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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 20, 1875, p. 2

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"FFin^Y MoifXiSsi;, .ui.\ -\>. it!:.*..' - -DF .CANADA THE ,TE,ADE -DF CAN tmU bJ tilif nust. lot\r vear: ti',ri.'sTsi'.i>w- tuir import-- to hav 4--,-td'u o\iYexport** (v the folk amounts:-.:- "",-' 'fin ISTl-'J !bv the siiirf of ifiVOJ .:"|u hs;-J '""tn.is;:v-ij ij! itislv than vi.Va i\; _lITlii}> "iVi!ivym^. astir-lb tiviy th i T.k.^y^o ooniuirnd ?to "the cajrvlul'at Contiotiiot oir.'. readers1- -*" Tho viois,silr.iU-s "^Uiviiqhyiiioli the -.business i>f Canada-has- passed 'dnriivj thela$t oig'.V!Ui'onths.;,-iTavo '"attAeuird-Uiove ,than tmusual jnipor itnjj'f.djo tisoafycar, which etoxyd on naeodth.of dune l'asd.'".,- - r- 1. hi 18T4'i .) >.".v is^jf i-Ufal I.mlit,; i mnt ; ^fL.'J_v:'hra".-"jM" our .importations durrrTg 'tir^piclw iuohiIiSt was *$I-21.t;?l,17oY and of-'ionr <>> joi :$^0,ti6'2.."'l.H'>~tlH' total -volume .adduce these tiijurcsw to tdio chief ':-:iiiMiot"t!:i' Ivnaneial pr< which" is att present .so^ehorall njir transactions bi <7| '2~...'.-Tlu-si? rvfurn >cuii; ..^-Oi.srM.- boim; of much i JH-j-H'fiViSi'.l .: wo iiippeiid interest in the V.1"0*- Vendition of busbies: them |ne.ith.'asking the- reader to : -o6eer.i:-.that- ils* r-gt'.res'ivt-'each- ProvyVctja'-'e er.iy for tMeveii months, iicd" tlt*t ttios't- for Juno ari>, addeq ~ui t.he end collectively, and'not il^is'- <, Ontar;o..... Queli^c. ..... .,V:.V:i.i. .-NiM* SrSrrsw - Jfeuntoh.C - Imjvrt* - ok ti,rS;V.m 1. 24.071- 1.7:2>..y..Yv Tvkp.'Vts. Jt*..t!*4.til't'i ;ij.S';:.-7i;4 fl,7i4..i: .7">l From' various eaiisos,: tlifi ; trade balance ifgahiM, us wus (1 ess: much; loss: than this am iieve.|theless, it is oiilv noofssirv ti'j k\f sure t tV'ld riio-l.K<iiiiuion is'boinj; trifil Kt-jiuy for ; it^> lvootft onoriiiolis nji |>orhrtioiis of iriHiils'f'iim-.iitln'r.oomi- ti'iivs/.'imt'.ihlHni^fj f];<; jrop'.ls mViv I o:-tll thtr-'r&on'oy.^ .'v,l i::i. ". "iu> iloubt, tluit tlioy1 iro, st,i!l it is liimlto tind nionoy o.iou$;h when lui])ortote'- jiujvhas-'., ionrly doi'.Ulo; what, tfio oiHintry fivally suHjiliixis. rW'livviowiuL" tho tnir.'sact oiis of I i\ix> so um-harittiblo to him.-ns hh iiiort! ( -tli<>y olintVaiid tmlly likii ultornatoly, ami it. is a tnn-iousfuof. that tho' young O. TT>4:ri)wii".oltlory. sorms todoso all rooi>lh*rtU)i\ of the tnni>'whOi\il'u>J was ;\qfiwn, and tnkca ilolisht in U"iuig with' his.; foriiuT tunnoli- tors to uso in dilti? tiiannoi' tho MinU oligihlo subji'Ot thoy moot -with ; (>orliaps iirtlio days of his fii doin lio h-Hlkod forward to this tinio, as jUiu^r'.SiU.vairoMHn^ u chanoo fir liiui'to wroak his- ivv-iihgn on " thi> coining inan."- ' :Tlu;" B.wcll!" Coiiinjinyi:|l Tiuvol- lor is: iuiht"._vy cavd ; ^ftis |H'i^onal luurirj'.i;;' is ofton nvnoh ^kirncr than his suiiiolos, and AVihat bi)x, iinhrol- la and ioaiio aro' jinlisiii-UNi^iok ! - longing iif; this vajioiy ; in (.n^na'da thoy lihn'ost"all hai| fiu:u Monttyal,' and tJioy sliiiio to tiosti iv.lvantugo in Wcsforn': cities and "iai^c"' tow.iu-y vj vll or. in fact; -v- i-mu-jli ^ithstanulu S'.Oi.. 1.1S(\0V'7 J, HM.yhi. lA.tVlTrOiii' j-tv,tr,;.,-.