4 bd 3 ROLAND CILLIERS rcilliers@metroland.com The public now has in- sight about what led toa now former Halton Catho- n Hills | Thursday, November 3, 2022 | i= 5 =] a e z ° 3 wo cay 3 Ea ; (HCDSB) trustee being barred from multiple & & meeting 5s. The previously confi- Z dential 14-page investiga- tion report of Vincent Ian- tomasi code of conduct vio- lations was released to the public on Oct. 11 following an Oct. 4 vote by trustees. The report documents 25 different events that form the full complaint and in- clude incidences of Ianto- masi's conduct over email, text messages and at board meetings. When Iantomasi was contacted for comment on the release of the report, his wife, Arlene Iantoma- si, responded. Arlene Ian- tomasi indicated that due HCDSB photo VINCENT IANTOMASI to her husband's medical pituation, she is rently ling his correspon. dence aid they are now secking’ legal counsel in regard to the matter and will not be making a full statement on the report, completed by board vice- chair and _ Burlington trustee Brenda Agnew, at this time. "It is not possible for him to Properly, fully com- ment on the unexpected reas. of the report from Trustee Agnew that con- tains predominantly in- camera and private inter- nal board correspon- dence," said Arlene Ianto- masi. The report highlights several text messages sent by Iantomasi to board chair Marvin Duarte. The messages are de- scribed in the report as be- ing unsolicited and as go- i iswered. by “aThese texts include a Trustee Duarte's 's ‘knowl edge and also seem to drat issue with Trustee Duarte not being from our coun- try from birth," reads the report. Arlene Iantomasi dis- GEORGETOWN 8 Guelph Street 905.452.7400 cum lanamalarellelolia Wills & Estat Brampton Office (Main) 350 Rutherford Road S., Suite 320 905.452.7400 agreed that her husband's statements were about Duarte's country of origin. "Given that Trustee Jantomasi s himself an immigr: the perception by the chair has been en- tirely misinterpreted to imply that his country of origin had anything to do with Trustee Iantomasi's comments regarding the chair's knowledge, or lack thereof, of legal Processes and legislature," said Jeng Iantomasi. ie Code of Conduct poli requires that t ees behave with decorum to other trustees, includ- ing through electronic communicatio1 In another set of of quoted texts from Iantomasi in- cluded in the repor t, he questions Duarte's compe- lence. “Ur at disadvantage be- cause u just don't know and don't take the time to LOCKYER +HEINive BARRISTERS + SOLICITORS g Family L aw, Emr s, Estate Litigatic CALEDON EAST 15955 Airport Road, Suite 201 905.584.4545 CODE OF CONDUCT REPORT RELEASED ON CATHOLIC TRUSTEE “These texts include a suggestion of collusion, and comments regarding Trustee Duarte’s knowledge and also seem to draw issue with Trustee Duarte not being from our country from birth." find out/incompetence!" and "Me.Chair U just don't know please learn proce- dure for the benefit of HCDSB," read the texts in the report: e full complaint in- tudes emails from Tanto. masi, which the report la- bels as disrespectful and accusatory. It also in- cludes examples of Ianto- masi's actions during meetings, which are also it, Real Estate, Civil Litigation. - Code of Conduct report described as disrespectful and accusat oard tory ngs over the last term have repeat- edly included outbursts, interruptions and trustees being removed from the tion around the board ta- ble. Proud Supporter of the Proud Georgetown Hospital % 2 ron we www.lhlaw.ca member of a& iH Emre