Halton Hills. This Week, Saturday,'October 31, 1992 --Rage 27, ATTENTION Canadian Criss Cross by Walter D. Feener teed Pe Fes 5 |é |7 8 ]9 fio freee 9. ___ of Good Feeling ) 12 13 14 10. Flightless bird 15 16 17 1. Werasaee 7 wives! 18 19 20 ip, deonntec 22. Short exist 2l 22 23 24 125 126 24. Valley 25. ugined : res ident 27 (|28 #129 30 31 32 26. Betty and Sparks 27. Stage 33 34 35 136 object 28. Architect s Saari Ey 3B }39 70 Bhalla Be a Carrier for . jent oe < ; “secre one HIS WEEN commander 45 46 47 48 |49 |50 | 36. Twelve months 39. California : 1 152 153 mn = sent Register Today for routes that 42. Sto i vai ‘ + = - 42. Stop are becoming available abs Frere Call Now... 873-2254 159 60 61 48. Units of pressure 4 50 Receding | oe EEIED 5. Furious 1, German eiaK vials} 6. Departed shepherd compart- Po[u{i{al fl 52. Anger ment: Pu | pu fon] Fcasstan 53. Furniture 5. Singer [v[1[o im 3 | at fA meter tae UU _@ poe ose raat] deli ERESES Cha ——— 12. Bright- (NM stati |x] colored cs ENCNKA fish ook eagen a eee ca ERE GH tool 14. Large group [3 Miah ee s| 15. Roy Ext: 30. "Ne Or 45. Se 60. Br false reptile 1s. Eecalpes by 32. Nominate 61. Anglo-Saxon touch 33. Stay in the 51. Separating slave 20. Soft same place 55. California | mineral 35. Canthus city 21. Irene Cara location 56. Toward the DOWN movie 37. Spoken mouth (1980) 38. Not 57. Kind of 1. Ct 23. Backless employed horse fitting cap | 40. After ems 58. Sh 2. Church part Call 27 + __ de Leon haircut 3. Hay bundle affection- 43. King of 59. Hereditary 4. Bookcase ately jorway unit part Halton Hills This Week to place your ad... 873-2254 will look after your pets/plants/home. Daily, weekly or! monthly rates. = Bonded & reliable. TAKE TIME TO Residential cleaning] ly REMEMBER also available. i roy Call 877-0950 THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION PUBLIC AUCTION SALE SAT. NOV. 7TH - 10 A.M. 10th Line and River Road ~ Across from Georgetown Golf Toots & Equip - lockers, metal cabinets, metal work tables, metal dollies, shelving, welding tables, small tools, glass shelving, fire extinguishers, nuts bolts Orrice Furniture - desk, chairs, steno chairs, credenzas, small oak desk, computer desk, lateral cabinets, storage cabinets, trays, binders, expanda files, cork & black boards, Ig. oak easel Furniture & APPLIANCES - 6 freezers, microwave, teak buf- fet hutch, cupboards, wheelchairs, beds, desk, student desk, grey couch Antiques - milk cans, wood & metal wagon wheels, Ig. pine frame, antique tools, cup! E Misc. - full size cement cow & horse, Christmas trees, wreaths, decorations, santa suits, home security systems, Nintendo games, skiis and boots D.P. LIQUIDATORS Cash, Visa, 10th Line and River Road MasterCard Georgetown FA GREET November Classified Sale?! ALL private-party "For Sale" $7 00 or "For Rent" ads 15 word maximum) @ (6ST) 877-7939