Page 2 — Real Estate This Week, Wednesday, March 3, 1993 TAX RETURNS SAME DAY ELECTRONICALLY FILED Associate Tax Consultants 101 Guelph St. Georgetown 877-2217 Business Cards _ Ee WR GRAPHICS. 875-1948 ce Coeoeeeeeoeee eHTH HTH$ 873-TAXI: Out at the with Bill Ellis THE HAIR I guess I might as well admit it -- I'm bald. Just like Bobby Hull says on T.V. -- I lost my hair in front of the whole world. Oh -- I'm not really bald -- not like a bowling ball. More like "sparse on top". You might say that I had my last peek at my widow's peak around 1980. Now it is tough to tell where my face stops and my head starts. Very disconcerting! I'm sure most balding men feel the same concerns I do. Will your life change drastically? Will people you know call "Hiya Baldy" when they see you on the street ? Will clerks, in stores, automatically extend you the Senior's discount, without even Revel c the top? Ha Ha!" Will your grand-daughter ask you if it hurts to be bald? Will Boy Scouts try to help you cross the street? ‘There are so many concerns. What about your friend, the comedian, who ‘states that your hair is a bit thin, then splits his sides over the line "But who wants fat hair anyway?" Will your wife suddenly caution you to wear your cap, in cold weather to protect your bald spot? Will a friend ask you to move your head, so the sun doesn't glint off the bald spot? When you first notice that you are balding, you reason that it will never all fall out -- it only falls out one hair at a time -- it will take forever. You become most aware of the T.V commercials about hair loss. You know -- the ones that show the before and after pictures. Note that the pretty girls are always shown with the "hairy" after picture. You reason that you might go for the treatment, if you looked like Bobby Hull, as a result. Ah -- the vanity of the male! You wonder how you would look with a hair piece -- but you know you would never have the nerve to wear it. Besides, would you have to wear a chin strap on a windy day? Ho! Ho! -- that's a bald joke - folks! You start to recall and make note of famous bald men. Just think of the dashing Yul Brinner -- Now He was bald! Sir Winston Churchill was bald, and it didn't slow him down any. Come on - think -- there must be more than just two! You notice that the part in your hair is gradually moving closer to your ear, so more long hair can be combed over your bald spot. Surely, this is a natural phenomena. Surely, you are not doing this on purpose. Of course, you are doing this on purpose, and what are you going to do when you get the part right down to your ear -- you dummy! Another burning question in search of an answer. How come your barber doesn't give you a discount, because there is less hair to cut, on your head? Answer me that! And my son, Jon, is certain to shoot me if I mention that baldness runs in the Ellis family males. It is indeed a terrible time. By the way Baldy, don't forget to wear your hat, if you go out in the sun. Don't want to burn our bald spot, do we? DAVESOAL _ TRICIA (SAUNDERS)LOMAX Sales Rep. Res. 873-3999 A 2 12 acres. m2 res or whole famiy..1 and fat rooms. Complioy fished win bias rom ae lane ‘any room, tae to golf cub. Better hunyll Call Bruce $219, 2.13 ACRES - Imac bck ie Acl treelined bee in country 13 WOODED ACRES ne room with brick emits pom di foo 3+ a $250,000 ths. Broadioom perl with wall to cig Bae fireplace. Much, ae nor ae Hi fe to your feeder. Room for a cour ¢. For mor infomation, call: Joe Utkes, 873-8518 “FREE” Use of Company Moving Truck on "MOVING one: wen i Buy or Thr lone ay Inc." PLACE FoR Your R HORSE verything for the 30 pool me wot tub’, ‘haa a colg LA kktchen. 5 bedrooms. 2 full baths, lower WILDWOOD REALTY INC. GEORGETOWN OFFICE ~ 454-8706 ~ ~ 873-4321 ~ REG COOPER JOE UFKES les Rep. Sales Rep. Rep. Sales Rep. Res. 416-873-6329 Res. 416-873-8518 Res. 416-877-9458 Res. 519-927-9017 iL Got a green thumb?? Better look at this ei STAN DALLEY RRA COTTA: ON THE RIVER Pali home, excellent spot for home business rE feant tend dentist, ost iOOD, GOOD, GOoD!! See this a today!! Prime location; close to plaza ble ne garage 1op and large gree’ the summer here. Who ee a Sage? Cal 8706 or Res. 519-927-90 Edge of town — surrounded Nurseries. Fabulous property to build your coun- try estate. Call Bruce for more details. $6,000 DOWN be use. Buy it ll Stan oa at a by Sheridan WW-178 COSY HOME .. ‘modem kitchen, and $115,000. Ask for Bruce. ~ short stroll to Downtown shopping. Fireplace in living room, finished family ames room. Exceptional decorating, attractive floor eth cont ah os Coie we pool make this an excellent choice. You deserve it! Call ‘$176,900. WW-20 REDUCED - $160,900 lick possession on ue beauty! 3 bedrooms, eupeeted 3 bedrooms. Better Hurry!! Full asking iss noe vate yard. Hard to beat at $160,900 ask for re Ww-187 BRUCE ELMSLIE BROKER “Listings urgently needed... Flexible commission structure” Call for details! SQUEAKY CLEAN LISTING ~ASKNG $173,900 aver bedrooms, 1-1/2 baths, Le throughout, lots of mature trees and access from {quiet street. ‘A MUST TO SEE". Call Joe, Sale Rep. fr deta, 8722518 . CLOSE TO PLAZA Getached garage and very pri- Call Bruce for a ca through. $169,9( aluminum trim a a fully fenced ho -194