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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 10, 1875, p. 2

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. Vi m^mw^^ :r!.;fp 1... Rill". .: "01 HE Published Every Fr:\la \(oruij P: Per <* CtttFp^8| feffi^ u\%s v^; ".- U- -!" - t: - -"^3 - - 3)U K* ~* -K "i^B ftr':i---^::' ->Vl-v. "u3?B K .^ t ' -Isl Rc/{"-_ -- -^: : ^fll RcTi*?:.-* \v= "SSj Kr~- '-. (_ ^- %.-*-_ JhES B^ i.-- ^81 Pa:; ->---T^ ..SSfl mV:'\ ' '- J^^*B &&m ?S " -- '^^9 ir-rV-.--i '^^S JfjjM lit --.-?. - ." M ^- -H --i|J p^Wv-" 'A jJ^-M yjJiia H:^' . vSEISH ^K'- K. -^ -. " >, t V fcrl'X .-,- : it .. . k^-A -" ;;*$iM #-" -*' --": ' fc-SC--.^ : I L '%:'.. fev- f/ sK.vt mm '< Is: HW--M $- of-tie Ji business). We bel .?V| A FREE PRESg Annum iu\ Advance^ JOS. U. HACKlXi;, - / L '.fiiltonaiutrroVt.liitaj ^lbAV:Mtai3CJX0,JjferT. 10, IS 1J' TH! CEEDIT 9YSTH15. ' The I oljowiiw circular froui one t adiag,\yrboh>sale Houses in jMontpe; 1 has been sent to one of oiif iajerchal is, arid tUc^utU'iition of all men ia 'invited thereto- usvtV it to bo U stop iu tLi right iti ;vction.j, s vvearw fulfy pur- euaded i ,hal the long credit system now iu 'voguft is vrQirkiug 'prejudici- jilly io. tho geneisd wolfaro of or ^dtiBftrT a4il the^sboHeLi' a new leaf is turn* J over in tins, l-es^ifct the ,i*tter" ;t:*iH ;V for'.{ill jwrtiea. iTh^ meichants tlii'ou'-'hoiit the coun try bava Uie_ inattei in their own hands,2iud in order to^arrj'out the suggestions made n general uuder- standing should be hlid in referpuce thereto.; But unless the merchants and business uien vnaijimouslifaijrct 'in .ja&ipiitig'a sJiort system of credit, the ideas prdpoSed will fall to' ,th ground .*. ^^o^TRK-U,;SeTltclubea 2, 1S75, 1)ear SHj^-r-Wir, ta^c the -Uberty of "Writia^ tor you respecting the jireseat jkwitioa of the Credit i^epomuent i>f urged U[>bn nie, t uerwf :J kouo fMl oi ,tho wuij .":ily':-b<al ca^uj -th(S mouth on iw hi t; and. th'u first uiah who si^luie liup, ssiiu : j -'" Halloa l\Coins I urt you ?'-' \ I said, " !jto, I've sot a voi]." i ' say I ^'ell 'liowj'.seo here; you gq ] ilght home u,nd got Hfluio of galley's i>in :uieut,' and buy five cents',iw.oftli,of.!int and put it on Your boil utii'it n-ill be'i.welj ia abie-oae 'respects ot the Credit ihe Kttiil Trade, "believing as Ate do, that this present seakin will.be a tvor- s U> make fume :chaiiges"iu this We beg to sugjjest some poiiita coilsiiliuratioa.' It has been usual far the Ketail.merehants to send in their Recounts for-eollection, in iiiany : pases, only once a year, and that 'mi the first of January. AVe are satisned'.that : aU.T>traes, Fanners. Mechanics, and.all others jjetting credit from the Iietail alerchant, and - the Merchants them selves^ ^j-oul<I'be bejiefitteo^by' 3 distinct " change, hanielyj bys rendering their aci counts wromptlyi^every three mouths', and in lalT cii^a charge interest aft<ar that date. One/itoportaut- change for .t'-ountryl and Tbfsdi ilerehantSiWho1 do businessj with Formers, wotild be to ren der their aecbunta oh ^leiat of October, . instead <?f on the>Ht'ef Janoarj-, as in 'i former J-ears, and wS" are convinced: if . this course is Dursned,"particularly this i.' feiason, preat-^beiiefit will result to all parties qoneerned. 