>jii Prince EdvO. I-?'.l British I'Jluinb 1,?-?.'ill il;LLif W Jtiiioi..: 11 ,'S i7 ,t|7S '" Tot^S^v.-'.. lil.iyi.J7o .: Them ,-arf) sty.-ei-al [points :wiiicl irivita.cpo'&i.L'Rfui th t.r.iiisaotvon: *o^ ttie'. l-ecent- tiseAl A-ea'r, "aiul fes-ji -we have-a'lrge.*ocluio in tlie t-k tent of our trudeJaJ cpipari.xl.w;ri the years- mimedi?Uo'y piejfrdi'.ig the iinusiti-.il'iy la.s-'ge ex .which -;.to6k': 'JttaOei >t .1 pansion comtuert* ilUrjnp; the': four :. years 'ending i-u lSToi this.de-cliiic- is only *5rha\ might 'iiattUr.i'lly: lie expected. 3Jut let, us. see . how :mciij. the : Our ' touil Ttn-tivi: _ .' il "la 1S7-2-S was '$ii7,.$<v4,">lr; ' ' ); Jiu.-T^-.t.-ic.-' f' i Eighteen hundred; ;ar.d ^n-tnuy- jl re ' Vtmjtu6n?i:4 hist-ory, g'tiiuling out'as "ihe pSiToa1'of our greater;; expan sion up t<J the prestilit" tV.inv In the: Sbllowirig- yx-:ir, our ti-aa's-ictionR fell.; off daly"to the-value of $5'-i'd;419'.; "but d'uxJng-ihr year just c-!ts^J there wais a further decline of 5i-f.'jU_.-' 3S5. This-is a very e-TIfsider-ablt ji'rifnapally..' IjeetTUKide up of iiapjjrls 'we should- iia.v-j felt no rirrret.uEiit.is.no-.v- uui- VelrSaliy admirted tstit the Dotniir- ion is.suti'erin^_ Jrorii over iiuporui- ,tion, but iiitfqrluniut'fv thele was a 'creater; ftiihhg on in o::r e\;>ui-;^ imm. |npurinipor-t^ai v.-e shall see thoy .ciir.no't bo ivifir.lod' a1* , Mitis-Iiutory. Not that woci nsidor! the fiulillsj oil", in till! total, -volume: <.<( ti-.ule sis nnfortunatt; th it was soiftothing: inevitable after th . great oxpiiiisio.n. wliioli hod -put'-ious.ly !.iitiiine.d. .-' But it is' unsati.s aetory I that our exn-i'.-:-. have deeljn .t-r.d tlr.rt our inipoi all'the waruilig our Importers received, ^vero soiaeisix millions -jif i\\e -j yv-ii". If.inn' imports had. e twenty 'millions, and our advau'Ci'd to tlioextent they ed. t'.ie ^oniinion would p luive- esc.ipj.-d miist o'f the "1 at .present being encoiuu-ert. \ye made our. bed. Jio.wuver must, lie in it, and. we cm '< prvs^; the hope,.that-..'now. ,: ;iill'plassesi, ineliuihig licth: stde- and ;-iKetii.il dealei-s. i in.y bl> ftilly alive to the import mce. of working oO' old shocks'and ftig lta.-bilit'.es, bcforefiiicurri 1 obli^iitions. . " r - This i-ouml advice, is, we Aeing Hoyy very generally .fact\ that goods ;have.for months been iflirly sIoav-. "Titis.is.not a tnituu- ret: it! is, iii'f.ict, alieaj 1:- ir.1iitM.1i i ' thi.e bns.uijss" de;termi:ieil to reaiiz-i- dpoii stocks and get into e.i.sier stitices. mid witli that il.i.- so sienaral in all branches 1 amil the'iindwibtedly large H.ir-v now beirjg reaped, .we hoj soine revjvul ip business tin ubL .-prob;.-,!,:;- b L.arked "ties-ire, aiul as sbrnefan.