you have a spouse and one child, your spouse will receive _ ‘preferential share” Fhe first $200,000). The remainder will be divided between your spouse and child 50/50. ¢ Ifyouhaveaspouseandmorethanonechild, the first $200,000 will go to your spouse. The remainder of the estate will be divided as follows: 1/3 to the spouse, 2/3 to the children, divided equally. If only grandchildren survive, they would share the estate equally. «If you have children, but are not married, all children share the estate equally. ¢ If you do not have children or a spouse, your entire estate will go to your parents. If of your parents are deceased, your siblings will share in the estate equally. ¢ If there is no next of kin, the estate escheats or goes to the Crown (government). Thinking of making a Will? We can help. LAW FIRM 145 Mill St., Georgetown 905.337.3307 @zoz'9 Aenuer ‘Aepsiny. | SiH YOHEH - dl eUL | EL eordyouy