31any j of the! Fanners are deeplyy in-' . ^debted tothe Country Merchants, and -_aa crop4 in all districts are unasoally- gooci, wrtli fair pricea, a determined ef- Wort ougtt to bfe made by all parties- to "havettha crops marketed and soid earlyi; ' |debtsJowing to Merchants colleeted, and 'thus-.fnal)ie "them to pay the importers, ind in thii Way all -will be enabled to efc Wt qf debt, and the business o the -. -whole Country pat upon a uiore sati*; factory basis than for gome years past. -WV as fc yonr careful consideration of : the lorej oing, and hope you- wilbgive all the askis ;ance in your power to' help to carty oi t "these important sugpestibns, an^-endsavor to avoid in the.future this great hii derancetb the^omirtereial' prgs- rpecityjjr the Country, long credits to .co4snmeb. We reaiain,Dear Sir, ' ' j Yours fiithfullv, ' I * . - - \m A Chapter en Boils i-s^fuLinlj; (quiUK3 1 ^k the kkemt of Uank|niV ;. .....t From iht Ifvq had a bpil l,-g< t it yet in' fattt fusfc ioneil oight<H*n caruf V,,bilo!7/f>yc;ir:.whiit6 ^'vo hud it I have 'Jc<fnt-'n dean i^gon} of all tho .h^U-ct^r|>a t nit 'harenwcT^ and th<i publication yijll ^>!lt. ii^:|tl ll tiio hoi{a in thia erse Ahje first part of twenty-four hours." I car. tlu'uyte<V utul met urged trio by all me:.us -to make a bread-and-milk fiH:tly ijuiot tl 1 he.-iU, for says "ilSoils ax-o don't like to mucii." I thougltt Ujrs.- sot on a.hojrae- lityer friend vho ul( ice and He per- t ah >u'U oonie to a tl into, y. inji ntued;'around' one of, his tyfightippij hj^d tried, the , C " -: ba^ha, and'instead Jof curing him soj:too, but before I had tiino i.to ^kyf" so, another friend reached over iujl toi iching me witfi his cane, said]: ] "'Did I heaij yofr you i we're suflenjug v, tug me. The " Ifow yon r" CPo Drive Away Pests- - .T1j^ ibllowir;g sijnple and. 'easily- execute! plan for'iidding the'ionseY of Bojaei o^ the roost annoying j>e3ts,- -. given:'in the Soientinc -American, "will be i of interest to inany: If mosa^Hitpes or; other/ blood suckers Xiife3t;<jar' sleeuing-roptn. at! iiight %Js tin^rk a iottle of 4hei oil of J^nnyrcyal^-iiid these animal's leave in%reaj haste, nor will they {return ^^S^B^ ^Iffe'e air ini the, room is loailetL^tvitli the fumes of the aro- niaitui lerb'. It is i8.-iid tha^t flies are'dri\ eh'out of the room'by hang ing up i XiraiiSh. .of Vfe'e plantain! or lleawor . plant, after'it has been dipiwd n milk. ; Bats an. mice speedily disappear on teed ng thuja' oti, equal parts of ' strong cheese ahd-'strong' squills mired. .They devour'this mixture -.-with gat greediness,- while -it i innocne us tp man. ' Another meth od:: If Rats-.eniff'tte ^cellar, & little , powder :d potash, thrown in tha Lojies oi mixed with meal and scat- "tered it. their runways,"never- fails to. drive them_.a.way. ; If a mouse make ap. eiitraBoe into any part of your duellings, Baiurato a rag with jUayenns in s<jlutton> and 'stuff it into the hole, >"hich can be repair-< ed with either, wood or mortar, N" rat or iio^isejjgU eat'that- rag for " the pur 50S6. of opening .communica tions -w ith a depot of sypidies. 1 flout e ants .ratBnously devour '-the kerhels of walnuts and buttef- iiut3. Orack Bome of these and place-them- on a' plate jiear the ia fested place, and when tho'plate|& -full of tbe ants throw the-contents iut^J the fire. Cayenne ;pepper will ieep th i butter and store- rodjm fi-ee from aqts and cockroaches."' ' reruaxk th/at] ith'ab^l.' 