^ol o elude their diftieu \ihere tlie uninitia"ted"ai.o bnlyper- plexed as to whefhi'j; the'gorgeous gent is.:\.foreign plojii^otentiuiy or uiaii. In -the wintor .liiritv ho '\v,illi Jnivti 1'U^s, coal.s-and saichi'ls eiioii^h- with Fiim for a [ - such is his well- tjipt i for all the vld- :$ar reiiiiireinents of ' life/ including rjusines.s, ' in-T mi'imiers 111 I !Saratoga swelt issiiuifd confer] .that otheir and more, re tiring members lif the craft cannot but woiider when lib docs that busi ness, which he alfeCts fb regard as altogether a nikior coiisiileratio!'. to nod "-.so J thi'iiiiajntiuuiii^ his reputation1 uS'a. s -ink-1 " dresser.'-" To tho: credit of ourl whit'll; fraternity bi>.-it"vS:vii;t.that lie i-s rv- witliii'i garded-by the majority as n. vulgar a'i|lirainless fop who ondcav- clini il'.: >xport;J |-H declini I ' obaliiy ouble.' k _:Ab so'Ave uly e.v t least- W'iiolrl ecivas,-, g:fre:,l> ' G v elieve ^ollowe* i,lU'.?! ' Of exceed fo hy sig-. Ijnell 'are ]irescnt 1 snoii, drs, by affecting to ignorel'.is-coii- frvres (orf;:tho road,; hnd pivserviug poinpoxis . silencei when in- their ciuiip:vny, to iuducofi belief that he is Sir t h-iicile- i- and -Wei o hi!' bu t U> open his lips, the words of w-isduni that would fall- from them, would isliiirinj theDclphian Waclc of ohl i This hian deems it. l^.is'especial privi- leiie -to stare out iof countta-lanee every' holy \vho-iis unforte.nate enough to coints uhder .his' notice. But bin -t'yp 'is becoming .rarer every, year. Mer chants'are psalkingi th!;it the ]>raiiks these triiveiling-tailioi>sho[is cut'-up don't pay ; they find they have "to "pay tod dear for their.-whis'tli'."' Then w-e 'have th slv ' Coni- [meijbial TniVeller, -whoso peceadil- -i-oesa're known .-only to-a few, but are -iionu'- the -Io-S ,for that; he iis oftens^inistaken for- an itinerant circuuv."j preacher, anil, in fact, would have- position kiio.objection to addressing a Sunday if tr,tde..,school if thought he could thore'-'y " lie is regarded by which, should hIiu bo .brtHliftJ, wil' ^tiirkuku of tho liii^tujtro of u Holiloquy. ' 'iSti'althilywatching 'hiH niovo- tnont.s,' wo Imvo-trio "spy "' Oom- 'mo.jxdtd'Tilivelier, happily 11^ " rara i\vis," butldotoHted mid blmiuied by t(ll who know his despicable natui'o. This is tho tuair who,' nycophaiit -t.h.at ljii;is~iiilUes it Tius Inisiness to worm irniiHolf'iiito* thi,! conlidenob of his fellow; travellers, nud then, iit tlio first .'Opportunity, : poisons the ( Sirs of their-iijuploVms'-wiih garbled iieiHiuiits of tlfeir ibiing on tim road, and who regiUes flu) tob-bfteii greedy eiVis of country merchants with his- tiiries of .tile Ho'rapeS of lhown, the ;inisdi'\ 'ds of Jones" and tho'sj[it%Cs' of ljobinson. - - -' Y/ayi-'AUkh. , Romaiict) in Roal Liife, ,' viji Krw 'Yoik, in 17'.Kivni\,y storo was in Miiidon I.ane, wii-Wjlf Unt'e doors of thoMoro of JohnMowiittj i'U extenViiive dealer in'shoes. If is', fiireiiianwas .hilin l'elhis'e, who hat behind: the counter stitching shoos wild waiting on" customoi'R as thny came in, Olio day a- corpse was found i.U-The dock at^ fhO'.fnot ^>f; the .street. Tho cor,on'qr" took 31 as pleasure in lotting U10 good 1><bplo oftActoii und tho GoiVntios of " '"' " Q: AND r^ 'Which will bo ulon,!