ELECTION '94 After a very interesting and history-making Federal Canadian election, we must turn our attention to our own Society run for office. The Annual General Meeting will take place on February 9, 1994 at Knox Church, Georgetown. All members who have paid their membership fee for the 1993 - 1994 year may elect their executive. Please consider serving on the executive for the upcoming 1994-1995 year. Someone is also needed to run the election on the night of the AGM. This Nomination Chair must not be a candidate for the executive. Here is your chance to serve the Esquesing Historical Society and here is a guarantee that you will not be asked to serve on the executive. To volunteer, please see EHS president Karen Hunter. To run for the executive, please give your name to the Nomination Chair or to Karen Hunter. HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT GRANT The Esquesing Historical Society is very pleased to acknowledge our latest grant from the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Recreation in the amount of $533. This grant is to cover the operating expenses and activities of the Society. The grant is based on our annual activity like meetings, publications and newsletters. As you will read elsewhere in the newsletter, we have another exciting year lined up for local historians.