'erih ; i8: the word.? <! yf-ety, 'r.fllwj set here, John," says' he,! < all|.you'v ;i got to 'do is jhst. to -Jive ffc dowa. illivo well,; eat iplenty oJlettf-tteays^ mutton- chops, eggs and qffl ;k'ts, aiid then if you will drink ightsa' of hot water before or akfi at-4-not warm water, you knovr, bu t-jujat as hc^ as you can stand it-i-yoni will 4riTg all the imparity out of your bl instanter.r Reaching ?y plac y of business I found three"fijoce -b< U-cfiras await- 'fii-st &id :;: r just give the -&. Tjtiar- ter ;und I'll slip out o a: drug stofo and get a box of mei curiaf oitment, ard it'll ease you in less than, three -minutes.' Yqu sge i^ id^ire? -the matj^er hack i)n the blood, and the blanked thing; has to heal up in spite of itself." . i I:. But whUe'l'Tas taking put the quarter another ftrie id stepped up and'begged me not to waBtg time c*- riipney on roerci riaii ointtp^ut; he had had OflUi; fro n a boy- up to twcTyestra agqj vrhen an old-W'ffflan ort l*ang Islitnd, a fpiend ol his motHer-in-law, loilc ared -him com ple.tely i the jria,tt<r musn't- be driven back j inito the blood, !but must be .coakec on ; of it j if not there could jtje no oertainty about the thing. '! And n'ow'ti' you '-will just let yorir boy go dpw n to a botanic drug store," said jhe, "and-ask fori ten cents' worth/ of red cedar berries, and take-'and stew ;hem in a pint of water and drink tho tea', you'l| never have another >oil The ijextj mari'-sfai a woman who had "listeneli to the last two pre- scriptiona.. She aow [jut in ber.tear_ Httr husband hall ha i boils all: over ( his body, and what s ]e knew about the hoilimsines^ was only equalled by the late H. (J. in the farm line. There was onlyj one: .sure cure for boils :; A few cents' 'yoxtb, Qf' honey mixed with noiir, ai d thp ypl^ of an egg would "draw t boi{ tc a head quicker than ail the salves in 'crea tion boy wad stalnding, hat in yiraiUrtij pitiently to be sent P*$! f ' My hand, for one or alf orthesj lotions -w|hen a "Wall-street.friend stepped inland; said : ," Why/1 can cure you of a doz^n boils in less-.tl an' ;wo'days !any time,-or at least I ca|n : A.ship at sea sprung aleak. The hole in its bottornVwajsjust one foot pquare. Th^ra waa isut one board pn tiif b hip- this was sixteen inches -long an 1 nine inches wide. It had precisel; '= the? requisite number of iquare inches, and' the carpenter cut it ii twjji pieces only/ and these wp pie }ust ^tted the hole"; low dil he. da it?:. In response to Jbe-iDovle query recently-published ^n the ComjrUrci<4i"& friend hands ^jiatjbeiollowiiig solution", viz.:_ At i^oiirit entheloagWeofthdboard ibff'r inmes from the end> cut in _:j;hre in ches, then. i^oivn four, then (n thn 1 again,' rt^e^ dvxpn - four again, t ten. three oitfjo tfie oppos?. ^ejnte. This wiH divide the board jjatp ifo \ two pwoes which being fitted. t( |go.ther form a square fbo$. on: any one on the," street.i _Yw aee w-e use Beari' grease on the Bulls,-and the gall of Bulls to ponl ace the Bears with. Jay Godld buys alL the dead afe the Ceitral Park and JBar- num's ^Tuseum.land keeps ten men all time ag -oi k boiling j ant beaira'i. grease, tind. 1 e often: draws the sdrest boils to a lead before the owners. know i;;. b< sides he Tmew rrieh who coatracbed for allfjthe! bulls' galls that can ie to Washing-, ton market." I said, " Mj : Oh' dstiao friead, my boil is too saripus^a t matter ta joke about, and ifc'tj i ot your kih3. I was aboiit: t > ad ninister 'eorae heeded advice to hig when ari; Irish tailor next' ch> ir diopped in and urged me to seed ou and get some shoomaker's >va x, ar d wear itj on -my boil; just onn.day and he would guarantee a curi i or i lake no charge for his advice I sent my bp; 'thac c with his ibat,. ai^d s,eizing mj own I started: for hoirie, hoping tl erebi to