\during this'month, 1 f till! t 1 ji'iryini'n from, the niMghbbrliood aniong them Mo"watt-jxnd his fore man, iYUuse. THo-'cor])so lay on centre of tho room, o jurymen - remarked a talilo in tm Souie of th that as so.on as John l'ell.uso hiokod on th'tvLorp"', he .started, turned pah', "irhd/'iltirikoU 118 il.'^oing to faint. :Mb rallitnl, liowcver.f but his aubseipient .inoveinents oci'.i- sioned soiiiiIj curious re'iiiiuks. Tho jury having rendered u verdict' off, le;\th jjy- diow.ujnyl'wero" ilihcLtirg-1, eil: '. Mowjitt tinned around to look^ tor his,fo.!i!iui).ii, biit behold ho was not lln're. Ho stepped out of doors- saw hini-highUip iu'thb street,? on a halt] fiin, when he cpiickly tiri-ned a txipner. | All sorts of. inquiries were niado, but nothing"'/could 4je htvird of hmi|' This; with his turn ing ^.de at. {tho first view of the corp-lei, fcVaasioned sonVo* siiVjiriMf- aniovis j^ora, for inanV' tlays iifter- wardf!.- .'.' 1 . -. John jNIosva.tt wiis a .bachelor .of thiify-fiv.a1 and Pelluso had seen about thirty, summers., .1 : ;. OnT'iKjiteftaiii diiV,- about 0110' month 'after, a latljt in defp piourn ing stepped into .Mo watt's store mid t a=d.ed for a- pair Of shoes." While. Johii w'tis. trying how- the -shoes fit TOEnDERHII, % ATT RA0T10NS . And that AVoii'dor'ni'l.Bfan's Htanding n(JU<>" Siriall Profit's iftrid Quick' Sales ".will bo the Wiitchworict, jvhieh'means m An early iuswetion from old friends and. cost August J -]&"%' SlQMT Ilnltpuand NVellingtoh k-now.: tliafc .lie nos juct i;ituvnqd from'jfcho" large jnrrchaBefi of =CD ."% . -4- r ----if ^ furtla;r~no1-ico 6f-wfehwdXb'e- given. - =" -^---------------:----------'-----------------------------------. . > ' .. ... :) - J ..- BE OFFEEED! \#: *>i- sk A;s ^^,IG33S j^l^ri^ OL^>l^r.C3h omers isj-esnectfrilly. solicited. J^". ^Rp^IljST Alma Block; Trpr&XV'yndham Street, Giitlpb. 1?/ i, In; Hardware 'undersold. qur - '-y"-.-.! Ilil , jCrpck|ery and Glassware we - <iain- . ._ =till a coirside,r-able/impi upon the first ;h r-aoleMinpi c ilt.ofil.S7iv It'.ery i->;- ties.-bu't oveuient Experiences df a;"Cbintrnerciil Traveller.: 1 Tr h iV 1 Tateron. --*- The decline in the valtto.of our (^rcbasesT6&356j*tgn go^xis in 1S7-4-5 :/f*ai^a!a^a^'s 'i.-vmpai-e.'i 'with'; J-i^i^Jprecedkig twelve, iipjriihs.i. If it had been, four titiies as ruuc'u we believe it would 'have e.fcii better^- ifor CVrin3a, for undoubtjjiily the ri- ViHnriiil difficulties w-hich'exLst^ with ;-, . the ^consefjueut: failures and-lbsses.- | .ttikinjg jjlace.ure-largtly attributubiu. to the iiratri aipon money caused-by having to pay the erioroious foreign _i_. itnportatioiis of recent j;eai-s.. It is ^gluiifyhigltq khdwi.s how-eyer.'that contrtict'ou h'ks-et jn." In 'Is73-1.- y>e had a stirinktigp. of. SI U)A2j->, during thi. Jiitst/'^eiir, as-ii-e, hare seen, it ^aa over"'jl,000,tjf)a,-.