Halton Hills This Week, Wednesday, March 31, 1993 —- Page 15 Public Safety Notice Corrosion of mass-insulated, factory-built chimneys ff The Office of the Fire Marshal places, wood stoves and furnaces. ‘eis resulting in poisonous carbon recommends that you have your and the Underwriters’ Laboratories Corrosion of your metal chimney - monoxide gas building up inside _ chimneys (both metal and masonry) .of Canada have issued the following could ultimately result in the chim- _ your home. Studies have found cor-_ inspected each year by a qualified public safety notice. ney falling off the roof or nearby rosion occurring in some chimneys chimney sweep or heating contrac- Corrosion occurring in some materials surrounding the chimney _ that were less than three years old. tor even when the chimney is’ only insulated metal chimneys poses a__ catching on fire. Corrosion can Homeowners are responsible for — subject to light and intermittent use. potential safety hazard. These chim- _ potentially lead to a metal chimney — maintaining the safety of their own _ Efforts should be made to inspect® heys are commonly used for fire- _ becoming blocked by its own insu- chimneys. The Ontario Fire Marshal _ those. portions of an insulated metal A certified chimney sweep or [f '] heating contractor can determine how safe your chimney is. If your chimney is unsafe, you will be advised on what repairs are needed. Until repairs are made, the fireplace or other heating appliance should “ not be used. ‘Make sure your chimney is safe — it’s your responsibility to inspect it annually. For further information on this public safety notice, please contact the Office of the Fire Marshal at 1- 800-268-6187 or your local fire department. NDP awards Quality Name Brand Products: On Saturday, Halton North MPP Noel Duignan will be presenting * BRENTWOOD %* SKLAR PEPPLER Commemorative Medals for the 125th Anni fC di duos. pbs Lav seel Jasin frniveeny of Conuien medals. will be awarded posthu- x CITATION HOUSE * BODGON & aos. mously. The ceremony will take place in the Council Chambers at New Quners Elaine, Marvin and Deanie invite you Ca fain te the celebration! the Halton Hills Civic Centre in Georgetown beginning at 2:00 pm. The following individuals were nominated for their significant con- tribution to Canada, their communi- ty, or to their fellow Canadians: -Captain W. A. Adcock, Mr. Stan Allen (posthumous award),Mr. Bill =4 Chard, Mr. Lloyd Chisholm (posthumous award), Mr. Walt 1 APRIL 1 Elliot, Chief Warrant Officer F.A. TAPRIL 2 10-9 p.m. | Barbut, Ms. Barbara Halsal, Chet James Harding, Mr. Brock Harris, ! APRIL 3 10-5 p.m. Mayor Gordon Krantz, Captain | APRIL 4 = 12-5 p.m. | William Herron, Mrs. Rita Landry, Ms. Cindy Lunau, Cadet Brigade Hf nv 4) juperintendent Kei wis, Mr. Bem McNeilly, an Lee Mellish, Ret AW/ well Get Mayor Russell Miller, Mrs. Lauretta Mills, Mrs. Bernice Nichols, Mr, John Nichols, Deputy Commissioner Ronald Piers, Adult Brigade Superintendent Brian Rae, epecia’ asions Major Richard Ruggle, Ms. Diane van de Valk, Mr. Dick Willis (posthumous award) Ms. Fern Wolfe. When you change your clock, change the battery in your smoke alarm! INSTANT RESERVATIONS SMOKE ALARMS rox mtyowmisim | eaNagA 2000 sit Vi E Li = do not work. Before i turn this Return Airfares from: page,make sure yours is working! Vancouver $329. ME VALTON HILLS Cal gary $319.- ; INSURANCE a) fae} Edmonton $319.- Two Locations To Serve You HALTON HILLS ASSOCIA $259-~ OPEN SUNDAY The decoration, according to a Decorations by press release from Mr. Duignan’s Professionals office, is a reminder of the values of service, individual respect, and community effort on which Canada was built and on which its quality of life will always depend. Winnipeg . FIRE DEPARTMENT Halifax $239.- 2 Mountainview Rd. S., in co-operation with the St.Johns _ $269.- Georgetown INSURANCE BROKERS ASSOCIATION OF HALTON HILLS 873-7403 DENNY'S DUNLOP PAUL C. SPRIGGS serie operate om Toronto Btn , INSURANCE INSURANCE ARMSTRONG INSURANCE ONT REG #:1120080 aah ets St., 15MILLST.W, ee NGMILLST,, WESLEYANST, ROOS TRAVEL 3876-23 500 GUELPH ST,, 143 MI 8 78-2339 : ACTON, ONT. NORVAL, ONT: GEORGETOWN, ONT. - - GEORGETOWN, ONT. 873-2000 \ J 853-0150 877-5101 877-0133 877-5113 a EES AL ma RE PA SS TR Rr ;