HP OPINION REMEMBERING THEIR SACRIFICE LET'S HONOUR OUR VETERANS ON NOV. Tl, WRITES GARY CARR GARY CARR Column the month of Novem- ber, we gather to reflect on the courage of all Canadian erans who have deep roots of service in the Canadian armed forces. We thank all of our veter- ans for their great sacrifices —at home and abroad — to serve our country and pro- tect our freedom and securi- ty. We remember all those who made the ultimate sacri- fice in the First and Second World Wars, the Korean War and the War in Afghanistan, and in ongoing peacekeeping missions and exercises. to bring aid and stability to areas in conflict, in addition to crises at home — includ- ing essential support during the COVID-19 pandemic. For over 100 years, we have used. the poppy as a symbol of re- membrance in Canada. This tradition began with Ma- dame Anna Guérin, who was inspired by John McCrae's iconic poem ‘In Flanders Fields.’ The poppy was distribut- ed as a way to raise money for veterans’ needs and to re- member those who had giv- en their lives during the First World War. SERVING HALTON HILLS, DUFFERIN COUNTY AND SURROUNDING AREAS WITH OVER 15 YEARS OF DIVERSE NURSING CARE. Lisa Zablotny, RPN owner os ee Metroland file photo Halton residents are encouraged to wear a poppy and support our veterans. Since 1921, the Great War Veterans Association, which unified with other veteran groups and became the Ca- ian Legion in 1925, has adopted the poppy as the flower of Remembrance. The Legion and its mem- bers have since upheld this tradition of Remembrance. On Remembrance Day, we honour the bravery of members of the armed forc- "On Remembrance = Day, we honour the bravery of members of the armed forces, both past and present.” es, both past and present. I encourage you to wear your poppy proudly on Nov. llasa symbol of recognition and remembrance. To purchase other items from the Royal Canadian Le- gion's online Poppy Store in support of Canada's veter- ans, please visit legion.ca. ‘hank you to our veter- ansfor helping keep Halton a great place to live, work, raise a family anc Gary Carr is regional chair of Halton Region. To contact him, email gary.carr@halton.ca. MEDICATIONS CAN BE DANGEROUS TO YOUR HEARING! Ototoxicity is the term for medication that can be hazardous to your hearing health. If you presently take medication, be sure to ask your physician about possible effects on your hearing. Keep in mind that combinations of prescriptions increase the risk of ototoxicity. If you suspect your medication could be ototoxic, or develop a ringing in your ears, report this to your physician. For more information, please call. The Georgetown HEARING CLINIC We care about your hearing! Professional Arts Building 99 Sinclair Ave., Suite 210, Georgetown 905-873-6642 THE INDEPENDENT TEP READERS’ CHOICE 2022 Mow. Elite Home Pa Nursing Care Every day there are people on hospice waiting lists hoping a bed becomes available in time for comfortable end-of-life care, that their journey won't end in a hospital or with multiple healthcare providers at the bedside. Many wish for dignified and competent care at home with loved ones present in familiar surroundings. With over 15 years of experience serving the Halton community, | provide highly compassionate and well qualified private nursing services at home for peace of mind and fulfillment of wishes including 24 hour live-in end-of-life care. Please contact me with questions or requests for more information. © 416-833-8203 © www.elitehomenursingcare.ca 7z0z ‘OF Jequienon ‘Aepsunyy | SIH UOHEH - dal UL | £ eordyouy