B COUNCIL HALTON STEERING AWAY FROM PROPOSED FUTURE FARMLAND GROWTH MELANIE HENNESSEY mhennessey@metroland.com Itmay be the most attention an Official Plan amendment has ev- er received in Halton. Over 50 residents — from youth to farmers to environmen- tal activists — turned out to Hal- ton regional council's Feb. 16 meeting to voice their support for future development away from farmland. And in the end, the majority of council shared the same senti- ment, voting 15-9 in favour of a motion from Oakville Mayor Rob The resolution directs staff to prepare an Official Plan (OP) amendment that advances a modified preferred growth con- cept in two phases: + Up to 2041: direct population and employment growth to the existing approved urban bound- ary. + 2041 to 2051: Provide a clear In our time, we have endured. framework for when and how growth should be distributed, based on the principles of mini- mizing land consumption, and making the most efficient use of Jand and infrastructure. An amendment to the motion from Halton Hills Coun. Jane Fo- gal and Milton Coun. Colin Best — which also passed 15-9 — indi- cates the specific distribution of the post-2041 growth will be de- fined ina further OP amendment prepared prior to or in conji tion with the next statutory tive. “The phased approach pro- vides needed time to evaluate the uncertainties about future hous- ing and employment needs for the period 2041 to 2051," said Bur- ave ed Ward added council can't commit to saving farmland to 2051 as the OP is reviewed ev- ery five years. "This (motion) allows us to save it on our watch; save it for to- day and live to fight again, which we will have to do," she said. "The pressure is not going to go away to expand into our farmland." She noted it isn't enough to simply save farmlan “We have to save farming," she salt amd have to do better in sup ur farmers and ti poten a Tocal food source ee here in Halton. In recent months, the original over 5,000 acres of land in Milton and Halton Hills to be designated for new housing and jobs — has become a source of great debate, with residents and councillors on both sides of the issue. ‘hose around the regional council table. who support staff's concept spol during the ane and seiced their opposi- tion to Burton's motion, placinga particular emphasis on the need for additional employment lands in Milton and Halton Hills. Milton councillors Mike Cluett and Zeeshan Hamid both indicated their municipality will require more employment land to be shovel-ready by 2031, con- tending that a lack of new busi- Metroland file photos The mayors across Halton have differing views on how the region should grow. nesses and resulting develop- ment charges will lead to large residential tax increases. "We should have a right to havea strong say in how we're go- ing to gor, and not be told what to do ie other municipali- tes sea Cluett, urging his col- leagues around the table to vote against the motion. le most councillors who shared similar sentiments were from north Halton, some Bur- lington councillors also ex- pressed their opposition to Bur- ton's resolution, including Coun. Kearns. "I can't imagine how Burling- ton and Oakville can go about pushing for something that th local councils aren't asking for, she said. Burlington Sharman, Kelvin Galbraith and Kearns. Staff has now been directed to schedule a public meeting and open house on the revised ‘growth concept no later The matter will be voted on again by regional council at a fu- ture meeting, prior to the July 1 deadline established by the pro- vincial government For further details visit hal- ton.ca/ropr. SCAN THIS CODE for residents’ thoughts on Halton growth plan. Mountainview Residence by the Glen The only family owned & operated retirement home in Halton Hills. You d hard to enjoy retireme ina family, friendly mosphere. Our resident th discrete personal care se On-site activities to foster social, emotional, physical and mental wellbeing. , now it’s our pleasure to make this the bes enjoy social meals (variety of food choices), along es to support daily time of your life I being. wKete(-ytalcvem (MU moleiiiom-let-llap Let us begin. ee se Mountainview Residents See our new suite plans receive the vaccine booster online as we grow to dose and are enjoying meet the needs of our TED ARNOTT, MPP - ongoing activities residents and community WELLINGTON-HALTON HILLS Pp it [ Located on the cusp Dati ite Hamlet of G [OME n Williams etown Call: 1-800-265-2366 Email: ted.arnottco@pc.ola.org “= 222 Mountainview 9 www.mountainviewresidence.com eordyeuy