get! rid of my'tormentors, who'Rreire-as much worse than my >oil a s the boil was! worse than, a lii a insi rauce igent, But a man might is well expect to stave off a chill, a? to free him self from boil dock rs; Before f reached .home I met an old friend who, after; sym mthu ing wij;h me, Si? :>fp:s: ftffif&X and they takuv a| rajioji' o|)du Vjj tlio ^gl^olutby I KUgj and ho 6uv any iiorvc. hbj misftjah, two dollars factory lierii khmild 'beat took tip h}s boil to ithc : I : _l - : ,they coiuo. iA A H<>li an.d then^it mpiires' nerve to!da it, though)jjiisi'j " r or ju^cet nnd Uy'ft bone, and cil t)jp bftro tho i-ouw!" il veiu ut -oi^oIb. tlja,t j,;|iiuliVti. t h^jl oq ippney for but- "on my o^tiring l^m to.help u> Bturt f> ghost S ill; Niw Vork that the Edlly binders ho bat and left me ar\<l pry heitt ,tjbr;nentftr, wllu Was: not lpnt iu U^tun^ i;i au tan. IHiiUijuiceu' ! -' \Ttte ^T^ VSB tlJ Turkish-Vath man, ybio iiisurci) mp that hDlind^ .very b^tt-Qu^, turn allcut a y.esir agb. and hud to iweat IhiMn out of hini^ se^f by takiiig Bix biitliM. V yon seej" hosaid, "a \oi\ innsti ije kept inoisl and \fann, and that pim jSit^,' .but tbo world j did not h> scion wont uao hi tn Very well und to Horoilton, Canada, tho q jack medicine business with who Jj^l ij^9 ^saunte^ ui)t) vte^ii,;"tlio ion6r.Wo titlo1 of ; doctor, Ejyer\ thing Svoht on smoothly for 'whi|f "-'- ----------- with gentlemen uiiik ii g things unploasaijt generally From Hatullton ha werit p^ Torcjn- to, \vleruhis career was.worjjethan! tywhen young Payia felloutf ' Ins iiitlier, aoousiH^ :J.^o fM\.( men of various crimes aifd 1 ^as^tDftB^re |n lotting t]}o3gftp4 pppn|e of is .-L "V.- IxjiMg a fcnowh-fuct, why the 'Turk ish bath is ah intorvention of Provl dejleo fgr \\\ Joh-itvs the >vorld avar-i" ! -: 'f: -.' "[ \ i.profhiaiii t.9 a^ bnoo cal} .ojj. my- frienii Dr. Slillor in Twenty-sixth- street, arid let hint-put mo through a!" coursoDf sproutk" I was do- tijr'red from so doing! by a friend in thoi ice" l)usi}i<i>S"r whbitofd mo' tfiat the', boils came out \v>)rso thaiji ever. I' all oyer him And how," .siiii|l he, " if you will come down, to our ice-houie and jukt yi-alk lejs.iirt'- ]y around ip-'itl, .'keeping-'ytjur biooxl C^oS for -a few thjvs^ y.q.u wjjl find that all thii superabundance of heat in your blood which!, ia,evinced by the' boll now ' ojT'yonr hip, will gradually ^kss a\yay| your boil will go down, ahd you won't lutya an other iiU yjiii getred hot again*'1 v This looked as reasonable as .the bath cure certainly; iand I promisad to 'be oiv by nd bright und early hert qjornirig ai d try ttj; fi^eeze out my b^it Jus(,a3| was a'ta};tiug qut ij> thej morning hadn't ' )iuiped.\two yards from my hbuse when I Iwas baited by a friend; Tvho, when! in formed of my ailment and inton- tioAs, suddsoly wheeled me ubout in^j the di,rectjon of njy hou^se, sayjing: - ' :... '_ ^Jce be bkme4J ; Til cu>re yctu.'i Qo fyQ right iiitp our dining-rooiu he asied-for brown siigar a.n^ brown soa p; then.' helping me to hobble <np stajits, he made a poiiltic* of the soajp and sugar, and insisted on mr wfearing it pn my boil ill,day, jji promised to dq e faithfully, but after ho left me, arid it began to ache prejty hard,: T could not I help, mentioning my feelings in the old-fashioned way, and the noise I made being heard by . a lady .caller- on my! wife, she at once said that she could,!reliBve m* and cure'me at the samo ti me. Sending out for a raw onion, she said all 1 had to do wastolslicis it up and