Halton Hills This Week, Wednesday, November 17; 1993 — Page 21 Georgetown Little Caesars cab nves Chris Kearsey (left) marched beside Little Caesar (aka Shannon Wallis) in a chariot, of the 62nd annual Georgetown Lions Club Santa Claus parade Saturday. photo by Simon Wilson/HATW Money Talk with George Perdue ARTHUR F. JOHNSON ASSOCIATES LTD., REALTOR 877-5165 Tor. 874-3040 res. (519) 833-9578 & _ LARRY BARNSTAPLE *Sales Representative Providing Real Estate Services Since 1972 Let me bring Toronto, Mississauga, & Brampton to your home via Rogers Cable TV landscaping. Call 93-2607 | Larry dral ceiling. Exceptional decor }1 ff Larry Barnstaple". What's the Fuss in Asia? By George Perdue, B. Se. P. Ei Most people know that Asia (not including rr in this region is two or-three times the. ~ growth rate in the rest t, the growth reflects the fact that the countries are less developed than the major industrialized _ nations. As a result, the cost of products is often considerably less in Asia. Since costs are less, their exports to the industrialized world grow rapidly when the world economies are strong. When world economies are weak, Asia still grows because industries are relocated there as.a savings mea- sure. At least two other major factors con- tribute to the growth in Asia. First, they are located close to the biggest potential mar- ket in the world — China. Second, they are building and investing in infrastructure for transportation and communications at an incredible rate. Hong Kong repre- sents the largest a the Asian “Tigers”. million people ber’ work on 1060 square kilometers in the shad- ow of neighbouring China. The stock mar- ket there now repre- sents capitalization near the Toronto stock exchange. In 1997, China takes over. While British Governor Patten has created some uncer- tainty in the past with demands on China con- electoral that China views Hong Kong as their window to the rest of the world in terms of trade and economic growth. A mini-constitution known as the Basic 1997. Although China wants total control, the Basic Law provides for some form of demécra- cy. The people of Hong Kong apparently want the best of both worlds. China has now taken the lead in investment in Hong Kong. Its $20 million last year sur- passed the total of Japanese and American investment. Along with invest- ment, Chinese compa- nies have begun to establish themselves in Hong Kong. These com- panies are beginning to influence the way busi- aga the develop- nt of Chinese busi- ness in adjacent provinces. This is leading to a blurring of the border. Certainly recent stock market. movement is signaling stability and growth. Asian funds rose as much as 138% in October alone. During the years leading to 1997, we are sure to see some inter- esting twists, the peo- ple of Hong Kong seem optimistic and cénfi- dent in a bright future. Business Consultant, and Partner in Money Concepts, Halton Hills. Along with associates Aysen Abaci, riers Brianceau, Peter Chaperlin, and Karen Perdue, he can be con- tacted at (905) 873-1877. in Bice 3 Relist walkout basement, lot backing on OH. e 504 Tato sat ary Bara e775 165, 93-2: STORYBOOK YARD Erin's better neighbour. hoods. Gleaming hardwood floors, very private feedback Suny Kitchen and finished rec room. 93-2330 ‘Asking $174,900. AFFOR! IDABLE BRICK VICTORIAN Privately tucked away on 4.5 acres yet minutes to town, treed car garage, walkout ment ha Inground pool. Call Larry* 877-5165. 93 ROCKWOOD TOWN & eg ap heel pin 3 ale 113 acre ed aye room ith wean. hot tub, va to two Thome decks. Larry’ 877: WHAT $219,000 fared 3 bedroom brick on near acte }¢99,900 asking, 3 bedroom townhome to yard from base- | Uj; ard. Aa 2-484 tary 67 fay raveat high on @ hil i among the Maples. A A spacious home of elegar Larry" 93-2-483 [or all the details. 99-2-995| inspoiled basement, patio doors to fenced CS ine 10 mins. to 401 By ition, creati design and construc- jon combine fo make a winning team. An executive separate guest QUALITY, LUXURY, SPACE (Only $499,000 asking.'S bedroom Cape Cod on 123 acres of gourmet kitchen, Tom, ting. Recently ‘Charm & convenience. Call Larry’ 874-3040. M, », adjoin- I roy ing study, beautifully finished lower level with walkout to deck, 25 ACRES thant pond, fast flowing stream. Beautiful 4 bed- ost and beam with 3 room apartment, 2 large oubulngs. Call Larry Bamstaple*. 877-: Bee 99-2-825 fl cj al eb 2, on toed it Hot wih on, p open Fencept main A ed. Fo aa ee ar ER Call en fal nutes to my BY 5165 a .565 SPECT: eet VIEWS floors, 10 ft. pe cherry plank floors, one bal- ‘cony cious bedrooms, library, large san 57 acres of i til & streams. sunroom, large elevated patio, walkout basement - Very bright home, Stocked pond, workshops. Adjacent 21 acres ‘with shop also for sale at $129,000. 2-367 LOTS OF LOTS ‘A- 3 acre building lot, 275' x 500 ' Asking $99,900. Call Larry 874-9040 a = haze bina SOLD ose $79,900. Call Lany 10th SIDEROAD, ERIN HERE! $129,000 asking for this 21.5 acre building lot, trees, stream, pond, trout, new 28 x 48 ft. boas Call Larry’. & 6] #78 Wordery} View ESTATE LOTS 99,900 & 114,900 2 acre lots on paved road, ravine, trees, close to Georgetown *Go". Call Larry* 874-3040. [$499,000 Spring fed pond. Open stall insulated bam with paddocks. a home with spacious family room meadow. | addition with cathedral ceiling & stone foes > Stuated to take advantage of the ie 2 93-2-1 20th SIDEROAD. $649,000 OF CALEDON ‘lose to Urea ied close to fs 4 and #10. Great ie site while wai ves for future opportune, * Call 877.