HB NEWS TOWN RECEIVES BIRD-FRIENDLY DESIGNATION ; Halton Hills has been designated asa bird fr friend- ly city by Natur Here's what you ‘need to know: WHAT DOES THE DESIGNA- TION MEAN? The bird-friendly city designation was ¢ develope by Nature courage Canadian ¢ sites to fowni is just the 14th munic- ality in Canada to re- ceive the designation. WHAT DID HALTON HILLS DO TO EARN THE DESIGNA- TION? + worked in collabora- tion with Nature Canada's partners, including Halton Hills Nature, POWER (Pro- tect our Water and Envi- Resources), Credit Valley Conserva- tion, as well as other com- munity organizations to “Tony Fortunato photo Halton Hills has become the 14th municipality in Canada to earn the designation of a bird-friendly city. make the town a safehaven for wild birds. + Established a no-roam bylaw to reduce the impact 5 Mountainview Rd N, Georgetown www. culligan.com Culligan Watton. Summer of Love-Your-Water SALES EVENT $350 OFF Whole Home Water Combo (905) 877-6242 Schedule your Free Water Test info@culliganwater.ca and key habitat and imple- menting actions to achieve those goals + Providing opportuni- ties to view, learn about and appreciate wild birds and get involved in bird brate their local bird popu. lations WHY ARE BIRD-FRIENDLY CITIES IMPORTANT? Birds are essential in maintaining healthy and resilient ecosystems. The bird population in North America has dropped by more than three billion in the past 50 years, largely due to human activity such as urban expansion. WHAT THEY'RE SAYING? “I'm so excited that Hal- ton Hills has qualified for Friendly certifica- tion. I'm proud to be a member of the bird team and to share my passion for birds while raising awareness and beinga par‘ Locally Roasted Specialty Coffee of: protecting the birds that ive in and _ migrate through our area. It's great Z to see our community tak- ing steps to foster an envi- ronment where birds can £ be protected and admired ~ by our residents." — Aaro} Keating, Halton/, North “This certification high- lights and celebrates years of collaborative communi- ty efforts to preserve, pro- tect, and restore the natu- ral heritage and ecosys- tems in Halton Hills. From town council and staff, to grassroots community groups and volunteers we all make ad difference. “ahe support enthusiasm for this maahoct is encour. 1d we hope more and more residents and community groups get in- volved." s CHANTAL GARNEAU, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT, POWER IDY-VIN-1a-Xe cole Celt] am DYovo) g solely -Ng-)e) ter} Direct from the padstery Aine “kepen NUL i snes wows - daleuL | ¢ 8 eordyouy