lay it on my boil, ahd its .cooling properties would reliiive the pain, while its well'knowA healing powers would effect a certain cure. This seemed yery reasonable and' worth trying, and we triiid. jt: ' i B^fwre itq "cooling properties" haduotfullyunderway, I happened toriamembjr an important business engagement which must be attend-, ed to, so 1 shook off my doctor and onion at th ; same time. Returning. home abou b two hours later a young lady friend canie to. the front door -wi.hfi vecei >t3 worth'of flai^eed paul-. ^ice syfeioh her uncle always used, a;ndhenevor was witliqut boils- ihe felt sure that J"ob:used flaxsrieti' to hiiyi poultice. %' said I guessed no^;. j ' was posted, on Job j all he did WftS to scrape, liimself with' a piece of broken pie-plate (Job ii.: 7); and even when boils had evoluted uptp, Isaiah's, time all they did was to .make a plaster of figs for them. But-the man who knew the boil- hMsineas was neap by, 'qaft k,e. gaye i me cold watfer before breakfast.^ "Drink it freely, and its action on the liver and blood is such that it will ctre you! just as sure as tvfice seven is fourteen." And be couWcure inything. He was the only man ^hat he" ever'; heard whp^ co.i^ldj set broken ribs. !But broken ribs-are net boils.' . ' *. ' I now determined td mal;e a.n in ventory qt all; my bpil curea^ and mix them ap together, ^nd put s on il< tiyey, . JJe turned an ocpnsiohal jipn*y by. assistiiig crjiainajs. and bounty-jumpers to BvoiJ' (.he }w, atid wo boliovo 'once jun)|}pd; t]ip handsotiio little sum -qf f 2,0$) hiffl- self,: Not satisfied. Witlj this moder ate prospprity, lie ;^ei)'t Utfli tho hmrdor business, hot only gaining quite HP abortion practise, bui jj- nlicAtiiig himself in a dadng at- tem]}t tai'tuke tho' Jife jef u'bobk- storo clerk an4 Va', tap.safe. He und a [ml nnhied /ljUKtaf wenttotho store and wished to look at >5mo medical wui'^H. Tho : pjerk was aione at the time, and Davis ('boing somewhat'ucqutiiiited with him, en gaged in convei'satiQU und went out fur. some ale or beer: IJe soon came , hack with the liquid, but, fortu nately for the. clef-U, he cjritnk but very little f/-pm his ghvfes,.fnr the tempting htsjtOnige had been poison ed with that deadliest ofcom]K)unds, prussic acid.. Ho had taken enough, however^ sp that when he wenjt down cellar,, almost., immediately, he fell penaelpss at, tho bottom of the steps.' The clerk had, luckily, taken the prcaution to lock the, safe before leaving the store, and DayiB and Gustaf found that their ra*h deed had beeu: done in Vain. . Qustaf went to Now Vorljiand" Davis turn ed Queen's evidence, as ho, is said to bo at sill?, tinies ready to do,; and managed to get his pal ticketed to! Kingston for-fifteen years, while.hu hifnselfi through his shrewd coun sel, Alexander McNabb, now th,e excellent police magistrate of To ronto, obtained his freedom and once more commenced his hellish business. VICTEM QP HIB PERJUIIY. Which WiUb* A?ND FOREIGN MARKETS^ isea of i Where ]ip J^as made large purch i FANCY bRY GP0DSV alojj, {dur|pg this month,1 further notjpo of y/liich wi'l be giyep. from old friends and V Aurus*-7, 18?<}. (ijscaii 3CsT 3D ^E3 -R -b1 Li Xj ^r and. tfofi pountios qf IJaltQJv ar Weljiiigton know that ho 1)%b just n.^irncd ft pro the em t r i yTOITDBEFUX A.aTRACTI01TS WILL BE OPFEEBD! - AniJ jthat Wonderfql Man's%tan( iing j nfirtP " SpaftH Proofs and Qwick Sales " wiirbe the watchword, which irjfianr OT!4^^ TO iid^p: IBICES ^.tfcsTX? t 5LOITG- itPiiJio^i^gj I jtT An early irispejctipp pustuuera is teepectruUy gphpteJ s JOHN e:ogg, Alma BJfS-k, Uj>per Wyndhim Street, iGuefyh Ho II BIMHIIIMiN, ^ IP J<OTG2<r 4, me thatjif ^aid h,e : frVfhyf (I've themj, a4d -piire all yon ^av^.