THURSDAY THE INDEPENDENT & FREE PRESS sant $2.00 | CONNECTED TO YOUR COMMUNITY | THEIFP.CA LISAHARTSINK.COM Rok CATHOLIC SCHOOL BOARD PASSES CLIMATE Weaehy BROKER CFroagp © ELITE Conclerge Service © State of the art MARKETING e NO Ineffective Open Houses © EXPERIENCE Matters For the best JOB, calf ROB. | EMERGENCY rere MOTION Ow = DECISION FOLLOWS CALL TO ACTION BY STUDENT HOSTING’AN EVENT? POST IT. PROMOTE IT. ROLAND CILLIERS. Halton's Catholic school board is sounding the alarm on climate The board passed a motion that would declare a climate emergency at its March 22 meet- ing. The decision follows in the footsteps of local municipalities and the pubic school board — al- beit years later. Katie Bowie, the student trust- THEIFRCA JEVENTS 1 Yonge Street, 4th floor, Toronto, ON, MSE 1E6 Graham Paine/ Metroland Metroland Media Group Ltd., | See MOTION, page 16 —_ Student trustee Katie Bowie is among those championing the call to protect the environment. Visit our showroom aur NEW FAMILY Speedy Glass Vos PHARMACY DOCTOR | AC d G ACCEPTING tie WIN! & DOORS * your window & door professionals + 11 Mountainview Rd,, N. Georgetown, ONL7G 413 905.873.0236 WALK-IN & FAMILY CLINIC 221 Miller Dr., G 905-873-1 001 PATIENTS + Truck Accessories + Upholstery + Heavy Equipment Glass ‘Window Tinting 354 Guelph Street, Georgetown 905-873-1655 * awarded readers choice 35 times *