Page 6 — Halton Hills This Week, Saturday, March 6, 1993 Editorial Is it all a waste of time? The ongoing, seemingly never-ending debate about Niagara Escarpment development control has raised some interesting, thought-provoking questions. Who best can handle develop- ment permit applications for projects, big and small, along this 450-mile scenic landform that stretches between Niagara and Tobermory? Should it continue to be administered by the 17- member Niagara Escarpment Commission (NEC), an agency whose members are appointed by the Ontario government? Or should administration be returned to the Publicly-elected bodies of counties and regions bordering the escarpment? Those questions have been fully debated in recent months at Halton Regional Council and Halton Hills Town Council. There have been charges and counter charges, but for the most part, the battle lines have been drawn between the Niagara Escarpment Landowners Coalition (NELC), which wants Halton to take over the escarpment’s development control and environmentalists, who staunchly support the NEC which the: which border the escarpment cannot simply seize development control of escarpment lands. They must make application, or Tequest, that the transfer of these controls be granted by the government, or more specifically, by the Minister of the Environment, who has authority over the NEC and Niagara Escarpment lands. Halton regional council, a Portion of a letter written by Environment Minister Bud Wildman to Hamilton-Wentworth That prompts another interesting question or two, or maybe, . Why is Halton Region Continuing to even consider taking on powers which obviously the Minister (and therefore, we would think, the Ontario government) is not willing to fork wit tive review of the NEC. Yes, the Niagara Escarpment should be protected. But it should be protected with equal rules for everyone. If that isn’t happening, then shame on all of us for not having the guts to change it. The People's Corner Special interest groups decried Editor’s note: The following let- ter was directed to Halton Hills Mayor Russ Miller with a copy to Halton Hills This Week. To the editor: This letter is being written to express my deep concern about recent allegations of bribes being offered to Councillor Bill Robson and Councillor Heaton. Councillor Robson announced the fact that he had been offered a bribe in a recent article in the Toronto Star, and this has cast a cloud of suspicion over local landowners, developers and busi- Ness persons in the Town of Halton Hills. If the article in the Independent was correct, it appears that no law enforcement agency has been made aware or have opened an investigation into these serious harges. Because of the very serious nature of these allegations I believe that you and council must be pre- active in this matter and put into Place a mechanism for dealing with incidents such as this. I would sug- gest that you set up a standing com- mittee of council that would be able to deal with allegations of wrong- doing that other councillors could Draconian measure To the editor: It is with surprise that I read in our local paper that councillor Heaton has been restricted access to all staff members except depart- ment heads. At this point I do not know much about the circumstances that led to this action. Some questions might be worth asking at this moment, however, an Mr. Heaton remain an effective councillor if he has been Testricted access to staff? In order to sérve his constituents well, he has to be able to gather information freely from any staff member that he feels would serve that purpose. What were the causes that led to this action and why was the deci- sion made in an “in-camera” meet- ing? The public has a right to know the answer to these questions. Are the reasons surrounding this Secretive? Yes!! ‘as the measure taken dracon- ian? Yes!! Do we as citizens of Halton Hills have a right to know? Yes!! Yours sincerely J. Kandziora Georgetown Teport to, of course, this committee would meet in-camera. This com- mittee would be able to alert coun- cil of potential conflicts or wrong- doing, and then report these allega- tions to appropriate legal authori- ties. It would allow councillors to have a sounding board of their Peers and I think would eliminate members of council from keeping such allegations to themselves. I am also aware from my deal- ings with council in the past, the need for developers and special interest groups to develop a Tapport with members of council and I am sure that some step over the line in their lobbying efforts. This commit- tee could review what would be appropriate behavior for councillors and lobbyists in regard to gifts, din- hers, etc. so the line is not crossed. uring my time with the Chamber of Commerce, the busi- hess community strived to have an open working relationship with members of council and allegations of wrongdoing affect all business Persons in the Town of Halton Hills. I would hope that Councillor Robson would reveal all details of this incidence to fellow council members so they may be vigilant in the future when dealing with these People and that police commence an investigation to apprehend the perpetrators. I know you have always had an open approach to suggestions from the public and I hope you may con- sider my idea. Doug Penrice Legion offer is appreciated To the editor: I was unable to attend the Seniors meeting so I have been reading about the Seniors drop-off Centre. Many seniors would like a place to go. Of course, the idea of the Dominion Gardens is Teally out of the question at $70,000. The Legion offer sounds very good, no charge or at least minimal tent. Legion facilities offered to the seniors and also the Legion will absorb maintenance costs, and the offer of a private office. To top this great offer, the Legion is to install a chairlift if it would be required. What more would we seniors need? I thank the Legion members for being this thoughtful. Of course, I understood they would be. Let’s face facts. Members are from the Canadian Forces, they went to war for Canada. The Legion building is for these persons of the forces to meet, play a game of darts, etc. and of course, enjoy a glass of beer and get together maybe talk over war times. money, so taxes will not go up because of us oldtimers. Kathleen Crowhurst, Georgetown Our community has “heart” To the editor: I would like to take this Opportu- nity to thank the following compa- nies and individuals for the won- derful support of our Heart and Stroke fundraiser “Dance For Heart”. Over 200 people came out and enjoyed the fun. Our goal was to raise $10,000.00 and at first tally we should exceed this goal. We would also like to thank your paper for running an announcement about the dance each week during the month of February. Anna Christine’s For Hair, C & S Printing, Carol’s Beauty Salon, Connoisseur’s Court, D.A.R.E., D.D.H. Distributors, Daddy’s Chicken, Delrex Variety, Dorrie Bland, Elaine Lewis, Fay’s Family Restaurant, Galoob » Hair Creations, Hallmark, J.V. Clothing, For Pete's Sake by Roe HEH- Hem... / BUPGIE TUMPING. Jason Michaels, Leslie Michalak, Linda Colgan, M.V.P. Sports, N.HLL., Neilsons, Northern Reflections, Paper Factory, S & $ Sound (DJ. Shane Adams), Sooters, The Coffee Grind, The Independent, This Week in Halton Hills, Val Kirton, Vanderburg Flowers, Woolco, Work That Body Staff/Friends, Young’s Pharmacy, Zellers I would like to extend a special thanks to Dan Bruton of Georgetown Golf and Country Club, who kindly made an excep- tion and opened his facility to us for this fundraiser. Also a special thank you to all our members and their guests who helped us to sur- Pass our goal. Laurie Burns Owner/Manager Work That Body eC > |HIS WEEK Halton Hills This Week, Weekend Edition, is pub- ished every Saturday at 232 Guelph St., Georgetown, Ont. L7G 481, and is printed in Cakville by O.E. Web Printing. Inthe event of typographical error advertising goods ‘r Services at wrong price, goods or serv ‘Not be sold. Advertising is merely an offer to sel which may be withdrawn at any time. IBLISHER: Ken Bellamy EDITOR: Colin Gibson R: Jean ICE MANAGER: CIRCULATION MANAGER: Marie Shadbolt PRODUCTION MANAGER: Kathssen Topolsek HALTON HILLS THIS WEEK IS INDEPENDENTLY OWNED & OPERATED. PHONE: 873-2254 —_FAX:873-3918