-tpj I would jbBt informed mix a teaspoonful of -.Klnjaa' r^ieal in a little watei and . li-lnk it three times a weekj ii wou] 4 eradicate all the: efiluvia from tie ;blood>'and. make me feel li te a i loining! star. On reaching horn a I founil spiritualiBtio act [uaint mce, who j has a mission,'; waiti ng for me. -,. I rnen- tjoned to! him that [l had a boil, had. hundreds of theH ;eveiy ;tin\o; dp,ii"Vto wait till One big. plaster which, "would surely^ pure it at ance. But; when I came to mix cold wal^r-and hot water, ice and steam, flaxseed and;-cedar tierHes) shoemakers wax and honey, Qnipns and ointment, Indian meal and; razors, and there was no necessity, for it,, for juat th'eq I rau against a, cbair-bapk, arid with one moderate-sized yell I found my boil had wiped itself out. j. Npw btk, July! 30, 1875. About ten or el5veiv yeara^fvgo Davis and two notorious "Seillnms, known as Bristol Bill, and ^Billy HUH, attempted a bnrgl(iry in-Gait,- Out. By turning QueeiiBevidence and perpiriughirnself Without limi<, however, he managed) to implicate a Torpntorpolioerqan in t!he affair, and (got himself, clear. Tiid poRcoman z was of course disclnirged, although entirely .innocent- of the rcharge against him, und is how doiiig busi ness in this city. Soon after this he was engaged as a detective:spy, but he did :more harm than good, and ho wus upceivmoniou'sly di- missed. fjOES TO. BOCHESTEB.: Canada at length "became too hot to bold: him, and he went once more to Rochester and set up in the abortion and general quack doctor business., under the j name of Dr. Paul Davis, He remained in that city until a year ago, when-he be came implicjited in an obscene liter-: qture and two abortion -cases, and was'obHged to make himself scarce between two 'tluyp. He came to Buffiilo in the night, and begged almission tp the boose of'a' physi cian of this city, with-whom'he was acquainted. The.Buffalo' physician, was not aa aduuref, ;fif ". doctors' " pf Jbivu)' stamp and4.was unwilling anythiiig fer-do"with him. ""5o> ((rod's sake, don't give me away/' pleaded [Davis, an'd the door tor finally consented to let him re main, in his house for a short time. He stayed in tin's place' of conceal ment for threo or four...days, when hB escaped to Canada.! The same physician has also done valuable favora before, ^ut oh j ingratitude ! To reward the man who had proba bly saved him from yearsof disagree able reflection in the State: prison, he poisoned his' domestio.happiness a^o? endeavored to rain his profesr s'paal good name. He sent a girl C6 this physician for the alleged pur pose of obtaining an abortion, .but tho girl confessed hsf purpose and also the fact that she was not in a condition where ^n abortion- was necessary or desirable. .'., IN TORONTO I ONCE iMORE. jDavis ^aujgsssiimtsBmm the Abortionit. : flIS CARIIEB A BLaCK KECOBD. " An Amfrican exchange! furnishes us with th i followifig particulars of Arthur Paul Davis' early, life, and his career: whilei lin the' United States ; His career-is a continued tale of robbery, pdrjitry and mur der, and although his most damila- ble deeds lave'.beencommitted-oiifc- side of our oity, yei ha hasjfisiured quifeVeixiseii8i.yely irl our midst,, and the story of his hellish crinies will be af no liltla ^bpal] inierestj iCAEEEK. ; About (wenty ^ears/agi Djmis! resided in Rochester, He was' not! a {very goxl o.itizeni hdweyei , and was at length oblige^ to flee from the :city <ih aQjOunjt _df a? house breaking enterprise in whidh he had engagodi. He-went south .from the TIKE GraB3n^.T TE -.:- - 1 THe ingest ahej, Tli Cheapest mps, JOils, _ r - f J3rrOG;>r^es wast of Toronto. THE i-WHY THI? COLPIN O* d-tJ^^F'S Is underaelling all the other rnerf5hMtfJ ^-"scausp he BUYS FOR and has resident in the British marke*s.jtwo first-cli \sk buyei^ onp in Glasgow Jft^d the other in London, England^ lx>th reaping all advantages for the patrons of the Lion, From Buffalo, Davis went to To ronto and once mtore started up in his monstrous, business. While in Roohester he had'discarded his legal wife and 'taken/up with^ another woman} who!'oan\e to Toronto apd has since ;beei^ living with him, and it is 'said, rendered hiin Impor tant assistance, in his "chosenpro fession.'!. : v . .: i *- -VTHE LAST 8CEJIE. j ' ,' . Justice ' will not; always: sleep, how.ey.er, and iArthrir Paul Davis and th,e wpm,^ who claims .to lie hia wife haya at last gome to grplef. They were!-on the 6t^ of August committed for trial on the charge .of murdering a young woman: named Jane ."VVugbari Gi'.mour,- on! whbni it a'ppeara they'had,made a bungling attempt to commit abortion, and caused the-death of 'both mother and child.* Tho| evidence isi over- wholming~against them/and there is little doubt that. Davis', at least, wul': have occasion to tept the strength o hebsp before long. Few peppfe etenamong those who are opposed to the barbarous punish ment of BangingT-rwill regrjet that this monstrous villian is SQijoar his final fate, and we only wish that, the hundreds of damnable demobs who practioe t,^fl hellish crimes7 of ' which he was so notorious had as good profljiects j^f gqtting their just deserts. Toronto Suji.. i' "' .1 LI 0 H A-^HIOTTS^El retail stock- of Teas and Oc. and 60c, =9 e- EASON Teas in Canada. Q-BBATN CLBABINa- SALE OP AND CAIJH ONLY, daily on^h.P sppt, LION!! Ib now opening PALL GOODS extensively ajnd it such low prices. In fact the Ljpn 'wll} sell goods this season lower thai other merchants pay for them. Bring your money ta the Lion, and -I,'"'" !':-:.C1. U Get TwenW Dollars ^Wbxtli fpr Fifteen J. D. WILLIAMSON, t* MEN AND BOYS CX,OT^f i , , ' NOW GOI1SG ON AT THE I Elephant CLOTHIN -V NQ. 31 WYNDHAit STREET, C tJEHPH. TREMENDOUS BARCAINS Will bo given duilQ^ tlus Sale, Laving redufced every article to, ; Cost and Undbr> ^8, Ve 'e Rations to clear it right out coniider at a }Jea3o,r to show gqods. WM. RUTHERFORD & CO. iuelph, July Js/flSfg. PILANING Pnmp, Sash, Dopy ang Ql;a4 Proprietor of the^Leading Store and the only direct inporter in Quelph. August SO, /l8T5[ . A; - PPIlS^INGKand PtJ^L|3HING V9^w for alV kinds pf Job Printing proinptly Oyer t^@ Pqst X}ffi6e+m llStreef attended to* HELLS AND Factory. EBBACE & CAMPBELL, Manufacturers <x "Windo-vT Sasb, Dpore, " i Venetian Blinds Xffouldiuga, Aafl other Building Requisites^ i -i Also Makers of ncpao-TSs saoTiax hrefs Lumber I lai ed and Pressed to order ii tfce best mabopr1. All joj k guaranteed. A.iton, July 1 1 STORE, f- ^ Call an< I examine stock, as wa I CTOX WACON AND CARRIAGE FJaCTQRX JA!WES RYD^R, Pfaprlctor, Carriages, Kept u>Btoct i iid made to Order on tu^ SA>rtest Wolice. Strlpt ittenlloa , *p<paW Sorss-sboel off St General Jfobltoj au4 tatii fliotlon gtiaranteeU. Aftop, July : st, ^75. I ,i;

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