-Jnd giiv-eu ta.bnyfers sent o\er this seaS?ii to Crreat iBi-i-. tain, th" contraction is likely tJ be, Btill grfcatet^ iluiing the' eurtent t-aehe moLths. This is the)(true ' course to taLe to ease the.monetary 6ti-iigtrxcy and rfestcfre the biusiness of the coauti-y^ .to its normal con: ditiafti i. .'y i- - We ilioubl almost; Jae led to con- -clude from the'statement of our ex ports, that the harvest of 187^ was not so bountiful as was geTOrally fcapposfd Our exports ufiriJIijAfhe year bhow a decline of i$8,6s^;3i2. The returns of our slupmeiita abroai during the p^st three yeaiss -vren folio*s ' "', Exports m ISJfrS.. i...; lST^^.iiV The dullnesjginjtlijs and in eur lu&iber t; ] r* 4>ut there is 8^u^:i-i" that the crops las I out so-well as ed TJbe onlyiotf count forj-so/IaE otir expats, w<5 tike idea ot th tamed Uu.fr a.'jj _ wheat crop of a ed by the fans pricea. Wie which has bed ed never-^ foundation,, u to be fotlud bar><fe wiis'j abw^t he ave stances yegardiiflH^BHHKt^. {[ether, it is not^^H^^^^^Hy^j- ,- jthe stylet '-A^^K^^^B^^Uktt'^ thtoujfli h hich JH^^^^hHHH% enjuyeil se-vefra^^^^^^H^^V-of a$73r3L'w|ien; - laginete^jftBdj ' WfUotlar I1Y " OXZ OF THEM F?vt.i t'if! Canadvlil {llu-~'.rai Comm met eia: to s?e \\ta-. customers a^ : a-piifagon of vir- sfail -,-tue, and is alway.s\s[iek, well-brush: iu.iny I ed, /mil ti.iy. ; A.fii rule*, be parts: bis hair |n the niidille, aiid ncvpr speaks above ,a low and well-modu lated tone' qf : voise; He -si'iiih-'sj 'ineeklv at the .jokes of his boister ous companion's,' who, if they'don't know Jiiiu.well,'regard him .with a 'Lfeeling akin to a'v.'tv! ' - ,- .-;- ; As an-or]set to this character, we have the , "hail- fellow, w-.t-11-met " \"e.'V tiaid but . what liiis. iK'con.ie of him, I would gjve a gopd deal-^to learn." He s=to?y H. -m and sit prices "belo^w^he1 rngtrket, sdts from tteee^doilam stocks In^G^ocefles, we pave one of the largest I ^e^tpf^ronto.^ " ""'"" '"""' ' Our -stock of Teals1 Is not equalled, and ranging; &om 15, cent "to 90 cents per >poiind. '""'* ""*' "" - v ~i it. fci -'!: ttTlS huiyomjui^d-^^ou lQ" bs best ,WHke Gruslied or Graitulated- Sugar* for $L ren,-e't enr^hltriha'<t "" I:' / 'fr^'y^ comeofijimr.;; - '.-v..,] | ^ _ ., ^ . jgj lbs b ^ r^ e^ura, Sugar^^r )' '+>. } A- 1_ 11 13 lb Bairk. Ma^pwSugar for'-j^l Ap Segals and ; jcCaa^st Tools,;'y^o^v^i^ abovt d S"tir*. as a (lis- j, .Ui- i if,i the .-itiT Iig taken the day. inter of jrcial tra'.'elleis. k, (tr'e daily growij portancej its'is evinced ,by ereiising-iioti.ee .which is.b'ei of them in the Sprints of Unfortunately, a'-Jarge' :: theti-aternity, esj/eclal1y'":i cross thei lines> hive'well earned an i nworithy rejmtirtio'n, hut in J1 this C annda of! burs" 'the. iiomiaercial tra .