sv PROVINCIAL ELECTION q & g iy = Continued from page 1 i 3 2 = MacDonald said in the last © couple of months there has 2 been an explosion of posi- = tive COVID-19 cases in schoo! = “The pandemic is not é over," he said. MacDonald also voiced concerns about the grow- ing number of children he sees dealing with pandem- ic related mental health is- sues, nursing shortages and hospital staff burnout, surgical ical backlogs, and the impacts of long COVID children and adults. These problems and others, MacDonald argues, make the future handling of the Pandemic akey elec- ni Halton newspapers — including the Independent and Free would deal with COVID-19 going forward. Here is what they said. Ontai vesting more in health care than any government in Ontario history. This would include a $40-billion investment in hospital infrastructure over the next 10 years and adding more nurses, doc- tors, and personal support workers to Ontario's health-care vonoree. “We are shoring up do- mestic production ¢ of, Pritt cal supplies, like personal protective equipment and vaccines, and investing in hospitals, long-term-care homes and home care," said Clark. Clark did not respond to aquestion about whether a reelected Ford government would reintroduce mask mandates, capacity Units, § vaccine passpot : pose school or business WT ONTARIO VOTES lockdowns if COVID-19 case counts rose high enol Ontari io Liberal Party sporaeton Will Wuel said an elected Liberal gov- ernment wouldadd the CO- VID-19 vaccine to the list of vaccines required for stu- dents in publicly funded schools: said the Liberals would also combat reten- tion issues in the health- care sector by repealing Bill 124, which limits annu- al salary i increases for pub- lic sector workers. The Liberals have pledged to increase com- pensation for front-line health care workers and bring in a $25/hr floor on wages for personal support workers. “Most importantly, we will listen to doctors and base our public health de- cisions on science instead of political polls," said Wuehr. Ontario NDP pokes: pers Smith said an lected NDP would hold a ful, evento judicial public in into all as- pects of Ontario's co- VID-19 response so govern- ment can learn and be ready for any future health crises. He said the NDP has al- so committed to introduce anew Emergency Manage- ment and Civil Protection ct and other pandemic legislation to strengthen the © government's ability to respond to The NDP pro pro: romised sta- bility for small businesses, noting that in the event of future public health re- strictions they will provide timely proportional sup- port that is easy to access. Another promise fo- cused on the thousands of COVID long-haulers, with the NDP noting it would make sure these individu- als are supported by their primary providers and broader health teams. Vincent-Smith said an NDP government would in- vest in research to better understand the causes, symptoms and treatments of long COVID. While the Green Party of Ontario did not respond to email Metroland Hal- ton's questions, it has pledged to take politics out of the chief medical officer of health position by desig- nating them an indepen- dent officer of the legisla- in a watchdog role bet annual publicly avail- able reporting. The Green Party said it would provide adequate and predictable funding to ensure future pandemic preparedness. ie Greens also prom- ised ¥ hold an indepen- dent public inquiry into the government's response to COVID-19 and said they would stockpile a three- month supply of personal protective equipment for all health-care facilities in the province. New Blue party Leader dim Karahalios said his party would end all CO- VID-19 mandates and re- peal all of the emergency measures introduced by the Ford government in re- sponse to the COVID-19 pandemic. He also promised to ban the use of COVID-19 vac- cine passports, whether in the public or private sector. Karahalios said he would review and reduce the powers of "local bu- reaucrats" who shut down businesses over COVID-19 rule violations. Other promises includ- ed restitution for those harmed by COVID-19 emer- gency measures and rein- stating nurses who were for not complying with COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Karahalios said his gov- ernment's COVID-19 re- sponse would focus on ex- andi romoting COVID-19 early treatment. Ontario Moderate Party Leader Yuri Duboisky would also end all CO- VID-19 mandates, arguing PARTIES DIFFER ON COVID MANAGEMENT PRIORITIES Graham Paine/Metroland COVID-19 rapid antigent testing remains a common practice throughout Ontario, and beyond. He sata the province's COVID- vaccination compete would be ended and those who still want the vaccine can pay for it themselves. Another Freedom Party promise would require em- ployers to compensate em- ployees who were dismiss- ernment would also introduce a law that would require the gov- ernment to hold an elec- ithin six months of a Sete of emergency being declare ontario Party Leader Derek Sloan noted on his party's website that an On- tari Party government that all taken by the e government during pletely useless. Our position is that people should be free to travel. Itisnot necessary to lock people inside," said Duboisky. He said an Ontario Mod- erate Party government would also invest financial resources in education promoting a healthy life- style. Freedom Party of Onta- rio Leader Paul McKeever said a Freedom Party gov- ernment would end all re- ining mask require- ments in both the public and private sector, and end all COVID-19 vaccination mandates. end any wonainine restrictions on “personal autonomy and liberty" instituted by the Ford government in the name of the COVID-19 pan- “For our party, shut- downs and lockdowns are over. We don't think they were effective in curbing the spread and we would be implementing them," said Sloan. “We would of course en- courage symptomatic sick people to stay home, but we ant ae the matic or heathy o. ection an said his govern- ment would also assist On- ‘io residents who suf- fered permanent injuries caused by a COVID-19 vac- cine, in pursuing legal ac- le parties, which could in- clude employers or school administrator: ors. The Ontario Party has also pledged t to ensure re- derly, safe and healthy. Sloan said they would also expand access to early COVID-19 treatments. None of the Above Di- rect Democracy Party Leader Greg Vezina sald a a government run by his par- would seek recommen- dations from disaster and emergency ement experts, and not just med- ical professionals, on how to proceed with the pan- lemic. He argues this big pic- roach would have avoided lockdowns, busi- ness closures and man! deaths if it had been imple- mented sooner. fezina said he would have difficulty justifying a return to COVID-related mandates and Tockdowns unless the virus became significantly more lethal. “If the medical and eco- Consensus O Ontario Par- Leader id Harness noted i a Consensus gov- re formed, In- beanie MPPs would re- present ¢ each riding. MPPs_ would learn ‘how the majority of residents in their ridings want to deal with COVID-19 and then bring those views. to the legislature. STORY BEHIND THE STORY: COVID-19 doesn't seem to be going away any time soon. With that in mind, we thought it was important for residents to know how the different political parties ‘plan to manage the pandemic if elected.