2 BB OPINION lay, November 10, 2022 | This is in response to 3 Wellington-Halton Hills Thurs < tled 'Fuel Prices out of £ control.’ = Iconcur with most of & his comments regarding 2 fuel prices. However, when he blames the global energy crisis for the in- crease of these costs, I must disagree. According to the Fra- ser Institute, the federal CANADA MUST BECOME MORE ENERGY SELF-SUFFICIENT government's damaging energy policies created a 85 per cent decline in oil and gas investment be- tween 2015 and 2020. Furthermore, Bill C-69, which added subjective ial and mender ations for approval of pipeline projects, further eroded energy explora- tion and production in Ca anad a. should be enerey sel sufficient. The feder- al government also enact- ed other industry restric- tions, like the Oil Tanker Moratorium Act, which limits trade and therefore revenue. As to other inflation matters, several countries (Greece, Switzerland, Ja- pan) managed to contain rising prices. It is the Trudeau Liber- al government's profligate spending that is responsi- ble for the high cost of gro- ceries in Canada today. A $6,000 bill for one night at a London hotel to attend the Queen': sfuneral is just one examp! LARRY Store We work for you. Q ASK THE PROFESSIONAL Parenting Time - Verbal Agreements Hiersons: TAWFIRN. A If | separate and have a verbal understanding with my former spouse dealing with the children do we need a lawyer? Our office has recently had files where verbal LOW VOTER TURNOUT NOTHING NEW Only 28.09 per cent of the 47,008 eligible voters exer- cised their right and duty to vote in the Halton Hills mu- nicipal election. This is not news. These turnouts are usually very iow Let's not Aagonize over why, fom apathy to Tack a civics education. Who cares? .pparent re than 70 per cent of us do not (apart from those who could not vote). Like climate change, ittakesa lot. of televised hu- of awareness increases to create calls to action and remediation. The tipping point for freedom and democracy is not so far behind that of cli- we create political and so. cial disasters. We watch the tides of au- \oritarianism rise on every shore. And we stareascoun- tries burn. And we turn away as violent winds rip down institutions that can no longer stand. We squint at the pattern of divisive pol- itics and destructive move- ments shaping around us. Turn tube off. Turn the tube on. Settle into Net- ix i house that sti MEET THE PEOPLE IN YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD. Call for Committee Members The Town of Halton Hills Council establishes committees and boards as a stands, undisturbed by oth- ers. Wearenotas good atfeel- ing empathy for our groups as we are one on one. So you voted or you didn't. From all this I know that probably seven out of 10 of my neighbours will con- sider driving electric vehi- cles at some point; and only three out of 10 will have our backs when elections be- come extinct. My respect to those who casta ballotand more to you who did even more vote but stood up, ran and asked to be counted. ERIC DOUBT HALTON HILLS HALTON HILLS e David J. Ashbee Helsons LLP agree is a firm of 10 is “verbal agreements explode and the client comes in saying but we agreed, so we can’t enforce this. The legal are worth the paper they are written on.” If issues surrounding the children are not written down, misunderstandings can occur, couples start disagreeing. Remember you separated for a reason. If you have an Lawyers. We trace our firm back to 1885 in Georgetown, reek ta? soi in writing, even if you draw up ‘lan. Kopp (wired) something yourself it is better than a verbal Join E Sehaljo understanding. Courts look at written agreements steven D. Kogon and start from there when determining what is best escaA. Krese for the children. Jasmine M. Spud cole E. Kucherenko ‘ater G.Watsh Helsons LLP Naney L. Camwath (retired) le Fq@HALTON HILLS ‘Chamber of Commerce 2018 Large Business of the Year Barristers and Solicitors 132 Mill Street, Georgetown, Ontario L7G 2C6 Tel: (905) 877-5200 35 Mill Street East, Acton, Ontario L7J 1H1 Tel: (519) 929-9333 Email: info@helsons.ca Web: www.helsons.ca IEEE READERS RS’ CHOICE 2022 replace or substitute any professional, financial, medical, legal, or other professional advice. theifp.ca way for residents to provide input and make recommendations on matters that affect the entire community. The Town is currently seeking membership for the following Advisory Committees for the 2023-2026 term: ° Accessibility Active Transportation Committee of Adjustment * Halton Hills Public Library Board ¢ Heritage Halton Hills * Site Alteration * Property Standards For i ications and more i on Advisory Committees, visit the Town’s Advisory Committees of Council webpage. Scan the QR code or visit haltonhills.ca/Committees. Application submission closes on Friday, November 18 at 4:30 p.m. The Town is looking for members that can assist Council in strengthening Halton Hills as a diverse and inclusive community. | haltonhills.ca