-elleis of to-day-7-tb- their-cltklit'ibe it'said^ are'j as-aithihking,'- inte!ligc;iit class of the community, infinitel superior to those knights of tntT'fO uly-;wlt-,- teuor fifteen yi;i).rs" ago, so-welf eamecl.ik^fiobrifjiret of " ^hadian guerillasj" \ I must, how-i :Ytr, -pl-e- sume-soifar o'n; the acquit scene* of my brother sample men so Sa to admit that there is still au plojroom for improvement;' and 't 3 justify this admission, I; will at ;eoi.pt;"to sketch, ft. fefw of the mors notable .types of U3 trayel'ers. ' \ : One very'eo'mmda- now-a^day&.is. the " green" Commercial ;.Yavell$R' the frecpieney with which. d;Uit specimen owalg^'"' the rapidity- ~r'*^-tm* ofmeai/ He Commercial Tttivelk'r,'whb;always v-fiir, .vhu ' ' " tfccii: rela;ted stated. ..- :-.- f ; 's Htrrlige, " replied", tlie lady. ." " Aiid yoit'have . not .seen him since'. " . " *"' ' " 1- have not seen hini since.;'- .:: 'A^'s, tou h.fvi! seen -him," re pliedtVJ.utlyV' '...'"' "i ceitiiiuly," said Mowatt, '^wptild-not .cojifradict a lady of your appihii-ance, but-,1 jhave noit seen hirirt.o inv'kno...... has his joke i-ea'>lv-f..r,.vi-iu,| a-ii.l ihv ^'^ l!lm"-M".v Knpwieuge,._f -.. his imniem,o di.-plav! of -(Cf.cid^tl .' ' ' ^'-'b.'ii.rn.,-' s:o,l >-h,'. i'.-.l mtikes v'ou feel thai; vou're liiot;'haif "Jolui -B-eUu^and tii.ft -siibjec; The Crrea r^ r ?S 1 t on whom'.we licKl tifo uiqut-st, wits myu husband. ' My family name is .Ran! fits, b'oru in- Philadelpliiu'.. . * I married (acniusfc the wishes of my parents) Jol\n <.'onner,'a' sober, iii- dustiious man, by trade 'a Bhoe- rnak.er. He took to.drinking, ne glected his business, and once snick the mm voiii. ought to-"be, in fact, thab y oil 'lie -almost- a'ni anchor ite. . This | yoiitli's.: ambition is to earn "a reputation f<>r being "a jolly felloyv, jtechiiically: knov.-ti: 'is a' li goM hoy," or a' " white man."- He raeyeJF objects" CO 'sitting ,up' all night "jiiit to pleiisethe'cbmpaiiY,'* ; , and he vhill sing- fori them, play for ' me> whilh in liquor. ; We had no ------- faniilyj.J.so I resolved,' ^CHe-.-weFj were sfc/tching'jjjjg^j. together,' to | leiiru " liisj.trafl ; you" San/ Tile1 them, - alati^-drinkj;for .them. A speciroeil of this spjscjes is k perfect ged senjlto tho fossiiiized'^shopkeep- ers. of sbpie rural lianilet," but 'v/ith' those who know them better, tlieu*: huriorLsins'and' mountebiink^.|]tJdf|| are stale,'flat' and ;unprpStwg|,-jgP' though in Irural.district^'^r his mote soher-nwride^ '" shotild-fiill ia with huS clown's : pleasure J*"^ the guffaws, of tfii *uo-4tfeww JA>- IS NOW 30ING ON :% es^on Determined to elehr off tlherbal^n ;e {of Summer 'Other house in Griielplk <an affort |(^ |ive.' " "^bi'ssi^sVH^'-^ttl^rS V0F A;JPEW; OF THE LIKJES; llEDUiOEI). Rich' Primed Ijiwn 3 and Jlfl^lins, 7J-c'.',.' vi. .Those betiiltiTtil.'Celtaliiil titisteretts't>ress ^idOMB I^Aies,' SilKJtaga^.es,125c, tJtoods- torBeJii-usiied ealjprice SI.' l^laek anl Col'oredSiUts at li.hlf price at the. Great Gue}pli':i)r^ Qoods Store^ie Lfpn, v '*" :, It al*it|nlikery:tlV<^|tei|l^ ^chjdj>ne.up.:iri^itS* spjjfer^ilf i 6tn^| -iiBv^rltsh'eB f i-anticull| i.tT the platform, and e: Lasper^ ' -".Wiggage-smasher " - .by *hri felesqimpoftO'nites-fOr cchiectsi- Esn hje is at Ieiigtff Fair y. on"his hi^ inexperieJice.'m-iuifesfes iit?