Page 6 — Halton Hills This Week, Wednesday, December 2, 1992 EDITORIAL eaders' writes “4 The following is.a letter from Norval resident Pamela Soward who lives in the area of the proposed sights for the Peel dumps that border on Halton Hills. Her letter outlines some of her concerns with the recently released short list and some ideas that we as a community can use in fighting the proposal. Dear Editor: It seems hard to believe that the TWA would disregard the environmen- tal concerns when choosing the short list of Peel Dump Sites so it is neces- sary to try to understand why this would happen. There has been a lot of public pressure to put the dump site in Brampton because some consider that it is this area’s turn to have one. For example, this summer the group which calls itself DARE organized a campaign in support of this. To put the dump site in Brampton near the built up areas or where there were plans to develop would have meant a lot of opposition from a large number of people and inevitably a loss of government support. This meant that the site had to be selected which was the farthest away from the built up area. On looking at the map the place is obvious. It is the corner of Winston Churchill Blvd. and Mayfield Sideroad. The problem was the fact that the sites in this area have been rejected before as they were considered to be unsuitable from an environmental point of view. By changing the cri- teria used previously, giving a high priority to social impact and claiming that they have new technology for constructing dumps, the IWA were able to select these sites which are close to the border of Halton Hills. They have now removed the one which actually touched the border with our municipality. How nice of the IWA! Site B-15B lies 400-metres and site B-22D 500-metres from the border with Halton Hills so it is obvious where the impact is going to be felt as more people live or work on the Halton side of the impact area than on the Brampton side. As these are Peel sites the people of Halton Hills have not given much attention to them so they do not realize that they will be the ones who have to put up with the impact of a Peel dump site, not Brampton people. Dump sites are not built within 5 kms of an airport due to the problem of gulls and yet these sites are 2.1 kms from Norval and Delrex Blvd. They are 2.6 kms from Miracle Mart. These measurements are taken as the gulls fly and vermin travel and not by road distances. Obviously the people of Georgetown are going to be affected pests. The third site, which lies close to our border is on Highway #7 opposite the Apple Factory. The haulage routes for all three sites are along Mississauga Rd., and then along Highway #7. They may decide to take an alternate route through Georgetown to the Mayfield Sideroad! Trucks will also be using this road to access the dump, so traffic to and from Georgetown is going to be impacted by the dump trucks. The people living on Winston Churchill Blvd.; the businesses and the school will all require a water supply as they will be unable to use their wells. Who will pay for this water and where will it come from? We all know that Halton has a limited supply of water so will development now have to stop because they town has to supply water to this area? This is also an expense which the taxpayers of Halton will probably have to bear. Why should Halton Hills and especially Georgetown, bear the impact of a Peel dump site? I encourage everyone to go to the IWA offices in Brampton and let them know that this is not acceptable. Remember that they want to convince us that it is an ideal dump site, so question what they have to say. Make them realize that the top of the hill, which we can see from Guelph Street, is Winston Churchill Blvd; and a 25 meter or 82 foot high dump will be clearly visible from Georgetown. The people living in the “Sands” will have a first class view of it. Ask the IWA how they take their Luse a map to make mine, not a road map! The only way to stop a Peel dump from being located in this area is for every citizen, business, developer and organization in Halton Hills to write and let the IWA and the government know that there are more people opposed to these sites than there are supporting them, but we must write now. If we wait until after Christmas, it may be too late. Sincerely, Pamela Soward How to Oppose the Proposed Peel Dump Sites 1, Visit the IWA Information Centre at 2 Fisherman Drive, Ste. 4, Brampton, Ontario from November 20 to December 19, 1992 Monday to Friday, 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tell them you don’t agree with their criteria for selecting a dump site and you don’t want it near Halton. It will be a Peel site so they should have the impact, not Hall 2. Write a letter to ie "TWA. Tell them how you will be affected by a Peel Dump site: C.E. McIntyre, P.Eng. General Manager Interim Waste Authority Limited Water Park Place 20 Bay Street, Ste. 1625 Toronto, Ontario MSJ 2N8 cosa Cubs The North Halton District World Conservation Day for all second year Cubs in the District was held at the Terra Cotta Conservation area in November. Fifty-two Cubs attended the day and participated in hikes, a study of trees, a stream habitat survey and much more. guidance of a conservation officer. Here a pair of cubs work on a project under the Photo submitted Family Violence Enabling an abuser By Jacie B. Palmer I never really understood that word "enabling" until recently. Enabling involves, not merely con- senting to - but - actually helping the abuser to abuse others or him- self. Throughout my relationship with an alcoholic I always ensured I had ais favorite brand in stock and lots of ice in the fridge or cooler. I snabled him. I thought that since he’d drink anyway, there was no harm in onsuring the supply. I was wring. I contributed to his abuse of his ody and to the escalation of his violence toward me. It pleased him, to be sure, to be 30 well looked after but I just increased his level of dependence on me and others. I excused hi from having to take responsibility for his lifestyle and actions. Often, in life, we overlook the “minor” issues. For instance, purchasing booze for an alcoholic, condoning abuse of aspirins, prescription drugs or antihistamines, condoning speeding ps overlooking a lack of respect m our mate are all examples of Sais abuse. For years our family lived in an incomplete home. Renovations left half-done and yards requiring care became a way of life. Until now, the only time my home was in an acceptable state was just prior to a move. While it gnawed away at my psyche, I made excuses for my mate’s lack of con- cern and respect for me and the kids. A few weeks ago I undertook some major projects in my home and wondered if I was up for the challenges. I was pleased to watch as my children view my work with pride and respect. HELP US HELP OURSELVES One remarked to a friend: “Look what my mom did and in just one day.”. I was thrilled! But it also echoed back to former times when I allowed - enabled - a former mate’s uncaring attitude towards us. The kids, on the other hand, are excited to watch my progress and delighted to pitch in whenever nec- essary. From me they are learning to complete each and every job and that unfinished tasks are unaccept- e. 2 bs Hopefully they are and will con- tinue to recognize that violence in our society is unacceptable and that any actions which enable another person’s violence or abuse of him- self and others must not be tolerat- We have had some projects that really required a little more muscle power than I thought we could muster - but - try and try again - and eventually we met with suc- They encouraged me when the going was tough. They reassured me when I was a little uncertain. In short, they empowered me to get on with it - to complete the jobs. They must learn to accept every challenge and to complete it with pride. If you’re involved in a relation- ship where you find yourself enabling another person’s addic- tions, bad habits, and uncaring atti- tudes toward you, rethink your rea- sons for remaining with that per- son. Try to communicate your feel- ings to that person but if you are not successful in seeing any more than promises of change - Stop! Get out! You deserve better! Feel free to contact Jacie in confidence by directing letters to her attention at Halton Hills This Week. rrespondence will remain confidential. Jacie can be reached in person through the Distress Centre at 877-1211. Leave a message and Jace will get back to you. If you are in cri- sis, call the Distress Centre or 911. ge (HIS WEEN Hatton Hills This ‘and is printed in Oakville by QE. Web Printing. iph St., Georgetown, Ont. L7G 4B1, at price services may PUBLISHER: Ken Bellamy EDITOR: Scott PRODUCTION Lac ESTATE MANAGER: Kathy Toth MANAGI : Marie Shadbolt Kine MANAG! HALTON HILLS THIS W WEEK'S Is “INDEPENDENTLY OWNED & eral PHONE: 873-2254 873-3918