- Fin about the samei wi y as:does of [any other " uht I'a'velied-^- |n; hB ia sin; to hav.3. Iojt; nis et w-Jljen the! GondHctyr'-cbmei ind, hnd exhortsf -thi f ns'ua iho iofficial's pa'tienc ^, by Irfi ffii'arch for- it in all sorjai o 'unlikely i has-'). Jlaces, probably .conclude 1 Ky find j3ng it id his other, ha'nd.'; - i^iit'lt'I^- aw-iy. if^om home, tht^t tba " ne'"" bjand " IjecomeSrCon'si^citoiis'yiiUI^;^ efforts, to maiht^B npncl^antf^r^'j ai^ vair^the^^ni^"servi i^'-tkafee (] liis'. ivewahey;, mpre ipiniji alfe --jii>> mihnfc7l '.-SefUaa; '4nwl ie'd'-'piaii:" wiilpho(eL keepers ; i&iqja: d they be J has a ^'fiiil^'[ the : ^lnhviifi, though ;-'blissfully ij^opnt-o^rifci coiues in,. for. but a iimal f Bh^re/o^ accommodation; " N'or ;ii 'At :threy: alone who ti-ifficon their i ^norance, '.' a -feliOw- feeling'[ is sajt is r^wondfotiB ,'kind," but th>nitw :'for#ri&te:i; travelling -'SoS i^-UAcfo'] i^6es;tha fallacy of the iu,*f(}^ :lake>-tt^ -"'is toti'often the case tfiai uono' t once: jiift t to.tiiiik.e iintaryjl untelia ;hel trrave Fa goto it-be called the r-their^prpfessed Sgp. .-'.One' nlmost 8^ were ever allow- '~*~" But he is1'not to the "curious" j^yeljer, who^ like "the ij^ft. Jbave beeji _irt.-'; ig^nOyance 'of' all', irtfculav pester"- i^brother, w.ho li: business to boiit.himi and irtireply fco i \feill jtell yoti jK.bjisiness with . tl^Jt -'cora- |; Biit whose yd? ainforfcutia^iy % libfotfyeir of hi jgnt" 'OpmineVci^l inibt-vited'.' bi'ass| iihe have not yet-, form- ^^l^iuyVplansl" ( ; . '. " , .. } - . ' " uithe "Well;" 'oaidi.John, -.-I liked "J you as & joTtrtfeyman, and when my foreman,' I was' pleased ; sup pose we noW go into partnership for lifer"' i "'v "'.-";.. ;'-lh: forty-eignt hours -thereafter they were map^ied.; She was fine looking Wotriah, a Ad might huive passed for twenty-fivo.~:' : - :'-'>'-. '- ." This, perba^fej"- ish'tho- first injj sfca\nce-on'record, of "a coroner's juryftian on the cbirp'se of her hus- barid. '..[".!';.' .' .' .' r" .- The above is i-a simple tale'Of truth. ' tnereha? b>;V| krib^-*-! disilifen hiiiti" ibio.>.|-'.'-in:- his bnfk^i f jof cuatotiiers jto Bere'h'an'tV nod :to p^anfce; iin5 tlfo ce'eds to"clack; ry,. ^tiubbing irrepressible ^he hooks the ^rnattiif he id; - havdjy or the AT THE fASHfANABLE WESlr EH| 'Re inhabitants of the Villai of Acton and surr(iu|iaing country .are i - T . ., ... i| Hovr to become puffed up swal- .lpw a. ptot'o|f yust. ..; - " "' Wilh ,ra'6at;ni4'n, lif'^.Iike bijck- ;g^moh/4iiiltaJU|j.md.hali,iUc'k. ,i J"'; Wto'did^iirkill that cat'for, Isjkciyp-'i'ot-' rnewtin'y, !inarini.i!' < piMioafcipeoplet-are like eggs^ too full of ti lemselvqij-.to htjld anytliitfiv ll^'i1-'- "!;, i.; ;>;'.'..' ;. ! ' y: A:hetl\thy-clrib-wifh a man at lh'e:endjpf'ii,-willrdo nioro to pre- Vettt!. orebara-robbing thaji k hun dred signs, of " spring guna .' and man traps;,"1 ' ' - |i: I " i ' Someb,indy has calculated that 4;hreie million wdrds Kyere used by the .parties^ inj the Tilton-Beeck- 4;hreie million wdrds Hy.ere used by lea inj '" ^ ~ er tnial.1 ^and'yet t'ney, produced" no sentence! , A iper6ori;j wais boasting that he i|sprung from arhigh foimily in' irid. " Yes," said :a. By-stander, iavla seen sortie, _pf the <Bame |ly so high.ithat their feet could onch the ground."', a la' -.' - :" ' iiSlSsakfifesii^s ; : il |--..: , | Stable la4icL :m\m uf J Fanisy Di?7 Croqds SSapla 11 Faijicy Dify No^v Going on at the . DrSess. Mantle and JUilllnery JEstabillshjneiiti, ' .'"' ' '^ LION ^ Stock, tremendous-bargains;wilt be given, suclias !&" :-* K oft at 12Jc, former ppce 25e. Jf-m $EPEI^ "WitNDHAiM : STREET?, : ' I ' Immense Crowds!.every day. Astonishini; FaBhioriabid West End Drees; Mantle add Mil "yJ^elpb, Ja'ly1,. 1875. i":, '.""" iV: 11 -had. Come and Sec. ^.. oj ^tJO:ia:^-3^, 'Hl- i-r _. - - - fe;g. .........;1P Civ,: a ffi.-.,....... V.-.T^-^-ii' "4 > *. *!S^.^^^n^ai^^*t?iMra!'B OUELPH Bargains to, b; As .wo arie atixious- to clear it. right out. consider it,a pleasure' .to sh^v'goods.' Guelph,. July 15, 1875^-; ':>. . - il V I- I : I- -1'; W^Hil^KSGlf. x^s*' -Ijftt form n.ii :]r I-grew j il Tfalt folt ]|> And ':'. ^It'puzzhe.ll jj For ofafc' -|| Aniiif-Ei-ij - j-^Oneday, '.And we.-nl Y" WeKi'i'T I ^Ajul thus,! ij-s pi rathl jT'JI.y hrii.thl v'r^ 4JldVI^, i-; / !' ; This, fatal J i '-'MyWM Aoid f-waJ - * 1 pat this ,-j To ever ,1 ""VViat'-Hl :\ : vf o_Jrl : t Oiir cla3 | Of,my i Fdr someli (-' ^Beicamt J- ^-facti y i*":Absnrfl -i . And. H-he. : And b .'I'1! ^ | A MARf .-.]:L: Tfee-: "' :'!:;the- 2(Jthl 11 ' -soldiers ^1 ("payemenj ;,'iheir btlij -^'- --. Despitl .-erj the cJ . nfa$:h3rsj veterac?] T': ~- "^ge^rerHl :p ;.-cit^^wMl -.;-; Jilinminajf !' -of'the t; Jibuse. ,wf "j ' ' :was in, si ;.|:: aigntapH gKildingsj rich i "\ett <c.iat opeij jrioi 'care 'on to the ^'e was t>l of econa 'handles ' -At. til] ^ey" and! ^Am'sterdl j . "quietly i| 1 ; 'Xjn the J -.- Tamp,- a o| -at an.olj tundity ,| *jii*i-'."-st " j f-'-iback tid {, - ,on. the;, -it lo-ud'kncl -1 T> "'Wio[ ).. said the^ i":*-'-'iaa irisei) 1 .'-> " A fev i^young i threw "of t;the fir*. - 4 --'Gbbdl . "Howf i:- ;-.* * bM^ i\. * -:. ^NOWLUQIM} ON AT TOI^ :EtEP^ANt;r:tilidTHII^& NO.; 31 Vy-YNDBEAM STREBTJ ! 1. t. : i*Jf <l I';' /: GXJELPH. I--V T-. ' ' - TREMENDOUS BARCAIMS :"'-'/'-;';::':^WHi^>"'-^^ "Will be'giyen during: tliis :^aie, having: reduced every article to m- and examine isto^k, as *e & C<fc -:' r ><: not expel ,'--';?"leit| ihe roa - . traihg'_tl-. -idiryvon : -;v- 'Weir -.^r-.-t'Tea^ ""^tog Iiimsl ;i^yan.Elb| i riage,'bi| i;;'ation to "i=fcf onlv". ;-" i^eUJ - da,ughter| 'yWberiilen ;-!-Bux'f| |;.your agel '( :than\to-T rIove, anij -;';-/But... ii richest |\what ne | h'burs'atv 'if'":<Sroui ;} :Wperdei| jjten. my jiinmybul ;ftwti!: rpll iy-OU ceeel jpjUie.r ml ifrivent j tfeese : g.rf giiscohdj ;5a" trade! e T'Biit | jiinother- -,! !r,^iuJ 'j-irto.'4ayja{ '"jb'y .Itis.^ '4t6:pld 4 p3a)mlyi "' .r' Vd: befr^ ir i . pi .tjffsfcred ;"tajme!"t'ne r - "Alh:!' , -must be! jVoulda'! ;it H'Wi > TM: ! ^Ultio#J if :f M-

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